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Church of England Has Now Approved of Women Bishops!

PratchettFan understands that love is the gospel of Jesus Christ, not hells or mansions or judgement. The mortal men then and now are not authorized to speak for Jesus Christ in commandment. The body of the church is composed of the believers in Jesus' love not in a corporation or a building. Once want to believers understand there are no priesthood ordinances with eternal consequences, they realize that Jesus will accept them where they are at and guide them from there.
Very good. You have demonstrated that man should not follow other men's commandments but should keep the commandments of Jesus, of which the two greatest are to love God and to love one's neighbor as oneself.

Question: What does God do to those who don't obey?

1 Peter 4:17 For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?


2 Thessalonians 1:8 In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ:

And the gospel of God is what? I believe that has been pointed out. Love your neighbor as you do yourself. Pass no judgments upon others. Return hate with love, violence with peace. Reach out to help others. This is the gospel of Jesus.

The way I see it, just about the entire Christian right is ignoring the gospel of God.


https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1 Corinthians 15
Question: What does God do to those who don't obey?

1 Peter 4:17 For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?


2 Thessalonians 1:8 In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ:

And the gospel of God is what? I believe that has been pointed out. Love your neighbor as you do yourself. Pass no judgments upon others. Return hate with love, violence with peace. Reach out to help others. This is the gospel of Jesus.

The way I see it, just about the entire Christian right is ignoring the gospel of God.


https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1 Corinthians 15

Nope, Chuckt, the biblegateway group is a heretical group.

biblical literalism is heresy

belief in the Rapture is heresy

evangelical, fundamentalist, or Pentecostal prophesy is heresy

speaking in tongues as the sure sign of salvation is heresy

saying priesthood ordinances have eternal consequences is heresy

Now look up and understand the differences between "heresy" and "apostasy" before any of you jump me
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And the gospel of God is what? I believe that has been pointed out. Love your neighbor as you do yourself. Pass no judgments upon others. Return hate with love, violence with peace. Reach out to help others. This is the gospel of Jesus.

The way I see it, just about the entire Christian right is ignoring the gospel of God.


https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1 Corinthians 15

Nope, Chuckt, the biblegateway group is anti-Christian.

Lol. And you're the Pope.
Nope, and you are not a prophet. You missed my previous post, so I will help you.

Nope, Chuckt, the biblegateway group is a heretical group.

biblical literalism is heresy

belief in the Rapture is heresy

evangelical, fundamentalist, or Pentecostal prophesy is heresy

speaking in tongues as the sure sign of salvation is heresy

saying priesthood ordinances have eternal consequences is heresy

Now look up and understand the differences between "heresy" and "apostasy" before any of you jump me

You are not going to hell and neither is the Pope
Just another Christian denomination that will split apart and lose members because of trying to embrace political correctness.

The next step in it's downward spiral will be to allow faggot and lezbo priests. .. :doubt:
According to Scripture, the VERY FIRST PEOPLE to deliver the good news of Jesus' resurrection were women. As for your other little bit of idiocy, apparently small minds do not plumb depths of logic very well. You are to be pitied for your ignorance.
Sunni Man is ignoring the absolute satanic evil of Sunni and Shi'a conflict in the ME right now.
Nope, and you are not a prophet. You missed my previous post, so I will help you.

Nope, Chuckt, the biblegateway group is a heretical group.

biblical literalism is heresy

belief in the Rapture is heresy

evangelical, fundamentalist, or Pentecostal prophesy is heresy

speaking in tongues as the sure sign of salvation is heresy

saying priesthood ordinances have eternal consequences is heresy

Now look up and understand the differences between "heresy" and "apostasy" before any of you jump me

You are not going to hell and neither is the Pope

All I can do is tell you what the word says as best as I can do, Jake.
Nope, and you are not a prophet. You missed my previous post, so I will help you.

Nope, Chuckt, the biblegateway group is a heretical group.

biblical literalism is heresy

belief in the Rapture is heresy

evangelical, fundamentalist, or Pentecostal prophesy is heresy

speaking in tongues as the sure sign of salvation is heresy

saying priesthood ordinances have eternal consequences is heresy

Now look up and understand the differences between "heresy" and "apostasy" before any of you jump me

You are not going to hell and neither is the Pope

All I can do is tell you what the word says as best as I can do, Jake.

I can read and understand the Word, chuckt, as well as you, I think.

You and your folks in your church group work as hard as you can to be a shining light of service and love in your community to all of God's children, and you will find that you will be full of the Lord's light and grace
Nope, and you are not a prophet. You missed my previous post, so I will help you.

Nope, Chuckt, the biblegateway group is a heretical group.

biblical literalism is heresy

belief in the Rapture is heresy

evangelical, fundamentalist, or Pentecostal prophesy is heresy

speaking in tongues as the sure sign of salvation is heresy

saying priesthood ordinances have eternal consequences is heresy

Now look up and understand the differences between "heresy" and "apostasy" before any of you jump me

You are not going to hell and neither is the Pope

Jake, heresy is a deviation from the truth. It can be applied to a church or a person. None of the things you listed stray from the truth.

It is written, That man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God.
Every word means every word, even the jots and tittles, not an allegory of what was said or an interpretation of what was said.
Take what you read literally. Christ did. He used the literal words of God to defeat Satan. He didn't sit Satan down to explain what He thought God meant by those words. Christ didn't mince words.

The rapture is exactly what it says, a taking out of, snatching out of, caught up. If you take God at His literal word, the reason for the removal of those in Christ from the tribulation coming to earth is because God's children are not appointed to God's wrath. Literally:

1 Thessalonians 4:16-18, “For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trumpet of God; and the dead in Christ shall rise first. Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and thus we shall always be with the Lord. Therefore comfort one another with these words."

