Civil Servants under attack by the Right Wing.

Anyhoo... doesn't the thread title have the word servant in it?

When you have people going into the government with the expectation of getting rich, it is hardly public service anymore.
I ain't "jealous" of shit. I am angry at public subsidized "private" companies with executives making obscenes amount of cash. Make no's on the public dole.

And I am angry at the very same political faction, the right wing, that on one hand facilitates this feckless theft of the public trust and on the other hand wants to gyp the very people that keep us safe, educated and healthy.
Oh really?

How many on the left opposed the Wall Street bankster bailouts?

How many of them stood by while Lehman Brothers sank, yet AIG and Goldman Sachs were bailed out?

Sanctimony, thy name is Sallow.'re off the grid.

You don't seem to understand what happened exactly..

But there plenty of material out there to catch up.

Start here..

I understand completely what happened.

One of my biggest clients (Innkeepers USA) is held by Lehman Brothers.

I not only got no bailout, my last contract got re-negotiated down by 40% and all my subsequent contracts got pulled.

But thanks for demonstrating, once again, what a sanctimonious know-nothing little useful idiot you are.
I ain't "jealous" of shit. I am angry at public subsidized "private" companies with executives making obscenes amount of cash. Make no's on the public dole.

And I am angry at the very same political faction, the right wing, that on one hand facilitates this feckless theft of the public trust and on the other hand wants to gyp the very people that keep us safe, educated and healthy.
Oh really?

How many on the left opposed the Wall Street bankster bailouts?

How many of them stood by while Lehman Brothers sank, yet AIG and Goldman Sachs were bailed out?

Sanctimony, thy name is Sallow.'re off the grid.

You don't seem to understand what happened exactly..

But there plenty of material out there to catch up.

Start here..

Google are making it quite clear that all you know of what happened was what some politicians wanted you to believe what happened.

I bet you are also convinced that Bush cherry picked intel for congress to review in regard to Iraq. You know...the intel MANY countries of the world came up with?

Likewise, I bet you are sure that the CIA lied to Pelosi. You know, the accusation that is quite serious yet she refused to have it investigated?

Yeah...that one....
Well yeah.

And do you see many politicians, and this is of either party..advocating for:

-Pulling all employee/government retire funds out of private companies? Why? WHo would you prefer overseeing the funds? The government? How did they do with Social Security?
-Setting up a "Public Works" of public employees that fix roads, bridges, builds government buildings and other construction projects? Why? What about the employees that are employed by the private companies?
-Putting a stop to government grants and loans to private companies? So foreign companies can lead in R and D?
-Putting a stop to defense contracts and having public employees provide for defense gear? Why? What about the employees of those companies?
-Putting a stop to public employees funding private HMOs. Not sure what you are saying here
-Putting a stop to the GSA buying cars from private companies and using private contractors? Is there a public company to buy them from?
-Putting a stop to our Military defending private interests overseas? So lets just let the evil people of the world walk right through them
-FDIC backing the banks? You dont like having your deposits insured?
Absolutely not. The ones that do are considered flakes.

You seem to prefer living in a socialistic country.
Why is that?


Why do I bother..:eusa_eh:

Typical response from someone who posted talking points with no substance.

When back is against the wall and unable to refute an opponents response, one throws out an insult to the opponenets intelligent.
Oh really?

How many on the left opposed the Wall Street bankster bailouts?

How many of them stood by while Lehman Brothers sank, yet AIG and Goldman Sachs were bailed out?

Sanctimony, thy name is Sallow.'re off the grid.

You don't seem to understand what happened exactly..

But there plenty of material out there to catch up.

Start here..

I understand completely what happened.

One of my biggest clients (Innkeepers USA) is held by Lehman Brothers.

I not only got no bailout, my last contract got re-negotiated down by 40% and all my subsequent contracts got pulled.

But thanks for demonstrating, once again, what a sanctimonious know-nothing little useful idiot you are.

The idiot is in the mirror you view on a daily basis.

And stop flexing..that gut ain't gettin any smaller.
You seem to prefer living in a socialistic country.
Why is that?


Why do I bother..:eusa_eh:

Typical response from someone who posted talking points with no substance.

When back is against the wall and unable to refute an opponents response, one throws out an insult to the opponenets intelligent.

