CIA Director: "the Israelis used Pollard to obtain our attack plan against the USSR, all of it"

Don't see a lot of difference between Pollard and Elsberg. Elsberg even got awards.

you make an interesting analogy-----it is clear that POLLARD----actually
thought his release of papers to the US ally---Israel----was a good thing.
My personal opinion (I have some minimal experience with "secret stuff"---
having served as an officer in the US Navy) is -----that he was DEAD WRONG--
but it is clear that he did not imagine that he was causing a problem to the USA.
He was just "technically" not supposed to do what he did------kinda stupid.
He seems to have been jailed too long for "stupid"------HOWEVER I still
do not know what damage his activities caused the USA

Pollard was Jew First and an American Second. That was his problem.

But frankly, 30 years was an excessive sentence, there are guys who spied for our ENEMIES who got less time.

Let the Zionists have him.

And then start asking the long hard question of what good reasons we have to be getting in the middle of the fight between the Zionists and the Arabs who want to kill them.

we have never been in the middle----we are in the periphery
when you give the Zionists 4 billion a year and make war against whatever despot scares them this week, you are in the middle.
In "The Case Against Jonathan Pollard," Seymour M. Hersh relates a conversation between the late William J. Casey, then CIA director, and one of his station chiefs, a month after Pollard's arrest. When his subordinate asked why the CIA chief was ordering stepped-up monitoring of an Israeli delegation on a routine visit,

"'He asked if I knew anything about the Pollard case,' the station chief recalled, and he said that Casey had added, 'For your information, the Israelis used Pollard to obtain our attack plan against the USSR, all of it. The coordinates, the firing locations, the sequences"


Our "friends" the dancing Israelis

For shame

Everyone spies on everyone else, especially allies. Pretending it's otherwise is hypocritical.


Israhell exists SOLELY because the US recognized it in 1949. It has given the entity over $130 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBillion in foreign aid since then. The secrets were given to the USSR .

So shut the fuck up.

In "The Case Against Jonathan Pollard," Seymour M. Hersh relates a conversation between the late William J. Casey, then CIA director, and one of his station chiefs, a month after Pollard's arrest. When his subordinate asked why the CIA chief was ordering stepped-up monitoring of an Israeli delegation on a routine visit,

"'He asked if I knew anything about the Pollard case,' the station chief recalled, and he said that Casey had added, 'For your information, the Israelis used Pollard to obtain our attack plan against the USSR, all of it. The coordinates, the firing locations, the sequences"


Our "friends" the dancing Israelis

For shame

Everyone spies on everyone else, especially allies. Pretending it's otherwise is hypocritical.


Israhell exists SOLELY because the US recognized it in 1949. It has given the entity over $130 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBillion in foreign aid since then. The secrets were given to the USSR .

So shut the fuck up.


Israel exists because God loves Israel, and hates you and your buddies.
In "The Case Against Jonathan Pollard," Seymour M. Hersh relates a conversation between the late William J. Casey, then CIA director, and one of his station chiefs, a month after Pollard's arrest. When his subordinate asked why the CIA chief was ordering stepped-up monitoring of an Israeli delegation on a routine visit,

"'He asked if I knew anything about the Pollard case,' the station chief recalled, and he said that Casey had added, 'For your information, the Israelis used Pollard to obtain our attack plan against the USSR, all of it. The coordinates, the firing locations, the sequences"


Our "friends" the dancing Israelis

For shame

Everyone spies on everyone else, especially allies. Pretending it's otherwise is hypocritical.


Israhell exists SOLELY because the US recognized it in 1949. It has given the entity over $130 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBillion in foreign aid since then. The secrets were given to the USSR .

So shut the fuck up.


Israel exists because God loves Israel, and hates you and your buddies.


You are one of Rev Hagee's dumb asses.

Pollard is a disgrace. God knows how many other Pollards there have been/currently are in this country undermining our foreign policy...

Keep Pollard in Jail

And throw away the key

by Justin Raimondo, July 27, 2015

The Wall Street Journal report that jailed Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard will be released on the thirtieth anniversary of his conviction – November 21 – is clearly an attempt by the Obama administration to quiet Israeli opposition to the Iran deal. And it is just as clearly not working for the simple reason that the Israelis cannot be appeased, as thisNew York Times story makes all too clear:

“‘If this is the motive, it’s naïve,’ said Amnon Rubinstein, a law professor at the Interdisciplinary Center in Herzliya, Israel, who joined the growing movement calling for Mr. Pollard’s release in recent years. ‘The two things are totally separate. One is a human consideration, and one is a strategic issue, which most Israelis, including myself, regard as existential.’

Aaron David Miller, a State Department veteran on Middle East affairs who is now at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, said any such move would look bad for President Obama, given that Americans remain in Iranian prisons. And he added that it would probably make Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel ‘fight harder’ against the Iran deal ‘so he’s not thought to have colluded.’

“‘Pollard is apples and the Iran deal is oranges,’ Mr. Miller said. ‘The Pollard card is not just of limited value, but potentially damaging.
Don't see a lot of difference between Pollard and Elsberg. Elsberg even got awards.

you make an interesting analogy-----it is clear that POLLARD----actually
thought his release of papers to the US ally---Israel----was a good thing.
My personal opinion (I have some minimal experience with "secret stuff"---
having served as an officer in the US Navy) is -----that he was DEAD WRONG--
but it is clear that he did not imagine that he was causing a problem to the USA.
He was just "technically" not supposed to do what he did------kinda stupid.
He seems to have been jailed too long for "stupid"------HOWEVER I still
do not know what damage his activities caused the USA

Pollard was Jew First and an American Second. That was his problem.

But frankly, 30 years was an excessive sentence, there are guys who spied for our ENEMIES who got less time.

Let the Zionists have him.

And then start asking the long hard question of what good reasons we have to be getting in the middle of the fight between the Zionists and the Arabs who want to kill them.

Nothing wrong about being a Jew.

But being a zionut is a criminal act.

No American politician will be elected to office unless Bibi blesses them with his urine.

And so it fucking goes.


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