Cigarette Tax’s Unintended Consequences That EVERYBODY Saw Coming – Except Libs

Oh, here we go with the liberals. Big bad mean big tobacco corporations selling icky tobacco.



Not kidding. Do you know liberals like the old school loser have been convinced and will happily tell you that marijuana is good for you?

No no no....

Not that it is bad for you. They will tell you smoking pot, is GOOD for you.

Oh, but look at them about those evil corporations selling tobacco. Now all of a sudden it is all about evil white right wingers.

Is there anything that they are not hypocrites about? I mean they are utterly ridiculous.
Noone is suggesting that cigarettes be outlawed. You can bet that if weed becomes legal, it will be taxed even more than tobacco. You don't like paying so much for cigarettes? Then quit. In the meantime, stop whining. Conservatives are the biggest crybabies ever. Take some personal responsibility, loser
gotta love how leftist are really really good at destroying things

ny LOST $1.3 billion in taxes, so they will have to get that money either form borrowing it or raising taxes somewhere else, since we know they are to dumb to cut spending.

Now, we just saw an example of raising taxes hurting a state, NY just proved us right and leftist wrong, but will leftist learn? no, of course not.
Were liberals the only ones who didn’t see this coming?

When New York raised their cigarette taxes to the highest in the nation – $4.35 per pack – not only did revenue decline by $1.3 billion, but organized crime and the smuggling of cigarettes across state lines is now rampant in the Empire State.

Over the last ten years, while state lawmakers raised the tobacco tax by190 percent, smokers switched to cheaper alternatives – like going to nearby Indian Reservations – quit smoking altogether or bought them on the rampant black market, The Daily Caller is reporting.

In fact, now 58 percent of all cigarettes are supplied from out-of-state and the number of packs bought at “full price” has dropped by 62 percent.


High cigarette taxes not only assist global crime networks but also have a disproportionate impact on the poor. According to the New York State Department of Health, low-income smokers, defined as individuals in households earning less than $30,000 a year, spent 23.6 percent of the annual household income on cigarettes in 2010-2011. That number is up from 11.6 percent in 2003-2004.

Read more: New York Loses $400 Million After Imposing The Nation’s Highest Cigarette Tax
Yep.....Democrats see a problem....and they make it worse.

Never fails.
Oh, here we go with the liberals. Big bad mean big tobacco corporations selling icky tobacco.



Not kidding. Do you know liberals like the old school loser have been convinced and will happily tell you that marijuana is good for you?

No no no....

Not that it is bad for you. They will tell you smoking pot, is GOOD for you.

Oh, but look at them about those evil corporations selling tobacco. Now all of a sudden it is all about evil white right wingers.

Is there anything that they are not hypocrites about? I mean they are utterly ridiculous.
Noone is suggesting that cigarettes be outlawed. You can bet that if weed becomes legal, it will be taxed even more than tobacco. You don't like paying so much for cigarettes? Then quit. In the meantime, stop whining. Conservatives are the biggest crybabies ever. Take some personal responsibility, loser
Of course you miss my point. Of course you did.

Fucking loser
Were liberals the only ones who didn’t see this coming?

When New York raised their cigarette taxes to the highest in the nation – $4.35 per pack – not only did revenue decline by $1.3 billion, but organized crime and the smuggling of cigarettes across state lines is now rampant in the Empire State.

Over the last ten years, while state lawmakers raised the tobacco tax by190 percent, smokers switched to cheaper alternatives – like going to nearby Indian Reservations – quit smoking altogether or bought them on the rampant black market, The Daily Caller is reporting.

In fact, now 58 percent of all cigarettes are supplied from out-of-state and the number of packs bought at “full price” has dropped by 62 percent.


High cigarette taxes not only assist global crime networks but also have a disproportionate impact on the poor. According to the New York State Department of Health, low-income smokers, defined as individuals in households earning less than $30,000 a year, spent 23.6 percent of the annual household income on cigarettes in 2010-2011. That number is up from 11.6 percent in 2003-2004.

