CIA Allegedly Polygraphing Operatives Regularly Over Benghazi Secrets

I like how CNN went from arch villain in the liberal media to absolute trustworthiness with you people the moment they put out something you liked.

cite who said they had absolute trustworthiness.

if you read the posts...virtually everyone has said: IF TRUE

lol, this is why people like you, people of no character or integrity, have to be factchecked on every single post you make.

Your virtually everyone number, in this thread turns out to be,

3 out of 10. Three who said 'if true' or the like. Seven who simply treated it as fact.

Look up the words 'virtually' and 'everyone'. And 'honesty' while you're at it.

just counted

6 - 2, IFs have 6

you fail again
cite who said they had absolute trustworthiness.

if you read the posts...virtually everyone has said: IF TRUE

lol, this is why people like you, people of no character or integrity, have to be factchecked on every single post you make.

Your virtually everyone number, in this thread turns out to be,

3 out of 10. Three who said 'if true' or the like. Seven who simply treated it as fact.

Look up the words 'virtually' and 'everyone'. And 'honesty' while you're at it.


The thread is the 'cite', birther. Read the posts. Only 3 of your pals said if true.
Truly scandalous that the CIA wants to keep it's covert operations secret?

I mean under all other presidents the CIA's covert operations were always legal right?

What information did Congress get in the closed door meetings about the classified data from Benghazi that we peons don't get?

what is so secret? who says everything was covert ops?

Of course one can only guess what their mission was, but claiming that it wasn't covert is simply ignoring the meaning of the word covert.

What if exposing the secret mission would exposes CIA assets inside Libya?

You okay with that?
Witch hunt then, witch hunt now.

Get some verified facts, and we can talk.

I'm sorry, but you don't get to tell me when we can talk, I have an inalienable right endowed by something bigger than you. Smart ass.

If it's a "witch hunt" then you should welcome it, because you'll be able to make political hay out of that, and win a bunch more political power. So, really, it's a winning proposition for your party if there's nothing to this stuff. The thing is, you know goddamn good and well there IS something there, and it could send your boy back to Chicago.

I certainly can tell you when "you and I" can talk, podjo. If you have nothing of worth to talk about it, I will tell you so.

Well, since you have absolutely no knowledge or information regarding this matter, nor is it up to you whether an independent counsel is appointed, and no one is consulting you on whether it is worth investigating, then your willingness to talk is sort of like you, irrelevant.
Of course one can only guess what their mission was, but claiming that it wasn't covert is simply ignoring the meaning of the word covert.

What if exposing the secret mission would exposes CIA assets inside Libya?

You okay with that?

What if there was a covert gun-running operation going on, to back Syrian rebels, and flagrantly in violation of Executive powers, ala: Iran/Contra? This is the rumor, anyway.

If true, it could mean Hillary goes to prison instead of running for president in 2016.
Truly scandalous that the CIA wants to keep it's covert operations secret?

I mean under all other presidents the CIA's covert operations were always legal right?

What information did Congress get in the closed door meetings about the classified data from Benghazi that we peons don't get?

what is so secret? who says everything was covert ops?

Of course one can only guess what their mission was, but claiming that it wasn't covert is simply ignoring the meaning of the word covert.

What if exposing the secret mission would exposes CIA assets inside Libya?

You okay with that?

so you don't know if it was covert

Of course one can only guess what their mission was, but claiming that it wasn't covert is simply ignoring the meaning of the word covert.

What if exposing the secret mission would exposes CIA assets inside Libya?

You okay with that?

What if there was a covert gun-running operation going on, to back Syrian rebels, and flagrantly in violation of Executive powers, ala: Iran/Contra? This is the rumor, anyway.

If true, it could mean Hillary goes to prison instead of running for president in 2016.

Iran Contra ran afoul of the Boland Amendment which was an amalgumation of three laws explicitly outlawing military aid to attack the Nicraguan insurgency. There is no law preventing the admin from arming the syrian rebels, and the gop has called for the admin to do so on mult occassons. I'm sure Hill wishes you well, though.
what is so secret? who says everything was covert ops?

Of course one can only guess what their mission was, but claiming that it wasn't covert is simply ignoring the meaning of the word covert.

What if exposing the secret mission would exposes CIA assets inside Libya?

You okay with that?

so you don't know if it was covert


It was supposed to be covert, but failed even at that. The question is, what're they hiding and why?
Of course one can only guess what their mission was, but claiming that it wasn't covert is simply ignoring the meaning of the word covert.

