Citing Obamacare, Cleveland Clinic to Cut $300M, Warns of Layoff

To prepare for Obamacare, they are laying off all of their employees.

Lower health costs means a dollar that would've gone into the health sector stays in your pocket to be spent elsewhere. Which means the providers that have helped to drive health costs have smaller budgets (absolutely or relative to trends) to work with.

For so long it seemed there was agreement that the question was how we lower health care costs. Now that their growth is slowing to rates not seen in over a half century, it seems some of you want to ask whether we want to control health care costs at all. Such an interesting evolution.

I'm not asking you anything. I'm telling you a fact - the federal government has no authority to control the cost of anything.

None. It's simply NONE of their fucking business what something costs. It's none if their business what a Ford F150 costs. It's none of their business what a banana costs. It's none of their business what a candle costs. And it's none of their business what a doctor costs.

The Constitution limits their powers to 18 specific items. And cost control is not one of them. It really is that simple.
It's amazing watching the liberals flail and flounder wildly in response to each post and/or thread which proves their ideology is a failed one. Case in point:

After claiming to be for the worker, they are now desperately searching for a narrative to explain how they can support the miserable failure known as Obamacare when it has already cost millions of jobs.

For the moment, they've seemed to settle on the narrative that they suddenly care about being fiscally responsible. Ok. Great. So am I. For once we have an issue we are in complete agreement on. So lets start where the real "inefficiencies" are: government.

The government wastes more money in one week (through a wide range of waste, fraud, and abuse) than the entire healthcare system has in over a decade. Period. Indisputable FACT.

So lets go liberals - lets cut the fat out of government, restore it to it's Constitutional size and scope, and then we will move on to healthcare.
I'm not asking you anything. I'm telling you a fact - the federal government has no authority to control the cost of anything.

None. It's simply NONE of their fucking business what something costs. It's none if their business what a Ford F150 costs. It's none of their business what a banana costs. It's none of their business what a candle costs. And it's none of their business what a doctor costs.

The Constitution limits their powers to 18 specific items. And cost control is not one of them. It really is that simple.

Health care spending growth is under control for the first time in the history of modern medicine as we know it and for some reason that's throwing the rightwing faithful into a blind, spastic rage. Greater efficiency means misallocated dollars and labor go into other areas of the economy. Surprise, reform is addressing the cost problem.
I'm not asking you anything. I'm telling you a fact - the federal government has no authority to control the cost of anything.

None. It's simply NONE of their fucking business what something costs. It's none if their business what a Ford F150 costs. It's none of their business what a banana costs. It's none of their business what a candle costs. And it's none of their business what a doctor costs.

The Constitution limits their powers to 18 specific items. And cost control is not one of them. It really is that simple.

Health care spending growth is under control for the first time in the history of modern medicine as we know it and for some reason that's throwing the rightwing faithful into a blind, spastic rage. Greater efficiency means misallocated dollars and labor go into other areas of the economy. Surprise, reform is addressing the cost problem.

A TWO HUNDRED PERCENT INCREASE is you idea of "growth under control for the first time"? Really? Seriously? 200% increase. One year. 200% increase.

Georgia to See Up to 198 Percent Premium Hikes Under Obamacare
I'm not asking you anything. I'm telling you a fact - the federal government has no authority to control the cost of anything.

None. It's simply NONE of their fucking business what something costs. It's none if their business what a Ford F150 costs. It's none of their business what a banana costs. It's none of their business what a candle costs. And it's none of their business what a doctor costs.

The Constitution limits their powers to 18 specific items. And cost control is not one of them. It really is that simple.

Health care spending growth is under control for the first time in the history of modern medicine as we know it and for some reason that's throwing the rightwing faithful into a blind, spastic rage. Greater efficiency means misallocated dollars and labor go into other areas of the economy. Surprise, reform is addressing the cost problem.

Greenbeard logic: if a super virus wipes out 50% of the population, raping women will become perfectly acceptable because of the "need" to ensure the survival of the human race. :cuckoo:

Green, buddy, it doesn't matter if Obamacare causes the cost of healthcare to plummet 88,000% and cures all diseases world wide. It does not justify breaking the law. The federal government is not empowered to control costs. They do not have the authority to concern themselves with the price of a Ford F150 . Or the price of a banana. Or the price of a candle. And it's none of their business what a doctor costs. They are not authorized to be in the business of price fixing.
I'm not asking you anything. I'm telling you a fact - the federal government has no authority to control the cost of anything.

