CINC Barack honors Army heroes

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
Fairfax, NoVA
Medal of Honor Ceremony for Staff Sergeant Ty Carter - C-SPAN Video Library


Thank you Mr. President for recognizing these heroes even as you're trying to wind-down these open-ended, outrageously expensive in terms of blood & treasure, Republican- instigated foreign ventures

Interestingly, the medal was approved during the War of Southern Rebellion where The forces of the Union put down an Southern insurrection.
Medal of Honor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Congratulations Staff Sergeant Carter!

You make us all proud
"The outpost was being slammed from every direction," Obama said in the afternoon ceremony at the White House. "Machine gun fire, rocket-propelled grenades, mortar, sniper fire, it was chaos. The blizzard of bullets and steel into which Ty ran not once or twice, or even a few times, but perhaps 10 times. In doing so, he displayed the essence of true heroism."

Carter ran low and fast across an American outpost while overwhelming numbers of Taliban fighters closed in. He sprinted over ground where he could see bullets piercing the dust in front of him, gambling on getting ahead of the shooters' ability to target him.

Carter ran a gauntlet of heavy machine gun and sniper fire — carrying ammo, recovering a field radio, cradling a wounded comrade in his arms — sometimes zigzagging to dodge exploding rocket-propelled grenades or mortar rounds.

When he wasn't moving through enemy fire in the battle in 2009, Carter and another soldier made their stand in an all-but-shredded armored vehicle — a last defensive bastion in a far corner of the fort. Surrounded by dead Americans and running low on ammunition, they shot and killed enemy fighters breaching the walls.
yeah. I heard the whole ceremony and ad hoc comments from the CINC on my portable mp3 radio while jogging this afternoon. Soldier let nothing stand in his way from aiding his comrades and retaking the outpost.
well better late than never I guess...yah the Dear Leader Obama

They make a bigger deal over him honoring our about that

that's some sad stuff
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No one could say that Ty Carter did not exhibit extraordinary courage and bravery. He deserved the medal. obama did not deserve to give it to him. Had Carter just spit in obama's face and walked off the stage, that would have been bravery above and beyond any other shown. I might respect the bravery shown under fire but not the crawling he exhibited todsy.
USMB Republican- voter contribution to the thread:

No one could say that Ty Carter did not exhibit extraordinary courage and bravery. He deserved the medal. obama did not deserve to give it to him. Had Carter just spit in obama's face and walked off the stage, that would have been bravery above and beyond any other shown. I might respect the bravery shown under fire but not the crawling he exhibited todsy.

please keep your rw hate to a low rumble asswipe :talktothehand:
To the members of the best military in human history..

They/we're the best but I'd say modern history. Modern forces have advanced weapons/electronics and many things are done remotely. The Mongol hordes were no walk in the park or Alexander's army for that matter. I served in the 80's (modern history)

Mongol Empire - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Alexander the Great - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So did I, my first job was a TOW/DRAGON repairman.(1982)
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I was so fortunate while in the Army to be stationed in Alexandria, VA(1985) as one of my post when I was with the engineers at 4th student engineer school, I became a power generation repairman and operator.
I got to see our capitol and all the marvelous sites. I would love to go back.
No one could say that Ty Carter did not exhibit extraordinary courage and bravery. He deserved the medal. obama did not deserve to give it to him. Had Carter just spit in obama's face and walked off the stage, that would have been bravery above and beyond any other shown. I might respect the bravery shown under fire but not the crawling he exhibited todsy.

You may not know it but in the '80's and '90's many military fellows were ready to revolt over Reagan and Bush.
I have friends who live in Alexandria.

I see that lil'derpnyc1775 is being hyperbolic/butthurt as well. :eusa_boohoo:
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Medal of Honor Ceremony for Staff Sergeant Ty Carter - C-SPAN Video Library


Thank you Mr. President for recognizing these heroes even as you're trying to wind-down these open-ended, outrageously expensive in terms of blood & treasure, Republican- instigated foreign ventures

Interestingly, the medal was approved during the War of Southern Rebellion where The forces of the Union put down an Southern insurrection.
Medal of Honor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I was listening to the Prez's speech on Sirius earlier
Carter is a very humble man, I tell ya

And, BTW.....

it's the "War of Northern Aggression"

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