Civil rights icon Rep. John Lewis says he has Stage IV pancreatic cancer: "I am going to fight it"

my friends, there is something Lincolnesque about the Life Of Lewis. the humble beginnings, the civil rights battles, the patriotic vision, the fearlessness. Lewis is right when he proclaims himself as the conscience of a nation still grappling with right and wrong, justice and injustice etc
So many associates of "President" Obama....

Ted Kennedy.....
John Lewis.....

What else might they have had in common?
John Lewis was strongly antiwar. i disagree with him on that one

God is pro-war, my friends, that's why i'm pro-war!
This is one very evil/ignorant thread. Very evil/ignorant. Best wishes Mr. Lewis.



Unfortunately Lakota, that's where we've arrived.
Good real Americans are fed the fuck up...we want our country back BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY.
"Talk radio" made us do it...ask Mac1958
"Made" you? No.

Whipped you into a frenzy, used you, conned you and enabled your worst impulses & behaviors for their own professional gain? Yes.
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Definitely one of the uglier threads I've seen in a while.

Trump's America.
why always the good ones? i'm sure he'll beat the cancer! give it hell, John!

"I may miss a few votes during this period, but with God’s grace I will be back on the front lines soon."

Rep. John Lewis Diagnosed With Stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer | HuffPost

Don't fear the reaper John! Embrace it! Runt TOO the light John, Run! This is good for America. This dude is just another swamp critter. He ain't important enough to be kept alive like RBG so stage 4 cancer is a death sentence! Yay! He should have to go on Obamacare.
why always the good ones? i'm sure he'll beat the cancer! give it hell, John!

"I may miss a few votes during this period, but with God’s grace I will be back on the front lines soon."

Rep. John Lewis Diagnosed With Stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer | HuffPost
Someone should ask him if the Democratic Party should apologize for their racist heritage.

Who cares what racist democrats did generations ago. Most of those old timers became republicans after blacks started getting their civil rights. Trump made it to the presidency spouting racial hatred.


You bought into the lame stream media lie that Trump spouted racial hatred. If that were true, you should have a ready example to show.
why always the good ones? i'm sure he'll beat the cancer! give it hell, John!

"I may miss a few votes during this period, but with God’s grace I will be back on the front lines soon."

Rep. John Lewis Diagnosed With Stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer | HuffPost

Serious disease, no doubt about it, Rep. Lewis could definitely end up at room temperature here. We certainly wish him the best.

However, he's in the right country and he should thank Almighty God that America didn't ruin our medical system like other countries. Foreigners like Alex Trebek have the same thing, and came here to escape the Hell Hole of the Canadian system.
Dude, knew exactly how evil the Democratic Party was and he joined them.
After the Civil Rights know...that law that LBJ signed so all the racists in the South left the Democrats and the GOP welcomed them with open arms.

The Civil Rights Act was passed by Republicans, Thank you every much.
LBJ not only signed it, but pushed for the votes

LBJ didn't have to push for Republican votes, as the GOP was in favor of Black People and always was.
President Johnson did have to explain the about-face to his own party, explaining how the "n-words" would be voting Democrat for a hundred generations because of this.
So many associates of "President" Obama....

Ted Kennedy.....
John Lewis.....

What else might they have had in common?
Trump learned his values at the knee of Roy Cohn

Roy Cohn was a tremendous lawyer who worked for Mr. Trump before he passed on due to aids.

The fact that Mr. Cohn took it in the caboose, doesn't mean he didn't know his shit about the law.
why always the good ones? i'm sure he'll beat the cancer! give it hell, John!

"I may miss a few votes during this period, but with God’s grace I will be back on the front lines soon."

Rep. John Lewis Diagnosed With Stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer | HuffPost

John Lewis s no civil right icon, he's just one of the manuplitive racial assholes in congress that victimizes his own race for personal gain. I hope the asshole croaks.
he marched with MLK. i hope your rethink your comments!
why always the good ones? i'm sure he'll beat the cancer! give it hell, John!

"I may miss a few votes during this period, but with God’s grace I will be back on the front lines soon."

Rep. John Lewis Diagnosed With Stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer | HuffPost
Someone should ask him if the Democratic Party should apologize for their racist heritage.
Racist heritage true.....gladly picked up and run with by today's GOP.

Not really, there is still a lot of racism in your party. Especially when she is still a representative in your party.
So many associates of "President" Obama....

Ted Kennedy.....
John Lewis.....

What else might they have had in common?
Trump learned his values at the knee of Roy Cohn

Roy Cohn was a tremendous lawyer who worked for Mr. Trump before he passed on due to aids.

The fact that Mr. Cohn took it in the caboose, doesn't mean he didn't know his shit about the law.
Cohn was a slime ball lawyer with no values
That is what Trump learned
why always the good ones? i'm sure he'll beat the cancer! give it hell, John!

"I may miss a few votes during this period, but with God’s grace I will be back on the front lines soon."

Rep. John Lewis Diagnosed With Stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer | HuffPost
Someone should ask him if the Democratic Party should apologize for their racist heritage.
Racist heritage true.....gladly picked up and run with by today's GOP.
View attachment 297343
Not really, there is still a lot of racism in your party. Especially when she is still a representative in your party.
Sanger was a great woman well ahead of her time

Telling klan members not to procreate is a good thing
why always the good ones? i'm sure he'll beat the cancer! give it hell, John!

"I may miss a few votes during this period, but with God’s grace I will be back on the front lines soon."

Rep. John Lewis Diagnosed With Stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer | HuffPost
Someone should ask him if the Democratic Party should apologize for their racist heritage.
Racist heritage true.....gladly picked up and run with by today's GOP.
View attachment 297343
Not really, there is still a lot of racism in your party. Especially when she is still a representative in your party.
Sanger was a great woman well ahead of her time

Telling klan members not to procreate is a good thing
She was a racist and wanted to eliminate minorities. A great representative of your party.
why always the good ones? i'm sure he'll beat the cancer! give it hell, John!

"I may miss a few votes during this period, but with God’s grace I will be back on the front lines soon."

Rep. John Lewis Diagnosed With Stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer | HuffPost
Someone should ask him if the Democratic Party should apologize for their racist heritage.
Racist heritage true.....gladly picked up and run with by today's GOP.
View attachment 297343
Not really, there is still a lot of racism in your party. Especially when she is still a representative in your party.
Sanger was a great woman well ahead of her time

Telling klan members not to procreate is a good thing

Why would you say that?

Do you believe that there is a Bigotry Gene and that its an inherited condition? If so, why?

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