Cindy Sheehan Was Cheered, Charles Woods Is Ignored

Ty would still be alive if he followed his orders.

But then cons wouldn't be able to politicize his death.

So you are to follw orders without question?
Does that mean you don't think the Nazis should be blamed because they were following orders?

Congrats on the Godwin evocation. :lol:

One of these things is not like the other..

Yes, soldiers are told to follow orders from those in charge, he didn't follow those orders.. I am not saying he is a bad person.. He just didn't follow orders.

Nazis were actively killing people.

Your Godwin attempt was weak, but hilarious none the less.
What orders. They were private security. Retired SEALS. I doubt any stand down orders were given to em. They also pulled people out of the consulate and got them to safety.

Leave it to an asshole like you to belittle the sacrifice those men made.
actually I believe they working with the CIA, if I recall my facts correctly.
Ty would still be alive if he followed his orders.

But then cons wouldn't be able to politicize his death.

So you are to follw orders without question?
Does that mean you don't think the Nazis should be blamed because they were following orders?

Congrats on the Godwin evocation. :lol:

One of these things is not like the other..

Yes, soldiers are told to follow orders from those in charge, he didn't follow those orders.. I am not saying he is a bad person.. He just didn't follow orders.

Nazis were actively killing people.

Your Godwin attempt was weak, but hilarious none the less.

You can not have it both ways. Either you have to follow all orders regardless or not.
And only a lib would think either anything about this is funny. I guess it shows what you people are really all about. Make sure Obama wins no matter what.
So you are to follw orders without question?
Does that mean you don't think the Nazis should be blamed because they were following orders?

Congrats on the Godwin evocation. :lol:

One of these things is not like the other..

Yes, soldiers are told to follow orders from those in charge, he didn't follow those orders.. I am not saying he is a bad person.. He just didn't follow orders.

Nazis were actively killing people.

Your Godwin attempt was weak, but hilarious none the less.

You can not have it both ways. Either you have to follow all orders regardless or not.
And only a lib would think either anything about this is funny. I guess it shows what you people are really all about. Make sure Obama wins no matter what.

all *lawful* orders-

only a shithead would make this about left and right

So you are to follw orders without question?
Does that mean you don't think the Nazis should be blamed because they were following orders?

Congrats on the Godwin evocation. :lol:

One of these things is not like the other..

Yes, soldiers are told to follow orders from those in charge, he didn't follow those orders.. I am not saying he is a bad person.. He just didn't follow orders.

Nazis were actively killing people.

Your Godwin attempt was weak, but hilarious none the less.

You can not have it both ways. Either you have to follow all orders regardless or not.
And only a lib would think either anything about this is funny. I guess it shows what you people are really all about. Make sure Obama wins no matter what.

Do you have comprehensional issues?

The only thing that I find FUNNY is your pathetic attempt to equate what I said to killing Jews. As I said, a poor attempt to evoke the Godwin Law. Nothing else I said was directed towards the OP topic being funny.

I do not think the deaths of Americans are funny, unlike how you do seem fit to politicize them.
Congrats on the Godwin evocation. :lol:

One of these things is not like the other..

Yes, soldiers are told to follow orders from those in charge, he didn't follow those orders.. I am not saying he is a bad person.. He just didn't follow orders.

Nazis were actively killing people.

Your Godwin attempt was weak, but hilarious none the less.

You can not have it both ways. Either you have to follow all orders regardless or not.
And only a lib would think either anything about this is funny. I guess it shows what you people are really all about. Make sure Obama wins no matter what.

all *lawful* orders-

only a shithead would make this about left and right


Bullshit. If you believe and order is wrong it is your duty to ignore it.
Where are the fathers of the other lost soldiers? just curious why we only hear from Mr. Woods.
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What orders. They were private security. Retired SEALS. I doubt any stand down orders were given to em. They also pulled people out of the consulate and got them to safety.

Leave it to an asshole like you to belittle the sacrifice those men made.

actually I believe they working with the CIA, if I recall my facts correctly.

Could be but I think I read the two SEALS were private security. One of the guys with them was a CIA analys the other was with the State Department. Could be wrong though.
Code Pink and Veterans Against Wars should decide what conflicts we participate in, and what orders to follow..................For the defense of the country..........LOL
Ty would still be alive if he followed his orders.But then cons wouldn't be able to politicize his death.

and more Americans would be dead.

I have been looking into this..

I can not find any reports that he saved any lives, the only stories I have been able to find were that he and Doherty were killed in a car on the way to embassy from mortar fire.

Correct me if I am wrong.

wow. Wrong.
Former Navy SEAL Tyrone Woods was part of a small team who was at the CIA annex about a mile from the U.S. consulate where Ambassador Chris Stevens and his team came under attack. When he and others heard the shots fired, they informed their higher-ups at the annex to tell them what they were hearing and requested permission to go to the consulate and help out. They were told to "stand down," according to sources familiar with the exchange. Soon after, they were again told to "stand down."

Woods and at least two others ignored those orders and made their way to the consulate which at that point was on fire. Shots were exchanged. The rescue team from the CIA annex evacuated those who remained at the consulate and Sean Smith, who had been killed in the initial attack. They could not find the ambassador and returned to the CIA annex at about midnight.

