Chuck Schumer At NYC Restaurant Goes Off On Pres. Carter Official And His Wife For Voting For Trump

This happened Sunday night. The untrustworthy Chuck Schumer, who's Jewish, proves once again that liberalism is a mental disease. He demonstrated a knee jerk reaction of what it is to be considered 'Triggered', or 'Unstable'. For more details, click the link.

You're actually willing to appear so stupid that you actually think some argument in a restaurant "proves" something about "Liberalism"? Or "Judaism"?

You're a sick fuck.

Wait a minute, didn't a conversation on a bus prove something about Trump?
But...but...but...Schumer's melt down isn't proof...
This happened Sunday night. The untrustworthy Chuck Schumer, who's Jewish, proves once again that liberalism is a mental disease. He demonstrated a knee jerk reaction of what it is to be considered 'Triggered', or 'Unstable'. For more details, click the link.

You're actually willing to appear so stupid that you actually think some argument in a restaurant "proves" something about "Liberalism"? Or "Judaism"?

You're a sick fuck.

Wait a minute, didn't a conversation on a bus prove something about Trump?
But...but...but...Schumer's melt down isn't proof...

Certainly isn't "proof" of religions or political philosophies no.

Not to mention -- this is a blog by Jim Fucking Hoft, which is another way of saying it's not "proof" of anything at all.

Get a grip. Explain to the class how a Jim Fucking Hoft fakenews piece about some thirdhand account of a restaurant altercation tells us anythiing in the world about Judaism.

This oughta be good.
So many, nasty hooked nosed democrat douchebags hellbent on hurting White American Citizens. So sad.
There you go again.. using discredited sources for your bullshit. In two years or less it will be worse for people to admit they voted for Trump then admit having a pedaphile in the family.

Already journalists and US citizens traveling abroad all get asked the same question when they see an American.
The question always centers on the president's sanity, mental health or if his bizarre behavior is an act.

I'm sure that makes you deplorables really proud.
It makes me sick to my stomach.
Cite sources that support your contention that Americans abroad are asked about "the president's sanity, mental health or if his bizarre behavior is an act". Do you travel abroad a great deal? Otherwise, STFU, your surmise is just so much rumor based on nothing.

Here are global polls prior to the election.
Since then, I'd guess Trump's numbers would drop significantly. Trump only wins in, (gasp) Russia!

International opinion polling for the United States presidential election, 2016 - Wikipedia

Because polls are so accurate I should be saying "Madame President" no?

You know, you Trumpsters like to claim that the polls were way off in Trump's election,but in real life, were they?

The national polls, were pretty close on the national level. Most, at the national level had Clinton ahead by a couple of percentage points. Clinton got 48.2% and Trump got 46.1%.
Many pollsters didn't do state by state. On the national level, the polls were pretty much on the money.
Secondly, you will notice that the world didn't think much of Trump. He gets killed by Clinton in damn near every country,by huge margins. Even the worse polls aren't that far out.
Also, if you think Trump is respected internationally, you are dead wrong. That is the real world. Do some research, it isn't hard. You think he's unpopular in the US, is far less popular worldwide. Check it out, I challenge you.
This kind of behavior by Schumer should get him booted out of the Senate. He is acting very unstable and should not be trusted with the reins of power.
This happened Sunday night. The untrustworthy Chuck Schumer, who's Jewish, proves once again that liberalism is a mental disease. He demonstrated a knee jerk reaction of what it is to be considered 'Triggered', or 'Unstable'. For more details, click the link.
I agree with what you said, however what does his "Jewishness" have to do with your ppint, other then discredit it!
There you go again.. using discredited sources for your bullshit. In two years or less it will be worse for people to admit they voted for Trump then admit having a pedaphile in the family.

Already journalists and US citizens traveling abroad all get asked the same question when they see an American.
The question always centers on the president's sanity, mental health or if his bizarre behavior is an act.

I'm sure that makes you deplorables really proud.
It makes me sick to my stomach.
It's been reported by many outsets actually, NYpost and here is Fox. To the OP, why the need to identify his religion? Serves no relevance in this particular story.

Schumer goes off on Trump supporter at NYC restaurant, witness says

Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., caused a scene at a Manhattan restaurant when he began yelling at a wealthy and well-connected Donald Trump supporter that the POTUS is “a liar.”

Schumer, the top Senate Democrat, lost his cool on Sunday night at Upper East Side restaurant Sette Mezzo, according to witnesses.

He was dining with friends when he encountered Joseph A. Califano Jr. — the former U.S. secretary of health, education and welfare under President Jimmy Carter and domestic policy adviser to President Lyndon B. Johnson — and his wife, Hilary, who were having a quiet dinner.

