Civil Servants under attack by the Right Wing.

Nope. I am not a public company. I started my own comapny and although I struggled at the beginning, I am now a bit more comfortable...and I am happy to say I have employed many...and had many years where my employees were making more than I was...but in the end I have a company I will be able to sell...

But you didnt answer my question...

What does sitting with a CEO in a room have to do with anything?

Why are you jealous of a CEO's bonuses? Becuase he made a smarter career decision?

What about the CEO thats starts a company and fails? DO you have pity for him ; say life is unfairr do you say "you should have made smarter choices?"

And if that same CEO made it would see him in a different light?

Why? Becuase he/she acheived success?

Congrats, you worked hard and achieved a slice of the american dream, that's the way this country is supposed to work......:clap2:

Ironically...if I had failed, I would have the pity of the left.

I guess the left looks up to failure and looks down upon success.

Unless one quits there is no fail, only ways that didn't work.
Name one CEO you've sat in a room with?

I will not name them, but I have sat in the room with many CEO's, CFO's, CIO's, COO's, etc.

Not all at one time mind you. What's the point?

He has no point, just the usual cheap deflection.....

I wonder if he realizes that the vast majority of these folks do NOT make anywhere near $45 million or more. I know CFO's for good, profitable medium sized companies making less that $500,000. Now, they may have incentives that may yield them $100,000 at year end if targets are met. But the idea that CFO or CEO means millions a year is preposterous. Hell I've held the position of CFO and sat on a couple boards. And I ain't rich.
So you're pulling in multi-million dollar bonuses?

Cool beans.

Nope. I am not a public company. I started my own comapny and although I struggled at the beginning, I am now a bit more comfortable...and I am happy to say I have employed many...and had many years where my employees were making more than I was...but in the end I have a company I will be able to sell...

But you didnt answer my question...

What does sitting with a CEO in a room have to do with anything?

Why are you jealous of a CEO's bonuses? Becuase he made a smarter career decision?

What about the CEO thats starts a company and fails? DO you have pity for him ; say life is unfairr do you say "you should have made smarter choices?"

And if that same CEO made it would see him in a different light?

Why? Becuase he/she acheived success?

I ain't "jealous" of shit. I am angry at public subsidized "private" companies with executives making obscenes amount of cash. Make no's on the public dole.

And I am angry at the very same political faction, the right wing, that on one hand facilitates this feckless theft of the public trust and on the other hand wants to gyp the very people that keep us safe, educated and healthy.

Please is it on the public dole?
Nope. I am not a public company. I started my own comapny and although I struggled at the beginning, I am now a bit more comfortable...and I am happy to say I have employed many...and had many years where my employees were making more than I was...but in the end I have a company I will be able to sell...

But you didnt answer my question...

What does sitting with a CEO in a room have to do with anything?

Why are you jealous of a CEO's bonuses? Becuase he made a smarter career decision?

What about the CEO thats starts a company and fails? DO you have pity for him ; say life is unfairr do you say "you should have made smarter choices?"

And if that same CEO made it would see him in a different light?

Why? Becuase he/she acheived success?

I ain't "jealous" of shit. I am angry at public subsidized "private" companies with executives making obscenes amount of cash. Make no's on the public dole.

And I am angry at the very same political faction, the right wing, that on one hand facilitates this feckless theft of the public trust and on the other hand wants to gyp the very people that keep us safe, educated and healthy.

Please is it on the public dole?

What the fuck.


I don't believe you are a CEO of anything.
So you're pulling in multi-million dollar bonuses?

Cool beans.

Nope. I am not a public company. I started my own comapny and although I struggled at the beginning, I am now a bit more comfortable...and I am happy to say I have employed many...and had many years where my employees were making more than I was...but in the end I have a company I will be able to sell...

But you didnt answer my question...

What does sitting with a CEO in a room have to do with anything?

Why are you jealous of a CEO's bonuses? Becuase he made a smarter career decision?

What about the CEO thats starts a company and fails? DO you have pity for him ; say life is unfairr do you say "you should have made smarter choices?"

And if that same CEO made it would see him in a different light?

Why? Becuase he/she acheived success?

I ain't "jealous" of shit. I am angry at public subsidized "private" companies with executives making obscenes amount of cash. Make no's on the public dole.

And I am angry at the very same political faction, the right wing, that on one hand facilitates this feckless theft of the public trust and on the other hand wants to gyp the very people that keep us safe, educated and healthy.

There are numerous solutions to that and regulating the open market isn't a very practical one. Stop doing business with them is one solution.
So you're pulling in multi-million dollar bonuses?

Cool beans.

