*Civil War II and how the Deep State has Launched it*

Has Civil War II started?

  • Yes

    Votes: 13 50.0%
  • No

    Votes: 8 30.8%
  • Unsure.

    Votes: 3 11.5%
  • I'm an Idiot who found a computer.

    Votes: 2 7.7%

  • Total voters
  • This poll will close: .
Sorry bout that,

  1. Spin is in.
  2. Clean slate on way.
  3. There really is no other direction this can go.
  4. Hide and watch, but just remember you were told in advance.
Your all a bunch of idiots that found a computer and can barely turn it on. Seek help. I am sure there is a 10 year old out there that can assist all of you.

We were in a war after the voting showed a big gender voting gap and trump won the election

This war is easy tho

This is men against women
Sorry bout that,

  1. DEEP STATE,...its within both parties.
  2. Its CIA and FBI, NSA.
  3. DEEP STATE is got America in a strangle hold.
  4. Until the people raise up, nothing will change on that.
  5. Its time.

Only the rinos part of republicans are the deep state. Mitt Romney !!
Sorry bout that,

  1. Does anyone see we are in a civil war already?
  2. Or is this what we see now in Washington not civil war?
  3. On one side a election was won by Donald Trump.
  4. On the other side we see a party not willing to work with this administration.
  5. Not seen since Abraham Lincoln was determined to free the black man.
  6. All the while the American Indians were forced off the lands of their origins, to Oklahoma, and some gathered together in the southwest, and other parts of USA, in small controlled reservations, away from the settlers.
  7. Abraham did well, setting free one group of people, but didn't address another group, which got him killed.
  8. Sure you may not see it as being that way but thats not the matter, it was.
  9. At this era we have a duly elected President, who lives in constant attack for whatever he says or does.
  10. Thats CIVIL WAR folks, and if you can't see it you are an idiot.
The delusion demands resentment over the 2016 election. It never addresses the abuses of power committed by Trump. The delusion seeks a violent solution to a political problem. All while giving lip service to devotion to the constitution.

The delusion demands blindness to the corrupt nature of Donald Trump. All while claiming rampant corruption among his political opposition. As if corruption is endemic among Democrats while non-existent for anyone with an (R) behind their title.

Civil war is the delusion. And those seeking it are found exclusively among the gaggle who are okay with authoritarianism, corruption and extra-constitutional behavior. Irony, thy name is Trumpism.

This war is men against women
I wouldn't say there is a civil war so much as a struggle between those who believe in America as a nation-state and globalists who do not. This is happening all through Europe as well, where the diverse cultures are being destroyed by those who simply do not believe people should have the right to control their own destiny.

This is a war between men and women and also in Europe

Trump stopping the women’s vote or st least limiting it with logic tests for voting will save America and then all democracies will do the same. The men in each nation will rise up to stop their women from electing crooks

Even Markel said that was a major mistake she made with the multi cultures she brought into the nation

She should have never been elected ... but because of the women voters she has harmed Germany forever
Sorry bout that,

  1. Does anyone see we are in a civil war already?
  2. Or is this what we see now in Washington not civil war?
  3. On one side a election was won by Donald Trump.
  4. On the other side we see a party not willing to work with this administration.
  5. Not seen since Abraham Lincoln was determined to free the black man.
  6. All the while the American Indians were forced off the lands of their origins, to Oklahoma, and some gathered together in the southwest, and other parts of USA, in small controlled reservations, away from the settlers.
  7. Abraham did well, setting free one group of people, but didn't address another group, which got him killed.
  8. Sure you may not see it as being that way but thats not the matter, it was.
  9. At this era we have a duly elected President, who lives in constant attack for whatever he says or does.
  10. Thats CIVIL WAR folks, and if you can't see it you are an idiot.
What is your educational attainment? I’m guessing you flunked out. Prove me wrong.

Net worth proves wisdom much more than degrees and trumps supporters are these
We aren’t in a civil war. Our president may have abused his power by asking Ukraine to announce a bogus investigation against his chief opponent in the next election. It’s quite disturbing and you’d storm the White House if Obama tried it. Dems are being very reserved. I’m proud of them. A few are amping up the rhetoric but most are being reverent about the process.

