Civil rights icon accuses left of treating blacks 'like an exotic pet,' predicts backlash

I love how cozy today's whitey righties are with anyone who, even a little bit, makes them feel better.
Why haven't you white Democrats helped Black people in your big cities you oversee? 45 were shot just last weekend in Chicago alone.
What should we do about it? If any state or major city has solved this problem name it.
Democrats have governed Chicago for years. Why ask me? You guys are supposed to have all the answers. Fucking idiot.
What is Kansas going to do?

3 months vacation .......

That is ignorant bullshit that big mouth idiots like bobo love to spew without having ANY knowledge of the reality of the situation.
What is? Be specific.
Why are most of your posts so long and boring? You’re a moron. Be brief and be relevant.
Was that post too long for you stupid? Do you suck unkotards dick occasionally?
Dont project. I am married with children and you’re a 50 yr old single male. So you being gay and lashing out is understandable but don’t project.

What percentage of marriages end in divorce? Over 50%? What percent of marriages that don't end in divorce are happy? Probably about 50%. So 25% of married people are happily married.

And most of you wouldn't know what to do if you were single again. So the unhappily married ones stay married. Sad.
What does that have to do with you being gay?
I'm not gay. Are you married? I'm sure you will say happily but who'd be happy to be married to you?
Yes. With two kids. If you’re not gay why are you obsessed with penis sucking?
I love having my penis sucked.
Thank goodness you’ve got Flash.
And my boat. It's coming today at 5pm.
An inflatable male doll is NOT called a boat, no matter how well it floats.
I love how cozy today's whitey righties are with anyone who, even a little bit, makes them feel better.
Why haven't you white Democrats helped Black people in your big cities you oversee? 45 were shot just last weekend in Chicago alone.
What should we do about it? If any state or major city has solved this problem name it.
Democrats have governed Chicago for years. Why ask me? You guys are supposed to have all the answers. Fucking idiot.
What is Kansas going to do?

I'm a rich white educated male democrat. .....

Only one of those things is true.
Are you going to get a pension when you retire old timer?

The teacher pay gap is wider than ever Teachers’ pay continues to fall further behind pay of comparable workers​

You're a typical Republican. Getting a pension or worked for a union and now that you are financially secure you vote Republican who are the reason young teachers today make less than you.

2020 has shone a light on the importance of good teachers, but many are paid less than a living wage in the U.S. ... Teachers make about 20% less than other professionals with similar education and experience. In many parts of the country, teachers live below the family living wage.

Welcome to the future. This is what Republicans and Baby Boomers did to us all. But we/you deserve it because you voted for it. But YOU are still going to get your pension right? So you don't care.

I'm not a teacher so fuck it what do I care?
3 months vacation and holidays galore. No one is holding a gun to their head and forcing them to be a teacher.

Try that 3 month vacation bullshit on your teachers from the 1980s. I started teaching in 1996 and never worked for only 9 months at any time and I retired in 2018.
Teachers need the time off after dealing with students the rest of the year.
I love how cozy today's whitey righties are with anyone who, even a little bit, makes them feel better.
Why haven't you white Democrats helped Black people in your big cities you oversee? 45 were shot just last weekend in Chicago alone.
What should we do about it? If any state or major city has solved this problem name it.
Democrats have governed Chicago for years. Why ask me? You guys are supposed to have all the answers. Fucking idiot.
What is Kansas going to do?

I'm a rich white educated male democrat. .....

Only one of those things is true.
Are you going to get a pension when you retire old timer?

The teacher pay gap is wider than ever Teachers’ pay continues to fall further behind pay of comparable workers​

You're a typical Republican. Getting a pension or worked for a union and now that you are financially secure you vote Republican who are the reason young teachers today make less than you.

2020 has shone a light on the importance of good teachers, but many are paid less than a living wage in the U.S. ... Teachers make about 20% less than other professionals with similar education and experience. In many parts of the country, teachers live below the family living wage.

