*Civil War II and how the Deep State has Launched it*

Has Civil War II started?

  • Yes

    Votes: 13 50.0%
  • No

    Votes: 8 30.8%
  • Unsure.

    Votes: 3 11.5%
  • I'm an Idiot who found a computer.

    Votes: 2 7.7%

  • Total voters
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In 1941 the institute, which had been beset by financial troubles, was effectively dissolved, and Horkheimer moved to Los Angeles. There he collaborated with Adorno on an influential study, Dialectic of Enlightenment (1947), which traced the rise of fascism and other forms of totalitarianism to the Enlightenment notion of “instrumental” reason. The work’s pessimism reflects the defeats that progressive European social movements had suffered since the early 1930s. A more accessible version of the book’s argument also appeared in 1947 under the title The Eclipse of Reason. In 1950 Horkheimer returned to Frankfurt, where he reestablished the institute and ultimately became rector of the university. His later work displays his enduring fascination with the German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer (1788–1860) and the philosophy of religion. Horkheimer felt that Schopenhauer’s pessimistic social philosophy more faithfully reflected the lost prospects for utopia than did the more optimistic social theories of the postwar period.

Max Horkheimer | German philosopher

WHEN THE GOAL WAS TO DUMB DOWN AMERICA------------- the Public schools succeeded and this is why you think THERE IS NO CIVIL WAR GOING ON.......

Sorry bout that,

  1. Civil War is upon us in Congress, only a idiot can't see it.
  2. How the democrats are trying to impeach cements their feet into civil war footings.
  3. There is no escape, and all that needs to happen now is gasoline thrown on the fire after the spark lights the fire.
  4. President Trump is no fool, and he will not hesitate to call in the military.
  5. This coup will be slammed down.
  6. Those behind it will be put to death.
Sorry bout that,

  1. For those who voted NO of the present civil war, you're lying to yourself.
  2. Its happening now, and when the public part of this kicks off you will be surprised, and say, "I didn't see that coming".
  3. Why even tho you voted for there not being a civil war, you as the under-spoken realm of a idiot, are oblivious to your idiocy.
  4. The media will get grounded into powder, over their actions in support of the coup.
  5. Many America haters will be dealt with harshly, and it will be necessary to bring them from out of the shadows at that time.
  6. These talking heads will no longer attached to their bodies.
Sorry bout that,

  1. Does anyone see we are in a civil war already?
  2. Or is this what we see now in Washington not civil war?
  3. On one side a election was won by Donald Trump.
  4. On the other side we see a party not willing to work with this administration.
  5. Not seen since Abraham Lincoln was determined to free the black man.
  6. All the while the American Indians were forced off the lands of their origins, to Oklahoma, and some gathered together in the southwest, and other parts of USA, in small controlled reservations, away from the settlers.
  7. Abraham did well, setting free one group of people, but didn't address another group, which got him killed.
  8. Sure you may not see it as being that way but thats not the matter, it was.
  9. At this era we have a duly elected President, who lives in constant attack for whatever he says or does.
  10. Thats CIVIL WAR folks, and if you can't see it you are an idiot.
“…we have a duly elected President, who lives in constant attack for whatever he says or does.”

No, we have a president opposed by the majority of the people who is a racist, bigot, and misogynist; a president appropriately and justifiably opposed by the majority of the people because he’s wrong on the issues, because of his abuse of power, because of his incessant lying, and because of his contempt for our democratic institutions.

We have a president who deserves to be voted out of office next November.
Sorry bout that,

  1. For those who voted NO of the present civil war, you're lying to yourself.
  2. Its happening now, and when the public part of this kicks off you will be surprised, and say, "I didn't see that coming".
  3. Why even tho you voted for there not being a civil war, you as the under-spoken realm of a idiot, are oblivious to your idiocy.
  4. The media will get grounded into powder, over their actions in support of the coup.
  5. Many America haters will be dealt with harshly, and it will be necessary to bring them from out of the shadows at that time.
  6. These talking heads will no longer attached to their bodies.

The stupidity from these leftist losers is a daily mind blower. How they can be so gawd dam fkn stupid is beyond most of us who know how to think and don't have to be told WHAT TO THINK.
Sorry bout that,

  1. Abraham Lincoln freed the black man, Donald Trump will free the red one.
  2. America will rejoice!,....evil will continue to make sad faces.
  3. Those in the wrong will end.
  4. The sun will shine on the truth.
  1. Regards,SirJamesofTexas
Your all a bunch of idiots that found a computer and can barely turn it on. Seek help. I am sure there is a 10 year old out there that can assist all of you.
Thanks for solving the entire problem of the lying, cheating, scheming, stalking, spying, hating, screaming Democrat Congress headed by the richest, smartest, backstabbingest female who claims to be the most important person on the planet. And that's why we're excluded from the secret witch hunt in the Democrat-domineering conspiracy to get rid of President Trump by any means possible.

