Civil rights icon accuses left of treating blacks 'like an exotic pet,' predicts backlash

Once again bobo the racist plays with straw men because he can’t reason like an adult.
Once again bobo the racist plays with straw men because he can’t reason like an adult.
Well the point is the civil rights icon who accused the left of treating blacks like pets is an idiot if he doesn't see that it's the right that treats blacks like pets.

Ben Carson, Herman Cain, Condi Rice, Colin Powell.

Notice your most qualified black candidates are all appointees? Tokens. In other words Republicans didn't vote for them. The white man that you elected appointed them to be tokens. So you can say look see we do have blacks in the party.

And the only place a black can get elected is in the reddest district where anyone could beat the Democratic challenger. They toe the line. They never speak up for black people. They wouldn't dare.

And notice no black Republican can win in a swing state like Michigan? We elect Republicans. Our last governor was a Republican. So why when a black runs for a senate seat does he get beat so badly? Because blacks won't vote for a token Republican. They don't vote just because of color. You'd have to be an idiot to think they do. Ok maybe if it's a black democrat vs a white democrat they will vote for the black over the white but they won't vote for a black Republican over a white Democrat.

The Detroit Police Chief is black. He's going to run as a Republican for Governor. Why? Probably because all cops feel like us liberals are against them with this BLM shit. We aren't against cops. Most of them are good. But they are also a corrupt organization that has been given too much power and needs to be reigned in. They need to be retrained. But we all have respect for cops and we understand they deal with the worst people in our society every day. But of course they are going to get defensive if we attack them and say they are in the wrong. That's human nature.

You may win the black cop vote but you aren't winning the black vote any time soon. And I know you don't even expect to. You just want to con enough of them so they stop costing you elections. Well calling them dumb aint gonna do it. Dummy.
Bobo = a middle aged ‘confirmed bachelor’ playing with frat boys out in the woods...

Not too obvious... :rolleyes:
Unkotare = middle aged wrestling coach wrestling around with young little boys. Nothing obvious there either Dennis Hastert.
Bobo = a middle aged ‘confirmed bachelor’ playing with frat boys out in the woods...

Not too obvious... :rolleyes:
Unkotare = middle aged wrestling coach

Married, middle aged coach with 2 children.

You have......... a boat......
I have 2 nephews who love me. They each cost me $200 a year. That's $400 a year. How much do two kids cost a year?

Don't forget I just purchased a battery bike that in the end cost me $2200. Been having a ton of fun riding with friends. So you have a wife and 2 kids? So for you to do what I do with your family it would cost you $8800. Now you see why I'm upper class and you're barely middle?

Thank God you have a pension coming right?
Could there be any more hollow excuse for a human being than someone who pretends that the value of a REAL life can be measured in dollars? That’s just fucking sad.
Could there be any more hollow excuse for a human being than someone who pretends that the value of a REAL life can be measured in dollars? That’s just fucking sad.
Who said that? The most important thing to me is my family.
Some people don’t have their own families due to the circumstances of life. Understandable.

Some people spend their whole lives running from responsibilities and avoiding adulthood. That’s a choice too (although celebrating the perpetual infantilism of the adult male is a relatively recent part of our social decay). However, anyone who makes such a choice and at the same time proclaims “family is the most important thing to me!” is a hypocrite and a liar who never grew up.
Some people don’t have their own families due to the circumstances of life. Understandable.

Some people spend their whole lives running from responsibilities and avoiding adulthood. That’s a choice too (although celebrating the perpetual infantilism of the adult male is a relatively recent part of our social decay). However, anyone who makes such a choice and at the same time proclaims “family is the most important thing to me!” is a hypocrite and a liar who never grew up.
Nonsense. What would I have without my brother and nephews? I have a buddy who is an only child. His parents are getting old. He doesn't have a brother, sister or nephews. I feel bad for him when his parents are gone. He will truly be alone.

What he will do when his parents die is what I would do. Connect with cousins and hopefully have lots of friends. They can substitute family but not really. No one will have your back like my dad, brother and nephews. Not even a wife. We see how many divorces came during quaranteen. Some marriages barely survived it. The wife is not used to having asshole home all day every day 24/7.

Friends are great but they are not family.

For the last year I only came in contact with my 28 year old girlfriend. It would have been tough going through quaranteen without her. She's hot.

Oh and my dog. Very important to me. We spend almost all our time together. Goes everywhere with me. Until recently I bought a e bike that you can't afford x 4 of them so you don't have them. But even that my buddy with no brothers or sisters is going to loan me his kid carrier to see if my dog likes it. If he does I'll take him to the dog park in it.

One of the many ways to tell that an imaginary ‘girlfriend’ doesn’t exist is when the liar cannot mention the supposed person without including “28 hot,” as if it were a necessary prefix to the noun “girlfriend.”

The epitome of trying too hard.
One of the many ways to tell that an imaginary ‘girlfriend’ doesn’t exist is when the liar cannot mention the supposed person without including “28 hot,” as if it were a necessary prefix to the noun “girlfriend.”

The epitome of trying too hard.
I'm 50. Her being hot and 28 is the most important part. Otherwise you wouldn't be jealous.

And didn't you vote for Donald Trump? Have you heard how he talks about his daughter never mind his wife? Calls her a great piece of ass.

P.S. What kind of person who's supposedly a happy family man with a happy life and a good person supposedly doing trying to make someone feel bad about being alone? You can't fool anyone here suggesting you're a good person Mr. Miagi.
One of the many ways to tell that an imaginary ‘girlfriend’ doesn’t exist is when the liar cannot mention the supposed person without including “28 hot,” as if it were a necessary prefix to the noun “girlfriend.”