What if exposing the secret mission would exposes CIA assets inside Libya?

You okay with that?

What if there was a covert gun-running operation going on, to back Syrian rebels, and flagrantly in violation of Executive powers, ala: Iran/Contra? This is the rumor, anyway.

If true, it could mean Hillary goes to prison instead of running for president in 2016.

Iran Contra ran afoul of the Boland Amendment which was an amalgumation of three laws explicitly outlawing military aid to attack the Nicraguan insurgency. There is no law preventing the admin from arming the syrian rebels, and the gop has called for the admin to do so on mult occassons. I'm sure Hill wishes you well, though.

While Iran/Contra may have specifically violated the Boland Amendment, the Executive branch simply does not have the authority to send guns to whomever they please, without consulting Congress first. Surely, you understand this?
Of course one can only guess what their mission was, but claiming that it wasn't covert is simply ignoring the meaning of the word covert.

What if exposing the secret mission would exposes CIA assets inside Libya?

You okay with that?

What if there was a covert gun-running operation going on, to back Syrian rebels, and flagrantly in violation of Executive powers, ala: Iran/Contra? This is the rumor, anyway.

If true, it could mean Hillary goes to prison instead of running for president in 2016.

In the Iran/Contra affair, US law prohibited dealing with Iran because of 1979. It was also illegal to fund the Contra Rebels fighting in Central America. Illegally selling weapons to Iran and funneling those profits to the Contras is inherently different than covertly providing arms to rebel groups in countries supported by Russia.

I see it more like the US arming the Afghanistan Rebels through Pakistan against Russia in the 1980's. If you don't have a problem with that bit of history then why is there a problem with arming the Syrian Rebels?
Of course one can only guess what their mission was, but claiming that it wasn't covert is simply ignoring the meaning of the word covert.

What if exposing the secret mission would exposes CIA assets inside Libya?

You okay with that?

so you don't know if it was covert


It was supposed to be covert, but failed even at that. The question is, what're they hiding and why?

and the american people deserve to know, unless the information would jeopardize american lives or current operations
what is so secret? who says everything was covert ops?

Of course one can only guess what their mission was, but claiming that it wasn't covert is simply ignoring the meaning of the word covert.

What if exposing the secret mission would exposes CIA assets inside Libya?

You okay with that?

so you don't know if it was covert


The meaning of the word covert escapes you doesn't it? Let me give you and example. The US covertly supplied the Afghanistan Rebels with weapons so they could fight the occupying Soviet army.

Whatever the CIA was doing in Benghazi, be it running weapon to Syria or running a brothel for their own amusement, they did it covertly.

You're welcome.
Of course one can only guess what their mission was, but claiming that it wasn't covert is simply ignoring the meaning of the word covert.

What if exposing the secret mission would exposes CIA assets inside Libya?

You okay with that?

so you don't know if it was covert


The meaning of the word covert escapes you doesn't it? Let me give you and example. The US covertly supplied the Afghanistan Rebels with weapons so they could fight the occupying Soviet army.

Whatever the CIA was doing in Benghazi, be it running weapon to Syria or running a brothel for their own amusement, they did it covertly.

You're welcome.

how does me stating you don't know if it was covert, equate with me not understanding the word? you are the one who made the claim it was, so how do you know?

hint: you can't, it if it is covert

conclusion: you don't know what the term means
What if there was a covert gun-running operation going on, to back Syrian rebels, and flagrantly in violation of Executive powers, ala: Iran/Contra? This is the rumor, anyway.

If true, it could mean Hillary goes to prison instead of running for president in 2016.

Iran Contra ran afoul of the Boland Amendment which was an amalgumation of three laws explicitly outlawing military aid to attack the Nicraguan insurgency. There is no law preventing the admin from arming the syrian rebels, and the gop has called for the admin to do so on mult occassons. I'm sure Hill wishes you well, though.

While Iran/Contra may have specifically violated the Boland Amendment, the Executive branch simply does not have the authority to send guns to whomever they please, without consulting Congress first. Surely, you understand this?

Congress has oversight of these type of operations. The Intelligence Authorization Act was implemented in order to codify covert, clandestine operations and defines requirements for reporting such operations to the Congress. What do you think they discussed in those closed door meeting with Congress about Benghazi?
so you don't know if it was covert


The meaning of the word covert escapes you doesn't it? Let me give you and example. The US covertly supplied the Afghanistan Rebels with weapons so they could fight the occupying Soviet army.