Onlookers said Schumer was incensed that Hilary — the daughter of William S. Paley, the founder and chairman of CBS — had voted for Trump, even though her husband, Joseph, is a well-known Democrat.

One witness said of the restaurant rant, “They are a highly respected couple, and Schumer made a scene, yelling, ‘She voted for Trump!’ The Califanos left the restaurant, but Schumer followed them outside.” On the sidewalk, Schumer carried on with his fantastical filibuster: “ ‘How could you vote for Trump? He’s a liar!’ He kept repeating, ‘He’s a liar!’ ”

Hilary confirmed the confrontation, telling Page Six, “Sen. Schumer was really rude . . . He’s our senator, and I don’t really like him. Yes, I voted for Trump. Schumer joined us outside and he told me Trump was a liar. I should have told him that Hillary Clinton was a liar, but I was so surprised I didn’t say anything.”
Anyone who voted for the pathological lying pussygrabber will be treated in the near future as Nazi sympathesizers are today.
You're an idiot, you obviously voted for the failure know as Hillary.
Chuck Schoomer: Proof that some people are actually a blend of all 4 genders and 1/32nd native american
Weird how there isn't a video to this. At least one I can find. People record everything now..
There you go again.. using discredited sources for your bullshit. In two years or less it will be worse for people to admit they voted for Trump then admit having a pedaphile in the family.

Already journalists and US citizens traveling abroad all get asked the same question when they see an American.
The question always centers on the president's sanity, mental health or if his bizarre behavior is an act.

I'm sure that makes you deplorables really proud.
It makes me sick to my stomach.

Another example of
Attack! Deny! Divert!

There have been at least thirty reports on this incident to include Tweets with pictures of those who were present during this. Of course, to Leftists like you, even proof does not count.

So sad.
There you go again.. using discredited sources for your bullshit. In two years or less it will be worse for people to admit they voted for Trump then admit having a pedaphile in the family.

Already journalists and US citizens traveling abroad all get asked the same question when they see an American.
The question always centers on the president's sanity, mental health or if his bizarre behavior is an act.

I'm sure that makes you deplorables really proud.
It makes me sick to my stomach.
Cite sources that support your contention that Americans abroad are asked about "the president's sanity, mental health or if his bizarre behavior is an act". Do you travel abroad a great deal? Otherwise, STFU, your surmise is just so much rumor based on nothing.
I live in Europe and it is a constant source of conversation along with how can Americans be so crazy to have created this situation. And yes, I travel a good deal.
This happened Sunday night. The untrustworthy Chuck Schumer, who's Jewish, proves once again that liberalism is a mental disease. He demonstrated a knee jerk reaction of what it is to be considered 'Triggered', or 'Unstable'. For more details, click the link.

You're actually willing to appear so stupid that you actually think some argument in a restaurant "proves" something about "Liberalism"? Or "Judaism"?

You're a sick fuck.
No, but it would indicate that Schumer is possibly just a tad unstable. What does it say about people who would vote such a moron into represent them?
Like the Trump supporters?
There you go again.. using discredited sources for your bullshit. In two years or less it will be worse for people to admit they voted for Trump then admit having a pedaphile in the family.

Already journalists and US citizens traveling abroad all get asked the same question when they see an American.
The question always centers on the president's sanity, mental health or if his bizarre behavior is an act.

I'm sure that makes you deplorables really proud.
It makes me sick to my stomach.

Another example of
Attack! Deny! Divert!

There have been at least thirty reports on this incident to include Tweets with pictures of those who were present during this. Of course, to Leftists like you, even proof does not count.

So sad.
They live in an alternate reality!
It's been reported by many outsets actually, NYpost and here is Fox. To the OP, why the need to identify his religion? Serves no relevance in this particular story.

Schumer goes off on Trump supporter at NYC restaurant, witness says

Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., caused a scene at a Manhattan restaurant when he began yelling at a wealthy and well-connected Donald Trump supporter that the POTUS is “a liar.”

Schumer, the top Senate Democrat, lost his cool on Sunday night at Upper East Side restaurant Sette Mezzo, according to witnesses.

He was dining with friends when he encountered Joseph A. Califano Jr. — the former U.S. secretary of health, education and welfare under President Jimmy Carter and domestic policy adviser to President Lyndon B. Johnson — and his wife, Hilary, who were having a quiet dinner.

Onlookers said Schumer was incensed that Hilary — the daughter of William S. Paley, the founder and chairman of CBS — had voted for Trump, even though her husband, Joseph, is a well-known Democrat.

