Civil Rights Hero Mychal Bell of Jena 6 Fame Hurt By Racism

You're pretty HI-larious in your own mind, ain'tcha, hon?

Oh hell, there's thirty seconds of my life I'll never get back. Damn me and my running mouth.
That idiot is a civil rights hero??? Boy have the standards fallen. All you have to do to be a civil rights hero today is beat the living hell out of one of your high school classmates because he is a stupid ass, and then steal something from a store and shoot yourself??? I'm sorry that isn't a hero that is a dumbshit that should have known better.

By the way mama if you think Bush screwed up the constitution wait'll Obama and the Dems get though with it. You think things are bad now wait'll 2010 when 2007 seems like a golden age in comparison.
Garyd, I'm going to veer offtopic in your direction for a moment, since you mentioned what you did.

Honestly, please - explain to me in non-biased, logical, reasonable terms how and why you think Obama could/would decimate our freedoms, rights and obligations given by the Constitution like Bush and his Administration have? I'm asking for honest, reasonable, adult discussion here, not "Well, Hussein Osama sucks!", "Dimocrats are wrong!" or "NeoCons are stupid!". I'm looking for a conversation from all views on our non-partisan responsibility to uphold everything this country was founded for/on.

Put partisanship totally aside here. Can you? Would you feel comfortable with the idea of Obama subverting the Constitution? Apparently not, per your statement above. Then why would anyone gloss over Bush doing it?

How anyone could ignore, enable or attempt to justify the gutting of our Founding Fathers careful groundwork for freedom is just...unfathomable. Changes of course can be made, as prescribed within the frameworks of said work. Our Constitution isn't (or shouldn't be) subject to the wills, whims and ambitions of those in power. EVER. But that's exactly what Bush has done, to warp the laws of the land, whatever his objective. Our country, Constitution, laws and citizens weren't meant to be mishandled this way.

C'mon, fellow Sooner - surely you can look at this objectively and see the inherent danger of what's been done in the name of "security". Vigilance for freedom in our land should have absolutely NOTHING to do with party lines.

For instance, the FF put separation of power in there for GOOD REASON. It's been blurred too much. Also, FISA provides the power to immediately move on possible treasonous activity - so why say it's not enough? Why are we wiretapping our own citizens and giving immunity to the companies who do it at the behest of the government, regardless of the actions or outcome? Why would we ever want to hold people indefinitely with no charges filed, no access to counsel? Why does the world & history condemn torture, yet our country now says "It's O.K. as long as WE are the ones doing it!" Are we kidding?! And just the fact that some of our elected officials refuse to appear when subpoenaed just blows my mind, and that's the tip on an ice floe of what's been tried/done. Are politicians above the law? This is not what our nation stands for. My word, this whole Administration has injured what our country was built upon. I voted for Bush. Twice. And after realizing what he and his Administration have done, I'm not sure I'll ever be able to forgive myself for the harm I've helped bring about because of it.

Do you remember "Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety"? What about “If Tyranny and Oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy”?

I'll hold ANY Administration's feet to the fire. Would you? Then start with W. Obama's not even in office yet. Deal with the damage that's already been done, not what you're afraid of happening because the "other side" won.

I'd love to have this discussion on its own thread, Sir. But that's not what this thread was supposed to be about. Racism is wrong. Overreactions from "sides" don't help solve the problem. I can't believe people give a hootin' holler about the color of skin anyhow. Never been able to understand it at all.
Garyd: "By the way mama if you think Bush screwed up the constitution wait'll Obama and the Dems get though with it."

Sour grapes. But since we're off-topic anyway (those uppity negros with their guns and their boxers exposed and what-not) let's look at Bush's stats for 2008:

- Number Of U.S. Troops Killed in Iraq: 322.
– Number Of U.S. Troops Killed in Afghanistan: 151.
– Number Of Jobs Lost: 1.9 million.
– Number Of Banks Federal Government Now Owns Stock In: 206.
– Number Of Uninsured Americans: 47.5 million.

– Change In Housing Prices: declined 18 percent.
– Change In Health Insurance Premiums: increased 5 percent.
– Change In Number Of Delinquent Mortgages: increased 75 percent.
– Change In Use Of Food Stamps: increased 17 percent.
– Change In Dow Jones Industrial Average: declined 35 percent.
– Change In Bush Approval Rating: declined 9 percent to 29 percent.

And that's just one year. Obama could scarcely do worse even if he tried.
Who gave him a .22? Couldn't they have given him a larger caliber weapon??? :D
Who gave him a .22? Couldn't they have given him a larger caliber weapon??? :D

x, it's yet another example of the institutional racism that keeps Mychal Bell oppressed. Because he's black, he's forced to use smaller-caliber weapons. Whites are allowed to have .357's, .44's, you name it --- because of their white privilege.
Well mama since yoiu asked politely.I'll answer politely. 1st nothing LBJ's Great Society progams ever did was constitutional and most of them have done yeoman's work along with the green weanies in keeping black folks from taking the rightful place in american society. Multi generational poverty did not exist prior to the welfare state, not in this country any way.

Affirmative action has been little more than a way to transfer black success on to the shoulders of white liberals, on top of which it is also unconstitutional. The government selecting life's winners and losers is also unconstitutional and that is exactly what all the bailouts the Dems are going to give us are going to do.

Read Tousiant and Cosby's book. Everyone regardless of race crees or color ought to.

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