Civil rights icon accuses left of treating blacks 'like an exotic pet,' predicts backlash

What the Democrats have done to the black race from the 1950s to the 1980s is nothing less than devastating.
And the only reason blacks vote Democrat is because of the entrenched victimization attitude that directly comes from that era.

It went like this in Democrat ran cities all over the U.S. ...

1) Take blacks that were living all over the city, cities didn't use to be as segregated as they are now, not in the north.
2) Build cheap- low income housing projects away from the city proper (and therefore away from the rest of the city)
3) Build them their own schools, and then underfund the shit out of them.
4) Entice and force them to move to the projects by offering just enough free handouts, just enough food stamps to survive.

Result - was blacks moved out of the white neighborhoods, out of the white schools - and just like that cities became segregated.
The black projects were away from jobs and transportation hubs, building multi-generations that 100% depended on government social programs.

They didn't care one bit what this would bring other than getting the blacks away from them and their kids.

It worked flawlessly.
It is hysterical for a white republican conservative to blame liberal progressives and democrats for this. At least it is here in Michigan. Take for example white flight. The first ones to move out of Detroit were you conservative racist white Republicans. Reagan Republicans. Us Carter supporters were the last to leave. And when we moved out to the suburbs with you we heard you talk about blacks. Don't act like you aren't the racist ones. We know because you have big mouths when blacks aren't around.

And it was us liberals who said instead of the rich white kids getting $7000 per school year in the suburbs and the poor blacks in the city getting $5000 per school year lets give every kid the same amount. It was you rich white conservative republicans who said no. In fact you want to defund those inner city public schools. You made them worse then blamed them/us for making them worse.
I love how cozy today's whitey righties are with anyone who, even a little bit, makes them feel better.
Why haven't you white Democrats helped Black people in your big cities you oversee? 45 were shot just last weekend in Chicago alone.
What should we do about it? If any state or major city has solved this problem name it.
Democrats have governed Chicago for years. Why ask me? You guys are supposed to have all the answers. Fucking idiot.
What is Kansas going to do?

Can the OP cite what's this "civil rights icon" contribution to the Civil Rights Movement?
It is funny seeing the White Republicans on this thread quoting a guy who obviously has a distaste for White people.
Once again we see there is no one more racist than a Democrat. Thank you.
Nothing I said was racist. Quit making things up because you fail to have a reply.
Read your post again. If you can't see your racism in it, perhaps you can get someone else with comprehension skills to show you the racism in your post.
Explain it then oh amazing one.
"White Republicans".
Yes, I was talking about White Republicans. There are a lot, you know.
Lots of white Democrats. Racist motherfucker.
I'm a rich white educated male democrat. Although I do make enough now to be a greedy republican liar in order to con poor white uneducated Americans into voting against their own financial interests by using race, religion and guns to sucker them into voting GOP.
I love how cozy today's whitey righties are with anyone who, even a little bit, makes them feel better.
Why haven't you white Democrats helped Black people in your big cities you oversee? 45 were shot just last weekend in Chicago alone.
What should we do about it? If any state or major city has solved this problem name it.
Democrats have governed Chicago for years. Why ask me? You guys are supposed to have all the answers. Fucking idiot.
What is Kansas going to do?

I'm a rich white educated male democrat. .....

Only one of those things is true.
I love how cozy today's whitey righties are with anyone who, even a little bit, makes them feel better.
Why haven't you white Democrats helped Black people in your big cities you oversee? 45 were shot just last weekend in Chicago alone.
What should we do about it? If any state or major city has solved this problem name it.
Democrats have governed Chicago for years. Why ask me? You guys are supposed to have all the answers. Fucking idiot.
What is Kansas going to do?

I'm a rich white educated male democrat. .....

Only one of those things is true.
Are you going to get a pension when you retire old timer?

The teacher pay gap is wider than ever Teachers’ pay continues to fall further behind pay of comparable workers​

You're a typical Republican. Getting a pension or worked for a union and now that you are financially secure you vote Republican who are the reason young teachers today make less than you.

