Cigarette Tax’s Unintended Consequences That EVERYBODY Saw Coming – Except Libs

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
Were liberals the only ones who didn’t see this coming?

When New York raised their cigarette taxes to the highest in the nation – $4.35 per pack – not only did revenue decline by $1.3 billion, but organized crime and the smuggling of cigarettes across state lines is now rampant in the Empire State.

Over the last ten years, while state lawmakers raised the tobacco tax by190 percent, smokers switched to cheaper alternatives – like going to nearby Indian Reservations – quit smoking altogether or bought them on the rampant black market, The Daily Caller is reporting.

In fact, now 58 percent of all cigarettes are supplied from out-of-state and the number of packs bought at “full price” has dropped by 62 percent.


High cigarette taxes not only assist global crime networks but also have a disproportionate impact on the poor. According to the New York State Department of Health, low-income smokers, defined as individuals in households earning less than $30,000 a year, spent 23.6 percent of the annual household income on cigarettes in 2010-2011. That number is up from 11.6 percent in 2003-2004.

Read more: New York Loses $400 Million After Imposing The Nation’s Highest Cigarette Tax
Were liberals the only ones who didn’t see this coming?

When New York raised their cigarette taxes to the highest in the nation – $4.35 per pack – not only did revenue decline by $1.3 billion, but organized crime and the smuggling of cigarettes across state lines is now rampant in the Empire State.

Over the last ten years, while state lawmakers raised the tobacco tax by190 percent, smokers switched to cheaper alternatives – like going to nearby Indian Reservations – quit smoking altogether or bought them on the rampant black market, The Daily Caller is reporting.

In fact, now 58 percent of all cigarettes are supplied from out-of-state and the number of packs bought at “full price” has dropped by 62 percent.


High cigarette taxes not only assist global crime networks but also have a disproportionate impact on the poor. According to the New York State Department of Health, low-income smokers, defined as individuals in households earning less than $30,000 a year, spent 23.6 percent of the annual household income on cigarettes in 2010-2011. That number is up from 11.6 percent in 2003-2004.

Read more: New York Loses $400 Million After Imposing The Nation’s Highest Cigarette Tax
Meanwhile cigarette smoking has dramatically declined
Were liberals the only ones who didn’t see this coming?

When New York raised their cigarette taxes to the highest in the nation – $4.35 per pack – not only did revenue decline by $1.3 billion, but organized crime and the smuggling of cigarettes across state lines is now rampant in the Empire State.

Over the last ten years, while state lawmakers raised the tobacco tax by190 percent, smokers switched to cheaper alternatives – like going to nearby Indian Reservations – quit smoking altogether or bought them on the rampant black market, The Daily Caller is reporting.

In fact, now 58 percent of all cigarettes are supplied from out-of-state and the number of packs bought at “full price” has dropped by 62 percent.


High cigarette taxes not only assist global crime networks but also have a disproportionate impact on the poor. According to the New York State Department of Health, low-income smokers, defined as individuals in households earning less than $30,000 a year, spent 23.6 percent of the annual household income on cigarettes in 2010-2011. That number is up from 11.6 percent in 2003-2004.

Read more: New York Loses $400 Million After Imposing The Nation’s Highest Cigarette Tax

There are some drawbacks to the poor, but there are benefits also. The fact is that the smoking rate among middle and high school kids has dropped dramatically. This will lead to a much lower rate of smokers down the road, because we all know that most smokers start smoking before they turn 18. As an ex-smoker who smoked for over 30 years, anything that can be done to reduce the number of young smokers is a positive in my book.
Were liberals the only ones who didn’t see this coming?

When New York raised their cigarette taxes to the highest in the nation – $4.35 per pack – not only did revenue decline by $1.3 billion, but organized crime and the smuggling of cigarettes across state lines is now rampant in the Empire State.

Over the last ten years, while state lawmakers raised the tobacco tax by190 percent, smokers switched to cheaper alternatives – like going to nearby Indian Reservations – quit smoking altogether or bought them on the rampant black market, The Daily Caller is reporting.

In fact, now 58 percent of all cigarettes are supplied from out-of-state and the number of packs bought at “full price” has dropped by 62 percent.


