CIA Allegedly Polygraphing Operatives Regularly Over Benghazi Secrets

Indeed. This will eventually seal the asshole Obama's fate

What a waste doper


lol, we're still waiting for that toast to be served up...

...the toast that the Right guaranteed us Obama was going to be over the Reverend Wright affair.

lol, you people...seriously...

before or after obama threw him under the bus?

and you arte a perfect example for display as to why McCain was misguided ( see: dumb ass) , as in not using wright in his campaign.

So you want now to deny that the rightwing propaganda machine did everything in its power to try to destroy Obama over the Rev. Wright?

no the OP again

no one is surprised about the polygraphs, but who and why they are being polygraphs

try and pay attention instead of having a partisan knee jerk reaction

Were you/are you a birther?

nice dodge of my post.

your buddy jakey thinks so, despite i believe obama was born in hawaii and qualified for office.

btw...what does your question have to do with this thread or anything for that matter? more knee jerk reaction hackery from you.
Jake: This is no more effective now than when Dems were trying it during the Bush years. Get back to us when you have some verified facts.

Trajan: a) lame attempt at 'middle of the road' self credentialing.......very lame, b) he doesn't need to do a thing, he posted an article from a new you have source/thoughts that contradicts or explains Tappers article to your satisfaction? your 'get back to us' blurb is as vapid as your integrity jake, seeing how you offered exactly squat to the conversation......

And we see, yet once again, Trajan floundering. Folks can report all sorts of things and non-things. When Jake Tapper gives us (1) facts and (2) those facts are did cause for impeachment, then we can move forward.

Recognize the factual softness of the reporting, and noting that both sides did ineffectually during the Bush years as well as now, is accurate.

Any other suggestion is 'squat to the conversation.'
Get back to us when you have some verified facts.

Seems to me, in a partisan political world, this thing you call "verified facts" can only come through an Independent Council. If there is nothing to all of this, no one should mind a special prosecutor looking into it and verifying a few facts for us.

Witch hunt then, witch hunt now.

Get some verified facts, and we can talk.

I'm sorry, but you don't get to tell me when we can talk, I have an inalienable right endowed by something bigger than you. Smart ass.

If it's a "witch hunt" then you should welcome it, because you'll be able to make political hay out of that, and win a bunch more political power. So, really, it's a winning proposition for your party if there's nothing to this stuff. The thing is, you know goddamn good and well there IS something there, and it could send your boy back to Chicago.
Seems to me, in a partisan political world, this thing you call "verified facts" can only come through an Independent Council. If there is nothing to all of this, no one should mind a special prosecutor looking into it and verifying a few facts for us.

Witch hunt then, witch hunt now.

Get some verified facts, and we can talk.

I'm sorry, but you don't get to tell me when we can talk, I have an inalienable right endowed by something bigger than you. Smart ass.

If it's a "witch hunt" then you should welcome it, because you'll be able to make political hay out of that, and win a bunch more political power. So, really, it's a winning proposition for your party if there's nothing to this stuff. The thing is, you know goddamn good and well there IS something there, and it could send your boy back to Chicago.

I certainly can tell you when "you and I" can talk, podjo. If you have nothing of worth to talk about it, I will tell you so.
Right on cue.

Can't blame Fox on this one,. lol


I like how CNN went from arch villain in the liberal media to absolute trustworthiness with you people the moment they put out something you liked.

cite who said they had absolute trustworthiness.

if you read the posts...virtually everyone has said: IF TRUE

Okay, so you admit this isn't really a story, just some sort of unsubstantiated allegation.

lol, you're showing progress.
I like how CNN went from arch villain in the liberal media to absolute trustworthiness with you people the moment they put out something you liked.

cite who said they had absolute trustworthiness.

if you read the posts...virtually everyone has said: IF TRUE

Okay, so you admit this isn't really a story, just some sort of unsubstantiated allegation.

lol, you're showing progress.

and how many times have allegations been later found to be true?

plenty...even CNN is talking about this...numerous stories start out as allegations and end up being absolutely true. especially in cases where the government is hiding something. remember the john edwards...started in the enquirer as unsubstantiated allegations...tell me what happened there.

further, this is odd coming from you who believes zimmerman guilty based on unfounded accusations. why the double standard here?
Witch hunt then, witch hunt now.

Get some verified facts, and we can talk.

I'm sorry, but you don't get to tell me when we can talk, I have an inalienable right endowed by something bigger than you. Smart ass.

If it's a "witch hunt" then you should welcome it, because you'll be able to make political hay out of that, and win a bunch more political power. So, really, it's a winning proposition for your party if there's nothing to this stuff. The thing is, you know goddamn good and well there IS something there, and it could send your boy back to Chicago.

I certainly can tell you when "you and I" can talk, podjo. If you have nothing of worth to talk about it, I will tell you so.

lol... Considering the source

cite who said they had absolute trustworthiness.

if you read the posts...virtually everyone has said: IF TRUE

Okay, so you admit this isn't really a story, just some sort of unsubstantiated allegation.

lol, you're showing progress.

and how many times have allegations been later found to be true?

plenty...even CNN is talking about this...numerous stories start out as allegations and end up being absolutely true. especially in cases where the government is hiding something. remember the john edwards...started in the enquirer as unsubstantiated allegations...tell me what happened there.

further, this is odd coming from you who believes zimmerman guilty based on unfounded accusations. why the double standard here?