2020 has shone a light on the importance of good teachers, but many are paid less than a living wage in the U.S. ... Teachers make about 20% less than other professionals with similar education and experience. In many parts of the country, teachers live below the family living wage.

Welcome to the future. This is what Republicans and Baby Boomers did to us all. But we/you deserve it because you voted for it. But YOU are still going to get your pension right? So you don't care.

I'm not a teacher so fuck it what do I care?
I love how cozy today's whitey righties are with anyone who, even a little bit, makes them feel better.
Why haven't you white Democrats helped Black people in your big cities you oversee? 45 were shot just last weekend in Chicago alone.
What should we do about it? If any state or major city has solved this problem name it.
Democrats have governed Chicago for years. Why ask me? You guys are supposed to have all the answers. Fucking idiot.
What is Kansas going to do?

I'm a rich white educated male democrat. .....

Only one of those things is true.
Are you going to get a pension when you retire old timer?

The teacher pay gap is wider than ever Teachers’ pay continues to fall further behind pay of comparable workers​

You're a typical Republican. Getting a pension or worked for a union and now that you are financially secure you vote Republican who are the reason young teachers today make less than you.

2020 has shone a light on the importance of good teachers, but many are paid less than a living wage in the U.S. ... Teachers make about 20% less than other professionals with similar education and experience. In many parts of the country, teachers live below the family living wage.

Welcome to the future. This is what Republicans and Baby Boomers did to us all. But we/you deserve it because you voted for it. But YOU are still going to get your pension right? So you don't care.

I'm not a teacher so fuck it what do I care?
3 months vacation and holidays galore. No one is holding a gun to their head and forcing them to be a teacher.
3 months vacation and holidays galore. No one is holding a gun to their head and forcing them to be a teacher.
Just like no one is holding the corrupt thugs in blue by gunpoint to do their damn jobs.
I love how cozy today's whitey righties are with anyone who, even a little bit, makes them feel better.
Why haven't you white Democrats helped Black people in your big cities you oversee? 45 were shot just last weekend in Chicago alone.
What should we do about it? If any state or major city has solved this problem name it.
Democrats have governed Chicago for years. Why ask me? You guys are supposed to have all the answers. Fucking idiot.
What is Kansas going to do?

3 months vacation .......

That is ignorant bullshit that big mouth idiots like bobo love to spew without having ANY knowledge of the reality of the situation.
Cops aren't whining about pay. I never see cops on the street corner with their kids holding signs like beggars. Teachers do.
They're always bitching and moaning about how their job is hard and how they're not paid enough. Same thing dumb ass.
What the Democrats have done to the black race from the 1950s to the 1980s is nothing less than devastating.
And the only reason blacks vote Democrat is because of the entrenched victimization attitude that directly comes from that era.

It went like this in Democrat ran cities all over the U.S. ...

1) Take blacks that were living all over the city, cities didn't use to be as segregated as they are now, not in the north.
2) Build cheap- low income housing projects away from the city proper (and therefore away from the rest of the city)
3) Build them their own schools, and then underfund the shit out of them.
4) Entice and force them to move to the projects by offering just enough free handouts, just enough food stamps to survive.

Result - was blacks moved out of the white neighborhoods, out of the white schools - and just like that cities became segregated.
The black projects were away from jobs and transportation hubs, building multi-generations that 100% depended on government social programs.

They didn't care one bit what this would bring other than getting the blacks away from them and their kids.

It worked flawlessly.
It is hysterical for a white republican conservative to blame liberal progressives and democrats for this. At least it is here in Michigan. Take for example white flight. The first ones to move out of Detroit were you conservative racist white Republicans. Reagan Republicans. Us Carter supporters were the last to leave. And when we moved out to the suburbs with you we heard you talk about blacks. Don't act like you aren't the racist ones. We know because you have big mouths when blacks aren't around.

