CIA,Saudis give select Syrian "militias" weapons capable of downing airliners

CIA, Saudis To Give "Select" Syrian Militants Weapons Capable Of Downing Commercial Airliners | Zero Hedge

Great idea! Arm terrorists because they are fighting a stable regime in the ME! That's been working so well for the US...

Arming the Taliban for use against the Soviets worked so well, why not do it some more? ;)

With all due respect, the Taliban were not formed till the mid 90's and it was Benazir Bhutto who funded and armed them. In 1991 the Pakistan's ISI got really busy.

It is true that the Mujahideen were the ones we funded and gave weapons to. And in typical fashion though no one thought ahead that after the Russians withdrew all those weapons would still be there and the Taliban did seize those weapons from the warlords

"The first major military activity of the Taliban was in October–November 1994 when they marched from Maiwand in southern Afghanistan to capture Kandahar City and the surrounding provinces, losing only a few dozen men.

Starting with the capture of a border crossing and a huge ammunition dump from warlord Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, a few weeks later they freed "a convoy trying to open a trade route from Pakistan to Central Asia" from another group of warlords attempting to extort money.

In the next three months this hitherto "unknown force" took control of twelve of Afghanistan's 34 provinces, with Mujahideen warlords often surrendering to them without a fight and the "heavily armed population" giving up their weapons. By September 1996 they had captured Afghanistan's capital, Kabul."

Taliban's rise to power - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

AND here's Pakistan's involvement. Great article by the way. Worth the read to better understand the murky world of what is known as ghost wars. Bhutto was an evil bitch.

"In 1991, Pakistan's intelligence services stashed a massive cache of assault rifles and ammunition at a secret weapons dump in Spin Boldak, rushing armaments across the border as a (phony) deadline loomed for ending direct supply of their favoured combatants in Afghanistan's civil war.

Seventeen tunnels beneath the dump contained enough weaponry to arm thousands of soldiers.

Three years later, the Taliban broke the depot open and handed out rifles – still wrapped in plastic – to volunteers summoned from local madrassas, an incident documented in the authoritative book Ghost Wars.

Within 24 hours, the Taliban captured Kandahar, Mullah Omar took possession of the governor's headquarters, and the airport was seized – with its six MiG-21 fighter jets, four Mi-17 transport helicopters, fleet of tanks and armed personnel carriers.

The Taliban gutting of Afghanistan was on, nearly all opponents swept aside, Kabul falling with barely a whimper.

As Ghost Wars author Steve Coll so dryly put it: "Benazir Bhutto was suddenly the matron of a new Afghan faction."

The late – twice – but no longer future prime minister of Pakistan was far, far from a stupid woman. The Taliban was a gamble she took, cunningly if not without considerable trepidation – and certainly at the behest of a powerful intelligence service, the ISI, she feared but had to accommodate, in the doomed hope of retaining office.

But make no mistake: The woman who is now being so widely mourned – assassinated last week, perhaps by the very elements she empowered more than a decade ago – was nurturing stepmother to terrorists incubated under her watch; the same Islamist fanatics she inveighed against during the election campaign that came to a screeching halt in the calamitous assault on her motorcade."

Bhutto helped create Taliban monster | Toronto Star
CIA, Saudis To Give "Select" Syrian Militants Weapons Capable Of Downing Commercial Airliners | Zero Hedge

Great idea! Arm terrorists because they are fighting a stable regime in the ME! That's been working so well for the US...

Arming the Taliban for use against the Soviets worked so well, why not do it some more? ;)

With all due respect, the Taliban were not formed till the mid 90's and it was Benazir Bhutto who funded and armed them. In 1991 the Pakistan's ISI got really busy.

It is true that the Mujahideen were the ones we funded and gave weapons to. And in typical fashion though no one thought ahead that after the Russians withdrew all those weapons would still be there and the Taliban did seize those weapons from the warlords

"The first major military activity of the Taliban was in October–November 1994 when they marched from Maiwand in southern Afghanistan to capture Kandahar City and the surrounding provinces, losing only a few dozen men.

Starting with the capture of a border crossing and a huge ammunition dump from warlord Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, a few weeks later they freed "a convoy trying to open a trade route from Pakistan to Central Asia" from another group of warlords attempting to extort money.

In the next three months this hitherto "unknown force" took control of twelve of Afghanistan's 34 provinces, with Mujahideen warlords often surrendering to them without a fight and the "heavily armed population" giving up their weapons. By September 1996 they had captured Afghanistan's capital, Kabul."

Taliban's rise to power - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

AND here's Pakistan's involvement. Great article by the way. Worth the read to better understand the murky world of what is known as ghost wars. Bhutto was an evil bitch.

"In 1991, Pakistan's intelligence services stashed a massive cache of assault rifles and ammunition at a secret weapons dump in Spin Boldak, rushing armaments across the border as a (phony) deadline loomed for ending direct supply of their favoured combatants in Afghanistan's civil war.

Seventeen tunnels beneath the dump contained enough weaponry to arm thousands of soldiers.