High cigarette taxes not only assist global crime networks but also have a disproportionate impact on the poor. According to the New York State Department of Health, low-income smokers, defined as individuals in households earning less than $30,000 a year, spent 23.6 percent of the annual household income on cigarettes in 2010-2011. That number is up from 11.6 percent in 2003-2004.

Read more: New York Loses $400 Million After Imposing The Nation’s Highest Cigarette Tax
Progressives are weak minded fools...
Were liberals the only ones who didn’t see this coming?

When New York raised their cigarette taxes to the highest in the nation – $4.35 per pack – not only did revenue decline by $1.3 billion, but organized crime and the smuggling of cigarettes across state lines is now rampant in the Empire State.

Over the last ten years, while state lawmakers raised the tobacco tax by190 percent, smokers switched to cheaper alternatives – like going to nearby Indian Reservations – quit smoking altogether or bought them on the rampant black market, The Daily Caller is reporting.

In fact, now 58 percent of all cigarettes are supplied from out-of-state and the number of packs bought at “full price” has dropped by 62 percent.


High cigarette taxes not only assist global crime networks but also have a disproportionate impact on the poor. According to the New York State Department of Health, low-income smokers, defined as individuals in households earning less than $30,000 a year, spent 23.6 percent of the annual household income on cigarettes in 2010-2011. That number is up from 11.6 percent in 2003-2004.

Read more: New York Loses $400 Million After Imposing The Nation’s Highest Cigarette Tax
Progressives are weak minded fools...
Smart people say that about cigarette smokers
This is what irks me about this: I KNOW that a bit of pipe smoking of a very good quality tobacco has a very small health risk..probably less than driving a car. It took me years to find a tobacco that was to my liking and now? You cannot import it here and a fair but inferior tobacco is about $60 per 50g tin. Now to the new age wowsers who consider this a good thing...damn: we're not in the Flame Zone!!

....let me just say that I consider you money grubbing low lifes that should just go and mind your own effing business.

Were liberals the only ones who didn’t see this coming?

When New York raised their cigarette taxes to the highest in the nation – $4.35 per pack – not only did revenue decline by $1.3 billion, but organized crime and the smuggling of cigarettes across state lines is now rampant in the Empire State.

Over the last ten years, while state lawmakers raised the tobacco tax by190 percent, smokers switched to cheaper alternatives – like going to nearby Indian Reservations – quit smoking altogether or bought them on the rampant black market, The Daily Caller is reporting.

In fact, now 58 percent of all cigarettes are supplied from out-of-state and the number of packs bought at “full price” has dropped by 62 percent.


High cigarette taxes not only assist global crime networks but also have a disproportionate impact on the poor. According to the New York State Department of Health, low-income smokers, defined as individuals in households earning less than $30,000 a year, spent 23.6 percent of the annual household income on cigarettes in 2010-2011. That number is up from 11.6 percent in 2003-2004.

Read more: New York Loses $400 Million After Imposing The Nation’s Highest Cigarette Tax

There are some drawbacks to the poor, but there are benefits also. The fact is that the smoking rate among middle and high school kids has dropped dramatically. This will lead to a much lower rate of smokers down the road, because we all know that most smokers start smoking before they turn 18. As an ex-smoker who smoked for over 30 years, anything that can be done to reduce the number of young smokers is a positive in my book.

The legal age for smoking is usually about 18...and if it isn't in your state then it should be. I suggest that you just enforce the law to get the same outcome!!

Were liberals the only ones who didn’t see this coming?

When New York raised their cigarette taxes to the highest in the nation – $4.35 per pack – not only did revenue decline by $1.3 billion, but organized crime and the smuggling of cigarettes across state lines is now rampant in the Empire State.

Over the last ten years, while state lawmakers raised the tobacco tax by190 percent, smokers switched to cheaper alternatives – like going to nearby Indian Reservations – quit smoking altogether or bought them on the rampant black market, The Daily Caller is reporting.

In fact, now 58 percent of all cigarettes are supplied from out-of-state and the number of packs bought at “full price” has dropped by 62 percent.


High cigarette taxes not only assist global crime networks but also have a disproportionate impact on the poor. According to the New York State Department of Health, low-income smokers, defined as individuals in households earning less than $30,000 a year, spent 23.6 percent of the annual household income on cigarettes in 2010-2011. That number is up from 11.6 percent in 2003-2004.

