Civil rights icon Rep. John Lewis says he has Stage IV pancreatic cancer: "I am going to fight it"

Sorry bout that,

  1. I wonder if hating a person for no reason has something to do with it.
  2. Could be I am onto something.
why always the good ones? i'm sure he'll beat the cancer! give it hell, John!

"I may miss a few votes during this period, but with God’s grace I will be back on the front lines soon."

Rep. John Lewis Diagnosed With Stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer | HuffPost

John Lewis s no civil right icon, he's just one of the manuplitive racial assholes in congress that victimizes his own race for personal gain. I hope the asshole croaks.

I knew it wouldn't take long for a racist POS to come out of the wood work.
Chill out man, they guy has pancreatic cancer and wont last long.
who invited you to MY thread?

Dude! When you're in your mid eighties you already have one foot in the grave.
And I find it difficult to believe someone that old could withstand the treatment and reach a ripe old age of ninety.
y'all have bummed the shit out of me!

he has lived a great life though. i accept living till 80, myself, that means 50 more years of Trump!

If I make 75 I'll be happy.
At 54 I've done more than most.....some of it a kinky mans dream come true.
good to know

good luck!

That was supposed to be funny.....
so was my subtle retort!
"While I am clear-eyed about the prognosis, doctors have told me that recent medical advances have made this type of cancer treatable in many cases, that treatment options are no longer as debilitating as they once were, and that I have a fighting chance," Lewis said in a statement.

Not at stage four.
I've lost two friends to pancreatic cancer and it was caught much earlier.
Stage four is pretty much a death sentence.
As I stated, I know someone in his mid 80’s that has survived it. Sometimes miracles do happen.

What stage was he/she at?
Once you get to stage four it's more about extending your life rather than saving it.
One of my friends thought he had it beat.....6 months later it was back with a vengeance.
He ended up calling the Police and telling them he was going to blow his brains out in the backyard rather than go through treatment again and to please make sure they cleaned up before his wife got home.
He was stage 4. Told to get his affairs in order. Only had a couple of months without treatment, maybe could extend it a couple more if he got treatment. He went that route. And he is clear and feels good.
brothers and sisters: of all the surviving saints of the civil rights movement, Luscious John Lewis remains the most committed to its original creed. he conveys the power of moral consistency and moral courage.

politicians need to be MORAL. or they are not THE MORAL LEADERS.

John Lewis is a politician who is MORAL. and we are all the moral leaders who are standing on the moral compass of God!
Sorry bout that,

  1. What is really a heart breaker is there are a majority of United States Supreme Court Judges, who hate unborn babies, and condone the butchering of babies.
  2. I don't say this lightly but, that court is chucked full of de fools.
why always the good ones? i'm sure he'll beat the cancer! give it hell, John!

"I may miss a few votes during this period, but with God’s grace I will be back on the front lines soon."

Rep. John Lewis Diagnosed With Stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer | HuffPost

John Lewis s no civil right icon, he's just one of the manuplitive racial assholes in congress that victimizes his own race for personal gain. I hope the asshole croaks.
he marched with MLK. i hope your rethink your comments!

Was that before or after he held the all night hooker party in Selma? Before or after he plagiarized his doctorate thesis? Before or after he commented to Ralph Abernathy
That his wife Coretta should stop complaining about his adultery and do some herself?

Mlk was a Massive Fraud

Hate to say this but it is true. This nation will be better off without him. The sooner his kind pass on the better
Now there's a classic CRC trumpanzee reply.
He is a hate filled despicable person imo so no tears shed.
Retire, enjoy the life you have left and your family.
Pretty simple. His days as a race hustler are over.
No he was not....but feel free to project all you want.

He won't be missed by anyone but his family and closest friends. He is not the historical figure you make him out to be. He's a dick, nothing more.

You keep believing that fantasy. It's not as if CRC trumpanzees have a grasp on reality anyways.
PANCREATIC eh , that's some heavy drinking isn't it ???
why always the good ones? i'm sure he'll beat the cancer! give it hell, John!

"I may miss a few votes during this period, but with God’s grace I will be back on the front lines soon."

Rep. John Lewis Diagnosed With Stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer | HuffPost
Someone should ask him if the Democratic Party should apologize for their racist heritage.
Racist heritage true.....gladly picked up and run with by today's GOP.
False narrative then and still a false narrative now.
CRC trumpanzees don't know what facts are. I get you have a negative opinion of a CIvil Rights giant, but you do not have the right to make up facts to cover for your hatred of the Civil Rights Movement.
------------------------- thing that he has the RIGHT to say anything he likes Bode [first amendment].
Yep...and we have the right to judge you by what you say.
John Lewis is living proof that one can be uncompromising without being unforgiving!
PANCREATIC eh , that's some heavy drinking isn't it ???
Someone should ask him if the Democratic Party should apologize for their racist heritage.
Racist heritage true.....gladly picked up and run with by today's GOP.
False narrative then and still a false narrative now.
CRC trumpanzees don't know what facts are. I get you have a negative opinion of a CIvil Rights giant, but you do not have the right to make up facts to cover for your hatred of the Civil Rights Movement.
------------------------- thing that he has the RIGHT to say anything he likes Bode [first amendment].
Yep...and we have the right to judge you by what you say.
--------------------------------------------- I just want an address so i know where to send some '151' Bode !!
PANCREATIC eh , that's some heavy drinking isn't it ???
Racist heritage true.....gladly picked up and run with by today's GOP.
False narrative then and still a false narrative now.
CRC trumpanzees don't know what facts are. I get you have a negative opinion of a CIvil Rights giant, but you do not have the right to make up facts to cover for your hatred of the Civil Rights Movement.
------------------------- thing that he has the RIGHT to say anything he likes Bode [first amendment].
Yep...and we have the right to judge you by what you say.
--------------------------------------------- I just want an address so i know where to send some '151' Bode !!
I'm sure you do.
he may be a saint, my friends, but Lewis has the deadly aim of a true revolutionary.

John's words can electrify anyone who sincerely believes society needs change. he not only gives history, he shows what it was like to give it, my friends!
why always the good ones? i'm sure he'll beat the cancer! give it hell, John!

"I may miss a few votes during this period, but with God’s grace I will be back on the front lines soon."

Rep. John Lewis Diagnosed With Stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer | HuffPost
Someone should ask him if the Democratic Party should apologize for their racist heritage.

Who cares what racist democrats did generations ago. Most of those old timers became republicans after blacks started getting their civil rights. Trump made it to the presidency spouting racial hatred.
why always the good ones? i'm sure he'll beat the cancer! give it hell, John!

"I may miss a few votes during this period, but with God’s grace I will be back on the front lines soon."

Rep. John Lewis Diagnosed With Stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer | HuffPost
Someone should ask him if the Democratic Party should apologize for their racist heritage.

Who cares what racist democrats did generations ago. Most of those old timers became republicans after blacks started getting their civil rights. Trump made it to the presidency spouting racial hatred.

Wrong Fuckwad.....

Trump made to the presidency with support from minorities and this time he'll have percent more according to the polls.
His aim was at skin pimps not at skin...


he may be a saint, my friends, but Lewis has the deadly aim of a true revolutionary.

John's words can electrify anyone who sincerely believes society needs change. he not only gives history, he shows what it was like to give it, my friends!

John's passing will be an important change.


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