Cindy Sheehan Was Cheered, Charles Woods Is Ignored

DING! DING! DING! We have a winner!!

rightwinger needs help understanding what Ty Woods dad is all upset about!!


The Joe Biden is My Hero Award is just for you!! Feel special??

right over your head.........

Anyone who loses a child is upset over the death. Sheehan questioned the war that led to her sons death. Woods is just using it for a chance to be a star on FoxNews

Over my head??? LOL, you are special...

Right, whats good for Sheehan is not good for Woods, bravo you win the Joe Biden is My Hero Award again, twice in the same day, you are real special...

Different issues

Sheehan was protesting the war

What is Woods protesting?
Sheehan was a Gold Star mother who gave her son to a cause she thought was not justified. The WMDs that were the justification for the invasion that took her sons life were never found. As a Gold Star mother, Sheehan has every right to protest the war in Iraq

What is Woods beef? That he doesn't approve of Consulates? or that he doesn't like Obama?

DING! DING! DING! We have a winner!!

rightwinger needs help understanding what Ty Woods dad is all upset about!!


The Joe Biden is My Hero Award is just for you!! Feel special??

right over your head.........

Anyone who loses a child is upset over the death. Sheehan questioned the war that led to her sons death. Woods is just using it for a chance to be a star on FoxNews

and you know this how? Have you personally sat down with Mr. Woods and he told you he wants to be a star and his sons death is as good a time as any?

IT is posts like this that just want to make me vomit.
Different issues

Sheehan was protesting the war

What is Woods protesting?


He used his sons body as a step to get on Glenn Beck and take swipes at the administration. Most of his attacks were based on the allegations, no hard evidence to back them.

oh, that's right, he has no legitimate reason to feel his son was betrayed. Got it.

What is despicable is Cindy Sheehan, was used by the left during her most vulnerable time after the death of her son, fed lies and then when her usefulness was over with, she was chewed up and spit out by the Dems and liberals. Makes me sick.
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Remember when Sheehan was being called names and accused of being used by the left but she was too dumb to know it?

Remember when the right started saying the same things about Mr. Woods? No...Are you saying this is political posturing? yeesss
right over your head.........

Anyone who loses a child is upset over the death. Sheehan questioned the war that led to her sons death. Woods is just using it for a chance to be a star on FoxNews

Over my head??? LOL, you are special...

Right, whats good for Sheehan is not good for Woods, bravo you win the Joe Biden is My Hero Award again, twice in the same day, you are real special...

Different issues

Sheehan was protesting the war

What is Woods protesting?

Seriously, if you have to ask this you are too stupid to even WANT to understand.
Cindy Sheehan Was Cheered, Charles Woods Is Ignored

Woods is especially angry "that apparently the White House situation room was watching our people die in real time, as this was happening."

If Cindy Sheehan had made such a comment, it would have led every evening newscast.

Nor is Woods happy with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. "Her countenance was not good, and she made this statement to me .. . she said we will make sure that the person who made that film is arrested and prosecuted," he told radio host Glenn Beck. Woods said he "could tell that she was not telling me the truth."

Read More At IBD: Media That Cheered Cindy Sheehan Ignore Charles Woods And Benghazi -
I had forgotten all bout that C. Sheehan! what an obnoxious woman! She represents for me the big majority of the loonie left ... all that is bad about the left.... Geez
right over your head.........

Anyone who loses a child is upset over the death. Sheehan questioned the war that led to her sons death. Woods is just using it for a chance to be a star on FoxNews

Over my head??? LOL, you are special...

Right, whats good for Sheehan is not good for Woods, bravo you win the Joe Biden is My Hero Award again, twice in the same day, you are real special...

Different issues

Sheehan was protesting the war

What is Woods protesting?

Since you asked...

How stupid people like yourself get to vote....
Why is Mr Woods considered to be better informed than anyone else?
I had forgotten all bout that C. Sheehan! what an obnoxious woman! She represents for me the big majority of the loonie left ... all that is bad about the left.... Geez

The Right spits on Gold Star Mothers
Cindy Sheehan was right about the Iraq invasion......Bush made an historic blunder

And still the Rightwing spits on a Gold Star Mother
Wow. You guys are close to having a eureka moment.

There is a massive quantitative difference between Benghazi and Iraq.
I had forgotten all bout that C. Sheehan! what an obnoxious woman! She represents for me the big majority of the loonie left ... all that is bad about the left.... Geez

The Right spits on Gold Star Mothers

She's no Gold star.....
I think what she did completely dishonored her sons service! It's a voluntary service, he decided to go knowing the danger. It's sad that he died, but she had NO right in blaming Bush. Bush didn't force him to go. I would never do that to my sons memory.....

And yes, Woods made the decision to do the job he was doing. And i'm sure he knew there was a lot of danger. But when they asked for help, hours before they were killed, and they were turned down...nobody even TRIED to get someone there to help. Then that is our Govt's fault! If they'd at least tried to do what they could to save them, this wouldn't have been an issue.
I had forgotten all bout that C. Sheehan! what an obnoxious woman! She represents for me the big majority of the loonie left ... all that is bad about the left.... Geez

The Right spits on Gold Star Mothers

She's no Gold star.....
I think what she did completely dishonored her sons service! It's a voluntary service, he decided to go knowing the danger. It's sad that he died, but she had NO right in blaming Bush. Bush didn't force him to go. I would never do that to my sons memory.....

And yes, Woods made the decision to do the job he was doing. And i'm sure he knew there was a lot of danger. But when they asked for help, hours before they were killed, and they were turned down...nobody even TRIED to get someone there to help. Then that is our Govt's fault! If they'd at least tried to do what they could to save them, this wouldn't have been an issue.

My point is proven
The Right spits on Gold Star Mothers

She's no Gold star.....
I think what she did completely dishonored her sons service! It's a voluntary service, he decided to go knowing the danger. It's sad that he died, but she had NO right in blaming Bush. Bush didn't force him to go. I would never do that to my sons memory.....

And yes, Woods made the decision to do the job he was doing. And i'm sure he knew there was a lot of danger. But when they asked for help, hours before they were killed, and they were turned down...nobody even TRIED to get someone there to help. Then that is our Govt's fault! If they'd at least tried to do what they could to save them, this wouldn't have been an issue.

My point is proven

You proved nothing.
Cindy was no gold star....she was a fool to do what she did. My son would hate it if i did something like that, and he's been to Iraq 3 times and will have more deployments soon. I know some day i could lose him like she lost her son, it's unimaginable....but she was WRONG dragging his name and honorable military career through the mud!
She's no Gold star.....
I think what she did completely dishonored her sons service! It's a voluntary service, he decided to go knowing the danger. It's sad that he died, but she had NO right in blaming Bush. Bush didn't force him to go. I would never do that to my sons memory.....

And yes, Woods made the decision to do the job he was doing. And i'm sure he knew there was a lot of danger. But when they asked for help, hours before they were killed, and they were turned down...nobody even TRIED to get someone there to help. Then that is our Govt's fault! If they'd at least tried to do what they could to save them, this wouldn't have been an issue.

My point is proven

You proved nothing.
Cindy was no gold star....she was a fool to do what she did. My son would hate it if i did something like that, and he's been to Iraq 3 times and will have more deployments soon. I know some day i could lose him like she lost her son, it's unimaginable....but she was WRONG dragging his name and honorable military career through the mud!

Keep spitting

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