Cigarette Wars

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Documentary showing on CNBC. A really nasty business. Interestingly, even though there are fewer and fewer and growers in the US, they're struggling because the cig makers are buying from other countries. 1200 people in the US die every day from cig related illness. (Damn, I am SO glad I quit!) As more Americans quit, most of the profits the makers get are from getting children in poor countries hooked.

Gangs are in the biz of buying from low tax states and reselling in high tax states. It said they can triple their profit and ATF work undercover to fight it. They just showed a bust that was worth $15Mil.

Apparently, there are also ties to terrorist groups though I missed the part that explained this. Hopefully, I'll get to watch it again.

Jeezus Krist - they just showed a price tag of $14.80 for a PACK of Marlboros. Back when I quit, a CARTON cost less than that.

I wonder how smokers feel about all this? The farmers say they just separate the facts of disease from what they do for a living.
Comparing the number of smokers, to the number YOU gave of 1,200 cigarette related deaths a day, shows what a miniscule chance someone has of dying from cigarette use. You have a greater chance of dying in a car accident than a cigarette related illness. Not to even mention that some of these smokers are well into their 80s or 90s.

There is a greater chance of a Chicago resident dying from gunfire than cigarettes.

Smoking cigarettes is bad, smoking pot is good. Of course pot impairs cognitive function and cigarettes do not. Which is probably the goal of government to begin with.
People who dont die from "cigarette related deaths" die from something else
People who dont die from "cigarette related deaths" die from something else

If you take a good look at the statistics, you will see that no matter what people die from, if they smoke it's called cigarette related even if they fell 30 stories out of an open window. The CDC did the same thing to inflate deaths from AIDS. If someone had AIDS, they died of an AIDS related illness even if it was a car accident.
Don't feel bad, smokers. for a long time, I was in the same denial you're in now.

BUT, please note that I said nothing about anyone else quitting.
I don't smoke but I can recognize smoke when I see it.

Well, okay then - YOU prove what I wrote is untrue.

Just kidding of course. I recognize blowing smoke too and you and ditzy CGirl are really good at it. You have no clue what you're talking about but just can't resist throwing a few insults around to try to hide behind.
People who dont die from "cigarette related deaths" die from something else

And just look at how much money our wonderful government spends on such valuable programs, due to the taxes on cigarette consumption. :eusa_whistle:

[ame=]CDC: Tips from Former Smokers - Terrie's Ad - YouTube[/ame]
Don't worry. If the Rs get their way, all education about cigarettes (and damn near everything else) will end.
I don't smoke but I can recognize smoke when I see it.

Well, okay then - YOU prove what I wrote is untrue.

Just kidding of course. I recognize blowing smoke too and you and ditzy CGirl are really good at it. You have no clue what you're talking about but just can't resist throwing a few insults around to try to hide behind.

I understand that you believe what you said was true. I believe that the government attributes 1,200 deaths a day to cigarettes. I also believe that the criteria of these deaths is manipulated propaganda. I've seen it before. I know just how it works. Some of the people who died are into their 80s and 90s but you don't know that from the bare statistic. Some people who smoke died from unrelated accidents, but since they were known smokers it was said to be cigarette related, something else you don't know from the bare statistic.

George Burns died of a smoking related illness just short of his 100th birthday. He's one of the 1,200.
I don't smoke but I can recognize smoke when I see it.

Well, okay then - YOU prove what I wrote is untrue.

Just kidding of course. I recognize blowing smoke too and you and ditzy CGirl are really good at it. You have no clue what you're talking about but just can't resist throwing a few insults around to try to hide behind.

I understand that you believe what you said was true. I believe that the government attributes 1,200 deaths a day to cigarettes. I also believe that the criteria of these deaths is manipulated propaganda. I've seen it before. I know just how it works. Some of the people who died are into their 80s and 90s but you don't know that from the bare statistic. Some people who smoke died from unrelated accidents, but since they were known smokers it was said to be cigarette related, something else you don't know from the bare statistic.

George Burns died of a smoking related illness just short of his 100th birthday. He's one of the 1,200.

Uh, sorry, but in the real world, your opinion is proof of nothing at all.

Silly, I know, but I'll believe the following long before I believe your OPINION. Good GAWD, your posts show that you really don't 'know just how anything works'!

