Zionist genocide in Israel

Could you please explain why you think this!
Sure. Remembering the question on the table is whether or not "criticizing Zionism is antisemitic"...

For Israelis and Jews, Zionism is self-determination in our homeland. It includes return, decolonization, liberation and a national independence.

This is no different than the Arab Palestinian hope for self-determination in their homeland (or at least what they say in English out loud for the consumption of Westerners). Nor is it different than hundreds of nations which have arisen in the past hundred or so years with the large-scale dissolution of Empires. Nor is it different than the hope of other peoples around the world for their own self-determination: First Nations of the Americas, Australia and New Zealand, Catalonia, Scotland, Quebec and others.

But current usage of the words "Zionist" and "Zionism" (by those who are not Israeli or Jewish) demands incorporating elements of evil into the meaning, particularly "a form of self-determination which is deliberately and intentionally harmful to those not belonging to the collective".

Thus we have surada claiming that Zionism = nationalism; then all nationalism is evil; then comparing Zionism to Islamic jihad and Nazism.

We have you claiming that Zionism = the desire to commit genocide.

We have people claiming that Zionism = the existence of Israel as a terrorist, or illegal, or illegitimate State; then calling for the destruction of that State.

We have people claiming that Zionism = apartheid.

Zionist is code for "bad Jew" for separating the "good" Jew from the "bad" Jew. The purpose of this code is to create a deniability around antisemitism. As in, "I'm not against Jews, I'm just against Zionists". Which is to be read, "I am not against those Jews who know their place in the world, I am only against those Jews whom I have identified as evil".

So, is criticism of Zionism antisemitic? Not if you are using the definition supplied at the beginning of this post and you apply it equally to all peoples (no double standard).

But criticism of Zionism IS antisemitic if the definition includes or requires ascribing an element of evil to the Jewish people. I would argue that nearly everyone who routinely uses the term here falls into this category.

How would you define Zionism?
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Sure. Remembering the question on the table is whether or not "criticizing Zionism is antisemitic"...

For Israelis and Jews, Zionism is self-determination in our homeland. It includes return, decolonization, liberation and a national independence.

This is no different than the Arab Palestinian hope for self-determination in their homeland (or at least what they say in English out loud for the consumption of Westerners). Nor is it different than hundreds of nations which have arisen in the past hundred or so years with the large-scale dissolution of Empires. Nor is it different than the hope of other peoples around the world for their own self-determination: First Nations of the Americas, Australia and New Zealand, Catalonia, Scotland, Quebec and others.

But current usage of the words "Zionist" and "Zionism" (by those who are not Israeli or Jewish) demands incorporating elements of evil into the meaning, particularly "a form of self-determination which is deliberately and intentionally harmful to those not belonging to the collective".

Thus we have surada claiming that Zionism = nationalism; then all nationalism is evil; then comparing Zionism to Islamic jihad and Nazism.

We have you claiming that Zionism = the desire to commit genocide.

We have people claiming that Zionism = the existence of Israel as a terrorist, or illegal, or illegitimate State; then calling for the destruction of that State.

We have people claiming that Zionism = apartheid.

Zionist is code for "bad Jew" for separating the "good" Jew from the "bad" Jew. The purpose of this code is to create a deniability around antisemitism. As in, "I'm not against Jews, I'm just against Zionists". Which is to be read, "I am not against those Jews who know their place in the world, I am only against those Jews whom I have identified as evil".

So, is criticism of Zionism antisemitic? Not if you are using the definition supplied at the beginning of this post and you apply it equally to all peoples (no double standard).

But criticism of Zionism IS antisemitic if the definition includes or requires ascribing an element of evil to the Jewish people. I would argue that nearly everyone who routinely uses the term here falls into this category.

How would you define Zionism?
Very long winded. You wasted your time. Sorry.
Whether or not it's true I see no relevance to the Zionist NAZI Genocide being committed upon the Palestinians as we speak. If recorded history excuses the present day then your comments would make the holocaust of the Jews and Roma by Germany irrelevant. Should we "look no further" (which makes no sense in chronological order anyway) and disregard the ethnic atrocities of WW II? Is that what you are saying? I hope not. :confused: The GENOCIDE of the Palestinian people by the Zionists today is a FACT.
Pesky problem with your Zionist genocide belief: The Israelis sent leaflets warning of their attack and advising them to relocate out of the attack area in response to the Hamas terrorist attack. The Israelis also set up "safety corridors" so that the civilians could indeed relocate.
Hamas has publicly admitted that they have restricted many civilians from leaving the combat zone so that they can be used as shields in the fighting and thus propaganda tools.
All in all, the total blame rests on Hamas, not on the Israelis. Israel is a sovereign nation that has the right to use military force to defend its people and territory.
Sure. Remembering the question on the table is whether or not "criticizing Zionism is antisemitic"...

For Israelis and Jews, Zionism is self-determination in our homeland. It includes return, decolonization, liberation and a national independence.

