Civil war erupts in Sweden as irate Swedes burn nine Muslim refugee centers to the ground

three mosques in eastern Sweden back in january, not refugee camps

When you come up with other news stories about it, I'll certainly be interested in hearing what those stories have to say!

The Muslims are already here, V. You'd best run for your life to ah, well, Antarctica...

Did you know a .38 kills just as effectively as a .44?.... Perhaps a slightly longer yardage shot is achievable with the .44!...But don't worry, MLT, if one of those BAD muslims comes after you and I see him about to chop your head off, I'll kill you first, so you won't have the pain and agony of having your empty head removed!... You may thank me later!
Unlike the pussies here, like you, I am not afraid of death...

People, like you, with a minimal IQ aren't afraid of death.... One of the brighter parts of your mundane life!
Low IQ people fear death, and seek religion. The smarter you are the less you fear death since there is nothing to fear, just the oblivion from which we came to which we return. What was is no more. And so it goes...
New Drone Footage Captures Scope Of EU's Migrant Crisis As Brussels Plans Refugee "Holding Camps"
Zero Hedge ^ | 26 Oct 2015 | Tyler Durden
Europe took another stab at tackling the bloc�s worsening migrant crisis on Sunday as Jean-Claude Juncker called a mini-summit of 11 regional leaders in Brussels. The immediate concern, Juncker contends, is providing shelter for the hundreds of thousands of asylum seekers who have inundated the Balkans en route to what they hope will be a better life in Germany. So far, Europe has struggled mightily under the weight of the people flows and a plan to place 120,000 asylum seekers based on a quota system met with hostility from some Eastern European nations including Hungary, where PM Viktor Orban has..
When you come up with other news stories about it, I'll certainly be interested in hearing what those stories have to say!

The Muslims are already here, V. You'd best run for your life to ah, well, Antarctica...

Did you know a .38 kills just as effectively as a .44?.... Perhaps a slightly longer yardage shot is achievable with the .44!...But don't worry, MLT, if one of those BAD muslims comes after you and I see him about to chop your head off, I'll kill you first, so you won't have the pain and agony of having your empty head removed!... You may thank me later!
Unlike the pussies here, like you, I am not afraid of death...

People, like you, with a minimal IQ aren't afraid of death.... One of the brighter parts of your mundane life!
That's true. Critters just have no idea what's coming. PMH to a T.
What's coming is what was before you existed, as far as you're concerned, nothing at all, not a damn thing, to which you soon return. Humans are but specks, in a universe of eye drops...

The image is a junkyard fire in January in Malmö

Face book pages are passing this photo around for a number of stories

Then it's true, it WAS a muslim refugee center!

Bombeiros combatem o incêndio no ferro velho de Malmö, no sul da Suécia
Foto: AP

Are you STARTING to go OCD on us, as Pogo, Pawn, PMH, and a bunch of other neocommies have? We read your message, and it was ignored, as liberals do all day long when we on the right post differing views.
They flee and beg for sanctuary, then spit in the hosts faces. I would herd them right back from whence they came.
The Muslims are already here, V. You'd best run for your life to ah, well, Antarctica...

Did you know a .38 kills just as effectively as a .44?.... Perhaps a slightly longer yardage shot is achievable with the .44!...But don't worry, MLT, if one of those BAD muslims comes after you and I see him about to chop your head off, I'll kill you first, so you won't have the pain and agony of having your empty head removed!... You may thank me later!
Unlike the pussies here, like you, I am not afraid of death...

People, like you, with a minimal IQ aren't afraid of death.... One of the brighter parts of your mundane life!
That's true. Critters just have no idea what's coming. PMH to a T.
What's coming is what was before you existed, as far as you're concerned, nothing at all, not a damn thing, to which you soon return. Humans are but specks, in a universe of eye drops...

Maybe. Nobody knows anything for sure. The fact that you assert your "belief" is cute, but it is YOUR belief. It is no more valid than a Jew, or a Christian, or a Buddhist, ad infinitum. Until we die no one knows what happens. That's just a simple fact.
According to the UK's Telegraph, 13 planned refugee centers have been torched:

"Sweden’s migration authorities on Wednesday moved to hide the locations of buildings earmarked for housing refugees, after attackers set more a dozen prospective refugee centres on fire in a matter of months."

"Mikael Ribbenvik, chief operative officer at the Swedish Migration Agency, made the decision after the thirteenth centre, a home for unaccompanied refugee children in the city of Lund, was set alight on Monday.
According to the UK's Telegraph, 13 planned refugee centers have been torched:

"Sweden’s migration authorities on Wednesday moved to hide the locations of buildings earmarked for housing refugees, after attackers set more a dozen prospective refugee centres on fire in a matter of months."

"Mikael Ribbenvik, chief operative officer at the Swedish Migration Agency, made the decision after the thirteenth centre, a home for unaccompanied refugee children in the city of Lund, was set alight on Monday.

Sweden conceals refugee centre addresses after attacks
Hail to our european brothers and sisters for rejecting and acting against white genocide.
They need to also go after those who ruled and allowed that invasion into their country. we need to wake up as this administration is getting ready to bring in 100s of thousands into our country
According to the UK's Telegraph, 13 planned refugee centers have been torched:

"Sweden’s migration authorities on Wednesday moved to hide the locations of buildings earmarked for housing refugees, after attackers set more a dozen prospective refugee centres on fire in a matter of months."

"Mikael Ribbenvik, chief operative officer at the Swedish Migration Agency, made the decision after the thirteenth centre, a home for unaccompanied refugee children in the city of Lund, was set alight on Monday.

Sweden conceals refugee centre addresses after attacks
Hail to our european brothers and sisters for rejecting and acting against white genocide.
I don't think they were striking a blow for the white man, they're just sick of sewage being grafted into the clean drinking water.
Very interesting how Rotagllia with the mental bacteria ended up blaming the Jews for what's happening in Europe. It's always the Joooos. :cuckoo:

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