Read more: New York Loses $400 Million After Imposing The Nation’s Highest Cigarette Tax
Republicans want insurance companies to be able to cross state lines why not cigs?
Were liberals the only ones who didn’t see this coming?

When New York raised their cigarette taxes to the highest in the nation – $4.35 per pack – not only did revenue decline by $1.3 billion, but organized crime and the smuggling of cigarettes across state lines is now rampant in the Empire State.

Over the last ten years, while state lawmakers raised the tobacco tax by190 percent, smokers switched to cheaper alternatives – like going to nearby Indian Reservations – quit smoking altogether or bought them on the rampant black market, The Daily Caller is reporting.

In fact, now 58 percent of all cigarettes are supplied from out-of-state and the number of packs bought at “full price” has dropped by 62 percent.


High cigarette taxes not only assist global crime networks but also have a disproportionate impact on the poor. According to the New York State Department of Health, low-income smokers, defined as individuals in households earning less than $30,000 a year, spent 23.6 percent of the annual household income on cigarettes in 2010-2011. That number is up from 11.6 percent in 2003-2004.

Read more: New York Loses $400 Million After Imposing The Nation’s Highest Cigarette Tax

Has a real "Prohibition" flavour to it......stench might be a better word.

Prohibition in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Stuff "Progressives".

Were liberals the only ones who didn’t see this coming?

When New York raised their cigarette taxes to the highest in the nation – $4.35 per pack – not only did revenue decline by $1.3 billion, but organized crime and the smuggling of cigarettes across state lines is now rampant in the Empire State.

Over the last ten years, while state lawmakers raised the tobacco tax by190 percent, smokers switched to cheaper alternatives – like going to nearby Indian Reservations – quit smoking altogether or bought them on the rampant black market, The Daily Caller is reporting.

In fact, now 58 percent of all cigarettes are supplied from out-of-state and the number of packs bought at “full price” has dropped by 62 percent.


High cigarette taxes not only assist global crime networks but also have a disproportionate impact on the poor. According to the New York State Department of Health, low-income smokers, defined as individuals in households earning less than $30,000 a year, spent 23.6 percent of the annual household income on cigarettes in 2010-2011. That number is up from 11.6 percent in 2003-2004.

Read more: New York Loses $400 Million After Imposing The Nation’s Highest Cigarette Tax

There are some drawbacks to the poor, but there are benefits also. The fact is that the smoking rate among middle and high school kids has dropped dramatically. This will lead to a much lower rate of smokers down the road, because we all know that most smokers start smoking before they turn 18. As an ex-smoker who smoked for over 30 years, anything that can be done to reduce the number of young smokers is a positive in my book.

I've been a pipe smoker for THIRTY-EIGHT years and I don't intend to stop just because some Progressive wants to look after my health. I'll do that myself thank you very bloody much!!

So you're ok with cancer caused by Cigarettes costing our economy hundreds of billions of dollars! You conservatives are disgusting pieces of shit and I can't believe it but I am starting to see that liberals were always right about you.
Were liberals the only ones who didn’t see this coming?

When New York raised their cigarette taxes to the highest in the nation – $4.35 per pack – not only did revenue decline by $1.3 billion, but organized crime and the smuggling of cigarettes across state lines is now rampant in the Empire State.

Over the last ten years, while state lawmakers raised the tobacco tax by190 percent, smokers switched to cheaper alternatives – like going to nearby Indian Reservations – quit smoking altogether or bought them on the rampant black market, The Daily Caller is reporting.

In fact, now 58 percent of all cigarettes are supplied from out-of-state and the number of packs bought at “full price” has dropped by 62 percent.


High cigarette taxes not only assist global crime networks but also have a disproportionate impact on the poor. According to the New York State Department of Health, low-income smokers, defined as individuals in households earning less than $30,000 a year, spent 23.6 percent of the annual household income on cigarettes in 2010-2011. That number is up from 11.6 percent in 2003-2004.

Read more: New York Loses $400 Million After Imposing The Nation’s Highest Cigarette Tax
Progressives are weak minded fools...