Three years later, the Taliban broke the depot open and handed out rifles – still wrapped in plastic – to volunteers summoned from local madrassas, an incident documented in the authoritative book Ghost Wars.

Within 24 hours, the Taliban captured Kandahar, Mullah Omar took possession of the governor's headquarters, and the airport was seized – with its six MiG-21 fighter jets, four Mi-17 transport helicopters, fleet of tanks and armed personnel carriers.

The Taliban gutting of Afghanistan was on, nearly all opponents swept aside, Kabul falling with barely a whimper.

As Ghost Wars author Steve Coll so dryly put it: "Benazir Bhutto was suddenly the matron of a new Afghan faction."

The late – twice – but no longer future prime minister of Pakistan was far, far from a stupid woman. The Taliban was a gamble she took, cunningly if not without considerable trepidation – and certainly at the behest of a powerful intelligence service, the ISI, she feared but had to accommodate, in the doomed hope of retaining office.

But make no mistake: The woman who is now being so widely mourned – assassinated last week, perhaps by the very elements she empowered more than a decade ago – was nurturing stepmother to terrorists incubated under her watch; the same Islamist fanatics she inveighed against during the election campaign that came to a screeching halt in the calamitous assault on her motorcade."

Bhutto helped create Taliban monster | Toronto Star

True but many of the Mujhideeen went on to become Taliban. 6 in one...

As we see in Syria with the hundreds of named groups, names come and go but the actual people remain the same. Not leaving or anything.
CIA, Saudis To Give "Select" Syrian Militants Weapons Capable Of Downing Commercial Airliners | Zero Hedge

Great idea! Arm terrorists because they are fighting a stable regime in the ME! That's been working so well for the US...

Arming the Taliban for use against the Soviets worked so well, why not do it some more? ;)

With all due respect, the Taliban were not formed till the mid 90's and it was Benazir Bhutto who funded and armed them. In 1991 the Pakistan's ISI got really busy.

It is true that the Mujahideen were the ones we funded and gave weapons to. And in typical fashion though no one thought ahead that after the Russians withdrew all those weapons would still be there and the Taliban did seize those weapons from the warlords

"The first major military activity of the Taliban was in October–November 1994 when they marched from Maiwand in southern Afghanistan to capture Kandahar City and the surrounding provinces, losing only a few dozen men.

Starting with the capture of a border crossing and a huge ammunition dump from warlord Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, a few weeks later they freed "a convoy trying to open a trade route from Pakistan to Central Asia" from another group of warlords attempting to extort money.

In the next three months this hitherto "unknown force" took control of twelve of Afghanistan's 34 provinces, with Mujahideen warlords often surrendering to them without a fight and the "heavily armed population" giving up their weapons. By September 1996 they had captured Afghanistan's capital, Kabul."

Taliban's rise to power - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

AND here's Pakistan's involvement. Great article by the way. Worth the read to better understand the murky world of what is known as ghost wars. Bhutto was an evil bitch.

"In 1991, Pakistan's intelligence services stashed a massive cache of assault rifles and ammunition at a secret weapons dump in Spin Boldak, rushing armaments across the border as a (phony) deadline loomed for ending direct supply of their favoured combatants in Afghanistan's civil war.

Seventeen tunnels beneath the dump contained enough weaponry to arm thousands of soldiers.

Three years later, the Taliban broke the depot open and handed out rifles – still wrapped in plastic – to volunteers summoned from local madrassas, an incident documented in the authoritative book Ghost Wars.

Within 24 hours, the Taliban captured Kandahar, Mullah Omar took possession of the governor's headquarters, and the airport was seized – with its six MiG-21 fighter jets, four Mi-17 transport helicopters, fleet of tanks and armed personnel carriers.

The Taliban gutting of Afghanistan was on, nearly all opponents swept aside, Kabul falling with barely a whimper.

As Ghost Wars author Steve Coll so dryly put it: "Benazir Bhutto was suddenly the matron of a new Afghan faction."

The late – twice – but no longer future prime minister of Pakistan was far, far from a stupid woman. The Taliban was a gamble she took, cunningly if not without considerable trepidation – and certainly at the behest of a powerful intelligence service, the ISI, she feared but had to accommodate, in the doomed hope of retaining office.

But make no mistake: The woman who is now being so widely mourned – assassinated last week, perhaps by the very elements she empowered more than a decade ago – was nurturing stepmother to terrorists incubated under her watch; the same Islamist fanatics she inveighed against during the election campaign that came to a screeching halt in the calamitous assault on her motorcade."

Bhutto helped create Taliban monster | Toronto Star

True but many of the Mujhideeen went on to become Taliban. 6 in one...

As we see in Syria with the hundreds of named groups, names come and go but the actual people remain the same. Not leaving or anything.

Oh I am not excusing any of our foolish involvements abroad. Make no mistake about that. It's as if foreign policy makers never ever think in the long term. Only in the here and now.

And this is a bipartisan slag :). Take Libya for example. We bombed the crap out of Ghaddafi's people and ended up turning over Libya AND all his weapons over to various jihadists groups who are now throwing pool parties at the US Embassy in Tripoli.

Our leaders in the west are bloody fools.

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