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Circumventing the electoral college won't prevent Trump from winning in 2020...

Tired of losing Yet?

That states that don't have it in place will have to play by the old rules.

And this is only "State Law" which also runs counter to The Constitution.

So even if they get it through The Supreme Court....

In that case the score will be something like

Trump 450!
DemLoser 81

Tired of losing? You claimed Trump was going to win big because of the vote compact and I hinted and hinted and hinted that it wasn't going to be the case because it wasn't going to be implemented by 2020 and you kept making the same claim, and I'm losing? :21:

So, now that you've finally caught up, you claim Trump is going to win 450 electoral college votes? One thing you'd have to be a moron to predict who is going to win the election this early, however to get 450 is pretty much impossible. California, New York and Massachusetts alone will keep Trump from hitting 450. What an idiot you are.

No, I claim that if you get your stupid Pact in Place, he will win 503

But I think he can win 531

Trump 531!

Loserville 0

Where are you getting 531? Did you flunk out of high school?
No, I made adjustments for removing The Illegal Alien Count from The Census.

You remove 20 Million Illegals from the Census Count across the country and I think that shaves approximate 6-8 EVs off of the total EV Count.

But, the actual count is immaterial when you are discussing the stupidity of awarding all EC Votes to a National Popular Vote winner which would disenfranchise many states rights to be heard and represented, and their votes for their candidate counted.

Let me educate you dumbass! The electoral college is comprised of one vote for each Representative (435), one for each Senator (100) and 3 for Washington DC. That is 538 votes. Unless you change those numbers, illegals don't matter. For every seat California would lose, someone else would pick it up.

After 2020's census, these states are expected to gain seats in the House and this electoral votes.

States Gaining Districts (6 or 7)
  • Arizona +1 (from 9 to 10)
  • Colorado +1 (from 7 to 8)
  • Florida +2 (from 27 to 29)
  • Montana even or +1 (from At-large to 2)
  • North Carolina +1 (from 13 to 14)
  • Oregon +1 (from 5 to 6)
  • Texas +3 (from 36 to 39)
States Losing Districts (9)
  • Alabama -1 (from 7 to 6)
  • Illinois -1 or -2 (from 18 to 17 or 16)
  • Michigan -1 (from 14 to 13)
  • Minnesota -1 or even (from 8 to 7 or none)
  • New York -1 (from 27 to 26)
  • Ohio -1 (from 16 to 15)
  • Pennsylvania -1 (from 18 to 17)
  • Rhode Island -1 (from 2 to 1)
  • West Virginia -1 (from 3 to 2)
The 2020 election will see no changes.

The population shift is hurting the Dems!

You realize, he's pretty much dead weight for the right?
I read the laws.

If you Do-Tards vote for Joe Biden, and Donald Trump wins The National Popular Vote, then all 15 Dem Tard states that voted for Joe Biden have to give their Electoral Votes to Donald Trump. That is 197 Additional Electoral Votes.

The Election would be

Joe Biden 28
Donald Trump 503

Neat and you still haven't a clue how this will never happen? Think four dimensional.

Those state laws, written by idiots clearly state that their state's electoral college votes will go to The National Popular Vote Winner, even if that State has voted for The Democrat Candidate, and The Republican wins The National Popular Vote.

15 Blue States representing 197 Electoral Votes all will have to give their Electoral Votes to Donald J. Trump.

Right now, Donald J Trump, President of The United States is projected to win 52% of The National Vote, and your band of idiots won't have time to change the law back to benefit The Democrat Nominee, so it's going to be a slaughter.

Donald Trump 503!
Joe Biden 28

That's disenfranchising their voters, and against the Constitution.

Nope. The Constitution doesn't even proclaim that a state has to even have an election.

Section 10

"No state shall enter into any treaty, alliance, or confederation;"

Those bills being passed is "Entering an alliance"

Article IV, Section 2:

"1: The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States."

Also, several times in the amendments it says : "The right of citizens of the United States to vote ... shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or any state."

It says that about sex, age, color..

Constitution of the United States - We the People

True. However, does COTUS specify a sanction for a Governor or member of a State Legislature who overtly or covertly suppresses the vote of a citizen by making the days and times and polling places to vote more difficult?
LOL......I kid sometimes about some of these board members hailing from Oz but the OP might actually be a regular dweller.:113::113:. I mean c'mon now......the chances of me walking on the moon with a cold Corona are far greater than abolition of the electoral college.

That doesn't mean Commie states aren't attempting an end-around on it. Any state Rep or Senator that voted for going against the Electoral college should be prosecuted, and well they can be under the law.

Only a handful of states will go there....its unicorn chasing. The effort sells only in k00k counties. Of all the Disney thinking we see from progressives, this is by far the most absurd and get the most miles/ laugh. I love these threads!
The evidence to support electing the President and VP by popular vote is more necessary today then ever in the past.