Nope. I am not a public company. I started my own comapny and although I struggled at the beginning, I am now a bit more comfortable...and I am happy to say I have employed many...and had many years where my employees were making more than I was...but in the end I have a company I will be able to sell...

But you didnt answer my question...

What does sitting with a CEO in a room have to do with anything?

Why are you jealous of a CEO's bonuses? Becuase he made a smarter career decision?

What about the CEO thats starts a company and fails? DO you have pity for him ; say life is unfairr do you say "you should have made smarter choices?"

And if that same CEO made it would see him in a different light?

Why? Becuase he/she acheived success?

I ain't "jealous" of shit. I am angry at public subsidized "private" companies with executives making obscenes amount of cash. Make no's on the public dole.

And I am angry at the very same political faction, the right wing, that on one hand facilitates this feckless theft of the public trust and on the other hand wants to gyp the very people that keep us safe, educated and healthy.
Oh really?

How many on the left opposed the Wall Street bankster bailouts?

How many of them stood by while Lehman Brothers sank, yet AIG and Goldman Sachs were bailed out?

Sanctimony, thy name is Sallow.
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And you're begging the question, a questionable question at that since the OP stipulated "civil servants,"

I'll beg this question: you use the term "civil servant," but who serves whom? I don't see government employees contributing to my retirement. I don't see factory workers designated as "never to be layed off." I don't see retail workers getting 5% raises in the middle of recessions as government employees do.

So shouldn't we really refer to those at the public trough as our "civil masters?" We the peasantry serve them, not the other way around.

Oh, for god's sake.
The vast majority of civil servants make at best an average income, work their asses off, and even at the state and local levels face MASSIVE and career ending layoffs. They spend money at local businesses, they pay taxes to their community, as your neighbors, they call the fire department if they see your house on fire and they might plow your mother's driveway.

What amazes me is that the idea that contracted benefits (overall very modest ones at that once upon a time when the American corporations understood sustainability) of government, local, and state employees are an obscenity is swallowed whole in the same breath that that excuses private industry for raising your prices based on the last dime the largest demographic has to spend, and paying their bureaucrats (ceos, its ALL administration, people, you pay for it to private, you pay for it to public) a damned sight more than our civil servants, even the State and local representatives.
Pity the poooooor bureaucrat! :rolleyes:

How about a little sympathy for the productive taxpayer?
I ain't "jealous" of shit. I am angry at public subsidized "private" companies with executives making obscenes amount of cash. Make no's on the public dole.

And I am angry at the very same political faction, the right wing, that on one hand facilitates this feckless theft of the public trust and on the other hand wants to gyp the very people that keep us safe, educated and healthy.

Please is it on the public dole?

What the fuck.


I don't believe you are a CEO of anything.

I really dont need to impress you. I am debating you. I started my own business management, himan resource strategy and solutions firm. I am a NYS sub chapter (s) corp. I take a modest salary and monthyly distributions. I am listed as one of two officers of the firm....CEO isd my wife is CFO...I employ over a dozen...and have 1099 consultants out on assignements...right now about 30 of them...Our revenue is in excess of 7 Million a year with net profits last year being a measly 223K (per my tax return)...We did not lay off a sibngle employee. We DID fire two based on insubordination and did not replace them as we were overstaffed to begin with in light of the economy.
We are currently interviewing candidates to replace them as our sales team has successfully generated new clientelle.

Now all that being said...

Please tell me how my firm is on the public dole. I would like an opportunity to respond.
Republicans at the state level benefit by federal bailout cash that keeps ASCME afloat, just like democrat politicians do....If the rollovers of guys like Bobby Jindal and Rick Perry doesn't demonstrate that, what would?

The current budgetary concern is federal overspending, not the state and local binges that were bailed out with the phony "stimulus" largess....That's context in which the OP propaganda is a misdirection and towering fail.

Those same politicians support party initiatives, especially the idealistic ones supportive of federal policies that mirror party wishes for those directions. That was my point. Thank you for ignoring it, as that is glaring evidence that you have no rational answer to it.

ASCME is kept afloat by dues paying members. Those members may see more hours at work and higher employment because of the stimulus, god forbid.
Those members and every state and federal employee are also members of their community, patrons of local businesses, taxpayers... productive and contributing members of society.
AFSCME's pension funds were a huge beneficiary of the federal "stimulus" handout.

And don't give me that "they pay taxes too" crap...Every dime they earn -and subsequently the taxes they "pay"- comes out of the pockets of the productive in society in the first place.

If their jobs are such a low-paying burden, then they can get out into the real world and earn a living in the productive sector.

