Far Rightwing Republican Candidate Rises The Ranks by Trashing Black Americans

Doesn't genetics play a role here? If the company is happy with Rick, why not hire his brother Steve?
And there you have it....!!!

"As white people in this society, we are socialized from the time that we're born to see ourselves as superior, to see white people and things associated white people as superior. At the same time, I'm encouraged to never admit to that. I'm taught that racism is very bad and immoral."
-- Robin DiAngelo
Source: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/robin_diangelo_931802
  • Brilliant
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Doesn't genetics play a role here? If the company is happy with Rick, why not hire his brother Steve?
Because Steve might have cerebral palsy. Genetics has nothing to do with anything being discussed.
Didn't we have nepotism when America was the envy of the world?
America has never really ever been the envy of the world. There are 330 million people here. There are about 1.5 billion in China. There are about 1.5 bilion in Africa. There are about 1.5 billion in India. Not everbody in those countries/continents are running to become Americans.

When you add up those numbers and understand what has been done, that's at least 4.5 bilion people pissed off at white Americans. If each of these areas decided to invade America and start killing, there are no Americans left or the few who are left will be colonized.

I have not included the nearly 500 million South Americans and 500 plus million Middle Easterners trump and his worshippers piss off daily. So what I am saying lenny, is that white boys might want to tone down on that arrogance, because you will need diversity in order to survive in the modern world. This ain't the 1950's where the rest of the world was rebuilding after WW2 and we had the only industries standing. That is the ONLY reason why America got ahead by using only white boys. That won't work now. America will need to use all of it's human resources to compete, that is why DEI and other equal opportunity policies must stay in place. If not, this country will continue losing trillions annually and eventually the dollar will be no good on the global market.
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As I recently stated in another thread just today, it seems the more rightwing and Republican a person is, the more anti-Black they are.

So much so that here we have a Columbian Immigrant, Valentina Gomez, going out of her way to trash Black Americans and going so far as to call Juneteenth a "ratchet" holiday...

And, as expected, she has risen in the ranks due to her foreign brand of racism, bigotry and anti-Blackness because that is exactly what her domestic base wants.

Nobody trashes black Americans better than IM2.
And there you have it....!!!

"As white people in this society, we are socialized from the time that we're born to see ourselves as superior, to see white people and things associated white people as superior. At the same time, I'm encouraged to never admit to that. I'm taught that racism is very bad and immoral."
-- Robin DiAngelo
Source: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/robin_diangelo_931802

DiAngelo is a crackpot hack and grifter. Her "work" has never stood the test of criticism. She's basically the White equivalent of an Uncle Tom.
I laugh at how you racist bastards love using plausible deniaility. Rght wongers use the qord only to describe blacks. We don't see whites being called thugs.

That is in your mind.

I just saw 2 white guys in a video calling white guys...thugs.

Seemingly for you is you read / watch to much liberal propaganda.

How would you know white guys ARE being called thugs...since you're counting on MSLSD or commie news network ?
As I recently stated in another thread just today, it seems the more rightwing and Republican a person is, the more anti-Black they are.

So much so that here we have a Columbian Immigrant, Valentina Gomez, going out of her way to trash Black Americans and going so far as to call Juneteenth a "ratchet" holiday...

And, as expected, she has risen in the ranks due to her foreign brand of racism, bigotry and anti-Blackness because that is exactly what her domestic base wants.

LOL, you are PATHETIC! You getting paid by the Response?

Shame on YOU!

But I suppose if I was in your shoes, I would try everything I could to prop up a corpse-)

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