Citing Obamacare, Cleveland Clinic to Cut $300M, Warns of Layoff

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Just read ALL 23 pages asshat and it didn't say ONE single thing about "most" of the Cleveland Clinic's money coming from Medicaid. It was just a QA for for anyone with concerns about coverage Want to try again LIAR?

See, like most dumbocrats, Rdeantard is fiercely racist. He assumes that the Cleveland Clinic must be utilized by all black, "po folk" because he sees "Cleveland" in the name and assumes that equals poor black people.

Because he exists in a constant state of ignorance, he has no idea that the wealthiest people from around the world (from billionaire oil sheiks who rent out entire floors for millions of dollars per day to pro athletes) go to the Cleveland Clinic for all of their healthcare needs.

I love calling out Rdeantard on each of his LIES....


Wow, you really went over the edge on that one. So it's billionaire oil sheikhs who fund our clinics. Amazing. They take both Medicaid and billionaire oil sheikhs. But it's the billionaire oil sheikhs who we should be thanking.

I didn't say we should thank anyone. I just PROVED (once again) that you were LYING.

And NOBODY "funds" the Cleveland Clinic asshat. It's a business - they make money selling their services. Nobody "funds" it you disingenuous, lying asshat.

What does it say about you and your ideology that you have to knowingly LIE in every post you make?
With the exception of maybe the Mayo Clinic, the most powerful healthcare institution in America (who once backed Obamacare to the hilt) has now crunched the numbers and found that Obamacare is going to bankrupt them. And thus, they are laying off workers (which will cause people to lose their health insurance, which will cause them to become government dependent, which will cause the costs to skyrocket further, which will cause even more layoffs - Lather. Rinse. Repeat.)

Obamacare is astounding Dumbocrat failure (even by the standard levels of liberal failure)

Citing Obamacare, Cleveland Clinic to Cut $300M, Warns of Layoffs - US News and World Report

Blah blah...pappa johns aad the same shit. Get over it. You lose.
With the exception of maybe the Mayo Clinic, the most powerful healthcare institution in America (who once backed Obamacare to the hilt) has now crunched the numbers and found that Obamacare is going to bankrupt them. And thus, they are laying off workers (which will cause people to lose their health insurance, which will cause them to become government dependent, which will cause the costs to skyrocket further, which will cause even more layoffs - Lather. Rinse. Repeat.)

Obamacare is astounding Dumbocrat failure (even by the standard levels of liberal failure)

Citing Obamacare, Cleveland Clinic to Cut $300M, Warns of Layoffs - US News and World Report

Blah blah...pappa johns aad the same shit. Get over it. You lose.

So people are losing their jobs and will lose their homes, their children will be hungry, and your response is "blah, blah....shit....get it over it"?

[MENTION=20497]Zona[/MENTION], I thought you were the party of the bleeding hearts?

I thought you were the party who cared about the working man?

Ladies & Gentlemen - this is the true colors of the Dumbocrats. They don't give a fuck about anybody but themselves. So long as they get something free from the government for themselves, they could give a fuck about hungry children, homeless families, or jobs.
So it's billionaire oil sheikhs who fund our clinics.

I just realized, Rdeantard here is so fuck'n ignorant about the topic he speaks out on, he thinks the Cleveland Clinic is some little Planned Parenthood "clinic". That's why he ignorantly stated that they are "funded" and that's why he said the majority of it comes from Medicaid!!!!

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Hey asshat - the Cleveland Clinic (like the Mayo Clinic) is a massive hospital. It is one of the biggest hospitals in the WORLD.

Oh my God are you one dumb little monkey. You never have any idea what you are talking about.
With the exception of maybe the Mayo Clinic, the most powerful healthcare institution in America (who once backed Obamacare to the hilt) has now crunched the numbers and found that Obamacare is going to bankrupt them. And thus, they are laying off workers (which will cause people to lose their health insurance, which will cause them to become government dependent, which will cause the costs to skyrocket further, which will cause even more layoffs - Lather. Rinse. Repeat.)

