Zone1 City removes Seattle’s Black Lives Matter memorial garden

el midgetron

Platinum Member
Jun 21, 2023
Seattle Parks and Recreation workers used construction vehicles Wednesday morning to remove a community garden that was originally planted in Cal Anderson Park spontaneously, as part of 2020’s Black Lives Matter protests.

The city cited unsafe conditions in and around the Black Lives Memorial Garden, including vandalism of park restrooms, drug use and camping. Releasing statements from several Black leaders supporting its approach, the city also vowed to “conceptualize” a new garden elsewhere at the park……..

……..There should be a section of the park dedicated to the Black Lives Matter movement, said Jim Buchanan of the community organization King County Equity Now. But that section must be protected and safe, rather than a place “for drug use and activity, and a hangout spot,” Buchanan said.

City removes Seattle’s Black Lives Matter garden at Cal Anderson Park

It’s kinda fitting that the BLM memorial garden was essentially just a spot for junkies to hang out. Black live don’t matter to BLM.
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Seattle Parks and Recreation workers used construction vehicles Wednesday morning to remove a community garden that was originally planted in Cal Anderson Park spontaneously, as part of 2020’s Black Lives Matter protests.

The city cited unsafe conditions in and around the Black Lives Memorial Garden, including vandalism of park restrooms, drug use and camping. Releasing statements from several Black leaders supporting its approach, the city also vowed to “conceptualize” a new garden elsewhere at the park……..

……..There should be a section of the park dedicated to the Black Lives Matter movement, said Jim Buchanan of the community organization King County Equity Now. But that section must be protected and safe, rather than a place “for drug use and activity, and a hangout spot,” Buchanan said.

City removes Seattle’s Black Lives Matter garden at Cal Anderson Park

It’s kinda fitting that the BLM memorial garden was essentially just a spot for junkies to hang out. Black live don’t matter to BLM.

Every vestige of the FRAUDULENT and DIVISIVE BLM movement should be permanently removed from this country.
Funny how white racists get triggered about anything blacks do.

Have any of you read BLMS 990's since George Floyd?

I doubt it. I have. And just like one line you bigots have remembered was spoken by King, you'll repeat how BLM bought 1 mansion without investigatiing that it's used as a program facility. You will not know of the 21.7 million they have dished out to small black community organization. You'll just keep yapping about the mansion like the scum you are.
Notice how IM2 is condemning people for remembering the words of MLK? His leftist masters wouldn’t be particularly please with him for saying the quite part out loud.

And it wasn’t just ”one mansion”. BLM started out as a sincere organization but then it was pimped out with donations from white leftist organizations who don’t give a crap about black people. Predictively, BLM imploded trying to manage the millions of dollars granted to it by white liberals. Its basically a microcosm of the black community on the liberal/Democrat plantation. The black community has been in steady decline for the past 30 years but they keep voting for the same BS liberal pipe-dreams.


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