No..your hyperbolic response was typical. It should have been followed by, "Why do you hate America?"

You want to be reasonable and have a debate, or whatever..fine.

But posting obtuse, hyperbole is at annoyance.
Oh really?

How many on the left opposed the Wall Street bankster bailouts?

How many of them stood by while Lehman Brothers sank, yet AIG and Goldman Sachs were bailed out?

Sanctimony, thy name is Sallow.'re off the grid.

You don't seem to understand what happened exactly..

But there plenty of material out there to catch up.

Start here..

Google are making it quite clear that all you know of what happened was what some politicians wanted you to believe what happened.

I bet you are also convinced that Bush cherry picked intel for congress to review in regard to Iraq. You know...the intel MANY countries of the world came up with?

Likewise, I bet you are sure that the CIA lied to Pelosi. You know, the accusation that is quite serious yet she refused to have it investigated?

Yeah...that one....


I was in the direct center of what happened.'re off the grid.

You don't seem to understand what happened exactly..

But there plenty of material out there to catch up.

Start here..

I understand completely what happened.

One of my biggest clients (Innkeepers USA) is held by Lehman Brothers.

I not only got no bailout, my last contract got re-negotiated down by 40% and all my subsequent contracts got pulled.

But thanks for demonstrating, once again, what a sanctimonious know-nothing little useful idiot you are.

The idiot is in the mirror you view on a daily basis.

And stop flexing..that gut ain't gettin any smaller.
Right....Now people who operate in the real world and stand by their principles, even though they sometimes end up with the shit end of the stick, are now "flexing".

Have we come to the part where you declare victory for yourself yet? :rolleyes:'re off the grid.

You don't seem to understand what happened exactly..

But there plenty of material out there to catch up.

Start here..

I understand completely what happened.

One of my biggest clients (Innkeepers USA) is held by Lehman Brothers.

I not only got no bailout, my last contract got re-negotiated down by 40% and all my subsequent contracts got pulled.

But thanks for demonstrating, once again, what a sanctimonious know-nothing little useful idiot you are.

The idiot is in the mirror you view on a daily basis.

And stop flexing..that gut ain't gettin any smaller.


Read your suggestions again.

You are suggesting the government should employ hundreds of thousands; eliminate thousands of small businesses while doing it AND control our retirement money.'re off the grid.

You don't seem to understand what happened exactly..

But there plenty of material out there to catch up.

Start here..

Google are making it quite clear that all you know of what happened was what some politicians wanted you to believe what happened.

I bet you are also convinced that Bush cherry picked intel for congress to review in regard to Iraq. You know...the intel MANY countries of the world came up with?

Likewise, I bet you are sure that the CIA lied to Pelosi. You know, the accusation that is quite serious yet she refused to have it investigated?

Yeah...that one....


I was in the direct center of what happened.

Hmmmm...the market is open today.

Why are you on here posting all morning?
I understand completely what happened.

One of my biggest clients (Innkeepers USA) is held by Lehman Brothers.

I not only got no bailout, my last contract got re-negotiated down by 40% and all my subsequent contracts got pulled.

But thanks for demonstrating, once again, what a sanctimonious know-nothing little useful idiot you are.

The idiot is in the mirror you view on a daily basis.

And stop flexing..that gut ain't gettin any smaller.
Right....Now people who operate in the real world and stand by their principles, even though they sometimes end up with the shit end of the stick, are now "flexing".

Have we come to the part where you declare victory for yourself yet? :rolleyes:


In all the little dances we've engaged in..and it's been many..when have I ever done that?

You get ridiculous with age.
Everyone including democrats agree that spending has to be cut so here's the dirty little trick Soros and Huffington and the like are distributing in the left wing blogs which are picked up by furry face and other left wing posters on the board. Every time a program is cut or funding is reduced the left will find a "victim" of the particular cut and pretend that republicans are mean to civil servants or unwed mothers or greenies who just want to make a buck off global warming or grandmothers or innocent illegal aliens. It's an old trick and we should recognize it for what it is..
Oh really?

How many on the left opposed the Wall Street bankster bailouts?

How many of them stood by while Lehman Brothers sank, yet AIG and Goldman Sachs were bailed out?

Sanctimony, thy name is Sallow.'re off the grid.

You don't seem to understand what happened exactly..