None. It's simply NONE of their fucking business what something costs. It's none if their business what a Ford F150 costs. It's none of their business what a banana costs. It's none of their business what a candle costs. And it's none of their business what a doctor costs.

The Constitution limits their powers to 18 specific items. And cost control is not one of them. It really is that simple.

Health care spending growth is under control for the first time in the history of modern medicine as we know it and for some reason that's throwing the rightwing faithful into a blind, spastic rage. Greater efficiency means misallocated dollars and labor go into other areas of the economy. Surprise, reform is addressing the cost problem.

Except that before Obamacare, there was no "cost problem". My healthcare was completely and totally affordable. The state of Georgia's healthcare was 200% cheaper before Obamacare.

Now, sadly, we do have a cost problem as Obamacare costs tax payers $2 trillion.
I'm not asking you anything. I'm telling you a fact - the federal government has no authority to control the cost of anything.

None. It's simply NONE of their fucking business what something costs. It's none if their business what a Ford F150 costs. It's none of their business what a banana costs. It's none of their business what a candle costs. And it's none of their business what a doctor costs.

The Constitution limits their powers to 18 specific items. And cost control is not one of them. It really is that simple.

Health care spending growth is under control for the first time in the history of modern medicine as we know it and for some reason that's throwing the rightwing faithful into a blind, spastic rage. Greater efficiency means misallocated dollars and labor go into other areas of the economy. Surprise, reform is addressing the cost problem.

Except that before Obamacare, there was no "cost problem". My healthcare was completely and totally affordable. The state of Georgia's healthcare was 200% cheaper before Obamacare.

Now, sadly, we do have a cost problem as Obamacare costs tax payers $2 trillion.

Now you started outright lying.
Health care spending growth is under control for the first time in the history of modern medicine as we know it and for some reason that's throwing the rightwing faithful into a blind, spastic rage. Greater efficiency means misallocated dollars and labor go into other areas of the economy. Surprise, reform is addressing the cost problem.

Except that before Obamacare, there was no "cost problem". My healthcare was completely and totally affordable. The state of Georgia's healthcare was 200% cheaper before Obamacare.

Now, sadly, we do have a cost problem as Obamacare costs tax payers $2 trillion.

Now you started outright lying.

There was NO "cost problem" and I've already proven that.

Obamacare will cost the federal government $2 trillion (my healthcare didn't cost that much - did yours?). Obamacare is causing healthcare costs to rise 200% in Georgia. Obamacare is causing healthcare costs to rise 35% in Florida. Obamacare is causing healthcare costs to rise 41% in Ohio. Obamacare is causing healthcare costs to rise 130% in New Mexico. Obamacare is causing healthcare costs to rise 97% in Vermont. Obamacare is causing healthcare costs to rise 83% in South Dakota. Obamacare is causing healthcare costs to rise 59% in Connecticut.

But more than all of that - Obamacare is causing employers to eliminate jobs, eliminate hours, and/or eliminate health insurance for their employees.

Boy, you Dumbocrats sure know how to fix a "problem"! :lmao:

Where Obamacare premiums will soar - Aug. 6, 2013

Interactive Map: In 13 States Plus D.C., Obamacare Will Increase Health Premiums By 24%, On Average - Forbes
$300 million is a drop in the bucket for Cleveland Clinic and the number of people they need to cut is minimal. 6% is what he said.

I'd also like the opening poster to cite the specific part of Obamacare that is causing this. If you know anything at all about it, that is. CC is still a massive employer and will survive. They aren't going under anytime soon.
BTW, Obamacare isn't going anywhere either. The Republican House may if they don't get down to work soon though.
Except that before Obamacare, there was no "cost problem". My healthcare was completely and totally affordable. The state of Georgia's healthcare was 200% cheaper before Obamacare.

Now, sadly, we do have a cost problem as Obamacare costs tax payers $2 trillion.

Now you started outright lying.

There was NO "cost problem" and I've already proven that.