You've never posted what you do for a living. What do you do, and what do you produce (I'd suggest bull shit but will wait and see if you actually produce anything else)?
Nope. I am not a public company. I started my own comapny and although I struggled at the beginning, I am now a bit more comfortable...and I am happy to say I have employed many...and had many years where my employees were making more than I was...but in the end I have a company I will be able to sell...

But you didnt answer my question...

What does sitting with a CEO in a room have to do with anything?

Why are you jealous of a CEO's bonuses? Becuase he made a smarter career decision?

What about the CEO thats starts a company and fails? DO you have pity for him ; say life is unfairr do you say "you should have made smarter choices?"

And if that same CEO made it would see him in a different light?

Why? Becuase he/she acheived success?

I ain't "jealous" of shit. I am angry at public subsidized "private" companies with executives making obscenes amount of cash. Make no's on the public dole.

And I am angry at the very same political faction, the right wing, that on one hand facilitates this feckless theft of the public trust and on the other hand wants to gyp the very people that keep us safe, educated and healthy.

There are numerous solutions to that and regulating the open market isn't a very practical one. Stop doing business with them is one solution.

Well yeah.

And do you see many politicians, and this is of either party..advocating for:

-Pulling all employee/government retire funds out of private companies?
-Setting up a "Public Works" of public employees that fix roads, bridges, builds government buildings and other construction projects?
-Putting a stop to government grants and loans to private companies?
-Putting a stop to defense contracts and having public employees provide for defense gear?
-Putting a stop to public employees funding private HMOs.
-Putting a stop to the GSA buying cars from private companies and using private contractors?
-Putting a stop to our Military defending private interests overseas?
-FDIC backing the banks?

Absolutely not. The ones that do are considered flakes.
Nope. I am not a public company. I started my own comapny and although I struggled at the beginning, I am now a bit more comfortable...and I am happy to say I have employed many...and had many years where my employees were making more than I was...but in the end I have a company I will be able to sell...

But you didnt answer my question...

What does sitting with a CEO in a room have to do with anything?

Why are you jealous of a CEO's bonuses? Becuase he made a smarter career decision?

What about the CEO thats starts a company and fails? DO you have pity for him ; say life is unfairr do you say "you should have made smarter choices?"

And if that same CEO made it would see him in a different light?

Why? Becuase he/she acheived success?

I ain't "jealous" of shit. I am angry at public subsidized "private" companies with executives making obscenes amount of cash. Make no's on the public dole.

And I am angry at the very same political faction, the right wing, that on one hand facilitates this feckless theft of the public trust and on the other hand wants to gyp the very people that keep us safe, educated and healthy.
Oh really?

How many on the left opposed the Wall Street bankster bailouts?

How many of them stood by while Lehman Brothers sank, yet AIG and Goldman Sachs were bailed out?

Sanctimony, thy name is Sallow.

I can't speak for anyone but me, but I opposed it. Fuck. You don't see poor people jumping out of high rises when business catches its tail and eats itself, We're already pretty well self sufficient with squat. We'll make soup, grow some veggies, share, and survive. We already do.
And the sharing thing...its not altogether altruistic, dude, but shared resources allows our species to survive. In times of trouble, its like that long handled spoon taped to everyone's arms: they can't feed themselves, but they can feed each other. Its self interest. Its also mutual trust and reciprocity.
reciprocity is a good word.
Those same politicians support party initiatives, especially the idealistic ones supportive of federal policies that mirror party wishes for those directions. That was my point. Thank you for ignoring it, as that is glaring evidence that you have no rational answer to it.

ASCME is kept afloat by dues paying members. Those members may see more hours at work and higher employment because of the stimulus, god forbid.
Those members and every state and federal employee are also members of their community, patrons of local businesses, taxpayers... productive and contributing members of society.
AFSCME's pension funds were a huge beneficiary of the federal "stimulus" handout.

And don't give me that "they pay taxes too" crap...Every dime they earn -and subsequently the taxes they "pay"- comes out of the pockets of the productive in society in the first place.

If their jobs are such a low-paying burden, then they can get out into the real world and earn a living in the productive sector.

You've never posted what you do for a living. What do you do, and what do you produce (I'd suggest bull shit but will wait and see if you actually produce anything else)?
One of my pursuits is in the construction field....Hotel remodeling in particular.

How 'bout you Google "Innkeepers USA" and guess how the last couple years of my life have worked out?
The vast majority of civil servants make at best an average income,


{Federal employees earn higher average salaries than private-sector workers in more than eight out of 10 occupations, a USA TODAY analysis of federal data finds.
Accountants, nurses, chemists, surveyors, cooks, clerks and janitors are among the wide range of jobs that get paid more on average in the federal government than in the private sector.}

Federal pay ahead of private industry -

work their asses off, and even at the state and local levels face MASSIVE and career ending layoffs.