Obamacare is astounding Dumbocrat failure (even by the standard levels of liberal failure)

Citing Obamacare, Cleveland Clinic to Cut $300M, Warns of Layoffs - US News and World Report

Yes because ObamaCare now mandates they can't RIP OFF patients, they are "losing" money.

"To prepare for health care reform, Cleveland Clinic is transforming the way care is delivered to patients," the Clinic's representatives said in a statement. "Over the past several years, we have had an ongoing focus on driving efficiencies, lowering costs, reducing duplication in services and enhancing quality to make health care affordable to patients."

You even bother reading these things?
So it's billionaire oil sheikhs who fund our clinics.

I just realized, Rdeantard here is so fuck'n ignorant about the topic he speaks out on, he thinks the Cleveland Clinic is some little Planned Parenthood "clinic". That's why he ignorantly stated that they are "funded" and that's why he said the majority of it comes from Medicaid!!!!

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Hey asshat - the Cleveland Clinic (like the Mayo Clinic) is a massive hospital. It is one of the biggest hospitals in the WORLD.

Oh my God are you one dumb little monkey. You never have any idea what you are talking about.

It would have taken him all of 3 seconds to Google the Cleveland Clinic and maybe a whopping 60 seconds to read about the organization.

This is a great illustration of the modern day liberal: ignorant of the topic and too lazy to educate themselves.

I can't stop laughing - he thought the Clevleand Clinic was some little Planned Parenthood like "clinic"... :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
"To prepare for health care reform, Cleveland Clinic is transforming the way care is delivered to patients," the Clinic's representatives said in a statement. "Over the past several years, we have had an ongoing focus on driving efficiencies, lowering costs, reducing duplication in services and enhancing quality to make health care affordable to patients."

The law is driving efficiencies, prompting providers to offer better or equivalent quality care at lower costs? Who knew!

You're joking right?

Surely you cannot be that ignorant.
That is an outrageous LIE. [MENTION=20394]rdean[/MENTION] doesn't know a fucking thing about the Cleveland Clinic and literally just makes shit like this up in a weak attempt to defend the indefensible....

Medicaid Questions & Answers - Cleveland Clinic

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Just read ALL 23 pages asshat and it didn't say ONE single thing about "most" of the Cleveland Clinic's money coming from Medicaid. It was just a QA for for anyone with concerns about coverage Want to try again LIAR?

See, like most dumbocrats, Rdeantard is fiercely racist. He assumes that the Cleveland Clinic must be utilized by all black, "po folk" because he sees "Cleveland" in the name and assumes that equals poor black people.

Because he exists in a constant state of ignorance, he has no idea that the wealthiest people from around the world (from billionaire oil sheiks who rent out entire floors for millions of dollars per day to pro athletes) go to the Cleveland Clinic for all of their healthcare needs.

I love calling out Rdeantard on each of his LIES....


Dude, that is a full-time job.
With the exception of maybe the Mayo Clinic, the most powerful healthcare institution in America (who once backed Obamacare to the hilt) has now crunched the numbers and found that Obamacare is going to bankrupt them. And thus, they are laying off workers (which will cause people to lose their health insurance, which will cause them to become government dependent, which will cause the costs to skyrocket further, which will cause even more layoffs - Lather. Rinse. Repeat.)

Obamacare is astounding Dumbocrat failure (even by the standard levels of liberal failure)

Citing Obamacare, Cleveland Clinic to Cut $300M, Warns of Layoffs - US News and World Report

Blah blah...pappa johns aad the same shit. Get over it. You lose.

So people are losing their jobs and will lose their homes, their children will be hungry, and your response is "blah, blah....shit....get it over it"?

[MENTION=20497]Zona[/MENTION], I thought you were the party of the bleeding hearts?

I thought you were the party who cared about the working man?

Ladies & Gentlemen - this is the true colors of the Dumbocrats. They don't give a fuck about anybody but themselves. So long as they get something free from the government for themselves, they could give a fuck about hungry children, homeless families, or jobs.

He's a socialist. More people out of work, more people dependant on the government. of course he wants that.
With the exception of maybe the Mayo Clinic, the most powerful healthcare institution in America (who once backed Obamacare to the hilt) has now crunched the numbers and found that Obamacare is going to bankrupt them. And thus, they are laying off workers (which will cause people to lose their health insurance, which will cause them to become government dependent, which will cause the costs to skyrocket further, which will cause even more layoffs - Lather. Rinse. Repeat.)

