Zionist genocide in Israel

Well, use your head. Demonizing the neighbors is an old tactic... At least 3000 years old.

Imagine a blockhead like you telling anyone else to “use” their head.
Since you never have, you should probably practice what you preach. 👍

Meanwhile , back on topic, there is STILL not an iota of truth in the antiSemitic claim that Israel is engaged in a “genocide.”

You folks are hideous liars.

Imagine a blockhead like you telling anyone else to “use” their head.
Since you never have, you should probably practice what you preach. 👍

Meanwhile , back on topic, there is STILL not an iota of truth in the antiSemitic claim that Israel is engaged in a “genocide.”

You folks are hideous liars.
Claiming Israel is committing genocide is not antisemitic. People throw the genocide label around a lot. The Palestinians want to commit genocide on tbe Jews/Russia is committing genocide on Ukrainians/ White genocide
in Zimbabwe. It just means the term is being used without understanding it’s meaning or used too lightly like “Nazis”.

Zionist genocide in Israel

If you calling all Jews in Israel Zionists..which you seem to be, it helpful to be define the term, like defining genocide.
lol. Yet you think the thread is about Zionism.
Claiming Israel is committing genocide is not antisemitic.

Yes. It is when the “argument” is based on the anti Jewish sentiments of those making the false claim.
People throw the genocide label around a lot.
I know. And the word has actual meaning except when it is used by those who refuse to limit it to that meaning.
The Palestinians want to commit genocide on tbe Jews/
Some wish that.
Russia is committing genocide on Ukrainians/
No. Again, that requires a very deliberate refusal to give the word its actual meaning.
White genocide
in Zimbabwe.
Again, not a claim based on the actual meaning of the word.
It just means the term is being used without understanding it’s meaning or used too lightly like “Nazis”.
On that final point, we agree.

When the actual Nazis (ie, Nazi Germany) identified the “Jewish problem,” they came up with what they referred to as the “final solution” for that “problem.” It was vile insanity and absolutely did seek to commit genocide, using the actual definition.

Most of the other misuses of the term are simply unrelated to the actual definition.
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Claiming Israel is committing genocide is not antisemitic.
I would make a slight shift to this. Claiming Israel is committing genocide is not inherently antisemitic on its own. It may be either a symptom of a more widespread blurring of language/rhetoric OR it may be a symptom of assigning evil to Israel/Jews. The former is not, the later is.

Also, we two have been discussing this for what? a decade now? Do you see how the language has slipped and shifted? It used to be pro-Palestine and pro-Israel, both relatively unweighted words. Now "Zionist" is definitely used as a slur. Don't you think?
If you think you can manipulate me into whatever you're trying to do, think again. I'm not playing.
You've been side-stepping the issue so believe me I'm not interested manipulating or playing any game with you. I no longer take you seriously enough to expect any earnest response from you. I think we're finished here.
Pesky problem with your Zionist genocide belief: The Israelis sent leaflets warning of their attack and advising them to relocate out of the attack area in response to the Hamas terrorist attack. The Israelis also set up "safety corridors" so that the civilians could indeed relocate.
Hamas has publicly admitted that they have .
So, you've decided to ignore all of the facts that the NAZI Zionists have been compressing the Palestinian population into Rafah in order to bomb the place to hell thus genociding them into oblivion. Your lack of a conscience doesn't bother you?

I would make a slight shift to this. Claiming Israel is committing genocide is not inherently antisemitic on its own. It may be either a symptom of a more widespread blurring of language/rhetoric OR it may be a symptom of assigning evil to Israel/Jews. The former is not, the later is.

Also, we two have been discussing this for what? a decade now? Do you see how the language has slipped and shifted? It used to be pro-Palestine and pro-Israel, both relatively unweighted words. Now "Zionist" is definitely used as a slur. Don't you think?
The language has shifted. I always thought Zionist was used as a subtle slur, a way of avoiding saying “Jews”. That isn’t new but it is increasing and without a clear definition. As you put it, I think, it has become Good Jews/Bad Jews and Zionists are now given the antisemitic properties once attributed to Jews.
So, you've decided to ignore all of the facts that the NAZI Zionists have been compressing the Palestinian population into Rafah in order to bomb the place to hell thus genociding them into oblivion. Your lack of a conscience doesn't bother you?

Geez Glasnost, I’m pretty critical of Israel but that is way out in left field. If they were going to bomb Rafah into oblivion, they could have so already. They have the capability.
Geez Glasnost, I’m pretty critical of Israel but that is way out in left field. If they were going to bomb Rafah into oblivion, they could have so already. They have the capability.
And that whole effort to warn the populace and to try to move them out of harms way? Pretty strange way to even contemplate a “genocide.”
I think that you'll appreciate this quote by George Orwell:

"Who controls the past controls the future; who controls the present controls the past."
Yes. With Orwell and Göbbels is everything we need to know about the present and (presumably) the future.
This transparent propaganda ploy by Hasbara shills simply reveals how desperate they are to obfuscate the fact that hostilities "started" long before 7 October 2023 .....
Like arsonists is destruction their incentive?
So, you've decided to ignore all of the facts that the NAZI Zionists have been compressing the Palestinian population into Rafah in order to bomb the place to hell thus genociding them into oblivion. Your lack of a conscience doesn't bother you?

Woah, dude. So you are calling it a genocide in anticipation of some imaginary future?

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