CINC Barack honors Army heroes

That's because too many people are afraid to say it. obama's hands on that medal diminishes its value. Either Carter respects the president, meaning he lacks the good srnse God gave a pissant or he was too afraid to say what he really thought.

Conservatives are such pathetic creatures

Being consumed by hate will do that to you

ALL you the left should still spit on Palin who had a son serving in Iraq when she was running for Vice save you stinking sermons..

honoring our military is done by you people when it's convenient FOR YOU
Palin was not in the military. Nor was she a gold star mother like Shehan whom Republicans attacked unmercifly
Wonderful how our conservative wolf pack has swarmed to turn a thread honoring a medal of honor ceremony to an I hate Obama thread
No one could say that Ty Carter did not exhibit extraordinary courage and bravery. He deserved the medal. obama did not deserve to give it to him. Had Carter just spit in obama's face and walked off the stage, that would have been bravery above and beyond any other shown. I might respect the bravery shown under fire but not the crawling he exhibited todsy.

I'm tempted to re-post your crass/uncouth/infantile comment in the FZ under the heading "Republican voter post of the day"

Whaddaya think Katzy?

Go for it.
That's because too many people are afraid to say it. obama's hands on that medal diminishes its value. Either Carter respects the president, meaning he lacks the good srnse God gave a pissant or he was too afraid to say what he really thought.

Conservatives are such pathetic creatures

Being consumed by hate will do that to you

ALL you the left should still spit on Palin who had a son serving in Iraq when she was running for Vice save you stinking sermons..

honoring our military is done by you people when it's convenient FOR YOU

Make it three flushed out, Rightwinger.
Wonderful how our conservative wolf pack has swarmed to turn a thread honoring a medal of honor ceremony to an I hate Obama thread

yeah I know, it's dishonorable.

The thread should have accolades for a job well done.

This is something that hung on the wall in the day room.

The Infantry Poem

For two centuries I have kept our nation safe, purchasing freedom with my blood. To tyrants, I am the day of reckoning; to the oppressed, the hope for the future. Where the fighting is thick, there am I...I am the Infantry! Follow Me!

I was there from the beginning, meeting the enemy face to face, will to will. My bleeding feet stained the snow at Valley Forge; my frozen hands pulled Washington across the Deleware. At Yorktown, the sunlight glinted from the sword and I, begrimed...saw a nation born. I am the Infantry! Follow Me!

Hardship...and glory I have known. At New Orleans I fought beyond the hostile hour, showed the fury of my long rifle...and came of age. I am the Infantry! Follow Me!

Westward I pushed with the waggon trains...moved an empire across the plains...extended freedom's borders and tamed the wild frontier. I am the Infantry! Follow Me!

I was with Scott and Vera Cruz...hunted the guerrilla in the mountain passes...and scaled the high plate. The fighting was done when I ended my march many miles from the old Alamo. I am the Infantry! Follow Me!

From Bull Run to Appomattox, I fought and bled. Both Blue and Grey were my colors then. Two masters I served and united them strong...proved this nation could right a wrong...and long endure. I am the Infantry! Follow Me!

I led the charge up San Juan Hill...scaled the walls of old Tientsin...and stalked the Moro in the steaming jungle still...always the vanguard. I am the Infantry! Follow Me!

At Chateau-Thierry, first over the top, then I stood like a rock on the Marne. It was I who cracked the Hindenburg Line in the Argonne, I broke the Kaiser's spine...and didn't come home till it was over, over there. I am the Infantry! Follow Me!

A generation older at Bataan, I briefly bowed, but then I vowed to return. Assaulted the African shore...learned my lesson the hard way in the desert sands...pressed my buttons into the beach an Anzio...and marched into Rome with determination and resolve. I am the Infantry! Follow Me!

The English Channel, stout beach defenses and the hedgerows could not hold me...I broke out at Saint Lo, unbent the Bulge...vaulted the Rhine...and swarmed the Heartland. Hitler's dream and the Third Reich were dead. I am the Infantry! Follow Me!