Welcome to the future. This is what Republicans and Baby Boomers did to us all. But we/you deserve it because you voted for it. But YOU are still going to get your pension right? So you don't care.

I'm not a teacher so fuck it what do I care?
3 months vacation and holidays galore. No one is holding a gun to their head and forcing them to be a teacher.

Try that 3 month vacation bullshit on your teachers from the 1980s. I started teaching in 1996 and never worked for only 9 months at any time and I retired in 2018.
You don't know what real work is.
I love how cozy today's whitey righties are with anyone who, even a little bit, makes them feel better.
Why haven't you white Democrats helped Black people in your big cities you oversee? 45 were shot just last weekend in Chicago alone.
What should we do about it? If any state or major city has solved this problem name it.
Democrats have governed Chicago for years. Why ask me? You guys are supposed to have all the answers. Fucking idiot.
What is Kansas going to do?

I'm a rich white educated male democrat. .....

Only one of those things is true.
Are you going to get a pension when you retire old timer?

The teacher pay gap is wider than ever Teachers’ pay continues to fall further behind pay of comparable workers​

You're a typical Republican. Getting a pension or worked for a union and now that you are financially secure you vote Republican who are the reason young teachers today make less than you.

2020 has shone a light on the importance of good teachers, but many are paid less than a living wage in the U.S. ... Teachers make about 20% less than other professionals with similar education and experience. In many parts of the country, teachers live below the family living wage.

Welcome to the future. This is what Republicans and Baby Boomers did to us all. But we/you deserve it because you voted for it. But YOU are still going to get your pension right? So you don't care.

I'm not a teacher so fuck it what do I care?
3 months vacation and holidays galore. No one is holding a gun to their head and forcing them to be a teacher.

Try that 3 month vacation bullshit on your teachers from the 1980s. I started teaching in 1996 and never worked for only 9 months at any time and I retired in 2018.
You don't know what real work is.
And you do?
I love how cozy today's whitey righties are with anyone who, even a little bit, makes them feel better.
Why haven't you white Democrats helped Black people in your big cities you oversee? 45 were shot just last weekend in Chicago alone.
What should we do about it? If any state or major city has solved this problem name it.
Democrats have governed Chicago for years. Why ask me? You guys are supposed to have all the answers. Fucking idiot.
What is Kansas going to do?

I'm a rich white educated male democrat. .....

Only one of those things is true.
Are you going to get a pension when you retire old timer?

The teacher pay gap is wider than ever Teachers’ pay continues to fall further behind pay of comparable workers​

You're a typical Republican. Getting a pension or worked for a union and now that you are financially secure you vote Republican who are the reason young teachers today make less than you.

2020 has shone a light on the importance of good teachers, but many are paid less than a living wage in the U.S. ... Teachers make about 20% less than other professionals with similar education and experience. In many parts of the country, teachers live below the family living wage.

Welcome to the future. This is what Republicans and Baby Boomers did to us all. But we/you deserve it because you voted for it. But YOU are still going to get your pension right? So you don't care.

I'm not a teacher so fuck it what do I care?
3 months vacation and holidays galore. No one is holding a gun to their head and forcing them to be a teacher.

Try that 3 month vacation bullshit on your teachers from the 1980s. I started teaching in 1996 and never worked for only 9 months at any time and I retired in 2018.
My sister in law is a teacher and was probably started around when you did. She had two options. Either get all of her pay $70,000 in 9 months or have it spread out in 12 months.

What state are you in? Maybe your state doesn't treat teachers as good as they do here in Michigan. But even here in MI, you are correct today teachers make less and have to work summer jobs just to make ends meet.
I love how cozy today's whitey righties are with anyone who, even a little bit, makes them feel better.
Why haven't you white Democrats helped Black people in your big cities you oversee? 45 were shot just last weekend in Chicago alone.
What should we do about it? If any state or major city has solved this problem name it.
Democrats have governed Chicago for years. Why ask me? You guys are supposed to have all the answers. Fucking idiot.
What is Kansas going to do?