Read more: New York Loses $400 Million After Imposing The Nation’s Highest Cigarette Tax
Yep.....Democrats see a problem....and they make it worse.

Never fails.

The percent of people who smoke has dropped from over 50% to under 20%
Number of packs smoked per day has also dropped in half

Whatever them Librals are doing, it seems to be working
Were liberals the only ones who didn’t see this coming?

When New York raised their cigarette taxes to the highest in the nation – $4.35 per pack – not only did revenue decline by $1.3 billion, but organized crime and the smuggling of cigarettes across state lines is now rampant in the Empire State.

Over the last ten years, while state lawmakers raised the tobacco tax by190 percent, smokers switched to cheaper alternatives – like going to nearby Indian Reservations – quit smoking altogether or bought them on the rampant black market, The Daily Caller is reporting.

In fact, now 58 percent of all cigarettes are supplied from out-of-state and the number of packs bought at “full price” has dropped by 62 percent.


High cigarette taxes not only assist global crime networks but also have a disproportionate impact on the poor. According to the New York State Department of Health, low-income smokers, defined as individuals in households earning less than $30,000 a year, spent 23.6 percent of the annual household income on cigarettes in 2010-2011. That number is up from 11.6 percent in 2003-2004.

Read more: New York Loses $400 Million After Imposing The Nation’s Highest Cigarette Tax

There are some drawbacks to the poor, but there are benefits also. The fact is that the smoking rate among middle and high school kids has dropped dramatically. This will lead to a much lower rate of smokers down the road, because we all know that most smokers start smoking before they turn 18. As an ex-smoker who smoked for over 30 years, anything that can be done to reduce the number of young smokers is a positive in my book.

The legal age for smoking is usually about 18...and if it isn't in your state then it should be. I suggest that you just enforce the law to get the same outcome!!


You're not all that bright are you? Kids can get pot and heroin with ease, and those items are completely illegal. Do you really believe the laws can be effectively enforced to prevent teenagers from getting cigarettes? You, like so many others, live in a fantasy world rather than reality.
Cigarette Tax’s Unintended Consequences That EVERYBODY Saw Coming – Except Libs

Er..umm.. the consequences aren't "unintended" it's a classic "sin tax" whereby behavior that is considered destructive and/or anti-social is heavily taxed thus reducing the incentive for the citizenry to continue said behavior while at the same time providing some revenue, the tax is working as the designers intended. The expansion of the black market to avoid the tax is a historical norm and nobody with any understanding of human nature would characterize it as unexpected.

The wisdom or morality of enacting such taxes is an entirely different matter, however one might suggest that it's a far wiser course than taxing income.

"Whatever you tax, you get less of" -- Alan Greenspan

Yea uhm ok, I see where the libs had it in the budget for that 1.3 billion dollars of lost revenue.
Cigarette Tax’s Unintended Consequences That EVERYBODY Saw Coming – Except Libs

Er..umm.. the consequences aren't "unintended" it's a classic "sin tax" whereby behavior that is considered destructive and/or anti-social is heavily taxed thus reducing the incentive for the citizenry to continue said behavior while at the same time providing some revenue, the tax is working as the designers intended. The expansion of the black market to avoid the tax is a historical norm and nobody with any understanding of human nature would characterize it as unexpected.

The wisdom or morality of enacting such taxes is an entirely different matter, however one might suggest that it's a far wiser course than taxing income.

"Whatever you tax, you get less of" -- Alan Greenspan

Yea uhm ok, I see where the libs had it in the budget for that 1.3 billion dollars of lost revenue.

That's because they have a problem with math and a penchant for lying to themselves regarding revenue projections, that doesn't alter the fact that this particular sin tax isn't anything unique in the history of sin taxes.
IMO Liberals / Politicians saw the high mortality rate caused by cigarette usage and felt pressured to do something; however, they did not want to miss out on the immediate revenue collection stemming form cigarette sales. Seems like lives didn't really mean THAT much by comparison to the millions they sought to rake in through law suits against the industry and sales taxes.