I see you are from California.

While we're at it, maybe we should abolish the Senate too, since Rhode Island gets as many senators as California.

Go ahead and draft a Constitutional amendment, because that's what it will take. Last time I looked you need 38 states to ratify. Good luck with that.

There is history, and the E.C. has had support in more states than CA.

See: Past Attempts at Reform - FairVote
The other thing is....any real effort at scuttling the electoral college would result in massive civil unrest. A huge majority of DUMS hail from districts where the k00k left is fringe and thus marginalized politically. This isnt even a slightly serious matter.:113:
The public that votes doesnt take this seriously. Its akin to somebody on the right thinking an overturn of Roe v Wade is going to happen or somebody on the left really believing a gun ban is coming.

There are just some political goals that are unattainable.....for both sides. Overturning EC laws one of them, of course.:bye1:
Another thread by the right on not understanding the national popular vote compact, the earliest it could go into effect and what the constitution even says about how stays may appropriate their EC votes.
So you are cool with Trump getting 503 electoral votes?

Are you gonna cry like a bitch "Not My President" when the score is 503 to 28 and your party fucked up again failing at rigging yet another election?

505 + 28 = 533. What happened to the other 5 votes?

435 + 100 + 3 = 538.
Faithless Electors Abstained.

What do the numbers matter?

Dem Tards have ensured...


WTF arr you talking about? Just admit you don't know how many votes there are in the EC!
Please, Fake Admiral

538 or 533

If it was 600 or 400 the discussion would be the same. Awarding EC Votes to The National Popular Vote Winner will be struck down in The Supreme Court because it disenfranchises a state from having their voice heard in a National Election.

The EC is based on population partially as are our reps in each state. Removing Illegals from our Census Count will reduced the number of EC votes in The EC, and California should also rightfully lose State Representatives for the House.

Go change your diaper. You people are stinking up the place.
Another thread by the right on not understanding the national popular vote compact, the earliest it could go into effect and what the constitution even says about how stays may appropriate their EC votes.
So you are cool with Trump getting 503 electoral votes?

Are you gonna cry like a bitch "Not My President" when the score is 503 to 28 and your party fucked up again failing at rigging yet another election?

505 + 28 = 533. What happened to the other 5 votes?

435 + 100 + 3 = 538.
Faithless Electors Abstained.

What do the numbers matter?

Dem Tards have ensured...


WTF arr you talking about? Just admit you don't know how many votes there are in the EC!
Please, Fake Admiral

538 or 533

if it was 600 or 400 the discussion would be the same. Awarding EC Votes to The National Popular Vote Winner will be struck down in The Supreme Court because it disenfranchise a state from having their voice heard in a National Election.

The EC is based on population partially as are our reps in each state. Removing Illegals from our Census Count will reduced the number of EC votes in The EC, and California should also rightfully lose State Representatives for the House.

We could lose 2 million citizens and the EC would still be 538.
Never met a Democrat that had a good idea. All their Ideas are Bad and are designed to create more problems which they come up with even worse ideas to fix.

It's like s sick twisted job security ponzi scheme.
Never met a Democrat that had a good idea. All their Ideas are Bad and are designed to create more problems which they come up with even worse ideas to fix.

It's like s sick twisted job security ponzi scheme.

Do you mean like Social Security and Medicare? Or that most Democrats voted not to invade Iraq?
Never met a Democrat that had a good idea. All their Ideas are Bad and are designed to create more problems which they come up with even worse ideas to fix.

It's like s sick twisted job security ponzi scheme.

Do you mean like Social Security and Medicare? Or that most Democrats voted not to invade Iraq?


58% of the DUMS voted for the Iraqi invasion!:deal:

Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002 - Wikipedia
So you are cool with Trump getting 503 electoral votes?

Are you gonna cry like a bitch "Not My President" when the score is 503 to 28 and your party fucked up again failing at rigging yet another election?

505 + 28 = 533. What happened to the other 5 votes?

435 + 100 + 3 = 538.
Faithless Electors Abstained.

What do the numbers matter?

Dem Tards have ensured...


WTF arr you talking about? Just admit you don't know how many votes there are in the EC!
Please, Fake Admiral

538 or 533

if it was 600 or 400 the discussion would be the same. Awarding EC Votes to The National Popular Vote Winner will be struck down in The Supreme Court because it disenfranchise a state from having their voice heard in a National Election.

The EC is based on population partially as are our reps in each state. Removing Illegals from our Census Count will reduced the number of EC votes in The EC, and California should also rightfully lose State Representatives for the House.

We could lose 2 million citizens and the EC would still be 538.

My understanding is that losing 20 Million Illegals would change it.