Idiots like you are evil and donn't even believe in doing shit to improve society. You want to talk abotu weak minded fools? You're a fucking king of such.
So you're ok with cancer caused by Cigarettes costing our economy hundreds of billions of dollars! You conservatives are disgusting pieces of shit and I can't believe it but I am starting to see that liberals were always right about you.
Cancer is a disease. I pray for a cure by the time I may or may not need it, but a cure nonetheless. And I demand that the cancer causing agents in tobacco be removed and any co-factors minimised. And your hysterical rhetoric does you no credit. I suggest you stop smoking dope; it has far more carcinogens than tobacco...and no filters. If I recall similar logic to yours was applied to Aids. We now consider that "just a disease".

Were liberals the only ones who didn’t see this coming?

When New York raised their cigarette taxes to the highest in the nation – $4.35 per pack – not only did revenue decline by $1.3 billion, but organized crime and the smuggling of cigarettes across state lines is now rampant in the Empire State.

Over the last ten years, while state lawmakers raised the tobacco tax by190 percent, smokers switched to cheaper alternatives – like going to nearby Indian Reservations – quit smoking altogether or bought them on the rampant black market, The Daily Caller is reporting.

In fact, now 58 percent of all cigarettes are supplied from out-of-state and the number of packs bought at “full price” has dropped by 62 percent.


High cigarette taxes not only assist global crime networks but also have a disproportionate impact on the poor. According to the New York State Department of Health, low-income smokers, defined as individuals in households earning less than $30,000 a year, spent 23.6 percent of the annual household income on cigarettes in 2010-2011. That number is up from 11.6 percent in 2003-2004.

Read more: New York Loses $400 Million After Imposing The Nation’s Highest Cigarette Tax

I agree and I sure as hell saw it coming.
So you're ok with cancer caused by Cigarettes costing our economy hundreds of billions of dollars! You conservatives are disgusting pieces of shit and I can't believe it but I am starting to see that liberals were always right about you.
If someone wants to smoke, or drink, or do drugs it's none of your fucking business

The entire idea of taxing people to change their personal behavior is abhorrent
Were liberals the only ones who didn’t see this coming?

When New York raised their cigarette taxes to the highest in the nation – $4.35 per pack – not only did revenue decline by $1.3 billion, but organized crime and the smuggling of cigarettes across state lines is now rampant in the Empire State.

Over the last ten years, while state lawmakers raised the tobacco tax by190 percent, smokers switched to cheaper alternatives – like going to nearby Indian Reservations – quit smoking altogether or bought them on the rampant black market, The Daily Caller is reporting.

In fact, now 58 percent of all cigarettes are supplied from out-of-state and the number of packs bought at “full price” has dropped by 62 percent.


High cigarette taxes not only assist global crime networks but also have a disproportionate impact on the poor. According to the New York State Department of Health, low-income smokers, defined as individuals in households earning less than $30,000 a year, spent 23.6 percent of the annual household income on cigarettes in 2010-2011. That number is up from 11.6 percent in 2003-2004.

Read more: New York Loses $400 Million After Imposing The Nation’s Highest Cigarette Tax
Progressives are weak minded fools...

Idiots like you are evil and donn't even believe in doing shit to improve society. You want to talk abotu weak minded fools? You're a fucking king of such.
Sorry your feelings are hurt...
Oh, here we go with the liberals. Big bad mean big tobacco corporations selling icky tobacco.



Not kidding. Do you know liberals like the old school loser have been convinced and will happily tell you that marijuana is good for you?

No no no....

Not that it is bad for you. They will tell you smoking pot, is GOOD for you.

Oh, but look at them about those evil corporations selling tobacco. Now all of a sudden it is all about evil white right wingers.

Is there anything that they are not hypocrites about? I mean they are utterly ridiculous.
Cigarette Tax’s Unintended Consequences That EVERYBODY Saw Coming – Except Libs

Er..umm.. the consequences aren't "unintended" it's a classic "sin tax" whereby behavior that is considered destructive and/or anti-social is heavily taxed thus reducing the incentive for the citizenry to continue said behavior while at the same time providing some revenue, the tax is working as the designers intended. The expansion of the black market to avoid the tax is a historical norm and nobody with any understanding of human nature would characterize it as unexpected.

The wisdom or morality of enacting such taxes is an entirely different matter, however one might suggest that it's a far wiser course than taxing income.

"Whatever you tax, you get less of" -- Alan Greenspan

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