Obamacare is astounding Dumbocrat failure (even by the standard levels of liberal failure)

Citing Obamacare, Cleveland Clinic to Cut $300M, Warns of Layoffs - US News and World Report

Yes because ObamaCare now mandates they can't RIP OFF patients, they are "losing" money.

"To prepare for health care reform, Cleveland Clinic is transforming the way care is delivered to patients," the Clinic's representatives said in a statement. "Over the past several years, we have had an ongoing focus on driving efficiencies, lowering costs, reducing duplication in services and enhancing quality to make health care affordable to patients."

You even bother reading these things?

"Over the past several years"

Hint: before Obamacare took any effect. Do you even understand what you read dumbass?
With the exception of maybe the Mayo Clinic, the most powerful healthcare institution in America (who once backed Obamacare to the hilt) has now crunched the numbers and found that Obamacare is going to bankrupt them. And thus, they are laying off workers (which will cause people to lose their health insurance, which will cause them to become government dependent, which will cause the costs to skyrocket further, which will cause even more layoffs - Lather. Rinse. Repeat.)

Obamacare is astounding Dumbocrat failure (even by the standard levels of liberal failure)

Citing Obamacare, Cleveland Clinic to Cut $300M, Warns of Layoffs - US News and World Report

Yes because ObamaCare now mandates they can't RIP OFF patients, they are "losing" money.

"To prepare for health care reform, Cleveland Clinic is transforming the way care is delivered to patients," the Clinic's representatives said in a statement. "Over the past several years, we have had an ongoing focus on driving efficiencies, lowering costs, reducing duplication in services and enhancing quality to make health care affordable to patients."

You even bother reading these things?

"Over the past several years"

Hint: before Obamacare took any effect. Do you even understand what you read dumbass?

Yeah I read it.

Lets go through it so you can understand it.

To prepare for health care reform, Cleveland Clinic is transforming the way care is delivered to patients,

They knew the law was going to dramatically change the way they did business. So they "prepared".

verb: prepare; 3rd person present: prepares; past tense: prepared; past participle: prepared; gerund or present participle: preparing

make (something) ready for use or consideration.
"prepare a brief summary of the article"
synonyms: make/get ready, put together, draw up, produce, arrange, assemble, construct, compose, formulate More

And the law was passed "several" years ago.

Let's look that up.

determiner & pronoun
determiner: several; pronoun: several

more than two but not many.
"the author of several books"
synonyms: some, a number of, a few; More

And this part?

we have had an ongoing focus on driving efficiencies, lowering costs, reducing duplication in services and enhancing quality to make health care affordable to patients."

That's a big part of what's MANDATED by the ACA. Had there been no law passed? They wouldn't bother.

English, motherfucker.

Do you speak it? :eusa_shifty:
Last edited:
Insurance companies to 'give back' $1 billion+ thanks to Obama's Health Care Plan

These right wingers are so full of hate and ignorance they simply can't learn.

The reason insurance companies are giving money back is because Obamacare mandates they use 80% at least, on customers buying their policies. For "let him die" Republicans, that's a terrible thing.

Hopefully, it cuts CEO pay. I use Aetna and the CEO of that company get's nearly 50 million. How many policies do you have to skim to get a 50 million dollar salary?
With the exception of maybe the Mayo Clinic, the most powerful healthcare institution in America (who once backed Obamacare to the hilt) has now crunched the numbers and found that Obamacare is going to bankrupt them. And thus, they are laying off workers (which will cause people to lose their health insurance, which will cause them to become government dependent, which will cause the costs to skyrocket further, which will cause even more layoffs - Lather. Rinse. Repeat.)

Obamacare is astounding Dumbocrat failure (even by the standard levels of liberal failure)

Citing Obamacare, Cleveland Clinic to Cut $300M, Warns of Layoffs - US News and World Report

Blah blah...pappa johns aad the same shit. Get over it. You lose.