3 months vacation .......

That is ignorant bullshit that big mouth idiots like bobo love to spew without having ANY knowledge of the reality of the situation.
What is? Be specific.
Why are most of your posts so long and boring? You’re a moron. Be brief and be relevant.
Was that post too long for you stupid? Do you suck unkotards dick occasionally?
Dont project. I am married with children and you’re a 50 yr old single male. So you being gay and lashing out is understandable but don’t project.

What percentage of marriages end in divorce? Over 50%? What percent of marriages that don't end in divorce are happy? Probably about 50%. So 25% of married people are happily married.

And most of you wouldn't know what to do if you were single again. So the unhappily married ones stay married. Sad.
What does that have to do with you being gay?
I'm not gay. Are you married? I'm sure you will say happily but who'd be happy to be married to you?
Yes. With two kids. If you’re not gay why are you obsessed with penis sucking?
I love having my penis sucked.
Thank goodness you’ve got Flash.
And my boat. It's coming today at 5pm.
An inflatable male doll is NOT called a boat, no matter how well it floats.
I have a 21 foot pontoon. Took a lady out last night. She's in her 50's and I would sort of like to meet a cute woman my age and stop hanging out with the 28 year old. The 28 year old is part time it would be nice to have a full time girlfriend. But not live with me. This woman lives in my building so this would be perfect. After we fuck and it's time to go to bed I will go back downstairs to my condo and she can get a good nights rest because I snore. LOL
I love how cozy today's whitey righties are with anyone who, even a little bit, makes them feel better.
Why haven't you white Democrats helped Black people in your big cities you oversee? 45 were shot just last weekend in Chicago alone.
What should we do about it? If any state or major city has solved this problem name it.
Democrats have governed Chicago for years. Why ask me? You guys are supposed to have all the answers. Fucking idiot.
What is Kansas going to do?

I'm a rich white educated male democrat. .....

Only one of those things is true.
Are you going to get a pension when you retire old timer?

The teacher pay gap is wider than ever Teachers’ pay continues to fall further behind pay of comparable workers​

You're a typical Republican. Getting a pension or worked for a union and now that you are financially secure you vote Republican who are the reason young teachers today make less than you.

2020 has shone a light on the importance of good teachers, but many are paid less than a living wage in the U.S. ... Teachers make about 20% less than other professionals with similar education and experience. In many parts of the country, teachers live below the family living wage.

Welcome to the future. This is what Republicans and Baby Boomers did to us all. But we/you deserve it because you voted for it. But YOU are still going to get your pension right? So you don't care.

I'm not a teacher so fuck it what do I care?
3 months vacation and holidays galore. No one is holding a gun to their head and forcing them to be a teacher.

Try that 3 month vacation bullshit on your teachers from the 1980s. I started teaching in 1996 and never worked for only 9 months at any time and I retired in 2018.
You don't know what real work is.
Boy would't we all love to get 3 months off every summer.

The fact that teacher complain that they are underpaid proves how stupid they are. When they were 18 years old they paid money to go to college to get a degree in teaching. A profession that doesn't pay well.

And then guys like unkotare try to suggest they did it for altruistic reasons. What a joke. Those who can do and those who can't teach.
I love how cozy today's whitey righties are with anyone who, even a little bit, makes them feel better.
Why haven't you white Democrats helped Black people in your big cities you oversee? 45 were shot just last weekend in Chicago alone.
What should we do about it? If any state or major city has solved this problem name it.
Democrats have governed Chicago for years. Why ask me? You guys are supposed to have all the answers. Fucking idiot.
What is Kansas going to do?

I'm a rich white educated male democrat. .....

Only one of those things is true.
Are you going to get a pension when you retire old timer?

