CIA Joins FBI In 'Proven Traitor / Threat To US Democracy Status', Involved In JFK Assassination

Indeed, they do not want the People to know how the CIA and Federal agencies were deeply involved in the assassination of JKF.

Your source has no creidbility.

For example your first link dives into the autopsy and claims outright false hoods,.

The doctors involved were unsupervised and did not sign any NDAs and have spoken about it many times.

It was not fraudulent either.
It probably belongs in the history forum but it should be noted that JFK was responsible for empowering the CIA to such a degree that the Agency reserved the option to raise an army to invade a sovereign country (Cuba). Oswald was a criminal traitor who abandoned his military post and his citizenship and chose Russia. Why the hell he was welcomed back into the U.S. with his KGB bride in the coldest part of the Cold War was never addressed while the Warren Commission focused on the phantoms of the "Grassy Knoll".
Oswald abandoned no post. He had none to abandon. Nor did he abandon his citienship. He was a US citizen until he died.

He had no KGB bride and had every right to return to the US

The Warren Commision never mentioned the grassy knoll
Those who have read JFK Jr. know that he's syncing with the pathology of the nazi dem media: WHO appoints Farrar.

'After twenty years of modeling exercises, the CIA -- working with medical technocrats like Anthony Fauci and billionaire Internet tycoons -- had pulled off the ultimate coup d'etat: some 250 years after America's historic revolt against entrenched oligarchy and authoritarian rule, the American experiment with self-government was over. The oligarchy was restored, and these gentlemen and their spymasters had equipped the rising technocracy with new tools of control unimaginable to King George or to any other tyrant in history.
Anthony Fauci's emails reveal that Wellcome Trust Director Sir Jeremy Farrar worked directly with Dr. Fauci to orchestrate the cover-up og the Wuhan lab leak evidence, assigning a staff of five Wellcome Trust operatives to manage the fraud.
Holocaust survivor Vera Sirav told me: "It's a public health problem. Why are the military and the CIA so heavily involved? Why is everything secret? Why can't we know the ingredients of these products, which the taxpayers financed? Why are all their emails redacted? Why can't we see the contracts with vaccine manufacturers?

Why are we mandating a treatment with an experimental technology with minimal testing? Since COVID-19 harms fewer than 1 percent, what is the justification for putting 100 percent of the population at risk? We need to recognize that this is a vast human experiment on all of mankind, with an unproven technology, conducted by spies and generals primarily trained to kill and not to save lives." What could possibly go wrong?'
(Kennedy, The Real Anthony Fauci)
You confuse defending someone with asttacking your lies.
No, exposing your lies repeatedly with a link as you offer nothing but your 'nuh-uh' has exposed your false narrative.

Whatever else they may or may not have done is irrelevant.

Yeah because running weapons to terrorists and treasonously spying on Congress, for which they were never punished, is irrelevant and does not prove the organization is still criminals and traitors ... according to you.

I'm sure they have turned from their criminal / treasonous ways, as the FBI continues to prove it has.

It probably belongs in the history forum but it should be noted that JFK was responsible for empowering the CIA to such a degree that the Agency reserved the option to raise an army to invade a sovereign country (Cuba). Oswald was a criminal traitor who abandoned his military post and his citizenship and chose Russia. Why the hell he was welcomed back into the U.S. with his KGB bride in the coldest part of the Cold War was never addressed while the Warren Commission focused on the phantoms of the "Grassy Knoll".

According to Soup, all this is irrelevant...

No, exposing your lies repeatedly with a link as you offer nothing but your 'nuh-uh' has exposed your false narrative.

Yeah because running weapons to terrorists and treasonously spying on Congress, for which they were never punished, is irrelevant and does not prove the organization is still criminals and traitors ... according to you.

I'm sure they have turned from their criminal / treasonous ways, as the FBI continues to prove it has.

Your link backfired and exposed you

Ity proved you are lying through your fingers

Yes all of those crimes have nothing to do with another you dipshit
According to Soup, all this is irrelevant...

Already addressed and corrected.

It is not irrelevant it is false.

He abandoned no post and remaiend a US citizen till he died.

His wife had nothing to do with the KGB and the Warren commission did not focus on the grassy knoll.

Not irrelevant boy but simply lies much like your claim of someone with insider knowledhe who you cannot name
Already addressed and corrected.

It is not irrelevant it is false.

So the CIA never had anything to do with the Bay of Pigs?

L I A R!

Way to shoot yourself in the face, snowflake.


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'MI6 spy Christopher Steele is a leader of the British organization "Independent Sage," a sketchy, yet highly influential collective of social scientists, psychologists, and professional propagandists who use the news media to relentlessly pressure the UK government anytime it hesitates to deploy the flinty authoritarianism needed to achieve "zero COVID." Steele is only one of the many former intelligence officers who cheerleaded draconian responses to COVID and applaud the onset of totalitarianism.'
(Kennedy, op cit, p. 431)
So the CIA never had anything to do with the Bay of Pigs?

L I A R!

Way to shoot yourself in the face, snowflake.
The bay of pigs had nothing to do with it

I was clearly discuussing Oswald

Once again you prove yourself the liar
Oswald abandoned no post. He had none to abandon. Nor did he abandon his citienship. He was a US citizen until he died.

He had no KGB bride and had every right to return to the US

The Warren Commision never mentioned the grassy knoll

Oswald abandoned no post. He had none to abandon. Nor did he abandon his citienship. He was a US citizen until he died.

While in the military in Japan Oswald worked in the U-2 program. After he defected to Russia a U.2 plane was shot down. Coincidence? At least worthy of a CIA investigation but Oswald came back to the U.S. with a Russian bride and resumed his life without any scrutiny in the coldest part of the Cold War.
Already covered in multiple threads

Fake news

Another unnamed anonymous intelligence source. Man those people are multiplying like rabbits! :p

And like, so what? I've seen unclassified docs too. So have hundreds of other people. Yeah sure, certain individuals in the Miami station were probably involved, so what? We knew that already. (The last principal just passed away about a year ago, to my knowledge he was the last original).

I agree, fake news. Astroturfing.
There is something those in power don’t want us to know.
Of course there is. They think it's awful falafel. But first of all we already know what it is, and secondly after Trump and Biden what could possibly be all that bad? lol :p

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