Indeed- Allegations are legit, but the court of law validates them.

Let's find out

Right on cue.

Can't blame Fox on this one,. lol


I like how CNN went from arch villain in the liberal media to absolute trustworthiness with you people the moment they put out something you liked.

cite who said they had absolute trustworthiness.

if you read the posts...virtually everyone has said: IF TRUE

lol, this is why people like you, people of no character or integrity, have to be factchecked on every single post you make.

Your virtually everyone number, in this thread turns out to be,

3 out of 10. Three who said 'if true' or the like. Seven who simply treated it as fact.

Look up the words 'virtually' and 'everyone'. And 'honesty' while you're at it.
It is becoming clearer each day, that we need a Special Prosecutor or Independent Council, whatever the proper term is these days, to get to the bottom of the assorted scandals surrounding this Administration. Every American, whether on the right or left, should be demanding this. If these are "phony scandals" then it should be even less of a concern for Obama supporters, because that would be the finding. Now... I'm truly sorry about what happened with Ken Starr and Clinton, and I hate it for the GOP if this means they are going to lose support in the next election cycle, if that is the case, then so be it. We need to get to the bottom of this mess, and NOW! We don't have laws and a system so that we can ignore it when it's politically convenient.

If this manages to get swept under the rug, and Democrats manage to somehow avoid further investigation into the truth here, it's simply not a "victory" for them, as they may believe at this time. It will forever set a standard of Congress ignoring scandals and implications in the future, regardless of who the president is or which party is in power. Knowing this, future administrations will simply act with impunity and ignore the rule of law. Democrats may be sociopathic enough to believe that we can have a double standard, and that future Republican scandals will get the attention they deserve, but most of us understand how this stuff works. There will forever be an "Obama Phony Scandals Unwritten Rule" and Congress will forever follow it. From this point forward, scandals will be the rule and not the exception.

Democrats need to seriously think about this; Is it more important to run the clock out and protect the Obama administration from the tarnish of scandal, or is it better to face the music and deal with whatever comes down the pike, knowing that our system is intact and future presidents will be held to some kind of standard, in terms of their actions?

Yep..Just like the IRS targeting. Libs dont seem to understand that the Republicans will eventually win back power. Hope they dont mind being raked over the coals by the IRS when that happens. After all they gave,tacit approval ....
So none of you rightwing inmates had any idea that the CIA polygraphs its people regularly?

So suddenly they went out and bought polygraphs, and hired people to operate them,

all over Benghazi?

lol, I think sometimes you people are just playing dumb..., I take that back. I only wish I could think that. Sadly, I know it's not true.

Standard is every two to three years. Not monthly.
I guess you had no idea....why am I not surprised.
I like how CNN went from arch villain in the liberal media to absolute trustworthiness with you people the moment they put out something you liked.

cite who said they had absolute trustworthiness.

if you read the posts...virtually everyone has said: IF TRUE

lol, this is why people like you, people of no character or integrity, have to be factchecked on every single post you make.

Your virtually everyone number, in this thread turns out to be,

3 out of 10. Three who said 'if true' or the like. Seven who simply treated it as fact.

Look up the words 'virtually' and 'everyone'. And 'honesty' while you're at it.

Truly scandalous that the CIA wants to keep it's covert operations secret?

I mean under all other presidents the CIA's covert operations were always legal right?

What information did Congress get in the closed door meetings about the classified data from Benghazi that we peons don't get?
John Brennan's (Brennan a closet Muslim himself) CIA working 24/7/365 to help Comrade Obama bring about the Worldwide Islamic Caliphate. There is a reason, and with Comrade Cucksocker Barry, you just know it ain't good. At least not for America and Caucasian Americans. "This is the first time I've ever been proud of my country!" Michelle Obama, married to the man who likely heartily applauded Jeremiah Wright's statement that 9/11 was "America's chickens coming home to roost!"
I totally understand the need for CIA operations to remain secret if at all possible. I also think that when one goes south resulting in the deaths of our Ambassador, though, there needs to be accountability for such as to what went wrong and why. We did not see the intellgence committee come forth in a united effort from both parties after this to state that an investigation was being handled to find out what happened. All we got were some outlandish lies about a video.

And, if indeed, this was running weapons, I personally wonder why it took over 2 weeks for the FBI to get in there to investigate, unless they wanted the 'facts' to disappear from view. Could that also be why the responsible parties have not been arrested and charged? It also makes me wonder, if indeed it was running weapons, were any of those weapons responsible for the attack itself?
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Truly scandalous that the CIA wants to keep it's covert operations secret?

I mean under all other presidents the CIA's covert operations were always legal right?

What information did Congress get in the closed door meetings about the classified data from Benghazi that we peons don't get?

what is so secret? who says everything was covert ops?

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