The epitome of trying too hard.

You want to hear a guy trying too hard?

Trump: I moved on her, actually. You know, she was down on Palm Beach. I moved on her, and I failed. I’ll admit it.

Unknown: Whoa.

Trump: I did try and fuck her. She was married.

Unknown: That’s huge news.

Trump: She wanted to get some furniture. I said, “I’ll show you where they have some nice furniture.” I took her out furniture —
I moved on her like a bitch. But I couldn’t get there. And she was married. Then all of a sudden I see her, she’s now got the big phony tits and everything. She’s totally changed her look.

Billy Bush: Sheesh, your girl’s hot as shit. In the purple.

Trump: Whoa! Whoa!

Trump: Yeah, that’s her. With the gold. I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.

Bush: Whatever you want.

Trump: Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything.

Bush: Uh, yeah, those legs, all I can see is the legs.

Trump: Oh, it looks good.

Bush: Come on shorty.

Trump: Ooh, nice legs, huh?

And you voted for that guy but condemn me?
Bobobrainless still can’t get it through his thick empty skull that he doesn’t know who I voted for in any election ever and he never will. The fact that he is so absolutely rotting dead carcass of a horse stupid that he insists on guessing about things so that he has something to respond to is one reason why he’s such a despicable lowlife piece of crap. His racism, sexism, and general dishonesty all add to the picture of an absolute fucking waste of human material. The earth needs a refund on whatever oxygen this worthless chunk of crap has been using all these years.
Well you’ll be happy to know I’m not adding to the worlds overpopulation problem like you breeders. Do you think you’re doing the planet a favor?

No alien has ever flown to this planet, looked at it and said, “you know what that planet needs? More humans”

You voted for trump and you think the election was rigged. I know you
Once again bobo the racist plays with straw men because he can’t reason like an adult.
Well the point is the civil rights icon who accused the left of treating blacks like pets is an idiot if he doesn't see that it's the right that treats blacks like pets.

Ben Carson, Herman Cain, Condi Rice, Colin Powell.

Notice your most qualified black candidates are all appointees? Tokens. In other words Republicans didn't vote for them. The white man that you elected appointed them to be tokens. So you can say look see we do have blacks in the party.

And the only place a black can get elected is in the reddest district where anyone could beat the Democratic challenger. They toe the line. They never speak up for black people. They wouldn't dare.

And notice no black Republican can win in a swing state like Michigan? We elect Republicans. Our last governor was a Republican. So why when a black runs for a senate seat does he get beat so badly? Because blacks won't vote for a token Republican. They don't vote just because of color. You'd have to be an idiot to think they do. Ok maybe if it's a black democrat vs a white democrat they will vote for the black over the white but they won't vote for a black Republican over a white Democrat.

The Detroit Police Chief is black. He's going to run as a Republican for Governor. Why? Probably because all cops feel like us liberals are against them with this BLM shit. We aren't against cops. Most of them are good. But they are also a corrupt organization that has been given too much power and needs to be reigned in. They need to be retrained. But we all have respect for cops and we understand they deal with the worst people in our society every day. But of course they are going to get defensive if we attack them and say they are in the wrong. That's human nature.

You may win the black cop vote but you aren't winning the black vote any time soon. And I know you don't even expect to. You just want to con enough of them so they stop costing you elections. Well calling them dumb aint gonna do it. Dummy.
If you think blm cares about Black people, you're dumber than a Biden voter. After Biden told Black people.." If you don't vote for me, then you ain't Black", any Black person that voted for him is dumber than Nancy Pelosi's toilet brush.
I love how cozy today's whitey righties are with anyone who, even a little bit, makes them feel better.
Why haven't you white Democrats helped Black people in your big cities you oversee? 45 were shot just last weekend in Chicago alone.
What should we do about it? If any state or major city has solved this problem name it.
Democrats have governed Chicago for years. Why ask me? You guys are supposed to have all the answers. Fucking idiot.
What is Utah doing about this?

The city with the highest total crime rate in Utah is South Salt Lake, with a crime rate of 8,086 per 100,000 residents

Very conservative/Republican place.
MORMONS...............welfare child molesting child abusing cult that often kicks out young male teens leaving them homeless so older males can have their choice of child bribes...

Again WELFARE reform would solve a lot of problems.
I love how cozy today's whitey righties are with anyone who, even a little bit, makes them feel better.
Why haven't you white Democrats helped Black people in your big cities you oversee? 45 were shot just last weekend in Chicago alone.
What should we do about it? If any state or major city has solved this problem name it.
Democrats have governed Chicago for years. Why ask me? You guys are supposed to have all the answers. Fucking idiot.
What is Kansas going to do?

I'm a rich white educated male democrat. .....

Only one of those things is true.
Are you going to get a pension when you retire old timer?

The teacher pay gap is wider than ever Teachers’ pay continues to fall further behind pay of comparable workers​

You're a typical Republican. Getting a pension or worked for a union and now that you are financially secure you vote Republican who are the reason young teachers today make less than you.

2020 has shone a light on the importance of good teachers, but many are paid less than a living wage in the U.S. ... Teachers make about 20% less than other professionals with similar education and experience. In many parts of the country, teachers live below the family living wage.

Welcome to the future. This is what Republicans and Baby Boomers did to us all. But we/you deserve it because you voted for it. But YOU are still going to get your pension right? So you don't care.

I'm not a teacher so fuck it what do I care?
3 months vacation and holidays galore. No one is holding a gun to their head and forcing them to be a teacher.

Try that 3 month vacation bullshit on your teachers from the 1980s. I started teaching in 1996 and never worked for only 9 months at any time and I retired in 2018.

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