And it was us liberals who said instead of the rich white kids getting $7000 per school year in the suburbs and the poor blacks in the city getting $5000 per school year lets give every kid the same amount. It was you rich white conservative republicans who said no. In fact you want to defund those inner city public schools. You made them worse then blamed them/us for making them worse.
Funny stuff there... almost not a single thing you said there is true...and you ignored every single thing I said - which is true.
You can't argue the point - so you try to base an argument on accepted rhetoric.... try again
I love how cozy today's whitey righties are with anyone who, even a little bit, makes them feel better.
Why haven't you white Democrats helped Black people in your big cities you oversee? 45 were shot just last weekend in Chicago alone.
What should we do about it? If any state or major city has solved this problem name it.
Stopping the defense black criminality would be a good start.
Can the OP cite what's this "civil rights icon" contribution to the Civil Rights Movement?
Why? You will still call him an Uncle Tom, so why would anyone waste their time with your request?
uncle tom, obviously.
Any black that THINKS is an uncle tom and he is caving in to white people.
I hear it day in/day out

The Funny part is that most people don't know crap about Uncle Tom to start with ... And cannot even get the characters correct.
Sambo was the slave that was happy to do the bidding of the white master, while Uncle Tom took beatings for the other slaves.

Uncle Tom was a God-fearing slave with a compassionate heart that was eventually beaten to death by Sambo as he was instructed to by the cruel slave owner

Uncle Tom loved the slaves.
Sambo didn't give a shit about anyone other than Sambo.

I love how cozy today's whitey righties are with anyone who, even a little bit, makes them feel better.
Why haven't you white Democrats helped Black people in your big cities you oversee? 45 were shot just last weekend in Chicago alone.
What should we do about it? If any state or major city has solved this problem name it.
Democrats have governed Chicago for years. Why ask me? You guys are supposed to have all the answers. Fucking idiot.
What is Kansas going to do?

I'm a rich white educated male democrat. .....

Only one of those things is true.
Are you going to get a pension when you retire old timer?

The teacher pay gap is wider than ever Teachers’ pay continues to fall further behind pay of comparable workers​

You're a typical Republican. Getting a pension or worked for a union and now that you are financially secure you vote Republican who are the reason young teachers today make less than you.

2020 has shone a light on the importance of good teachers, but many are paid less than a living wage in the U.S. ... Teachers make about 20% less than other professionals with similar education and experience. In many parts of the country, teachers live below the family living wage.

Welcome to the future. This is what Republicans and Baby Boomers did to us all. But we/you deserve it because you voted for it. But YOU are still going to get your pension right? So you don't care.

I'm not a teacher so fuck it what do I care?
3 months vacation and holidays galore. No one is holding a gun to their head and forcing them to be a teacher.
I say the same thing to cops.

And for the record, in the future when we are talking about which party wants the middle class better paid and which party wants everyone to take a pay cut, remember you are defending the fact that today's teachers make way less than the unkotards who got a sweet pay when they were younger. I agree. 3 months off, make $70K if you have a masters and get a pension when you retire? It was a sweet gig. Today not so much and the articles I posted prove it.

I'm not surprised a Republican like you is ok with middle class workers making less. And it's not just public workers you sent all our best paying manufacturing jobs overseas too because those union workers made more than you wanted to pay.

Notice a theme? Our highest paid middle class jobs were all union jobs. So MAGA? Are you supporting unions? Then you don't really want to MAGA.

Oh, and you Republicans already won. America is great right now for Republicans. The rich have never been richer and labor costs are as low as they could possibly go. They love it. What's the problem? Kroger's CEO just got paid something like $22 million for 2020. Cha Ching! Things are great.
I love how cozy today's whitey righties are with anyone who, even a little bit, makes them feel better.
Why haven't you white Democrats helped Black people in your big cities you oversee? 45 were shot just last weekend in Chicago alone.
What should we do about it? If any state or major city has solved this problem name it.
Democrats have governed Chicago for years. Why ask me? You guys are supposed to have all the answers. Fucking idiot.
What is Kansas going to do?

3 months vacation .......

That is ignorant bullshit that big mouth idiots like bobo love to spew without having ANY knowledge of the reality of the situation.
What is? Be specific.

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