Cities Brace for Left-Wing Riots—Again


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
As usual, the violent American left hold the country hostage.

It's already a familiar pattern. As the nation awaits the verdict in the trial of Kyle Rittenhouse, National Guard troops have been mobilized while storekeepers in the city of Kenosha, Wisconsin, board up their windows and hope for the best.

In April, America held its breath waiting for the verdict in the trial of Derrick Chauvin, the Minneapolis police officer who was ultimately convicted for the murder of George Floyd, an event that set off a summer of protests as well as hundreds of riots in major cities. The very possibility that Chauvin might be acquitted of the most serious charges was enough for shopkeepers across the nation to board up their store windows in preparation for a new round of rioting.

This time the riots will most likely be in keeping with the situation.
This Trump fomented insanity must end!

How long before ordinary working class Americans feel the positive impact of Biden's bills. No fkng way poor diabetics will be feeling it very soon!

What has gone wrong with ordinary working class Americans They're shooting their feet off for the sake of being ornery and stubborn.

Literally shooting their feet off, and their heads too in rapidly increasing numbers!
I see that day coming.
The rest of the world sees the big gun fight coming too.

night son even incites the coming violence as if it's just a normal thing to do in America now after Trump. If his hoped for battalion is big enough, even the US military won't be able to stop it.

Many are supposing they won't even try!
This time the riots will most likely be in keeping with the situation.
This Trump fomented insanity must end!

How long before ordinary working class Americans feel the positive impact of Biden's bills. No fkng way poor diabetics will be feeling it very soon!

What has gone wrong with ordinary working class Americans They're shooting their feet off for the sake of being ornery and stubborn.

Literally shooting their feet off, and their heads too in rapidly increasing numbers!
You are nothing but a TDS idiot. You should take a swim in the Niagara River, right above the falls.
As usual, the violent American left hold the country hostage.

Temp in Wisconsin is about 32 with snow. I like water cannons for winter riot control.
I wish this was an American that would say "riots? Not gonna happen" instead of it being "riots? Well ok, if you insist.".

There was a time in America where if we saw riots it on was on tv in some other country. Now we see it on tv in America allover the country and the really fucking sad thing about it is we condone it by letting it happen, we expect it now and we don't do shit to stop it like it's just part of how things go. We treat riots the same as we do a county fair.

It's sad and pathetic and depressing our country allows and in some cases encourages this behavior. If a riot starts it should harshly and swiftly be shit down by force with serious legal action to punish the rioters.

But then again we have places like in California where you can legally steal.

I just can't believe America has turned into this.
Those who burn and loot deserve whatever measures are taken to stop them.
Absolutely. It gets bad, ugly cold Wisconsin. It is certainly no place, to go up against water cannon or fire hoses in the winter. Hypothermia can easily take you out. People in cold states know it. Priorities change in outdoor activity, if you become wet from head to toe, except maybe for dumbasses. No matter. We don't really care if the dumbasses make it or not, especially by their own decision making.
The civil war has started, the only thing that is missing are the bullets.
And black Americans who are willing to be slaves again. They're getting so uppity these days that they won't even step off the sidewalk to allow white folks to pass by.
Playing the race card is lazy

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