CIA had Nord Stream attack plans 3 months before it happened

You're putting too much emphasis on the MIC. It's all to their enrichment but there are other much more important considerations.

Russia must be destroyed, before it becomes Russia/China!
Russia hasn't done anything to us to warrant this kind of investment in their demise.... There is something much more heinous going on here...
If any of our adversaries deserve a good ass kicking its China... not Russia... Trump was right to try and befriend Putin to keep Russia from seeking a tie to China... now if a world war begins we will have to fight both Russia and China....
Why is it news if it is not true?

Why are you spreading propaganda?

To put it out in the open and call it what it is

Anymore dumb questions gator?
Are a lot of Americans starting to wander over to the side that is opposing this war against Russia?
I hope so. You’d think when the entire corporate media and many politicians claimed the war was unprovoked, all would have opposed the war. Anyone who knows anything knows it was provoked.
Says you, citing you. And you're the same hapless soul that imagined that Biden blew up the pipeline.

You'll need to imagine a bit harder.

It isn't that hard to imagine he did.

Biden said this.

Victoria nuland said this.

And right after it was blown up a polish lawmaker thanked the usa.

Then coincidentally the day after the nordstream pipeline was blown up on the 26th

Poland unveiled it's new pipeline (yes the same Poland I linked above) the Baltic pipeline that will run in the Baltic sea. The same Baltic sea where nordstream 2 was blown up in.

So how many coincidences does it take before it's no longer a coincidence?
It isn't that hard to imagine he did.

Biden said this.

Victoria nuland said this.

And right after it was blown up a polish lawmaker thanked the usa.

Then coincidentally the day after the nordstream pipeline was blown up on the 26th

Poland unveiled it's new pipeline (yes the same Poland I linked above) the Baltic pipeline that will run in the Baltic sea. The same Baltic sea where nordstream 2 was blown up in.

So how many coincidences does it take before it's no longer a coincidence?

Shitlibs - "noooooo don't believe you're lying eyes and ears it was Russia, Russia, Russia!"

CIA had Nord Stream attack plans 3 months before it happened​

Where / WHO did they get them from?

Why didn't they try to warn someone?

Why didn't they try to protect the pipeline?

Was the same failed dumbass put in charge of PREVENTING J6 put in charge of PROTECTING the pipeline?

Russia hasn't done anything to us to warrant this kind of investment in their demise.... There is something much more heinous going on here...
If any of our adversaries deserve a good ass kicking its China... not Russia... Trump was right to try and befriend Putin to keep Russia from seeking a tie to China... now if a world war begins we will have to fight both Russia and China....
I don't think that anything an American did or didn't do had any influence over the coming alliance of Russia and China.

America has proven uneguivocally over the years since WW2 to be an aggressor that will never stop!
It isn't that hard to imagine he did.

Biden said this.

Victoria nuland said this.

And right after it was blown up a polish lawmaker thanked the usa.

Then coincidentally the day after the nordstream pipeline was blown up on the 26th

Poland unveiled it's new pipeline (yes the same Poland I linked above) the Baltic pipeline that will run in the Baltic sea. The same Baltic sea where nordstream 2 was blown up in.

So how many coincidences does it take before it's no longer a coincidence?

Oh, its not hard to *imagine* at all.

But the evidence isn't there that the US actually blew up Nord stream 3.

Instead, that Ukraine did.
I don't think that anything an American did or didn't do had any influence over the coming alliance of Russia and China.

America has proven uneguivocally over the years since WW2 to be an aggressor that will never stop!
How can you say that... in G5 meetings Putin and Trump got along famously... then the dems began their war on Putin because they foolishly believed Putin got Trump elected... you know that's true... or you should know it by now.... the Russian collusion story was false from the start... and the FBI knew it....
Sure Putin has always wanted territory lost back under Russian control but did little towards that end while Trump was in office... Putin made his Ukrainian advancements under Obama and now Biden....
How can you say that... in G5 meetings Putin and Trump got along famously... then the dems began their war on Putin because they foolishly believed Putin got Trump elected... you know that's true... or you should know it by now.... the Russian collusion story was false from the start... and the FBI knew it....
Sure Putin has always wanted territory lost back under Russian control but did little towards that end while Trump was in office... Putin made his Ukrainian advancements under Obama and now Biden....

What 'war on Putin'? Putin attacked Ukraine.

You've been watching *way* too much RT.
What 'war on Putin'? Putin attacked Ukraine.

You've been watching *way* too much RT.
OMG dude... every democrat in office and the media attacked Putin daily for 5 years for interfering in our election... he denied it every time to no avail over our raging lib media.... then the dems went on the offensive in baiting Putin to invade Ukraine.... were you not watching or what?....

CIA had Nord Stream attack plans 3 months before it happened​

Where / WHO did they get them from?

Why didn't they try to warn someone?

Why didn't they try to protect the pipeline?

Was the same failed dumbass put in charge of PREVENTING J6 put in charge of PROTECTING the pipeline?

Its exactly like after those tranny leftist shooters lately. "Oh it was on our radar"
How can you say that... in G5 meetings Putin and Trump got along famously... then the dems began their war on Putin because they foolishly believed Putin got Trump elected... you know that's true... or you should know it by now.... the Russian collusion story was false from the start... and the FBI knew it....
Sure Putin has always wanted territory lost back under Russian control but did little towards that end while Trump was in office... Putin made his Ukrainian advancements under Obama and now Biden....
Yes, Putin and Trump got along famously but Putin would have been committed many years ago that the crunch was coming. America was in fact doing the equivalent of declaring war against Russia since the bombing of Japan, which was done for that purpose. Putin wasn't even born!

Putin was himself aware of America's aggressive posture by 2006 at least.

I wouldn't debate with any convictions that Trump wouldn't have pushed Russia to react when it did, but there does seem to be an indication that America would have had to wait for a more co-operative regime.

Now that you've chosen to support Russia, you're going to have to bone up on the details that history recorded. There's no way to escape the truth. Ask Rust, he seems to have been keeping up.
Yes, Putin and Trump got along famously but Putin would have been committed many years ago that the crunch was coming. America was in fact doing the equivalent of declaring war against Russia since the bombing of Japan, which was done for that purpose. Putin wasn't even born!

Putin was himself aware of America's aggressive posture by 2006 at least.

I wouldn't debate with any convictions that Trump wouldn't have pushed Russia to react when it did, but there does seem to be an indication that America would have had to wait for a more co-operative regime.

Now that you've chosen to support Russia, you're going to have to bone up on the details that history recorded. There's no way to escape the truth. Ask Rust, he seems to have been keeping up.
You can say what you want and believe what you want... the truth is no moves were made against Ukraine by Putin while Trump was president... only under Obama and Biden... that tells me something was happening we were not privy to under those men.... not just the crippling sanctions the dems used on Russia... but something even more sinister to bring about this invasion....
Stop that cartoon shit, it's not for grownups and it's going to tear down everything you've recently created for your credibility.
Here comes the shitlib telling people how to post

Go fuck yourself



And I'm still waiting on you're answer about why you think "Russia needs to be destroyed" Care to answer?

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