This is no different than the Arab Palestinian hope for self-determination in their homeland (or at least what they say in English out loud for the consumption of Westerners). Nor is it different than hundreds of nations which have arisen in the past hundred or so years with the large-scale dissolution of Empires. Nor is it different than the hope of other peoples around the world for their own self-determination: First Nations of the Americas, Australia and New Zealand, Catalonia, Scotland, Quebec and others.

But current usage of the words "Zionist" and "Zionism" (by those who are not Israeli or Jewish) demands incorporating elements of evil into the meaning, particularly "a form of self-determination which is deliberately and intentionally harmful to those not belonging to the collective".

Thus we have surada claiming that Zionism = nationalism; then all nationalism is evil; then comparing Zionism to Islamic jihad and Nazism.

We have you claiming that Zionism = the desire to commit genocide.

We have people claiming that Zionism = the existence of Israel as a terrorist, or illegal, or illegitimate State; then calling for the destruction of that State.

We have people claiming that Zionism = apartheid.

Zionist is code for "bad Jew" for separating the "good" Jew from the "bad" Jew. The purpose of this code is to create a deniability around antisemitism. As in, "I'm not against Jews, I'm just against Zionists". Which is to be read, "I am not against those Jews who know their place in the world, I am only against those Jews whom I have identified as evil".

So, is criticism of Zionism antisemitic? Not if you are using the definition supplied at the beginning of this post and you apply it equally to all peoples (no double standard).

But criticism of Zionism IS antisemitic if the definition includes or requires ascribing an element of evil to the Jewish people. I would argue that nearly everyone who routinely uses the term here falls into this category.

How would you define Zionism?

Other people have lived in Palestine for more than a thousand years. You can't erase them for your "self-determination".
Zionists consider those other people subhumans, while they proclaim to the world those other people are oppressing them.
very wrong on a number of counts. Concisely misplayed -- efficient of prose and yet thoroughly incorrect.

“OK, so ten out of ten for style, but minus several million for good thinking, yeah?”​

Sure. Remembering the question on the table is whether or not "criticizing Zionism is antisemitic"...

For Israelis and Jews, Zionism is self-determination in our homeland. It includes return, decolonization, liberation and a national independence.

This is no different than the Arab Palestinian hope for self-determination in their homeland (or at least what they say in English out loud for the consumption of Westerners). Nor is it different than hundreds of nations which have arisen in the past hundred or so years with the large-scale dissolution of Empires. Nor is it different than the hope of other peoples around the world for their own self-determination: First Nations of the Americas, Australia and New Zealand, Catalonia, Scotland, Quebec and others.

But current usage of the words "Zionist" and "Zionism" (by those who are not Israeli or Jewish) demands incorporating elements of evil into the meaning, particularly "a form of self-determination which is deliberately and intentionally harmful to those not belonging to the collective".

Thus we have surada claiming that Zionism = nationalism; then all nationalism is evil; then comparing Zionism to Islamic jihad and Nazism.

We have you claiming that Zionism = the desire to commit genocide.

We have people claiming that Zionism = the existence of Israel as a terrorist, or illegal, or illegitimate State; then calling for the destruction of that State.

We have people claiming that Zionism = apartheid.

Zionist is code for "bad Jew" for separating the "good" Jew from the "bad" Jew. The purpose of this code is to create a deniability around antisemitism. As in, "I'm not against Jews, I'm just against Zionists". Which is to be read, "I am not against those Jews who know their place in the world, I am only against those Jews whom I have identified as evil".

So, is criticism of Zionism antisemitic? Not if you are using the definition supplied at the beginning of this post and you apply it equally to all peoples (no double standard).

But criticism of Zionism IS antisemitic if the definition includes or requires ascribing an element of evil to the Jewish people. I would argue that nearly everyone who routinely uses the term here falls into this category.

How would you define Zionism?
It’s not your homeland. Go back to Poland.
Other people have lived in Palestine for more than a thousand years. You can't erase them for your "self-determination".
No need to erase them. They have their own aspirations for self-determination. I believe both peoples have the right to self-determination in that homeland. No double standards here.
Zionists consider those other people subhumans, while they proclaim to the world those other people are oppressing them.
Zionism = considering people outside the collective to be subhuman

An example of antisemitic use of the term Zionist.
very wrong on a number of counts. Concisely misplayed -- efficient of prose and yet thoroughly incorrect.

“OK, so ten out of ten for style, but minus several million for good thinking, yeah?”​

Zionists consider those other people subhumans, while they proclaim to the world those other people are oppressing them.

They aren't. They have been very clever and innovative in dealing with their environment.

Ask an Arab what they want.... They want a peaceful, civil society.

That's not what Israelis want.
Ooooh. Denial of the Jewish connection to our homeland AND a reference to extermination camps. Definitely antisemitism.

Babylonians, Akkadians, Greeks, Egyptians, Syrians, Persians, Romans and Turks are also connected to Palestine.
They aren't. They have been very clever and innovative in dealing with their environment.

Ask an Arab what they want.... They want a peaceful, civil society.

That's not what Israelis want.
Exactly, yet few in the West know this. In fact, most westerners think the Arabs want blood.

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