Ultimately it’ll be up to the republicans to decide if his crimes are bad enough. The next president will be a Dem so you need to think carefully about what powers you want to bestow on the presidency.

Trump wanted an investigation into the Bidens corruption in the 2016 election. Not the 2020 election. Democrats brains are cross wired an operating at only 5%.
Trump wanted to slander Biden for the 2020 election. You know that. Go ahead and have a justice department investigation. It’ll end up just like the IRS fake controversy about targeting conservatives. Nowhere. Same as investigating election fraud by immigrants. Nowhere. However, sending a private lawyer to deal weapons for fake political dirt isn’t law and order.

Whatever was said is moot. They got Biden and that's all that counts.
I didn’t understand your point. Can you say it another way?

Trump's phone call was not out of line. The left is desperately trying to protect Biden and Son and throwing up a smokescreen. Tonight in Kentucky, Rand Paul implored the senate to have Hunter Biden appear before the Senate committees. The ball is rolling now.
Neither me nor the left care about protecting Biden. If he is dirty then arrest him. He’s not dirty. In fact you can’t point to anything accurately to criticize. The timeline you jokers are pushing is all wrong. Be mad about nepotism. Sure. But be mad about it universally to include Trumps kids. Stop making up shit when there is real stuff to criticize.
Sorry bout that,

  1. Does anyone see we are in a civil war already?
  2. Or is this what we see now in Washington not civil war?
  3. On one side a election was won by Donald Trump.
  4. On the other side we see a party not willing to work with this administration.
  5. Not seen since Abraham Lincoln was determined to free the black man.
  6. All the while the American Indians were forced off the lands of their origins, to Oklahoma, and some gathered together in the southwest, and other parts of USA, in small controlled reservations, away from the settlers.
  7. Abraham did well, setting free one group of people, but didn't address another group, which got him killed.
  8. Sure you may not see it as being that way but thats not the matter, it was.
  9. At this era we have a duly elected President, who lives in constant attack for whatever he says or does.
  10. Thats CIVIL WAR folks, and if you can't see it you are an idiot.
What is your educational attainment? I’m guessing you flunked out. Prove me wrong.

Sorry bout that,

  1. What would my education level have to do with this topic?
  2. These facts are self evident.
  3. Where do you stand on this topic,.DEEP STATE?
  4. You are without understanding in total.
  5. And I do not need to know your attainments.
We aren’t in a civil war. Our president may have abused his power by asking Ukraine to announce a bogus investigation against his chief opponent in the next election. It’s quite disturbing and you’d storm the White House if Obama tried it. Dems are being very reserved. I’m proud of them. A few are amping up the rhetoric but most are being reverent about the process.

Ultimately it’ll be up to the republicans to decide if his crimes are bad enough. The next president will be a Dem so you need to think carefully about what powers you want to bestow on the presidency.

Should have used white flag emoji since you gave up.
Trump wanted an investigation into the Bidens corruption in the 2016 election. Not the 2020 election. Democrats brains are cross wired an operating at only 5%.
Trump wanted to slander Biden for the 2020 election. You know that. Go ahead and have a justice department investigation. It’ll end up just like the IRS fake controversy about targeting conservatives. Nowhere. Same as investigating election fraud by immigrants. Nowhere. However, sending a private lawyer to deal weapons for fake political dirt isn’t law and order.

Whatever was said is moot. They got Biden and that's all that counts.
I didn’t understand your point. Can you say it another way?

Trump's phone call was not out of line. The left is desperately trying to protect Biden and Son and throwing up a smokescreen. Tonight in Kentucky, Rand Paul implored the senate to have Hunter Biden appear before the Senate committees. The ball is rolling now.
Neither me nor the left care about protecting Biden. If he is dirty then arrest him. He’s not dirty. In fact you can’t point to anything accurately to criticize. The timeline you jokers are pushing is all wrong. Be mad about nepotism. Sure. But be mad about it universally to include Trumps kids. Stop making up shit when there is real stuff to criticize.
Trump kids, unlike Bidens, has skills.
Trump wanted to slander Biden for the 2020 election. You know that. Go ahead and have a justice department investigation. It’ll end up just like the IRS fake controversy about targeting conservatives. Nowhere. Same as investigating election fraud by immigrants. Nowhere. However, sending a private lawyer to deal weapons for fake political dirt isn’t law and order.