We're so glad you fixed the problem so we can all go home now. :rolleyes:

Hillary is losing favor in the braying ass party. She's history.

It started November 2000. It's heating up, but is not yet even at this late date a hot war.

Often a single incident sets off a shooting war. Whether it becomes one or not depends entirely upon the Democrats. They are the ones opposed to America.

I don't hear the Democrats threatening 2nd Amendment remedies.
Do you know what the word mark is in the greek?
It means badge of loyalty
I wouldn't say there is a civil war so much as a struggle between those who believe in America as a nation-state and globalists who do not. This is happening all through Europe as well, where the diverse cultures are being destroyed by those who simply do not believe people should have the right to control their own destiny.
I wouldn't say there is a civil war so much as a struggle between those who believe in America as a nation-state and globalists who do not. This is happening all through Europe as well, where the diverse cultures are being destroyed by those who simply do not believe people should have the right to control their own destiny.

Control of your own destiny is an illusion. We live in a global economy and a global world. The silliness is thinking you can build a wall to keep the world out.
I wouldn't say there is a civil war so much as a struggle between those who believe in America as a nation-state and globalists who do not. This is happening all through Europe as well, where the diverse cultures are being destroyed by those who simply do not believe people should have the right to control their own destiny.

Control of your own destiny is an illusion. We live in a global economy and a global world. The silliness is thinking you can build a wall to keep the world out.
Just the poorer parts of it.
Sorry bout that,

  1. Does anyone see we are in a civil war already?
  2. Or is this what we see now in Washington not civil war?
  3. On one side a election was won by Donald Trump.
  4. On the other side we see a party not willing to work with this administration.
  5. Not seen since Abraham Lincoln was determined to free the black man.
  6. All the while the American Indians were forced off the lands of their origins, to Oklahoma, and some gathered together in the southwest, and other parts of USA, in small controlled reservations, away from the settlers.
  7. Abraham did well, setting free one group of people, but didn't address another group, which got him killed.
  8. Sure you may not see it as being that way but thats not the matter, it was.
  9. At this era we have a duly elected President, who lives in constant attack for whatever he says or does.
  10. Thats CIVIL WAR folks, and if you can't see it you are an idiot.
What is your educational attainment? I’m guessing you flunked out. Prove me wrong.
Sorry bout that,

  1. Does anyone see we are in a civil war already?
  2. Or is this what we see now in Washington not civil war?
  3. On one side a election was won by Donald Trump.
  4. On the other side we see a party not willing to work with this administration.
  5. Not seen since Abraham Lincoln was determined to free the black man.
  6. All the while the American Indians were forced off the lands of their origins, to Oklahoma, and some gathered together in the southwest, and other parts of USA, in small controlled reservations, away from the settlers.
  7. Abraham did well, setting free one group of people, but didn't address another group, which got him killed.
  8. Sure you may not see it as being that way but thats not the matter, it was.
  9. At this era we have a duly elected President, who lives in constant attack for whatever he says or does.
  10. Thats CIVIL WAR folks, and if you can't see it you are an idiot.
What is your educational attainment? I’m guessing you flunked out. Prove me wrong.

Sorry bout that,

  1. What would my education level have to do with this topic?
  2. These facts are self evident.
  3. Where do you stand on this topic,.DEEP STATE?
  4. You are without understanding in total.
  5. And I do not need to know your attainments.
Sorry bout that,

  1. Does anyone see we are in a civil war already?
  2. Or is this what we see now in Washington not civil war?
  3. On one side a election was won by Donald Trump.
  4. On the other side we see a party not willing to work with this administration.
  5. Not seen since Abraham Lincoln was determined to free the black man.
  6. All the while the American Indians were forced off the lands of their origins, to Oklahoma, and some gathered together in the southwest, and other parts of USA, in small controlled reservations, away from the settlers.
  7. Abraham did well, setting free one group of people, but didn't address another group, which got him killed.
  8. Sure you may not see it as being that way but thats not the matter, it was.
  9. At this era we have a duly elected President, who lives in constant attack for whatever he says or does.
  10. Thats CIVIL WAR folks, and if you can't see it you are an idiot.
What is your educational attainment? I’m guessing you flunked out. Prove me wrong.

Sorry bout that,

  1. What would my education level have to do with this topic?
  2. These facts are self evident.
  3. Where do you stand on this topic,.DEEP STATE?
  4. You are without understanding in total.
  5. And I do not need to know your attainments.
We aren’t in a civil war. Our president may have abused his power by asking Ukraine to announce a bogus investigation against his chief opponent in the next election. It’s quite disturbing and you’d storm the White House if Obama tried it. Dems are being very reserved. I’m proud of them. A few are amping up the rhetoric but most are being reverent about the process.

Ultimately it’ll be up to the republicans to decide if his crimes are bad enough. The next president will be a Dem so you need to think carefully about what powers you want to bestow on the presidency.

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