Zone1 City of David, Jerusalem or Bethlehem.


Platinum Member
Dec 9, 2021
This piece was posted earlier and I wanted to correct some errors.

The real question is, when did Jerusalem become "the city of David"?

From the article.
“Joseph also went from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to the city of David called Bethlehem, because he was descended from the house and family of David. … But the angel said to them, ‘Do not be afraid; for see – I am bringing you good news of great joy for all the people: to you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is the Messiah, the Lord'” (Luke 2:4, 10-11).

What is Luke up to in using this designation for a new city?

Pretty obvious that the angel knew which city was the city of David. Luke is writing what he was inspired to write, within the context of the narrative which was the city of one's birth. David was born in Bethlehem, not in Jerusalem.

From the article.

"Jerusalem was a Jebusite city that David captured and made his capital when he consolidated power after being proclaimed king over the northern tribes (see 2 Samuel 5)."

David was made King over all Israel. The kingdom wasn't divided until the days of Jeroboam and Rehoboam, two generations after David.

David himself named Jerusalem "the city of David". However, Luke was writing not only in the context of the birth of Christ but of the city of nativity of Joseph, for the purpose of the Roman census. That Luke is making some sort of 'political statement' against Jerusalem is nonsense.
Last edited:
This piece was posted earlier and I wanted to correct some errors.

The real question is, when did Jerusalem become "the city of David"?
After he conquered it.
The Tooty Houthis and the Hezzers are being encouraged to lose their tempers very badly .

I am reminded of the October7 Israeli Stand Down to begin this False Flag .

All proceeding so far exactly as forecast .
Israel Child Killers are running blind

The Tooty Houthis and the Hezzers are being encouraged to lose their tempers very badly .

I am reminded of the October7 Israeli Stand Down to begin this False Flag .

All proceeding so far exactly as forecast .
Israel Child Killers are running blind

Kinda like our Gulf of Tonkin, eh?
Also note: David named 2 of his sons after Shalem, named in the city of Shalem-YeruShalem.
Kinda like our Gulf of Tonkin, eh?
Absolutely . Another False Flag but much more complex than Vietnam.
There you essentially just had one nation deliberately lying to another about something huge .

Here you have one "Secret" entity ( Deep State) using the insane ends of two proxies ( Israel and the USeLess) to encourage other forces to join in and go to war .

Any real discussion is then about the real intended conclusion(s) and short and long term objectives .

It could be about weakening the two proxies or even changing their very essence/ status forever . Conceivably other scenarios .
imho .
This piece was posted earlier and I wanted to correct some errors.

The real question is, when did Jerusalem become "the city of David"?

From the article.
“Joseph also went from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to the city of David called Bethlehem, because he was descended from the house and family of David. … But the angel said to them, ‘Do not be afraid; for see – I am bringing you good news of great joy for all the people: to you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is the Messiah, the Lord'” (Luke 2:4, 10-11).

What is Luke up to in using this designation for a new city?

Pretty obvious that the angel knew which city was the city of David. Luke is writing what he was inspired to write, within the context of the narrative which was the city of one's birth. David was born in Bethlehem, not in Jerusalem.

From the article.

"Jerusalem was a Jebusite city that David captured and made his capital when he consolidated power after being proclaimed king over the northern tribes (see 2 Samuel 5)."

David was made King over all Israel. The kingdom wasn't divided until the days of Jeroboam and Rehoboam, two generations after David.

David himself named Jerusalem "the city of David". However, Luke was writing not only in the context of the birth of Christ but of the city of nativity of Joseph, for the purpose of the Roman census. That Luke is making some sort of 'political statement' against Jerusalem is nonsense.
The reason this is muddied and contested is because the answer is also the answer to the JEDP Documentary Theory of the Pentateuch

For a FULL exlanation that vindicates the many who opposed the Documentary Theory as based on bad data

Murmuring Against Moses: The Contentious History and Contested Future of Pentateuchal Studies​

by John Bergsma (Author), Jeffrey L. Morrow (Author)

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