Church shooter stopped by armed citizen today? Lives saved by good guy with a gun?

Who needs to carry a gun to church? People who know that evil people target good people for murder....

It is being reported that this shooter may have been stopped by armed citizens with their legal guns....saving lives, stopping the killing...

The shooter may have had a rifle, and was stopped by a good guy with a pistol...

BREAKING: Church Shooting Reported In Texas, Armed Churchgoers Appear To Have Stopped It, Reporter Suggests

“It appears that a gunman shot two church members at back of auditorium with a footlong weapon, then a member shot the gunman with a pistol,” Ross wrote. “This is just based on me watching the video again. Screaming afterward in the church. So tragic. Two quick shots at back, then another shot. Then at least three members (I believe) with pistols [walking] toward where the gunman appeared to fall.”

Armed Citizens Are Successful 94% Of The Time At Active Shooter Events [FBI]

Of all the active shooter events there were 33 at which an armed citizen was present. Of those, Armed Citizens were successful at stopping the Active shooter 75.8% of the time (25 incidents) and were successful in reducing the loss of life in an additional 18.2% (6) of incidents. In only 2 of the 33 incidents (6.1%) was the Armed Citizen(s) not helpful in any way in stopping the active shooter or reducing the loss of life.

Thus the headline of our report that Armed Citizens Are Successful 94% Of The Time At Active Shooter Events.

In the 2 incidents at which the armed citizen “failed” to stop or slow the active shooter, one is the previously mentioned incident with hunters. The other is an incident in which the CCWer was shot in the back in a Las Vegas Walmart when he failed to identify that there were 2 Active Shooters involved in the attack. He neglected to identify the one that shot him in the back while he was trying to ambush the other perpetrator.

We also decided to look at the breakdown of events that took place in gun free zones and the relative death toll from events in gun free zones vs non-gun-free zones.

Of the 283 incidents in our data pool, we were unable to identify if the event took place in a gun-free zone in a large number (41%) of the events. Most of the events took place at a business, church, home, or other places at which as a rule of law it is not a gun free zone but potentially could have been declared one by the property owner. Without any information in the FBI study or any indication one way or the other from the news reports, we have indicated that event with a question mark.

If you look at all of the Active Shooter events (pie chart on the top) you see that for those which we have the information, almost twice as many took place in gun free zones than not; but realistically the vast majority of those for which we have no information (indicated as ?) are probably NOT gun free zones.

If you isolate just the events at which 8 or more people were killed the data paints a different picture (pie chart on the bottom). In these incidents, 77.8% took place in a gun-free zone suggesting that gun free zones lead to a higher death rate vs active shooter events in general


One of the final metrics we thought was important to consider is the potential tendency for armed citizens to injure or kill innocent people in their attempt to “save the day.” A common point in political discussions is to point out the lack of training of most armed citizens and the decrease in safety inherent in their presence during violent encounters.

As you can see below, however, at the 33 incidents at which Armed Citizens were present, there were zero situations at which the Armed Citizen injured or killed an innocent person. It never happened.

BREAKING: Man Opens Fire At Oklahoma Walmart, Confronted By Armed Citizen, Report Says

Two people were killed at a Walmart in Oklahoma by a man who opened fire in the parking lot on Monday before turning the weapon on himself after an armed citizen confronted him.

The assailant, who has not yet been identified, shot and killed a man and a woman in the parking lot and when he was “confronted by an armed citizen, he then turned the gun on himself,” The Daily Mail reported.
This is why we have a Second Amendment. Guns save lives.
This story will be swept from the lame stream media coverage within hours, if they even cover it at all, because it doesn't fit their gun control narrative.

If they had their way, there would be dozens of church parishioners dead and injured, and the gunman escaped.

Media Disappointed To Learn Armed Citizen Stopped Mass Shooting
Media Disappointed To Learn Armed Citizen Stopped Mass Shooting

"We grieve that this tragedy we could have exploited for weeks on end was stopped by a good guy with a gun," said one teary-eyed MSNBC reporter on the scene. "Our thoughts and prayers are with the shooter."

"We are absolutely heartbroken and in shock over here," said one New York Times journalist. "What could have given us weeks and weeks of frothing-at-the-mouth stories about gun control will now have to be suppressed since it does not align with our agenda."

News outlets also reminded the nation that they reserve the right to immediately bury mass shooting stories that don't help push their agenda.

Outlets like CNN, MSNBC, and ABC News confirmed that they carefully look over the facts of a given case to see if it lines up with the correct opinions before deciding to push it incessantly for weeks on end.. . .
IMO, how the Christians are deciding to deal with the in-saneness the society is degrading to in Texas in their churches is a much better strategy, than how the Jews are deciding to deal with it in their synagogues in NY.

As the stress of our everyday life continues to get more insane, I would expect more of this, leave everyone alone, the press should keep their opinions and propaganda to themselves.

Why the corporate media should be pushing the Jewish strategy on the nation, when any sane person can see which is the better strategy is beyond me. . . .

for every SD use, there are dozens of murders
Better check your math.

Guns are used at in self-defense at least 80,000 times per year. (Table 6)
Compare this to 9092 gun-related murders per year.
Expanded Homicide Data Table 8

That's about 9:1 in favor of defensive gun uses.
hold it--so you are saying it's not over a MILLION times a year??
80,000 is not even close to a million....?
Look at you, completely ignoring the fact the numbers are about 9:1 in favor of defensive gun uses over gun-related murders.

-You- said:

for every SD use, there are dozens of murders

How can you be so wrong?
for every SD use, there are dozens of murders
Better check your math.