Note that he didn't say to comfort one another with a concept or figuratively. Those words as they stand, bring comfort.

God chooses prophets, not man, not churches. You will know who God's prophets are by the fact that they will be 100% accurate.

Speaking in tongues has never been a claim to salvation. I don't know 1 Christian that believes that speaking in tongues is anything more than a gift of the Spirit. There are 2 varieties of speaking in tongues. One is ecstatic utterances (eg- King David) and the other is dialect ( eg- Tower of Babel. Upper room.) It has nothing to do with salvation. Salvation is a gift from Christ.

Those that preach are held to a different standard by God. They are expected to know the truth and lead their flock in the right direction and there are eternal consequences, good or bad:

"Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, for you know that we who teach will be judged with greater strictness"

Jake, honey, you don't have the authority or capability to determine where a soul is destined, but you can literally take this to heart:

John 11:25 Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth on me, though he die, yet shall he live;

John 3:16
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but (literally) have eternal life.

You can trust the words that came out of Christ's mouth. No interpretation necessary. No need to turn it into an allegory. He will protect you, save you, and relocate you, if you believe in Him and trust Him. He said so. Looking forward to seeing you there.... :eusa_angel:
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That's a false claim. The very first church was at Antioch ... not Rome. In fact, there were several churches founded prior to the church at Rome and when the church of Rome was founded it did not have preeminence over all the other churches. That's a lie straight from the mouths of false prophets and false teachers.

Oh yeah there's nothing better than a 'feel good' "church" :cool:

It's the type of thing to start a religious war over, and kill thousands of your fellow Christians.

I'd say that the Abigensians and Waldensians might agree with you (even though they were the victims).
Question: What does God do to those who don't obey?

1 Peter 4:17 For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?


2 Thessalonians 1:8 In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ:

And the gospel of God is what? I believe that has been pointed out. Love your neighbor as you do yourself. Pass no judgments upon others. Return hate with love, violence with peace. Reach out to help others. This is the gospel of Jesus.

The way I see it, just about the entire Christian right is ignoring the gospel of God.


https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1 Corinthians 15

Hey. Don't apologize to me. I'm not the one you're ignoring.
IR and DS are on a very slippery slope if they believe in biblical literalism.

They put Jesus in a box, and say, "dance, Jesus." This is modern day pharisee-ism.

It was wrong in His day, it is wrong now.
IR and DS are on a very slippery slope if they believe in biblical literalism.

They put Jesus in a box, and say, "dance, Jesus." This is modern day pharisee-ism.

It was wrong in His day, it is wrong now.

I believe you are wrong because God honors His word above His name.

King James Bible
I will worship toward thy holy temple, and praise thy name for thy lovingkindness and for thy truth: for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name.

Psalm 138:2 I will bow down toward your holy temple and will praise your name for your unfailing love and your faithfulness, for you have so exalted your solemn decree that it surpasses your fame.

God said and that finishes it.
IR and DS are on a very slippery slope if they believe in biblical literalism.

They put Jesus in a box, and say, "dance, Jesus." This is modern day pharisee-ism.

It was wrong in His day, it is wrong now.

LOL. You've been slipping down a slope the moment you attempted to reinterpret God's Word to suit your personal feelings. We are to conform to His Word ... not conform His Word to our personal whims. Christ is quite clear concerning the need to repent of ones sins. He doesn't mince Words.

I pray that every sinner on planet earth turns from his wicked ways, turns to Christ, repents of his sins, and starts walking that very narrow path that leads to God's Kingdom. Unfortunately, the Bible clearly states that the path that leads to destruction is much broader than the narrow path of righteousness and there are many who tread that broad path.

I sense from reading a few of your posts that you believe that everyone will be saved in the end. If that's what you believe then you are sadly mistaken. Teaching false doctrine is a major sin and anyone who commits that sin is in jeopardy of a life in hell. Like it or not ... that's what the Bible teaches.

As for judging others? I am not at liberty to judge a man's soul but it IS my responsibility to judge a man's actions. I'm at liberty to observe a person's lifestyle and determine whether or not I wish to associate with that man. I have to live in the world but I don't have to be of the world. I choose not to hang out with gang bangers; drug dealers; wife beaters; child molesters; homosexuals; Socialists; pagans; or anyone else who walks that broad path. That doesn't mean that I wouldn't help any one of those folks if they were in need and it doesn't mean that I wouldn't spread the Gospel message if they were inclined to listen but I don't have to befriend them and invite them into my home. So, I shall continue judging others by their actions but pray that they turn to Christ.
Their Pharisaical desire is to put Jesus and the rest of us in their box. DS and IR have no power, no authority, no personal ability, no commandment to interpret God's word for the rest of us.

You remind me of the demons in the Bible who will say on judgment day, "But we knew you, we acted in your name," and He indeed will turn away, saying, "I knew you not."

DS, lean on the Lord for personal wisdom and rebuke your desire for unrighteous dominion (which is a demon).
Their Pharisaical desire is to put Jesus and the rest of us in their box. DS and IR have no power, no authority, no personal ability, no commandment to interpret God's word for the rest of us.

You remind me of the demons in the Bible who will say on judgment day, "But we knew you, we acted in your name," and He indeed will turn away, saying, "I knew you not."

DS, lean on the Lord for personal wisdom and rebuke your desire for unrighteous dominion (which is a demon).

How do you know, Jake?

Some 28 years ago I walked into a Christian store and bought my first commentary. I didn't choose my commentary hoping it would say what I wanted it to say. I actually didn't know who they were.

Your commentary is what you want to say and it is based on your whims and preferences.
There is no evidence that your choices are based on God's preferences.
In the end, you get what you get and you don't get upset.

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