Far Rightwing Republican Candidate Rises The Ranks by Trashing Black Americans

Whites get hired because of the color of their skin, yet you ignore that and only think it happens to non whites. Equal opportunity policies makes it so that the tendency for whites to only hire whites because they are white stops.
What? They get hired because they are qualified and actually looking for work. You and others expect things handed to you. You people are no more than selfish children worried only about yourselves. You weaken the country and society.
Unqualified people given the job is stupidity.
Unquallified whites get jobs all the time. That is what policies such as DEI is meant to stop. The claim that DEI forces people to hire unqualified people is racist. Your ignorance doesn't allow you to see the racism in your belief, then when you are called on your racism, you stupidy want somebody to show evidence. Your responses here are the evidence,.
Unquallified whites get jobs all the time. That is what policies such as DEI is meant to stop. The claim that DEI forces people to hire unqualified people is racist. Your ignorance doesn't allow you to see the racism in your belief, then when you are called on your racism, you stupidy want somebody to show evidence. Your responses here are the evidence,.
What? They get hired because they are qualified and actually looking for work. You and others expect things handed to you. You people are no more than selfish children worried only about yourselves. You weaken the country and society.
And here is more racism. You don't want to realize that unqualified whites exist and your racism has you saying that we want things handed to us. In reality it has been whites who want everything handed to them. That is why whites such as yourself oppose equal opportunity polices. It is people like you who weaken this country and society.
OK !

Thug is a Eastern Indian word that means criminal but now liberals say it means black men.

So you can't use it anymore unless you are a fellow thug.
I laugh at how you racist bastards love using plausible deniaility. Rght wongers use the qord only to describe blacks. We don't see whites being called thugs.
You haven't answered the question, which is...

Why do people who claim to be so adamant about caring for merit have never said a word about a certain sect of people who've been getting ahead w/o merit for generations in this country?
To Lastmender merit is just being white.
The white racist believes that equal opportunity is oppression because they have been given special rights and privileges since the start of this country. Unfortunately from time to time stupid non whites buy into the white narratve and racists are glad to put them into the national spotight and try using them to deny their continuing racism.
And when you know that you are wrong this is all yu can do. You want whites only to get jobs and so you're a racist.
I never said that. What is wrong with you? Anyone who does not agree with your stupid ass is a racist? It could be why no one takes anything you say seriously. Think about it.
I never said that. What is wrong with you? Anyone who does not agree with your stupid ass is a racist? It could be why no one takes anything you say seriously. Think about it.
Spare me. That's exactly what you ARE saying. You are a racist because of whatyou believe, not because you disagree with me. I posted about unquaified whites getting hired and you said:

"What? They get hired because they are qualified and actually looking for work. You and others expect things handed to you. You people are no more than selfish children worried only about yourselves. You weaken the country and society."

But blacks can't get hired because we are qualified and the continuing racism that occurs in employment doen't matter to you. You automartically assume equal opportunity policies force people to hire unqualified blacks but whites can't ever be unqualified or hired only because they are white. And then to make the claim that we want something given to us is racist in and of itself. You're white, racist and ignorant.
Spare me. That's exactly what you ARE saying. You are a racist because of whatyou believe, not because you disagree with me. I posted about unquaified whites getting hired and you said:

"What? They get hired because they are qualified and actually looking for work. You and others expect things handed to you. You people are no more than selfish children worried only about yourselves. You weaken the country and society."

But blacks can't get hired because we are qualified and the continuing racism that occurs in employment doen't matter to you. You automartically assume equal opportunity policies force people to hire unqualified blacks but whites can't ever be unqualified or hired only because they are white. And then to make the claim that we want something given to us is racist in and of itself. You're white, racist and ignorant.
You are a whining bitch who cannot deal with life as it is.
Because things like nepotism will always be around. At least that is a viable reason for installing someone. The color of their skin is not.
"Viable?" What makes it viable?

I thought it was merit you people were so upset about.

Is nepotism based on merit, or not?
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Because it happens and always has. It is a constant. You are an idiot.
So really what you people are saying, is that you're only good when one set of people get to get ahead w/o merit.

Let's face it, historically it's been whites, in this country, that have had all this meritless opportunity being handed down to them, and that's exactly what you're in favor of and want.

Why not just say that? Why all this pretense and sham about being only in favor of merit at all?
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So really what you people are saying, is that you're only good when one set of people get to get ahead w/o merit.

Why not just say that?

Why all this pretense and sham about being only in favor of merit?
The sham is DEI.
More ignorant whiteness trying to gasllight. Flash is just like you.

“I can say for sure that happens because I did it. Before retirement, I was an Engineer. For the last 20 years of my career, I was a Manager and Director and I hired hundreds of people. I reviewed well over a thousand resumes for all kinds of positions. Everything from Secretaries to Engineering Managers. Both Salary and Hourly. I always culled out the resumes with Black Ethnic names. Never shortlisted anybody with a Black Ethnic name. Never hired them.”

“Since the Fortune 50 company I worked for had a stupid "affirmative action" hiring policies I never mentioned it to anybody and I always got away with it. A couple of times I was instructed to improve my departmental “diversity" demographics but I always ignored it and never got into any trouble. My stereotype is that anybody with a stupid ghetto Black ethnic name is probably worthless. I could have been wrong a couple of times but I was also probably right 99% of the time.

Glad I did it. I would do it again.”

And as he did this for at least 20 years, he declared that DEI or Affirmatuve Action wasn't necessary because white racism was a thing of the past. As he denied blacks jobs for at least 20 years, he declared that blacks who pointed out how this was happening were whining and could not deal with life as it is. Flash is the type who would put up the picture you did declaring how people were blaiming the privilege class for their failures when the reality was that so called the privileged class excluded them purposefully and then declared that they weren't trying hard enough even as the so called prvilege class was denying them opportunity.

The reality here is that whites like you are evil. You are the devil. Then you have the gall to get indignant when a back person who has had enough of your bulshit stands up and call whites devils. Once that happens then political correctness is of the utnost importance because we can't blame all whites, while racist mfs like you and fllash can deny opportunity to every black person. So GFY you stupid ass, conspiracy theory spouting trump ass blowing idiot.
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