Obamacare will cost the federal government $2 trillion (my healthcare didn't cost that much - did yours?). Obamacare is causing healthcare costs to rise 200% in Georgia. Obamacare is causing healthcare costs to rise 35% in Florida. Obamacare is causing healthcare costs to rise 41% in Ohio. Obamacare is causing healthcare costs to rise 130% in New Mexico. Obamacare is causing healthcare costs to rise 97% in Vermont. Obamacare is causing healthcare costs to rise 83% in South Dakota. Obamacare is causing healthcare costs to rise 59% in Connecticut.

But more than all of that - Obamacare is causing employers to eliminate jobs, eliminate hours, and/or eliminate health insurance for their employees.

Boy, you Dumbocrats sure know how to fix a "problem"! :lmao:

Where Obamacare premiums will soar - Aug. 6, 2013

Interactive Map: In 13 States Plus D.C., Obamacare Will Increase Health Premiums By 24%, On Average - Forbes

Look at this from your article:

That's because these people live in states where insurers were allowed to sell bare-bones plans and exclude the sick, which has kept costs down

The problem here, Einstein, is that when people use the emergency room as their primary source of health care, the cost to the state explodes. See "Massachusetts" as an example. It's why Republicans started Obamacare, to bring down the costs.

But don't worry. Red States are welfare states. I'm sure money will be ripped off from donor Blue States to continue to take care of inbred conservatives who live in lustful ignorance in Red States. It's been like that for decades.
$300 million is a drop in the bucket for Cleveland Clinic and the number of people they need to cut is minimal. 6% is what he said.

I'd also like the opening poster to cite the specific part of Obamacare that is causing this. If you know anything at all about it, that is. CC is still a massive employer and will survive. They aren't going under anytime soon.

So those 6% don't matter? It's ok that they lose their homes and their children starve so that parasites, crack addicts, and illegal aliens can be guaranteed healthcare that they didn't earn and don't deserve? Really? Really [MENTION=18645]Sarah G[/MENTION]?!?!

Just curious - would you be willing to tell these 1,200 employees and their families that they are "minimal" and really don't matter?

Also, I thought you were the party of the working man? What happened? Now you're causing the working man to lose his job and telling him that he doesn't really matter anyway.
Now you started outright lying.

There was NO "cost problem" and I've already proven that.

Obamacare will cost the federal government $2 trillion (my healthcare didn't cost that much - did yours?). Obamacare is causing healthcare costs to rise 200% in Georgia. Obamacare is causing healthcare costs to rise 35% in Florida. Obamacare is causing healthcare costs to rise 41% in Ohio. Obamacare is causing healthcare costs to rise 130% in New Mexico. Obamacare is causing healthcare costs to rise 97% in Vermont. Obamacare is causing healthcare costs to rise 83% in South Dakota. Obamacare is causing healthcare costs to rise 59% in Connecticut.

But more than all of that - Obamacare is causing employers to eliminate jobs, eliminate hours, and/or eliminate health insurance for their employees.

Boy, you Dumbocrats sure know how to fix a "problem"! :lmao:

Where Obamacare premiums will soar - Aug. 6, 2013

Interactive Map: In 13 States Plus D.C., Obamacare Will Increase Health Premiums By 24%, On Average - Forbes

Look at this from your article:

That's because these people live in states where insurers were allowed to sell bare-bones plans and exclude the sick, which has kept costs down

The problem here, Einstein, is that when people use the emergency room as their primary source of health care, the cost to the state explodes. See "Massachusetts" as an example. It's why Republicans started Obamacare, to bring down the costs.

But don't worry. Red States are welfare states. I'm sure money will be ripped off from donor Blue States to continue to take care of inbred conservatives who live in lustful ignorance in Red States. It's been like that for decades.

And that's why the solution is to allow the emergency room to turn away the parasites, the crack addicts, and the illegal aliens who have no fuck'n business being here anyway and should be sitting in a prison cell.

By the way - if you care about them so much - why don't you pay for them? Oh wait - that's right - you're a moocher not a provider... :eusa_whistle:
BTW, Obamacare isn't going anywhere either. The Republican House may if they don't get down to work soon though.

The Republican House did get down to work sweetie - they voted this week to defund Obamacare!

A buh-bye Obamacare! Buh-bye!


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