Guns are used at in self-defense at least 80,000 times per year. (Table 6)
Compare this to 9092 gun-related murders per year.
Expanded Homicide Data Table 8

That's about 9:1 in favor of defensive gun uses.
--sorry charlies
Why do you refuse to understand the truth?
Truth is fact and not compatible with feelings brainwashing. Wishing things were different is noble, proceeding as if they are is insanity.
Candycorn....what is humorous about the thread.....? I am curious? It is nice to see that lives were saved by armed citizens...but where is the funny?
Why ask why a man with one foot nailed to the floor walks in circles spewing bullshit and vitriol babbling to himself about gun ownership and the NRA even when the results are undeniably positive saving lives? Just put the stupid SOB on ignore and quit validating his infarcted trolling. There can be no question that for every famously marketed story by the gun-hating media of some nutbag misusing a gun, there are a HUNDRED cases where responsible gun ownership prevents crime and saves people that they try to bury. appears that the dude who stopped the nutbag with a gun here was a trained firearms
expert with a gun. he did a fine job and is to be applauded.

America! The land where a church service wherein 2 people are shot to death is
a big win for freedom.

Congrats, boys!

Two people were shot to death but FREE people with the right to keep and bear arms stopped many, perhaps dozens more from being shot and killed. Yes, a BIG win for freedom. Would you rather he had just been allowed to shoot more people? I guess so. How would you feel it you were to be number three and that person was not able to intervene? appears that the dude who stopped the nutbag with a gun here was a trained firearms
expert with a gun. he did a fine job and is to be applauded.

America! The land where a church service wherein 2 people are shot to death is
a big win for freedom.

Congrats, boys!

Two people were shot to death but FREE people with the right to keep and bear arms stopped many, perhaps dozens more from being shot and killed. Yes, a BIG win for freedom. Would you rather he had just been allowed to shoot more people? I guess so. How would you feel it you were to be number three and that person was not able to intervene?
For liberals it is far far worse for a policeman to shoot a criminal breaking into a house then a sociopath gunning down worshipers in church. Thats because liberals and minorities identify more with the criminal than those fairy tale worshippers.
for every SD use, there are dozens of murders
Better check your math.

Guns are used at in self-defense at least 80,000 times per year. (Table 6)
Compare this to 9092 gun-related murders per year.
Expanded Homicide Data Table 8

That's about 9:1 in favor of defensive gun uses.
hold it--so you are saying it's not over a MILLION times a year??
80,000 is not even close to a million....?
Look at you, completely ignoring the fact the numbers are about 9:1 in favor of defensive gun uses over gun-related murders.

-You- said:

for every SD use, there are dozens of murders

How can you be so wrong?
so there are NOT millions of SD uses like 2AGuy says?? !!!??
9:1 murders/crimes with firearms per DS uses
stop the stupid shit..there is no way and can be no way there are more SD uses than murders and shootings --not even counting crimes

again, everyday we see a murder/murders --day after day ...then we finally see ONE SD use and you people go crazy --EUREKA --an SD use!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! finally
= idiocy
...there are documented and reported murders everyday--but not SD uses --plain and simple appears that the dude who stopped the nutbag with a gun here was a trained firearms
expert with a gun. he did a fine job and is to be applauded.

America! The land where a church service wherein 2 people are shot to death is
a big win for freedom.

Congrats, boys!

Two people were shot to death but FREE people with the right to keep and bear arms stopped many, perhaps dozens more from being shot and killed. Yes, a BIG win for freedom. Would you rather he had just been allowed to shoot more people? I guess so. How would you feel it you were to be number three and that person was not able to intervene?
For liberals it is far far worse for a policeman to shoot a criminal breaking into a house then a sociopath gunning down worshipers in church. Thats because liberals and minorities identify more with the criminal than those fairy tale worshippers.

One thing about liberals....if their fellow liberals said shit as dumb as that they'd kick them out of the liberal tent until they got some fucking common sense.
Bad people without guns don't shoot good people.
Be VERY specific now and explain how you will PREVENT people that don't care about laws from getting firearms?

Is that an order? It sure seems like an order.
You claimed outlawing firearms would stop crime with firearms now explain how you will get all the firearms from criminals and how you will stop more firearms from enering the country illegally.
Bad people without guns don't shoot good people.
Be VERY specific now and explain how you will PREVENT people that don't care about laws from getting firearms?

Is that an order? It sure seems like an order.
You claimed outlawing firearms would stop crime with firearms now explain how you will get all the firearms from criminals and how you will stop more firearms from enering the country illegally.

No I didn't. Dumbass.
Bad people without guns don't shoot good people.
Be VERY specific now and explain how you will PREVENT people that don't care about laws from getting firearms?

Is that an order? It sure seems like an order.
You claimed outlawing firearms would stop crime with firearms now explain how you will get all the firearms from criminals and how you will stop more firearms from enering the country illegally.

No I didn't. Dumbass.
So saying bad people with out guns doesn't mean anything, got ya you are just a troll thanks for clearing that up.
Bad people without guns don't shoot good people.
Be VERY specific now and explain how you will PREVENT people that don't care about laws from getting firearms?

Is that an order? It sure seems like an order.
You claimed outlawing firearms would stop crime with firearms now explain how you will get all the firearms from criminals and how you will stop more firearms from enering the country illegally.

No I didn't. Dumbass.
So saying bad people with out guns doesn't mean anything, got ya you are just a troll thanks for clearing that up.

Glad I could help. Now get out there and use that weapon for some good, ya hear!

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