Far Rightwing Republican Candidate Rises The Ranks by Trashing Black Americans

Of course you would think that…. But then it begs the question… why did you engage with me if I have no points worth considering?
Hope springs eternal yhat you could have a rational moment

Will I ever learn?
So to fix that you want to hire unqualified people because of their color? You are a fucking idiot.
You haven't answered the question, which is...

Why do people who claim to be so adamant about caring for merit have never said a word about a certain sect of people who've been getting ahead w/o merit for generations in this country?
IMHO sometimes you act like one ?
What have I said that makes you think I'm this definition? ↓↓↓↓↓

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Hey MarcATL I'll ask again............what offices has this lady held?

Show us how she has risen up the ranks.
Hey MarcATL I'll ask again............what offices has this lady held?

Show us how she has risen up the ranks.
What does "rises the ranks" mean to you?

Because I don't understand what your question is about.
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What have I said that makes you think I'm this definition? ↓↓↓↓↓

Dude I don't keep it in my head...just my reaction. I shall be on the watch and will post one. If I am wrong...in keeping with my program I will admit it. BTW: What does Malcom X mean to you ?
Dude I don't keep it in my head...just my reaction. I shall be on the watch and will post one. If I am wrong...in keeping with my program I will admit it. BTW: What does Malcom X mean to you ?
Malcolm X represents Black excellence.

He was the best of us.

A spiritual leader, a warrior, father, brother, friend and mentor....an intellect of no equal.

What does he mean to you?
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What does "rises the ranks" mean to you?

Because I don't understand what your question is about.
I can't find where she has held any office. What has she been elected to?

Simple enough for ya?
You haven't answered the question, which is...

Why do people who claim to be so adamant about caring for merit have never said a word about a certain sect of people who've been getting ahead w/o merit for generations in this country?
Because things like nepotism will always be around. At least that is a viable reason for installing someone. The color of their skin is not.
Because things like nepotism will always be around. At least that is a viable reason for installing someone. The color of their skin is not.
Whites get hired because of the color of their skin, yet you ignore that and only think it happens to non whites. Equal opportunity policies makes it so that the tendency for whites to only hire whites because they are white stops.

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