Anyone remember the black cigarette packs and the label 'Death Sticks' (or something like that) that sold for a while. People did not care. As if it was a novelty instead of a warning people went out and bought these things up. There are some people who bought cigarettes when politicians tried to force cigarette companies to print disgusting photos of cigarette 'victims' and giant warning labels on packs of cigarettes. Some people will buy cigarettes no matter what...and there are politicians still eager to sell them their 'cancer sticks' - suicide rolled in paper as long as they get their 'cut' of the profit.
Were liberals the only ones who didn’t see this coming?

When New York raised their cigarette taxes to the highest in the nation – $4.35 per pack – not only did revenue decline by $1.3 billion, but organized crime and the smuggling of cigarettes across state lines is now rampant in the Empire State.

Over the last ten years, while state lawmakers raised the tobacco tax by190 percent, smokers switched to cheaper alternatives – like going to nearby Indian Reservations – quit smoking altogether or bought them on the rampant black market, The Daily Caller is reporting.

In fact, now 58 percent of all cigarettes are supplied from out-of-state and the number of packs bought at “full price” has dropped by 62 percent.


High cigarette taxes not only assist global crime networks but also have a disproportionate impact on the poor. According to the New York State Department of Health, low-income smokers, defined as individuals in households earning less than $30,000 a year, spent 23.6 percent of the annual household income on cigarettes in 2010-2011. That number is up from 11.6 percent in 2003-2004.

Read more: New York Loses $400 Million After Imposing The Nation’s Highest Cigarette Tax
Meanwhile cigarette smoking has dramatically declined

Remember when less smoking was going to equal less health insurance costs?
Were liberals the only ones who didn’t see this coming?

When New York raised their cigarette taxes to the highest in the nation – $4.35 per pack – not only did revenue decline by $1.3 billion, but organized crime and the smuggling of cigarettes across state lines is now rampant in the Empire State.

Over the last ten years, while state lawmakers raised the tobacco tax by190 percent, smokers switched to cheaper alternatives – like going to nearby Indian Reservations – quit smoking altogether or bought them on the rampant black market, The Daily Caller is reporting.

In fact, now 58 percent of all cigarettes are supplied from out-of-state and the number of packs bought at “full price” has dropped by 62 percent.


High cigarette taxes not only assist global crime networks but also have a disproportionate impact on the poor. According to the New York State Department of Health, low-income smokers, defined as individuals in households earning less than $30,000 a year, spent 23.6 percent of the annual household income on cigarettes in 2010-2011. That number is up from 11.6 percent in 2003-2004.

Read more: New York Loses $400 Million After Imposing The Nation’s Highest Cigarette Tax
Meanwhile cigarette smoking has dramatically declined

Remember when less smoking was going to equal less health insurance costs?

Same with car insurance
Were liberals the only ones who didn’t see this coming?

When New York raised their cigarette taxes to the highest in the nation – $4.35 per pack – not only did revenue decline by $1.3 billion, but organized crime and the smuggling of cigarettes across state lines is now rampant in the Empire State.

Over the last ten years, while state lawmakers raised the tobacco tax by190 percent, smokers switched to cheaper alternatives – like going to nearby Indian Reservations – quit smoking altogether or bought them on the rampant black market, The Daily Caller is reporting.

In fact, now 58 percent of all cigarettes are supplied from out-of-state and the number of packs bought at “full price” has dropped by 62 percent.


High cigarette taxes not only assist global crime networks but also have a disproportionate impact on the poor. According to the New York State Department of Health, low-income smokers, defined as individuals in households earning less than $30,000 a year, spent 23.6 percent of the annual household income on cigarettes in 2010-2011. That number is up from 11.6 percent in 2003-2004.