Even in the midst of the deepest recession since Carter, government kept hiring - while millions in the private sector lost jobs and homes, our public masters were sacred cows to be protected at all costs.

{Overcompensation of public employees, considering all factors of remuneration, may
approach to 80 to 120 percent more than private employees in comparable positions as a norm for hundreds of thousands, if not more than one million, public employees in the state. }

They spend money at local businesses,

Send me your credit card number, I promise to spend it at local businesses.

they pay taxes to their community, as your neighbors,

Do you have children?

Try this; let's assume you have 3 children. Give each child a $500 a week allowance. Now set a 10% tax on that allowance.

You can quit your job now, right? I mean, they're paying taxes, it's not like they're on the dole, right?

What amazes me is that the idea that contracted benefits (overall very modest ones at that once upon a time when the American corporations understood sustainability) of government, local, and state employees are an obscenity is swallowed whole in the same breath that that excuses private industry for raising your prices based on the last dime the largest demographic has to spend

You are amazed because you are abjectly ignorant of economics. You don't comprehend the concept of the invisible hand in the workings of prices nor salaries.

If I object to what a private concern charges, I am free to seek an alternative or forgo their product. For instance, I don't buy Apple products because I object to their business practices. Steve Jobs is a crook and Algore is a con artist. Even products that are well made, such as the iPhone, I will not buy because I will not support Apple and their criminal business practices.

But if I object to public masters making 180% of the salary a private sector worker makes, then retiring after 20 years with 80 to 95% of their highest salary for life, I have no option. I will either pay the government, or men with guns will come to kill or imprison me.

There is no parity as there is no choice. No private concern gets my money without my consent, only government does that.
Please is it on the public dole?

What the fuck.


I don't believe you are a CEO of anything.

I really dont need to impress you. I am debating you. I started my own business management, himan resource strategy and solutions firm. I am a NYS sub chapter (s) corp. I take a modest salary and monthyly distributions. I am listed as one of two officers of the firm....CEO isd my wife is CFO...I employ over a dozen...and have 1099 consultants out on assignements...right now about 30 of them...Our revenue is in excess of 7 Million a year with net profits last year being a measly 223K (per my tax return)...We did not lay off a sibngle employee. We DID fire two based on insubordination and did not replace them as we were overstaffed to begin with in light of the economy.
We are currently interviewing candidates to replace them as our sales team has successfully generated new clientelle.

Now all that being said...

Please tell me how my firm is on the public dole. I would like an opportunity to respond.

Well your post was basically a "neener neener, I am going to be obtuse and pretend I don't have any idea what you are talking about.." one.

Of course I am not referring to small business.

If you want to do the "exact words" thing..I ain't the guy for you to debate.

It's to agitating.
I ain't "jealous" of shit. I am angry at public subsidized "private" companies with executives making obscenes amount of cash. Make no's on the public dole.

And I am angry at the very same political faction, the right wing, that on one hand facilitates this feckless theft of the public trust and on the other hand wants to gyp the very people that keep us safe, educated and healthy.

There are numerous solutions to that and regulating the open market isn't a very practical one. Stop doing business with them is one solution.

Well yeah.

And do you see many politicians, and this is of either party..advocating for:

-Pulling all employee/government retire funds out of private companies? Why? WHo would you prefer overseeing the funds? The government? How did they do with Social Security?
-Setting up a "Public Works" of public employees that fix roads, bridges, builds government buildings and other construction projects? Why? What about the employees that are employed by the private companies?
-Putting a stop to government grants and loans to private companies? So foreign companies can lead in R and D?
-Putting a stop to defense contracts and having public employees provide for defense gear? Why? What about the employees of those companies?
-Putting a stop to public employees funding private HMOs. Not sure what you are saying here
-Putting a stop to the GSA buying cars from private companies and using private contractors? Is there a public company to buy them from?
-Putting a stop to our Military defending private interests overseas? So lets just let the evil people of the world walk right through them
-FDIC backing the banks? You dont like having your deposits insured?
Absolutely not. The ones that do are considered flakes.

You seem to prefer living in a socialistic country.
Why is that?
I ain't "jealous" of shit. I am angry at public subsidized "private" companies with executives making obscenes amount of cash. Make no's on the public dole.

And I am angry at the very same political faction, the right wing, that on one hand facilitates this feckless theft of the public trust and on the other hand wants to gyp the very people that keep us safe, educated and healthy.
Oh really?