The teacher pay gap is wider than ever Teachers’ pay continues to fall further behind pay of comparable workers​

You're a typical Republican. Getting a pension or worked for a union and now that you are financially secure you vote Republican who are the reason young teachers today make less than you.

2020 has shone a light on the importance of good teachers, but many are paid less than a living wage in the U.S. ... Teachers make about 20% less than other professionals with similar education and experience. In many parts of the country, teachers live below the family living wage.

Welcome to the future. This is what Republicans and Baby Boomers did to us all. But we/you deserve it because you voted for it. But YOU are still going to get your pension right? So you don't care.

I'm not a teacher so fuck it what do I care?
3 months vacation and holidays galore. No one is holding a gun to their head and forcing them to be a teacher.

Try that 3 month vacation bullshit on your teachers from the 1980s. I started teaching in 1996 and never worked for only 9 months at any time and I retired in 2018.
You don't know what real work is.
And you do?
He works in the private sector not the public so yes he does.

You guys can't complain that you aren't getting raises like the rest of us. There is a trade off to having job security. When things are bad you keep your job. No layoffs. No downsizing. But when you come back to work it might be a few years before you get COL raises.

I had to go look him up because I never heard of him before as a civil rights icon.

this guy is a fox commentator and he really hates black lives matter.
I’m guessing because he feels black lives don’t really matter.

this is one of those guys that’s really into self-hate and says there’s no racism in America and refuses to comment on stories like the black jogger being murdered by two white supremacists and those kind of stories. He says when you talk about them, they are divisive
Some bitter idiots can’t seem to let go of the “three months off” myth no matter how many times they are corrected.
Some bitter idiots can’t seem to let go of the “three months off” myth no matter how many times they are corrected.
You public school teachers work year round now? I see a lot of teachers in the dog park who are off for the summer. Of course they don't have any money to go anywhere interesting but 3 months off is worth a lot if you ask me.

How much does a cool trip once a year cost for a family of 4? $10K a year? More? Would I give up $10K to get 3 months off? Hell yes I would. That's quality of life. Especially it being the summer? There are lots of affordable things you broke teachers can afford to do. Frisbee golf is cheap. Tennis. Get a bike and go for a ride. Fish you fish.
Some bitter idiots can’t seem to let go of the “three months off” myth no matter how many times they are corrected.
If you don't really get 3 months off there is nothing to be bitter about. I know you work a summer job. Like the guy at H&R block who does my taxes. In the summer he runs a landscaping crew
I love how cozy today's whitey righties are with anyone who, even a little bit, makes them feel better.
Why haven't you white Democrats helped Black people in your big cities you oversee? 45 were shot just last weekend in Chicago alone.
What should we do about it? If any state or major city has solved this problem name it.
Democrats have governed Chicago for years. Why ask me? You guys are supposed to have all the answers. Fucking idiot.
What is Kansas going to do?

I'm a rich white educated male democrat. .....

Only one of those things is true.
Are you going to get a pension when you retire old timer?

The teacher pay gap is wider than ever Teachers’ pay continues to fall further behind pay of comparable workers​

You're a typical Republican. Getting a pension or worked for a union and now that you are financially secure you vote Republican who are the reason young teachers today make less than you.

2020 has shone a light on the importance of good teachers, but many are paid less than a living wage in the U.S. ... Teachers make about 20% less than other professionals with similar education and experience. In many parts of the country, teachers live below the family living wage.

Welcome to the future. This is what Republicans and Baby Boomers did to us all. But we/you deserve it because you voted for it. But YOU are still going to get your pension right? So you don't care.

I'm not a teacher so fuck it what do I care?
3 months vacation and holidays galore. No one is holding a gun to their head and forcing them to be a teacher.

Try that 3 month vacation bullshit on your teachers from the 1980s. I started teaching in 1996 and never worked for only 9 months at any time and I retired in 2018.
You don't know what real work is.
Boy would't we all love to get 3 months off every summer.