This is why The Dem Tards don't want the "Citizenship" question on the Census. Because they are over represented in The House and should have their EC votes reduced

The Impact of Non-Citizens on Congressional Apportionment
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Never met a Democrat that had a good idea. All their Ideas are Bad and are designed to create more problems which they come up with even worse ideas to fix.

It's like s sick twisted job security ponzi scheme.

Do you mean like Social Security and Medicare? Or that most Democrats voted not to invade Iraq?


58% of the DUMS voted for the Iraqi invasion!:deal:

Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002 - Wikipedia

Please go away, when your own lie is pointed out in a link you provided

Dem Reps:
Yeas: 82
Nays: 126

Dem Senators:
Yeas: 29
Nays: 21

Most Democrats and especially the liberal ones voted against the Iraq war.

I'd really like to ask the wingnuts on USMB to bring your A game for a change.
Never met a Democrat that had a good idea. All their Ideas are Bad and are designed to create more problems which they come up with even worse ideas to fix.

It's like s sick twisted job security ponzi scheme.

Do you mean like Social Security and Medicare? Or that most Democrats voted not to invade Iraq?
Social Security and Medicare are Financially in the red and are about to go belly up, because of DemNazi Socialists putting Illegals on our Social Safety Net and making it too easy to scam our Social Safety Net and Rob it.

Why do the Democrats want to rob Grandma and Grandpa and give their money to a bunch of Bad Hombres?


I hope California and New York gets hit with an asteroid.

Impact On Congressional Apportionment

Non-citizens Have Large Impact. Immigration has a significant effect on the distribution of seats in the U.S. House of Representatives for three reasons. First, seats are apportioned based on each state's total population relative to the rest of the country, including illegal aliens and other non-citizens. This, of course, is the issue at the center of Congresswomen Miller's proposal. Second, congress has chosen to allow in a large number of legal immigrants and to tolerate wide spread illegal immigration. After the 2000 Census, the average congressional district had roughly 650,000 people. Thus, the more than 18 million non-citizens in the 2000 Census were equal to nearly 29 congressional seats. The third reason is that non-citizens are not evenly distributed throughout the country. In 2000, half of all non-citizens lived in just three states and almost 70 percent live in just six states. States with a large non-citizen population will gain at the expense of states comprised mostly of citizens.

Impact of Illegal Aliens.

In our 2003 apportionment study we also tried to estimate the impact of illegal aliens by themselves. The former INS has estimated the size and state distribution of illegals who responded to the Census, and we used those figures to estimate their impact on the distribution of House seats. We found that of the nine states that lost seats due to non-citizens, four were the result of illegals. This makes perfect sense because 40 to 45 percent of non-citizens are illegal aliens. Indiana, Michigan, and Mississippi each lost one seat in the House and Montana failed to gain a seat it otherwise would have gained because of illegal aliens in other states.

Impact on Electoral College.

Immigration and the resulting non-citizen population not only redistributes seats in the House, it has the same effect on presidential elections because the apportionment of the Electoral College is based on the same basic calculations as congressional delegations. Thus immigration policy and the resulting large non-citizen population it produces impacts the distribution of political influence both in Congress and in the Executive.

The Impact of Non-Citizens on Congressional Apportionment
Never met a Democrat that had a good idea. All their Ideas are Bad and are designed to create more problems which they come up with even worse ideas to fix.

It's like s sick twisted job security ponzi scheme.

Do you mean like Social Security and Medicare? Or that most Democrats voted not to invade Iraq?
Social Security and Medicare are Financially in the red and are about to go belly up, because of DemNazi Socialists putting Illegals on our Social Safety Net and making it too easy to scam our Social Safety Net and Rob it.

Why do the Democrats want to rob Grandma and Grandpa and give their money to a bunch of Bad Hombres?


Social Security and Medicare have "been about to go belly up" ever since they were created. They are both some of our most popular government programs and I don't know about you but I don't want to go back to poor houses for the elderly.
Never met a Democrat that had a good idea. All their Ideas are Bad and are designed to create more problems which they come up with even worse ideas to fix.

It's like s sick twisted job security ponzi scheme.

Do you mean like Social Security and Medicare? Or that most Democrats voted not to invade Iraq?


58% of the DUMS voted for the Iraqi invasion!:deal:

Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002 - Wikipedia

The Kook lies again, this time a lie by omission:

Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002 - Wikipedia

  • 215 (96.4%) of 223 Republican Representatives voted for the resolution.
  • 82 (39.2%) of 209 Democratic Representatives voted for the resolution.
  • 29 (58%) of 50 Democratic senators voted for the resolution
  • 21 (42%) of 50 Democratic Senators voted against the resolution
  • 1 (2%) of 49 Republican senators voted against the resolution

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