CIA agents in Benghazi twice asked for permission to help Ambassador Chris Stevens as

That's a serious allegation. I wonder if the retired investigative reporters are interested in further investigations. Nope?
Shut the fuck up, idiot.

When an American facility is attacked overseas and Americans are killed defending it, then there needs to be answers how it happened, why nobody was sent to help them for 7 FUCKING HOURS and how Obamination fucking lied that AQ wasn't involved instead it was rioters mad over some damn video.

The Ambassador on "9-11" should have been back at the main Embassy protected by US MARINES. This compound probably should have been shut down once the DoD security team was pulled out in the summer or the compound should have been better protected with a better safehouse than some fucking jail cell for the Ambassador to hide.

Give it a rest............Benghazi is yesterdays news.........

Yea, it's bad that Americans were killed.

But things sometime happen beyond anyones control.

Playing the never ending blame game gets tedious.

Especially, when we have so many pressing issues on the table. :cool:
Give it a rest............Benghazi is yesterdays news.........

Yea, it's bad that Americans were killed.

But things sometime happen beyond anyones control.

Playing the never ending blame game gets tedious.

Especially, when we have so many pressing issues on the table. :cool:

I love my enemy. Just before this all went down the post went out to take vengeance for the death of AQ#2. He was a Libyan.

Did you know that AQ#2 was Libyan?
If obama was smart he would admit he fucked up take the heat for a time people have short term memory...... until we remind them of obama's fuck up.
How many U.S. Ambassadors have been killed by militants?

Since World War II, the following U.S. Ambassadors have been killed by militants:

John Gordon Mein, Ambassador to Guatemala, August 28, 1968. Mein was killed by a gunman in Guatemala City.
Cleo A. Noel, Jr., Ambassador to Sudan, March 1, 1973. Noel was taken hostage in Khartoum and killed by his kidnappers.
Rodger P. Davies, Ambassador to Cyprus, August 19, 1974. Davies was shot during a demonstration at the Embassy in Nicosia.
Francis E. Meloy, Jr., Ambassador to Lebanon, June 16, 1976. Meloy was killed by a gunman in Beruit.
Adolph Dubs, Ambassador to Afghanistan, February 14, 1979. Dubs was captured in Kabul and was killed during the rescue attempt.
J. Christopher Stevens, Ambassador to Libya, September 11, 2012. Stevens was killed in an attack on the Mission in Benghazi.

Office of the Historian - About Us - FAQs - Ambassadors and Chiefs of Mission
The average American isn't all caught up in the political R vers D blame game over Benghazi..

They are concerned with the weak economy and worried about their jobs.

And they want politicians to focus on that; and not Benghazi. :cool:
The average American isn't all caught up in the political R vers D blame game over Benghazi..

They are concerned with the weak economy and worried about their jobs.

And they want politicians to focus on that; and not Benghazi. :cool:

Re-electing obama has shown that to be untrue they don't care about the economy when they have obama's safety net to catch them.
Bullshit, once people from the DoS, DoD and CIA claim Obamination covered up mistakes of denying the Ambassador security forces (a crime) and that Obamination openly lied about AQ being involved (a crime) to protect his ass during the election.....then all hell breaks loose.

Obamination isn't interested in getting people jobs and most people realize that, but they will watch soap opera hearings on TV this coming January where Obamination can get kicked out of office and thrown in jail for crimes.

Once people realize Obamination watched Americans die in Libya on live video and did NOTHING but protect himself, then people will be mad as hell especially when the hearings happen after Obamination partied up stealing another election from the American people.

Americans don't like cowards and liars, which describes Obamination to a T.

The average American isn't all caught up in the political R vers D blame game over Benghazi..

They are concerned with the weak economy and worried about their jobs.

And they want politicians to focus on that; and not Benghazi. :cool:
The average American isn't all caught up in the political R vers D blame game over Benghazi..

They are concerned with the weak economy and worried about their jobs.

And they want politicians to focus on that; and not Benghazi.

The wheels of justice turn slowly. The GOP will not let this issue go, McCain & Graham are just getting started.
Benghazi was a tragedy.......but it's not Watergate......not even close......... :cool:
Obamination has been able to hide the paper trail with F& far.

But he will have a hard time keeping people from the DoD, DoS and CIA that watched the entire 7 hour attack live from speaking out, unless he threatens them.

The Libya incident is too big to cover up, especially when the leader of Libya called Obamination's story a lie.

F&F will also blow up this spring, so he will have 2 impeachment hearings to deal with in a bad economy. He will most likely quit like Nixon IMO.

The average American isn't all caught up in the political R vers D blame game over Benghazi..

They are concerned with the weak economy and worried about their jobs.

And they want politicians to focus on that; and not Benghazi.

The wheels of justice turn slowly. The GOP will not let this issue go, McCain & Graham are just getting started.
CIA agents in Benghazi twice asked for permission to help Ambassador Chris Stevens as bullets​

By: James Nye
26 October 2012

It has been claimed that CIA agents on the ground during the deadly attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi twice asked for permission to help Ambassador Chris Stevens and twice were told to stand down.

Furthermore sources present during the deadly six-hour assault have said that a desperate last request for military assistance once the CIA themselves came under attack was denied, even though elite counter-terrorism units were only two hours away.


Read more:
CIA agents in Benghazi twice asked for permission to help Ambassador Chris Stevens as bullets were flying and twice were told to 'stand down' | Mail Online

According to Fox news.. no names or reliable independant source provided.. Gee Wizz ... Well Hell's Bells!! If it was on Fox you KNOW it has to be true!


You people are idiots.

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