The fact that teacher complain that they are underpaid proves how stupid they are. When they were 18 years old they paid money to go to college to get a degree in teaching. A profession that doesn't pay well.

And then guys like unkotare try to suggest they did it for altruistic reasons. What a joke. Those who can do and those who can't teach.
That last statement is trite and untrue.
uncle tom, obviously.
Any black that THINKS is an uncle tom and he is caving in to white people.
I hear it day in/day out
You are correct. To loosely quote Shelby Steele, another black scholar, today's black young people refer to successful black educated people as "Uncle Tom" but they refer to the crack dealer on the corner as "Bro"
I love how cozy today's whitey righties are with anyone who, even a little bit, makes them feel better.
Why haven't you white Democrats helped Black people in your big cities you oversee? 45 were shot just last weekend in Chicago alone.
What should we do about it? If any state or major city has solved this problem name it.
Democrats have governed Chicago for years. Why ask me? You guys are supposed to have all the answers. Fucking idiot.
What is Kansas going to do?

I'm a rich white educated male democrat. .....

Only one of those things is true.
Are you going to get a pension when you retire old timer?

The teacher pay gap is wider than ever Teachers’ pay continues to fall further behind pay of comparable workers​

You're a typical Republican. Getting a pension or worked for a union and now that you are financially secure you vote Republican who are the reason young teachers today make less than you.

2020 has shone a light on the importance of good teachers, but many are paid less than a living wage in the U.S. ... Teachers make about 20% less than other professionals with similar education and experience. In many parts of the country, teachers live below the family living wage.

Welcome to the future. This is what Republicans and Baby Boomers did to us all. But we/you deserve it because you voted for it. But YOU are still going to get your pension right? So you don't care.

I'm not a teacher so fuck it what do I care?
3 months vacation and holidays galore. No one is holding a gun to their head and forcing them to be a teacher.

Try that 3 month vacation bullshit on your teachers from the 1980s. I started teaching in 1996 and never worked for only 9 months at any time and I retired in 2018.
You don't know what real work is.
Boy would't we all love to get 3 months off every summer.

The fact that teacher complain that they are underpaid proves how stupid they are. When they were 18 years old they paid money to go to college to get a degree in teaching. A profession that doesn't pay well.

And then guys like unkotare try to suggest they did it for altruistic reasons. What a joke. Those who can do and those who can't teach.
That last statement is trite and untrue.
How do you know?
View attachment 496186
I had to go look him up because I never heard of him before as a civil rights icon.

this guy is a fox commentator and he really hates black lives matter.
I’m guessing because he feels black lives don’t really matter.

this is one of those guys that’s really into self-hate and says there’s no racism in America and refuses to comment on stories like the black jogger being murdered by two white supremacists and those kind of stories. He says when you talk about them, they are divisive
He does look rather coontastic.
I love how cozy today's whitey righties are with anyone who, even a little bit, makes them feel better.
Why haven't you white Democrats helped Black people in your big cities you oversee? 45 were shot just last weekend in Chicago alone.
What should we do about it? If any state or major city has solved this problem name it.
Democrats have governed Chicago for years. Why ask me? You guys are supposed to have all the answers. Fucking idiot.
What is Kansas going to do?

I'm a rich white educated male democrat. .....

Only one of those things is true.
Are you going to get a pension when you retire old timer?

The teacher pay gap is wider than ever Teachers’ pay continues to fall further behind pay of comparable workers​

You're a typical Republican. Getting a pension or worked for a union and now that you are financially secure you vote Republican who are the reason young teachers today make less than you.

2020 has shone a light on the importance of good teachers, but many are paid less than a living wage in the U.S. ... Teachers make about 20% less than other professionals with similar education and experience. In many parts of the country, teachers live below the family living wage.

Welcome to the future. This is what Republicans and Baby Boomers did to us all. But we/you deserve it because you voted for it. But YOU are still going to get your pension right? So you don't care.