Facts –
Fact #1
In the U.S., about 50,000 people die each year from secondhand smoke-related diseases.
Source: Glantz SA, Parmley WW. Passive Smoking and Heart Disease. JAMA 1995; 273(13) 1047-1053. URL:

Fact #2
In the U.S., 30,000 to 60,000 people die each year from secondhand smoke-related heart disease.
Source: Glantz SA, Parmley WW. Passive Smoking and Heart Disease. JAMA 1995; 273(13) 1047-1053. URL:

Fact #3
Of current smokers in the U.S., 2,633,000 have chronic bronchitis from smoking.
Source: CDC. Cigarette Smoking Attributable Morbidity - United States, 2000. MMWR 2003; 52(35) 842-844. Table. URL: Cigarette Smoking-Attributable Morbidity --- United States, 2000

Fact #4
In the U.S., 1200 people die every day from tobacco related disease.
In the U.S. 1200 people a day die from tobacco related disease (443,000 / 365 = 1213.70)
Source: CDC. Annual Smoking-Attributable Mortality, Years of Potential Life Lost and Productivity Losses-United States, 2000-2004. MMWR 2008; 57(45): 1226-8. URL: Smoking-Attributable Mortality, Years of Potential Life Lost, and Productivity Losses --- United States, 2000--2004

Fact #5
Of current smokers in the U.S., 358,000 have a cancer other than lung cancer from smoking.
Source: CDC. Cigarette Smoking Attributable Morbidity - United States, 2000. MMWR 2003; 52(35) 842-844. Table. URL: Cigarette Smoking-Attributable Morbidity --- United States, 2000

And there's more at the site.

But, even if I didn't believe they would make me sick and very possibly kill me, I choose not to pay some huge business to make me smell bad, constantly cough and snort. Just as its a smoker's choice to do exactly that, its my choice not to.
Those are numbers but you really don't know what they mean! How many smokers are obese and ALSO have obesity related conditions. When someone who is obese and smokes are they counted among those who smoke or those who are obese or both!. The numbers are manipulated. If two women have breast cancer, one smokes and there is no smoking around the other, the woman who smokes is going to have her breast cancer smoking related.

I don't smoke because I choose not to pay taxes to be used for the health care of illegals and their anchor babies. I would much rather smoke, but if a dime is going to pay for the care of people who shouldn't be here in the first place, I won't contribute.
Cigarettes are just like global warming. We really cant be sure, we need more study, more people die in car accidents so we should ban cars first, my aunt lived to be 100 and smoked three packs a day
Apparently, you're dumb enough to accept whatever some documentary maker tells you. Moron. Pity you quit.

Prove what I wrote is untrue.

You make the claim, you prove it's true. Unlike you, I question anything I'm told. It's an annoying habit but it comes from intellect. I was raised to question not to accept. I'd be embarrassed to admit that I just regurgitate whatever some documentary maker tells me. If you're not embarrassed, that's fine. Lots of people are too dumb to question... you are not unique.
Apparently, you're dumb enough to accept whatever some documentary maker tells you. Moron. Pity you quit.

Prove what I wrote is untrue.

You make the claim, you prove it's true. Unlike you, I question anything I'm told. It's an annoying habit but it comes from intellect. I was raised to question not to accept. I'd be embarrassed to admit that I just regurgitate whatever some documentary maker tells me. If you're not embarrassed, that's fine. Lots of people are too dumb to question... you are not unique.

Really? Your parents must be so proud of you

Why dont you use your superior intellect and give us your own opinion on the issue?
Those are numbers but you really don't know what they mean! How many smokers are obese and ALSO have obesity related conditions. When someone who is obese and smokes are they counted among those who smoke or those who are obese or both!. The numbers are manipulated. If two women have breast cancer, one smokes and there is no smoking around the other, the woman who smokes is going to have her breast cancer smoking related.

I don't smoke because I choose not to pay taxes to be used for the health care of illegals and their anchor babies. I would much rather smoke, but if a dime is going to pay for the care of people who shouldn't be here in the first place, I won't contribute.

Typical rw ... just making it up as you go along. Why is you fools NEVER have any documentation to back up your outrageous claims?

Here's more on the documentary ... Not that I think you'll even glance at it. If your FACTS disagree with theirs, take it up with them.

News Headlines
There are links to the cig makers' statements which, I'm sure you'll swallow, hook, line and sinker.

CNBC invited representatives of the four largest tobacco companies headquartered in the U.S. to appear in the documentary, "Cigarette Wars." Each of them declined the offer. Three of the companies, Altria, Phillip Morris International, and Reynolds American, sent CNBC written statements, which you can read below. Lorillard declined to participate in any way.

» Reynolds American [PDF]
» Phillip Morris International [PDF]
» Altria [PDF]
Apparently, you're dumb enough to accept whatever some documentary maker tells you. Moron. Pity you quit.

Prove what I wrote is untrue.

You make the claim, you prove it's true. Unlike you, I question anything I'm told. It's an annoying habit but it comes from intellect. I was raised to question not to accept. I'd be embarrassed to admit that I just regurgitate whatever some documentary maker tells me. If you're not embarrassed, that's fine. Lots of people are too dumb to question... you are not unique.

I've already given you the source of my statements. Don't like it? PROVE that you don't "regurgitate whatever some documentary maker tells [you]". I won't believe it though, because, you most certainly DO vomit what fuxbecklushbo tell you.

Worse, you just toss around nasty insults to cover your ignorance.
My Grandmother died at 86 and smoked about two packs of Kools a day. We don't need more study, we need no study. People can decide for themselves what they want to do or not want to do. Smoking is like skiing. Every time you go down the slope you take a chance that you will break your leg. Ski or not on your own.

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