In the Pacific, from island to island...hit the beaches and chopped through swamp and jungle...I set the Rising Sun. I am the Infantry! Follow Me!

In Korea, I gathered my strength around Pusan...swept across the frozen Han...outflanked the Reds at Inchon...and marched to the Yalu. I am the Infantry! Follow Me!

In Vietnam, while others turned aside, I fought the longest fight. From the Central Highlands to the South China Sea I patrolled the jungle, the paddies and the sky in the bitter test that belongs to the Infantry. I am the Infantry! Follow Me!

Around the world I stand...ever forward. Over Lebanon's sands, my rifle steady aimed...and calm returned. At Berlin's gates I scorned the wall of shame. I spanned the Caribbean in freedom's cause, answered humanity's call. I trod the streets of Santo Domingo to protect the innocent. In Grenada I jumped at Salinas and proclaimed freedom for all. My arms set a Panamanian dictator to flight and once more raised democracy's flag. In the Persian Gulf I drew the line in the sand, called the tyrant's bluff, and restored right and freedom in 100 hours. Duty called, I answered. I am the Infantry! Follow Me!

My bayonet...on the wings of power...keeps the peace worldwide. And despots, falsely garbed in freedom's mantle, falter...hide. My ally in the paddies and forest...I teach, I aid, I lead. I am the Infantry! Follow Me!

Where brave men fight...there I fight. In freedom's cause...I live...I die. From Concord Bridge to Heartbreak Ridge, from the Arctic, to the Mekong, to the Caribbean. Always ready...then, now, and forever. I am the Infantry! Follow Me!

The Infantry Poem
That's because too many people are afraid to say it. obama's hands on that medal diminishes its value. Either Carter respects the president, meaning he lacks the good srnse God gave a pissant or he was too afraid to say what he really thought.

Conservatives are such pathetic creatures

Being consumed by hate will do that to you

ALL you the left should still spit on Palin who had a son serving in Iraq when she was running for Vice save you stinking sermons..

honoring our military is done by you people when it's convenient FOR YOU

Every minute of every hour of every day is most convenient for myself.
In OKC I was in the USAR and was a member of the 95th Division Maneuver Command, Engineer Division where I was an admin specialists.
Right next door is the 45th infantry museum.
Their motto was, "Lead, follow or get the hell out of the way". My Grandfather was a member in WWII and landed in Sicily. Never a word did he say about his time at war.
I always think about my families military service that went back to the American Revolution.
In our family we serve our nation because that is every Americans responsibility, I have directed all of my children into military service for a better sense of citizenship.
It would be nice if you certain people could just honor the soldier and leave the hate of the president behind.
No one could say that Ty Carter did not exhibit extraordinary courage and bravery. He deserved the medal. obama did not deserve to give it to him. Had Carter just spit in obama's face and walked off the stage, that would have been bravery above and beyond any other shown. I might respect the bravery shown under fire but not the crawling he exhibited todsy.

[MENTION=33658]Katzndogz[/MENTION] Fuck you.

God bless this hero and fuck you [MENTION=33658]Katzndogz[/MENTION]
That's because too many people are afraid to say it. obama's hands on that medal diminishes its value. Either Carter respects the president, meaning he lacks the good srnse God gave a pissant or he was too afraid to say what he really thought.

Conservatives are such pathetic creatures

Being consumed by hate will do that to you

yea they all are.....and "Liberals" are standing right next to them....
That's because too many people are afraid to say it. obama's hands on that medal diminishes its value. Either Carter respects the president, meaning he lacks the good srnse God gave a pissant or he was too afraid to say what he really thought.

Conservatives are such pathetic creatures

Being consumed by hate will do that to you

Broad-brushing is SO last year


he does a lot of that....he cant understand whats so important about the word ALL.....
I have friends who live in Alexandria.

I see that lil'derpnyc1775 is being hyperbolic/butthurt as well. :eusa_boohoo:

Nothing that piece of shit will do other than leave office will satisfy me.
So kiss my ass

Well at least your an honest hack. This post alone says it all about you and anything you have to say about ANYTHING political.

Your easy, haters of America would support the piece of hit in the white house.

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