Whatever was said is moot. They got Biden and that's all that counts.
I didn’t understand your point. Can you say it another way?

Trump's phone call was not out of line. The left is desperately trying to protect Biden and Son and throwing up a smokescreen. Tonight in Kentucky, Rand Paul implored the senate to have Hunter Biden appear before the Senate committees. The ball is rolling now.
Neither me nor the left care about protecting Biden. If he is dirty then arrest him. He’s not dirty. In fact you can’t point to anything accurately to criticize. The timeline you jokers are pushing is all wrong. Be mad about nepotism. Sure. But be mad about it universally to include Trumps kids. Stop making up shit when there is real stuff to criticize.
Trump kids, unlike Bidens, has skills.
If you think an elected official should have his kids playing and important part in government then there is nothing left to save of you. Trumps children are barely functioning morons to boot.
Sorry bout that,

  1. Does anyone see we are in a civil war already?
  2. Or is this what we see now in Washington not civil war?
  3. On one side a election was won by Donald Trump.
  4. On the other side we see a party not willing to work with this administration.
  5. Not seen since Abraham Lincoln was determined to free the black man.
  6. All the while the American Indians were forced off the lands of their origins, to Oklahoma, and some gathered together in the southwest, and other parts of USA, in small controlled reservations, away from the settlers.
  7. Abraham did well, setting free one group of people, but didn't address another group, which got him killed.
  8. Sure you may not see it as being that way but thats not the matter, it was.
  9. At this era we have a duly elected President, who lives in constant attack for whatever he says or does.
  10. Thats CIVIL WAR folks, and if you can't see it you are an idiot.
What is your educational attainment? I’m guessing you flunked out. Prove me wrong.

Sorry bout that,

  1. What would my education level have to do with this topic?
  2. These facts are self evident.
  3. Where do you stand on this topic,.DEEP STATE?
  4. You are without understanding in total.
  5. And I do not need to know your attainments.
We aren’t in a civil war. Our president may have abused his power by asking Ukraine to announce a bogus investigation against his chief opponent in the next election. It’s quite disturbing and you’d storm the White House if Obama tried it. Dems are being very reserved. I’m proud of them. A few are amping up the rhetoric but most are being reverent about the process.

Ultimately it’ll be up to the republicans to decide if his crimes are bad enough. The next president will be a Dem so you need to think carefully about what powers you want to bestow on the presidency.

Should have used white flag emoji since you gave up.

Au contraire, you speak of Democrats as if they are logical, rational people. They are not, ergo there is no argument.
Trump wanted an investigation into the Bidens corruption in the 2016 election. Not the 2020 election. Democrats brains are cross wired an operating at only 5%.
Trump wanted to slander Biden for the 2020 election. You know that. Go ahead and have a justice department investigation. It’ll end up just like the IRS fake controversy about targeting conservatives. Nowhere. Same as investigating election fraud by immigrants. Nowhere. However, sending a private lawyer to deal weapons for fake political dirt isn’t law and order.

Whatever was said is moot. They got Biden and that's all that counts.
I didn’t understand your point. Can you say it another way?

Trump's phone call was not out of line. The left is desperately trying to protect Biden and Son and throwing up a smokescreen. Tonight in Kentucky, Rand Paul implored the senate to have Hunter Biden appear before the Senate committees. The ball is rolling now.
Neither me nor the left care about protecting Biden. If he is dirty then arrest him. He’s not dirty. In fact you can’t point to anything accurately to criticize. The timeline you jokers are pushing is all wrong. Be mad about nepotism. Sure. But be mad about it universally to include Trumps kids. Stop making up shit when there is real stuff to criticize.

Trump kids got their money directly from their father

Bidens kids got their money from nations and from America’s taxpayers money that was sent to make the nation give back part of that to Bidens kids

Big difference In Bidens kid getting money and trump kids !!!

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