One witness said of the restaurant rant, “They are a highly respected couple, and Schumer made a scene, yelling, ‘She voted for Trump!’ The Califanos left the restaurant, but Schumer followed them outside.” On the sidewalk, Schumer carried on with his fantastical filibuster: “ ‘How could you vote for Trump? He’s a liar!’ He kept repeating, ‘He’s a liar!’ ”

Hilary confirmed the confrontation, telling Page Six, “Sen. Schumer was really rude . . . He’s our senator, and I don’t really like him. Yes, I voted for Trump. Schumer joined us outside and he told me Trump was a liar. I should have told him that Hillary Clinton was a liar, but I was so surprised I didn’t say anything.”
Anyone who voted for the pathological lying pussygrabber will be treated in the near future as Nazi sympathesizers are today.
It's been reported by many outsets actually, NYpost and here is Fox. To the OP, why the need to identify his religion? Serves no relevance in this particular story.

Schumer goes off on Trump supporter at NYC restaurant, witness says

Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., caused a scene at a Manhattan restaurant when he began yelling at a wealthy and well-connected Donald Trump supporter that the POTUS is “a liar.”

Schumer, the top Senate Democrat, lost his cool on Sunday night at Upper East Side restaurant Sette Mezzo, according to witnesses.

He was dining with friends when he encountered Joseph A. Califano Jr. — the former U.S. secretary of health, education and welfare under President Jimmy Carter and domestic policy adviser to President Lyndon B. Johnson — and his wife, Hilary, who were having a quiet dinner.

Onlookers said Schumer was incensed that Hilary — the daughter of William S. Paley, the founder and chairman of CBS — had voted for Trump, even though her husband, Joseph, is a well-known Democrat.

One witness said of the restaurant rant, “They are a highly respected couple, and Schumer made a scene, yelling, ‘She voted for Trump!’ The Califanos left the restaurant, but Schumer followed them outside.” On the sidewalk, Schumer carried on with his fantastical filibuster: “ ‘How could you vote for Trump? He’s a liar!’ He kept repeating, ‘He’s a liar!’ ”

Hilary confirmed the confrontation, telling Page Six, “Sen. Schumer was really rude . . . He’s our senator, and I don’t really like him. Yes, I voted for Trump. Schumer joined us outside and he told me Trump was a liar. I should have told him that Hillary Clinton was a liar, but I was so surprised I didn’t say anything.”
Anyone who voted for the pathological lying pussygrabber will be treated in the near future as Nazi sympathesizers are today.

Oh please attempt to "treat" me or anyone I know in any way....and you'll be requiring treatment of your own.

That has already happened.

Why don't you take your chest beating, 5'2", 95 lb frame out for a walk and attempt to settle into the fact that you are butthurt blowhard who is now sitting on the sidelines.
It's been reported by many outsets actually, NYpost and here is Fox. To the OP, why the need to identify his religion? Serves no relevance in this particular story.

Schumer goes off on Trump supporter at NYC restaurant, witness says

Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., caused a scene at a Manhattan restaurant when he began yelling at a wealthy and well-connected Donald Trump supporter that the POTUS is “a liar.”

Schumer, the top Senate Democrat, lost his cool on Sunday night at Upper East Side restaurant Sette Mezzo, according to witnesses.

He was dining with friends when he encountered Joseph A. Califano Jr. — the former U.S. secretary of health, education and welfare under President Jimmy Carter and domestic policy adviser to President Lyndon B. Johnson — and his wife, Hilary, who were having a quiet dinner.

Onlookers said Schumer was incensed that Hilary — the daughter of William S. Paley, the founder and chairman of CBS — had voted for Trump, even though her husband, Joseph, is a well-known Democrat.

One witness said of the restaurant rant, “They are a highly respected couple, and Schumer made a scene, yelling, ‘She voted for Trump!’ The Califanos left the restaurant, but Schumer followed them outside.” On the sidewalk, Schumer carried on with his fantastical filibuster: “ ‘How could you vote for Trump? He’s a liar!’ He kept repeating, ‘He’s a liar!’ ”

Hilary confirmed the confrontation, telling Page Six, “Sen. Schumer was really rude . . . He’s our senator, and I don’t really like him. Yes, I voted for Trump. Schumer joined us outside and he told me Trump was a liar. I should have told him that Hillary Clinton was a liar, but I was so surprised I didn’t say anything.”
Anyone who voted for the pathological lying pussygrabber will be treated in the near future as Nazi sympathesizers are today.

You are justifying Schumers intrusion into someone's personal space.

You are pathetic.

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