But there plenty of material out there to catch up.

Start here..

I understand completely what happened.

One of my biggest clients (Innkeepers USA) is held by Lehman Brothers.

I not only got no bailout, my last contract got re-negotiated down by 40% and all my subsequent contracts got pulled.

But thanks for demonstrating, once again, what a sanctimonious know-nothing little useful idiot you are.

I did google Innkeepers; it's no wonder you're bitter. I suppose the shrimp fisherman in the Gulf are bitter too. Those who labor (work the hardest) are usually the first to get screwed and the last to benefit.
Notice Wall Street is back, bonuses are being paid and stocks are climbing. Notice too there is no real effort at job production - private industry has no motivation, and the government has lost the propaganda battle by the Grover Norquest wing of the Republican Party.
The sad thing is, those who work the hardest and garner the fewest benefits still don't get it. We now live in a plutocracy and no amount of rhetoric can repair the damage down by the plutocrats. Unless and until the working men and women of this nation study the issues and vote, the rich will continue to prosper at the expense of the hoi polloi.
Oh really?

How many on the left opposed the Wall Street bankster bailouts?

How many of them stood by while Lehman Brothers sank, yet AIG and Goldman Sachs were bailed out?

Sanctimony, thy name is Sallow.

I can't speak for anyone but me, but I opposed it.
How many of the people for whom you voted, and probably continue to vote for, opposed them?
And the sharing thing...its not altogether altruistic, dude, but shared resources allows our species to survive. In times of trouble, its like that long handled spoon taped to everyone's arms: they can't feed themselves, but they can feed each other. Its self interest. Its also mutual trust and reciprocity.
reciprocity is a good word.
I rest my case.

1) A damned sight less than I would have wished.
2) It needs to. are making it quite clear that all you know of what happened was what some politicians wanted you to believe what happened.

I bet you are also convinced that Bush cherry picked intel for congress to review in regard to Iraq. You know...the intel MANY countries of the world came up with?

Likewise, I bet you are sure that the CIA lied to Pelosi. You know, the accusation that is quite serious yet she refused to have it investigated?

Yeah...that one....


I was in the direct center of what happened.

Hmmmm...the market is open today.

Why are you on here posting all morning?

My shift is 4pm to 12am.

Little better then last year when I was involved in a data center migration. Then it was 9am to like 1am or 2am or 5am..whenever what issue I was working on was resolved.'re off the grid.

You don't seem to understand what happened exactly..

But there plenty of material out there to catch up.

Start here..

I understand completely what happened.

One of my biggest clients (Innkeepers USA) is held by Lehman Brothers.

I not only got no bailout, my last contract got re-negotiated down by 40% and all my subsequent contracts got pulled.

But thanks for demonstrating, once again, what a sanctimonious know-nothing little useful idiot you are.

I did google Innkeepers; it's no wonder you're bitter. I suppose the shrimp fisherman in the Gulf are bitter too. Those who labor (work the hardest) are usually the first to get screwed and the last to benefit.
Notice Wall Street is back, bonuses are being paid and stocks are climbing. Notice too there is no real effort at job production - private industry has no motivation, and the government has lost the propaganda battle by the Grover Norquest wing of the Republican Party.
The sad thing is, those who work the hardest and garner the fewest benefits still don't get it. We now live in a plutocracy and no amount of rhetoric can repair the damage down by the plutocrats. Unless and until the working men and women of this nation study the issues and vote, the rich will continue to prosper at the expense of the hoi polloi.

Actually wall street is hiring. But it's temporary. As in they are hiring consultants.
Now, back to the topic...

A relative few AFSCME bureaucrats done had their pay scaled back or lost their jobs?

My heart pumps peanut butter for you...That makes you eligible for more than 2 years worth of unemployment handouts than I am.

A life: Get one.
I ain't "jealous" of shit. I am angry at public subsidized "private" companies with executives making obscenes amount of cash. Make no's on the public dole.

And I am angry at the very same political faction, the right wing, that on one hand facilitates this feckless theft of the public trust and on the other hand wants to gyp the very people that keep us safe, educated and healthy.

There are numerous solutions to that and regulating the open market isn't a very practical one. Stop doing business with them is one solution.

Well yeah.