At that point, they called again for military support and help because they were taking fire at the CIA safe house, or annex. The request was denied. There were no communications problems at the annex, according those present at the compound. The team was in constant radio contact with their headquarters. In fact, at least one member of the team was on the roof of the annex manning a heavy machine gun when mortars were fired at the CIA compound. The security officer had a laser on the target that was firing and repeatedly requested back-up support from a Spectre gunship, which is commonly used by U.S. Special Operations forces to provide support to Special Operations teams on the ground involved in intense firefights.
Requests for Military Assistance from Benghazi were Denied | Lubbock Online | Lubbock Avalanche-Journal
Former Navy SEALs Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty were part of a small team who were at the CIA annex about a mile from the U.S. Consulate where Ambassador Chris Stevens and his team came under attack. When they heard the shots fired, they radioed to inform their higher-ups to tell them what they were hearing. They were told to “stand down,” according to sources familiar with the exchange. An hour later, they called again to headquarters and were again told to “stand down.”

Woods, Doherty and at least two others ignored those orders and made their way to the Consulate which at that point was on fire. Shots were exchanged. The quick reaction force from the CIA annex evacuated those who remained at the Consulate and Sean Smith, who had been killed in the initial attack. They could not find the ambassador and returned to the CIA annex at about midnight.

At that point, they called again for military support and help because they were taking fire at the CIA safe house, or annex. The request was denied.

There were no communications problems at the annex, according those present at the compound. The team was in constant radio contact with their headquarters. In fact, at least one member of the team was on the roof of the annex manning a heavy machine gun when mortars were fired at the CIA compound.

The security officer had a laser on the target that was firing and repeatedly requested back-up support from a Specter gunship, which is commonly used by U.S. Special Operations forces to provide support to Special Operations teams on the ground involved in intense firefights.

The fighting at the CIA annex went on for more than four hours — enough time for any planes based in Sigonella Air base, just 480 miles away, to arrive. Fox News has also learned that two separate Tier One Special operations forces were told to wait, among them Delta Force operators.

Back to the OP, it's true that Sheehan was used heavily in anti war propaganda and anti Bush propaganda.
Charles Woods, Father of Navy SEAL Tyrone Woods, Attacks Pres. Obama, but Woods' Mom Defends Obama

However, Tyrone Wood's mother Cheryl Croft Bennett praised the president, vice president and secretary of state: "Little did I know that I would find myself in a reception room being comforted, hugged and, yes, even kissed by the president of the United States. Along with the president, there was Vice-President Joe Biden, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta, and General and Mrs Colin Powell."

"They were all wonderful. They held my hand, offered condolences, gave warm hugs, and were extremely compassionate and genuinely sad for my loss, as I fought back tears and tried to project an image of strength to honor my SEAL son."

At first she was happy about how she was treated....they all said the right things to her!

Looks like she's getting a little tired of waiting for an answer though!!!

"Don't want to ever politicize the loss of my son in Libya, but it has been 16 days and the FBI has yet to get to Benghazi to begin their investigation," Woods's mother Cheryl Croft Bennett wrote on her Facebook page Thursday. "Apparently they have made it to Tripoli but haven't been allowed to enter Benghazi. Meanwhile, the diplomatic outpost where Tyrone and [former SEAL] Glen [Doherty] died, was not and is not secured. Absolutely unacceptable."
Murdered ex-SEAL
Ty would still be alive if he followed his orders.

But then cons wouldn't be able to politicize his death.

So you are to follw orders without question?
Does that mean you don't think the Nazis should be blamed because they were following orders?

Congrats on the Godwin evocation. :lol:

One of these things is not like the other..

Yes, soldiers are told to follow orders from those in charge, he didn't follow those orders.. I am not saying he is a bad person.. He just didn't follow orders.

Nazis were actively killing people.

Your Godwin attempt was weak, but hilarious none the less.

The terrorists are ACTIVELY killing people too!
Ty would still be alive if he followed his orders.

But then cons wouldn't be able to politicize his death.

Bush lied, people died..

You libs are absolute professionals at politicizing everything to the hilt. Hypocrit much?
What orders. They were private security. Retired SEALS. I doubt any stand down orders were given to em. They also pulled people out of the consulate and got them to safety.

Leave it to an asshole like you to belittle the sacrifice those men made.

actually I believe they working with the CIA, if I recall my facts correctly.

Could be but I think I read the two SEALS were private security. One of the guys with them was a CIA analys the other was with the State Department. Could be wrong though.

see, that is what was wrong, misleading statements were made, to try to cover the fact they were working with the CIA, trying to make it appear they were part of the security for the Ambassador, which they were not. The hearing helped explain alot of this stuff, as well as other info, such as documents and e-mails that have been released. I have been following this closely.
Ty would still be alive if he followed his orders.

But then cons wouldn't be able to politicize his death.

Bush lied, people died..

You libs are absolute professionals at politicizing everything to the hilt. Hypocrit much?

So you are trying to seek justification for the politicizing of their deaths?

Generally pointing out hypocrisy is an attempt to seek justification.. Unless you try and "refutiate" the claim presented.
You can not have it both ways. Either you have to follow all orders regardless or not.
And only a lib would think either anything about this is funny. I guess it shows what you people are really all about. Make sure Obama wins no matter what.

all *lawful* orders-

only a shithead would make this about left and right


Bullshit. If you believe and order is wrong it is your duty to ignore it.

that's what i said, asshat

Reading Is Fundamental
tinydancer, I agree with the total hypocrisy re: Sheehan and Woods by the media.

Sorry I have run the thread off course, but I just have to correct bogus information out there when I see it regarding what actually happened. Those lost and their families deserve the truth be out there.

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