Read more: New York Loses $400 Million After Imposing The Nation’s Highest Cigarette Tax
Meanwhile cigarette smoking has dramatically declined

Remember when less smoking was going to equal less health insurance costs?
It does. Non-smokers pay less than smokers for health insurance.
So you're ok with cancer caused by Cigarettes costing our economy hundreds of billions of dollars! You conservatives are disgusting pieces of shit and I can't believe it but I am starting to see that liberals were always right about you.

Hundreds of billions?

Yea ok , it's funny I know 8 smokers who didn't cost shit, they all died before 50 of other causes.
A giant federal tobacco tax hike has spurred a historic drop in smoking, especially among teens, poor people and those dependent on government health insurance, a USA TODAY analysis finds.

The federal cigarette tax jumped from 39 cents to $1.01 per pack on April 1, 2009, to finance expanded health care for children. Since then, the change has brought in more than $30 billion in new revenue, tax records show.

Result: The tax hike has helped restart a long-term decline in smoking that had stalled in recent years. About 3 million fewer people smoked last year than in 2009, despite a larger population, according to surveys by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Tax hike cuts tobacco consumption
Were liberals the only ones who didn’t see this coming?

When New York raised their cigarette taxes to the highest in the nation – $4.35 per pack – not only did revenue decline by $1.3 billion, but organized crime and the smuggling of cigarettes across state lines is now rampant in the Empire State.

Over the last ten years, while state lawmakers raised the tobacco tax by190 percent, smokers switched to cheaper alternatives – like going to nearby Indian Reservations – quit smoking altogether or bought them on the rampant black market, The Daily Caller is reporting.

In fact, now 58 percent of all cigarettes are supplied from out-of-state and the number of packs bought at “full price” has dropped by 62 percent.


High cigarette taxes not only assist global crime networks but also have a disproportionate impact on the poor. According to the New York State Department of Health, low-income smokers, defined as individuals in households earning less than $30,000 a year, spent 23.6 percent of the annual household income on cigarettes in 2010-2011. That number is up from 11.6 percent in 2003-2004.

Read more: New York Loses $400 Million After Imposing The Nation’s Highest Cigarette Tax
Meanwhile cigarette smoking has dramatically declined
Cigarette use has dramatically declined? prove it.
When New York raised their cigarette taxes to the highest in the nation – $4.35 per pack – not only did revenue decline by $1.3 billion, but organized crime and the smuggling of cigarettes across state lines is now rampant in the Empire State.

State and local tax revenue: Tobacco Tax Revenue

Here's the line for New York, in thousands of dollars, for the period 2009 to 2013, which is as late as it goes:

Were liberals the only ones who didn’t see this coming?

When New York raised their cigarette taxes to the highest in the nation – $4.35 per pack – not only did revenue decline by $1.3 billion, but organized crime and the smuggling of cigarettes across state lines is now rampant in the Empire State.

Over the last ten years, while state lawmakers raised the tobacco tax by190 percent, smokers switched to cheaper alternatives – like going to nearby Indian Reservations – quit smoking altogether or bought them on the rampant black market, The Daily Caller is reporting.

In fact, now 58 percent of all cigarettes are supplied from out-of-state and the number of packs bought at “full price” has dropped by 62 percent.


High cigarette taxes not only assist global crime networks but also have a disproportionate impact on the poor. According to the New York State Department of Health, low-income smokers, defined as individuals in households earning less than $30,000 a year, spent 23.6 percent of the annual household income on cigarettes in 2010-2011. That number is up from 11.6 percent in 2003-2004.

Read more: New York Loses $400 Million After Imposing The Nation’s Highest Cigarette Tax
Meanwhile cigarette smoking has dramatically declined

Remember when less smoking was going to equal less health insurance costs?
It does. Non-smokers pay less than smokers for health insurance.
We were promised windfall profits type savings bend the curve blah blah blah,........ Just more lies

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