Whatever the CIA was doing in Benghazi, be it running weapon to Syria or running a brothel for their own amusement, they did it covertly.

You're welcome.

how does me stating you don't know if it was covert, equate with me not understanding the word? you are the one who made the claim it was, so how do you know?

hint: you can't, it if it is covert

conclusion: you don't know what the term means

Yes I can. It remains covert too, until they come out and tell us what they were doing there.
I'm sorry, but you don't get to tell me when we can talk, I have an inalienable right endowed by something bigger than you. Smart ass.

If it's a "witch hunt" then you should welcome it, because you'll be able to make political hay out of that, and win a bunch more political power. So, really, it's a winning proposition for your party if there's nothing to this stuff. The thing is, you know goddamn good and well there IS something there, and it could send your boy back to Chicago.

I certainly can tell you when "you and I" can talk, podjo. If you have nothing of worth to talk about it, I will tell you so.

Well, since you have absolutely no knowledge or information regarding this matter, nor is it up to you whether an independent counsel is appointed, and no one is consulting you on whether it is worth investigating, then your willingness to talk is sort of like you, irrelevant.

You have just described yourself. :eusa_whistle:
What if there was a covert gun-running operation going on, to back Syrian rebels, and flagrantly in violation of Executive powers, ala: Iran/Contra? This is the rumor, anyway.

If true, it could mean Hillary goes to prison instead of running for president in 2016.

Iran Contra ran afoul of the Boland Amendment which was an amalgumation of three laws explicitly outlawing military aid to attack the Nicraguan insurgency. There is no law preventing the admin from arming the syrian rebels, and the gop has called for the admin to do so on mult occassons. I'm sure Hill wishes you well, though.

While Iran/Contra may have specifically violated the Boland Amendment, the Executive branch simply does not have the authority to send guns to whomever they please, without consulting Congress first. Surely, you understand this?

Surely, you don't understand this at all. Show us where (your affirmation) that the executive branch has no such authority. The Congress thought it did or it would not have passed the Boland Amendment.
I certainly can tell you when "you and I" can talk, podjo. If you have nothing of worth to talk about it, I will tell you so.

Well, since you have absolutely no knowledge or information regarding this matter, nor is it up to you whether an independent counsel is appointed, and no one is consulting you on whether it is worth investigating, then your willingness to talk is sort of like you, irrelevant.

You have just described yourself. :eusa_whistle:

Actually, not at all. You see, I have spent most of today talking with Senator Jeff Sessions' office, and sending letters and emails to various other elected representatives. I want to know, if we had dozens of CIA operatives on the ground there, why do we have a dead Ambassador? And I will assure you, I am going to get a fucking answer, sooner or later.

You don't have to talk to me, in fact, I hope you won't talk to me, because I am afraid my level of seething rage and anger over this, will make me say some things that aren't very nice. So it's probably for the best that you not talk to me at this time.
Iran Contra ran afoul of the Boland Amendment which was an amalgumation of three laws explicitly outlawing military aid to attack the Nicraguan insurgency. There is no law preventing the admin from arming the syrian rebels, and the gop has called for the admin to do so on mult occassons. I'm sure Hill wishes you well, though.

While Iran/Contra may have specifically violated the Boland Amendment, the Executive branch simply does not have the authority to send guns to whomever they please, without consulting Congress first. Surely, you understand this?

Surely, you don't understand this at all. Show us where (your affirmation) that the executive branch has no such authority. The Congress thought it did or it would not have passed the Boland Amendment.

Again, the Executive powers established under the Constitution of the United States, does not give the president the authority to secretly sell or give weapons to whomever he pleases. I don't know what planet you are living on in what universe, or whether they have a US Constitution, but here in this country, that is simply not allowed. The Congress, specifically, the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, is supposed to be consulted on anything of this nature, and since none of them have come forward to confirm they were apprised, I assume they weren't. Hillary Clinton, a member of the National Security Council at the time, testified under oath before Congress, and was specifically asked about "gun-running operations" by Rand Paul, she indicated that she was not aware of any such covert program. So what the hell were they doing there?

It's fucking amazing to me, you same exact people who would have impeached Bush over something like this, act as if this is commonplace, and perfectly within the bounds of the Executive branch. Really now? You think presidents have the authority to authorize secret covert ops by the CIA, without letting any fucking body know about it???? REALLY???

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