So people are losing their jobs and will lose their homes, their children will be hungry, and your response is "blah, blah....shit....get it over it"?

[MENTION=20497]Zona[/MENTION], I thought you were the party of the bleeding hearts?

I thought you were the party who cared about the working man?

Ladies & Gentlemen - this is the true colors of the Dumbocrats. They don't give a fuck about anybody but themselves. So long as they get something free from the government for themselves, they could give a fuck about hungry children, homeless families, or jobs.

There were a lot more people loosing homes, futures, families because they got sick and had to sell everything ...EVERYTHING because of health care insurance. Or lack of.
Why do you ignore what this story is really about, cherry pick one quote and take it completely out of context (they didn't say Obamacare made them do that stupid - business is ALWAYS trying to lower their costs and be more efficient), and just be a disingenuous ass in general to attempt to defend a failed ideology.

They said exactly that--to prepare for reform, they're working to provide better care at lower costs. This bloated industry is finally starting to reform itself, and health reform has been an important impetus for that change.

I pointed out places like Partners in Massachusetts beginning to redesign care delivery to drive efficiencies in response to reform three years ago. It's happening all over the place. And both health care spending growth and medical price inflation have hit 50+ year lows as of late.
Blah blah...pappa johns aad the same shit. Get over it. You lose.

So people are losing their jobs and will lose their homes, their children will be hungry, and your response is "blah, blah....shit....get it over it"?

[MENTION=20497]Zona[/MENTION], I thought you were the party of the bleeding hearts?

I thought you were the party who cared about the working man?

Ladies & Gentlemen - this is the true colors of the Dumbocrats. They don't give a fuck about anybody but themselves. So long as they get something free from the government for themselves, they could give a fuck about hungry children, homeless families, or jobs.

There were a lot more people loosing homes, futures, families because they got sick and had to sell everything ...EVERYTHING because of health care insurance. Or lack of.

No, there weren't. Don't lie because I bent you over and made you my prison bitch in front of the world. :lol:
Why do you ignore what this story is really about, cherry pick one quote and take it completely out of context (they didn't say Obamacare made them do that stupid - business is ALWAYS trying to lower their costs and be more efficient), and just be a disingenuous ass in general to attempt to defend a failed ideology.

They said exactly that--to prepare for reform, they're working to provide better care at lower costs. This bloated industry is finally starting to reform itself, and health reform has been an important impetus for that change.

I pointed out places like Partners in Massachusetts beginning to redesign care delivery to drive efficiencies in response to reform three years ago. It's happening all over the place. And both health care spending growth and medical price inflation have hit 50+ year lows as of late.

To prepare for Obamacare, they are laying off all of their employees.

How many millions have officially lost their jobs now thanks to Obamacare?
These right wingers are so full of hate and ignorance they simply can't learn.

Says the ignorant asshole who thought the Cleveland Clinic was some little Planned Parenthood-type clinic.... :lmao:

You're the poster child of ignorant rdeantard... :lol:
"To prepare for health care reform, Cleveland Clinic is transforming the way care is delivered to patients," the Clinic's representatives said in a statement. "Over the past several years, we have had an ongoing focus on driving efficiencies, lowering costs, reducing duplication in services and enhancing quality to make health care affordable to patients."

The law is driving efficiencies, prompting providers to offer better or equivalent quality care at lower costs? Who knew!

Do you work for the government?
You've long billed yourselves as the party of the working man. So why are you forcing working people out of their jobs?

You've long billed yourselves as the party with the big bleeding hearts. Where is your bleeding heart for the families that will now be homeless and hungry because your communism is collapsing the economy and causing jobs to be terminated?

Well asshat, I mean, [MENTION=20497]Zona[/MENTION]?
To prepare for Obamacare, they are laying off all of their employees.

Lower health costs means a dollar that would've gone into the health sector stays in your pocket to be spent elsewhere. Which means the providers that have helped to drive health costs have smaller budgets (absolutely or relative to trends) to work with.

For so long it seemed there was agreement that the question was how we lower health care costs. Now that their growth is slowing to rates not seen in over a half century, it seems some of you want to ask whether we want to control health care costs at all. Such an interesting evolution.

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