I'm not a teacher so fuck it what do I care?
3 months vacation and holidays galore. No one is holding a gun to their head and forcing them to be a teacher.

Try that 3 month vacation bullshit on your teachers from the 1980s. I started teaching in 1996 and never worked for only 9 months at any time and I retired in 2018.
You don't know what real work is.
Boy would't we all love to get 3 months off every summer.

The fact that teacher complain that they are underpaid proves how stupid they are. When they were 18 years old they paid money to go to college to get a degree in teaching. A profession that doesn't pay well.

And then guys like unkotare try to suggest they did it for altruistic reasons. What a joke. Those who can do and those who can't teach.
That last statement is trite and untrue.
How do you know?
Because I know too many examples of the opposite. I am one of them.
I love how cozy today's whitey righties are with anyone who, even a little bit, makes them feel better.
Why haven't you white Democrats helped Black people in your big cities you oversee? 45 were shot just last weekend in Chicago alone.
What should we do about it? If any state or major city has solved this problem name it.
Democrats have governed Chicago for years. Why ask me? You guys are supposed to have all the answers. Fucking idiot.
What is Kansas going to do?

I'm a rich white educated male democrat. .....

Only one of those things is true.
Are you going to get a pension when you retire old timer?

The teacher pay gap is wider than ever Teachers’ pay continues to fall further behind pay of comparable workers​

You're a typical Republican. Getting a pension or worked for a union and now that you are financially secure you vote Republican who are the reason young teachers today make less than you.

2020 has shone a light on the importance of good teachers, but many are paid less than a living wage in the U.S. ... Teachers make about 20% less than other professionals with similar education and experience. In many parts of the country, teachers live below the family living wage.

Welcome to the future. This is what Republicans and Baby Boomers did to us all. But we/you deserve it because you voted for it. But YOU are still going to get your pension right? So you don't care.

I'm not a teacher so fuck it what do I care?
3 months vacation and holidays galore. No one is holding a gun to their head and forcing them to be a teacher.

Try that 3 month vacation bullshit on your teachers from the 1980s. I started teaching in 1996 and never worked for only 9 months at any time and I retired in 2018.
You don't know what real work is.
Boy would't we all love to get 3 months off every summer.

The fact that teacher complain that they are underpaid proves how stupid they are. When they were 18 years old they paid money to go to college to get a degree in teaching. A profession that doesn't pay well.

And then guys like unkotare try to suggest they did it for altruistic reasons. What a joke. Those who can do and those who can't teach.
That last statement is trite and untrue.
How do you know?
Because I know too many examples of the opposite. I am one of them.
What do you know? What some internet person told you? I tell him lots of things and he constantly says I'm lying. Maybe it takes a liar to know one. Or a liar like him believes everyone else is lying because he is.

Here is what I wrote: And then guys like unkotare try to suggest they did it for altruistic reasons. What a joke. Those who can do and those who can't teach.

So you know unkotare teaches for altruistic reasons? I don't get that vibe. To me that's a joke. He's a racist who looks down on the students and parents.

Or did you disagree with the comment that those who can do and those who can't teach? How do you know he can?

You two must PM each other a lot. Still he is probably lying to you. He wants you to believe he is who he says he is. But notice how his avatar is an asian yet he's supposedly Irish? You don't know who he is. You only know he's an asshole like you so you believe everything he says.

He won't tell me what weight class he wrestled because he's probably 150 lb pussy.

He won't talk about the pension his union got him, or how he'd be broke if not for that pension.

He works extra jobs because he has to. If not wouldn't he be home with the fam? I remember my wrestling coach got a divorce because he was always late coming home because of practices or matches. And then he was gone on weekends for our tournaments.
Now Bobobrainless has a “vibe.” :lol:

Who can argue with some idiot on the Internet’s “vibe’? :lmao:

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