Civil war erupts in Sweden as irate Swedes burn nine Muslim refugee centers to the ground

Very interesting how Rotagllia with the mental bacteria ended up blaming the Jews for what's happening in Europe. It's always the Joooos. :cuckoo:

fuck the jews...they are unchristian heathens who consider white christians "unclean" and "goyim" and "shiksas" ...but they DO find us useful to fight their middle east wars by proxy.

how many syrian "refugees" is israel taking in?
meanwhile there are jews like jacob javits who concocted an immigration bill to flood the u.s. with 3rd world peasants...

Nazi boy Bacteria always finds a way to show how us how mentally sick he is.

it's a fact that jews consider christians "unclean", "goyim" and "shiksas", isn't it? Why try to dodge?..those are just facts. Don't be so defensive.

Don't make shit up, Nazi boy. Jews don't consider Christians "unclean."

Now wipe that brown stuff off your lips.
It's a funny thing about Nazi boys. They ascribe to themselves the authority to determine who are "real Jews" and what Jews believe. They let not the faintest shaft of light penetrate their darkness. Their hate is irrational and based on fortified ignorance.

In reality they are victims of their environment, upbringing, and lack of role models.
The back lash is coming there and then here. Germany is getting pretty irate as well.
Yes. Germany Chancellor Angela Merkel is feeling tremendous political backlash and is feeling the ire of Germany's citizens. The German govt is attempting to follow suit with several other European nations in that they are cutting off all access to their countries to these so called refugees.
Hail to our european brothers and sisters for rejecting and acting against white genocide.
I don't think they were striking a blow for the white man, they're just sick of sewage being grafted into the clean drinking water.

They're striking a blow for their european/caucasian culture, traditions and heritage.

muzzies are not coming to assimilate..their culture and "religion" are counter to everything western. They hate us as much as the one we're "infidels" and to the other we're "unclean goyim".both are alien to our culture.

Wait, you think you're actually speaking for others?! Ha ha ha. exaggerate as usual...I'm speaking for me...and the millions of others who feel the way I do can speak for themselves..
You can't refute anything I said, so you retreat to your standard fallback position of namecalling and trying to change the subject...

You actually think you speak for "millions of others"?! :cuckoo:

You're a legend in your own mind! :lmao:

Sadly he does not think there are people that might be more knowledgeable than himself. I would hope most people here are smarter or willing to at learn and do their own research.
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The back lash is coming there and then here. Germany is getting pretty irate as well.
Yes. Germany Chancellor Angela Merkel is feeling tremendous political backlash and is feeling the ire of Germany's citizens. The German govt is attempting to follow suit with several other European nations in that they are cutting off all access to their countries to these so called refugees.

I don't think she realize the scope of the refugees or the flood of people that would walk to reach western Europe

She failed to see the conditions in the camps or the urgency of the people. nor consider the number of infiltrators that would slip in with the refugees
As of 2014-
Hussein's journey to Sweden was dangerous and expensive. The only way for individuals to apply for asylum in Sweden - or anywhere else in the Schengen area - is to enter that country unlawfully. More than 23,000 Syrians have applied for asylum in Sweden since January 2012, and they all either entered with forged documents or by infiltrating an EU border. Sweden does not penalise asylum seekers who enter illegally, based on Article 31 of the Refugee Convention
Asylum seekers' perilous path to Sweden

Allowing them in is just going to spread the agenda of Islam..which is to gain a toehold and then begin trying to convert. Watch and see. They are in no hurry. Little by little.

Refugees don't come with "agendas" -- except simple survival.
They're not refugees, they're invaders.

Link to this "invasion" then?
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"They all look alike to me" ^^ SMH

Leftist democrats love that look... they love islam and muslims... Hitlery supporters WANT sharia law...

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