And do you see many politicians, and this is of either party..advocating for:

-Pulling all employee/government retire funds out of private companies?
-Setting up a "Public Works" of public employees that fix roads, bridges, builds government buildings and other construction projects?
-Putting a stop to government grants and loans to private companies?
-Putting a stop to defense contracts and having public employees provide for defense gear?
-Putting a stop to public employees funding private HMOs.
-Putting a stop to the GSA buying cars from private companies and using private contractors?
-Putting a stop to our Military defending private interests overseas?
-FDIC backing the banks?

Absolutely not. The ones that do are considered flakes.

Never said it was a viable solution, just said it was one solution.'re off the grid.

You don't seem to understand what happened exactly..

But there plenty of material out there to catch up.

Start here..

I understand completely what happened.

One of my biggest clients (Innkeepers USA) is held by Lehman Brothers.

I not only got no bailout, my last contract got re-negotiated down by 40% and all my subsequent contracts got pulled.

But thanks for demonstrating, once again, what a sanctimonious know-nothing little useful idiot you are.

I did google Innkeepers; it's no wonder you're bitter. I suppose the shrimp fisherman in the Gulf are bitter too. Those who labor (work the hardest) are usually the first to get screwed and the last to benefit.
Notice Wall Street is back, bonuses are being paid and stocks are climbing. Notice too there is no real effort at job production - private industry has no motivation, and the government has lost the propaganda battle by the Grover Norquest wing of the Republican Party.
The sad thing is, those who work the hardest and garner the fewest benefits still don't get it. We now live in a plutocracy and no amount of rhetoric can repair the damage down by the plutocrats. Unless and until the working men and women of this nation study the issues and vote, the rich will continue to prosper at the expense of the hoi polloi.
Bitter?...Not at all.

Unlike most people, I save for these rainy days while I'm working.

In fact, I've not mentioned my predicament until now, even though this has been a two-year layoff.

Be that as it may, I feel as much sympathy for the bureaucrat as any of you mewling leftists show toward the productive entrepreneur....Exactly none.

Life's tough...Shit happens....Wear a fucking helmet.'re off the grid.

You don't seem to understand what happened exactly..

But there plenty of material out there to catch up.

Start here..

I understand completely what happened.

One of my biggest clients (Innkeepers USA) is held by Lehman Brothers.

I not only got no bailout, my last contract got re-negotiated down by 40% and all my subsequent contracts got pulled.

But thanks for demonstrating, once again, what a sanctimonious know-nothing little useful idiot you are.

I did google Innkeepers; it's no wonder you're bitter. I suppose the shrimp fisherman in the Gulf are bitter too. Those who labor (work the hardest) are usually the first to get screwed and the last to benefit.
Notice Wall Street is back, bonuses are being paid and stocks are climbing. Notice too there is no real effort at job production - private industry has no motivation, and the government has lost the propaganda battle by the Grover Norquest wing of the Republican Party.
The sad thing is, those who work the hardest and garner the fewest benefits still don't get it. We now live in a plutocracy and no amount of rhetoric can repair the damage down by the plutocrats. Unless and until the working men and women of this nation study the issues and vote, the rich will continue to prosper at the expense of the hoi polloi.

I see the err in your thinking this way...

I, too, lost out big time over the Lehman Borthers collapse. I had laid out tens of thosuands of dollars in 1099 salary to consultants not to mention w-2 employees on my paroll temping for them...and my return was to be about a positive 42% of layout...with it being closer to 35% positive return on the w-2 employees (after payrol taxes)....I lost it all and was at the bottom of the list to get something.

DO I blame Lehman Brothers? No. I blame no one. It is a cost of doing business. I opted to go into contract with them. No one forced me. I chose to do it and if all went well, I make money. If all goes south, I lose money.

Shrimp Fisherman? They chose to go into that field. Weather may affect them, oil spills, poor boat maintenance; laziness...a number of things....but it is their choice to go into the field knowing the negative AND positive ramifications.

Ever watch deadliest catch? They catch crab? They make money. They dont? They make nothing. Their choice to take the gamble.

Play the market? Some win, some lose. Play craps? Some win some lose.

Take an ARM? It is a gamble. Pay less now and maybe less later as well...or pay less now and a lot more later....who is to blame? No one. It is a gamble.

You want to control your destiny? It is best to accpet the downfalls as you reap the rewards.

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