How many on the left opposed the Wall Street bankster bailouts?

How many of them stood by while Lehman Brothers sank, yet AIG and Goldman Sachs were bailed out?

Sanctimony, thy name is Sallow.

I can't speak for anyone but me, but I opposed it.
How many of the people for whom you voted, and probably continue to vote for, opposed them?
And the sharing thing...its not altogether altruistic, dude, but shared resources allows our species to survive. In times of trouble, its like that long handled spoon taped to everyone's arms: they can't feed themselves, but they can feed each other. Its self interest. Its also mutual trust and reciprocity.
reciprocity is a good word.
I rest my case.
Nope. I am not a public company. I started my own comapny and although I struggled at the beginning, I am now a bit more comfortable...and I am happy to say I have employed many...and had many years where my employees were making more than I was...but in the end I have a company I will be able to sell...

But you didnt answer my question...

What does sitting with a CEO in a room have to do with anything?

Why are you jealous of a CEO's bonuses? Becuase he made a smarter career decision?

What about the CEO thats starts a company and fails? DO you have pity for him ; say life is unfairr do you say "you should have made smarter choices?"

And if that same CEO made it would see him in a different light?

Why? Becuase he/she acheived success?

I ain't "jealous" of shit. I am angry at public subsidized "private" companies with executives making obscenes amount of cash. Make no's on the public dole.

And I am angry at the very same political faction, the right wing, that on one hand facilitates this feckless theft of the public trust and on the other hand wants to gyp the very people that keep us safe, educated and healthy.
Oh really?

How many on the left opposed the Wall Street bankster bailouts?

How many of them stood by while Lehman Brothers sank, yet AIG and Goldman Sachs were bailed out?

Sanctimony, thy name is Sallow.'re off the grid.

You don't seem to understand what happened exactly..

But there plenty of material out there to catch up.

Start here..

they pay taxes to their community, as your neighbors,

Do you have children?

Try this; let's assume you have 3 children. Give each child a $500 a week allowance. Now set a 10% tax on that allowance.

You can quit your job now, right? I mean, they're paying taxes, it's not like they're on the dole, right?

Give that man a cheroot.
What the fuck.


I don't believe you are a CEO of anything.

I really dont need to impress you. I am debating you. I started my own business management, himan resource strategy and solutions firm. I am a NYS sub chapter (s) corp. I take a modest salary and monthyly distributions. I am listed as one of two officers of the firm....CEO isd my wife is CFO...I employ over a dozen...and have 1099 consultants out on assignements...right now about 30 of them...Our revenue is in excess of 7 Million a year with net profits last year being a measly 223K (per my tax return)...We did not lay off a sibngle employee. We DID fire two based on insubordination and did not replace them as we were overstaffed to begin with in light of the economy.
We are currently interviewing candidates to replace them as our sales team has successfully generated new clientelle.

Now all that being said...

Please tell me how my firm is on the public dole. I would like an opportunity to respond.

Well your post was basically a "neener neener, I am going to be obtuse and pretend I don't have any idea what you are talking about.." one.

Of course I am not referring to small business.

If you want to do the "exact words" thing..I ain't the guy for you to debate.

It's to agitating.

Uh...excuse me....but are you at all aware of how few "large businesses" there are compared to small businesses?

So you now want to have different rules for large businesses as opposed to small businesses?

So then exactly what would be the incentive to become a large business?

You are aware of the tens of thousands of people that have jobs, homes families and lives in general becuase of the large businesses?

There are numerous solutions to that and regulating the open market isn't a very practical one. Stop doing business with them is one solution.

Well yeah.

And do you see many politicians, and this is of either party..advocating for:

-Pulling all employee/government retire funds out of private companies? Why? WHo would you prefer overseeing the funds? The government? How did they do with Social Security?
-Setting up a "Public Works" of public employees that fix roads, bridges, builds government buildings and other construction projects? Why? What about the employees that are employed by the private companies?
-Putting a stop to government grants and loans to private companies? So foreign companies can lead in R and D?
-Putting a stop to defense contracts and having public employees provide for defense gear? Why? What about the employees of those companies?
-Putting a stop to public employees funding private HMOs. Not sure what you are saying here
-Putting a stop to the GSA buying cars from private companies and using private contractors? Is there a public company to buy them from?
-Putting a stop to our Military defending private interests overseas? So lets just let the evil people of the world walk right through them
-FDIC backing the banks? You dont like having your deposits insured?
Absolutely not. The ones that do are considered flakes.

You seem to prefer living in a socialistic country.
Why is that?


Why do I bother..:eusa_eh:

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