Civil War In Egypt?

I don't know, but I'm just waiting to see how those M-1 tanks, and F-16's do against unarmed civilians.
The unarmed civilians of Eqypt thank you Mr. Obama. Btw... How well do those tanks and fighter planes fit in with Obama's Nobel Peace prize? Not too good I suspect...
I don't know, but I'm just waiting to see how those M-1 tanks, and F-16's do against unarmed civilians.
The unarmed civilians of Eqypt thank you Mr. Obama. Btw... How well do those tanks and fighter planes fit in with Obama's Nobel Peace prize? Not too good I suspect...

Oh cracky! I forgot about the tanks. 200 of them. What's that? A brigade? The F-16's and Abrams increase their military potential by a couple hundred per cent. Thanks for reminding me.
No matter which side assumes leadership in Egypt, there will continue to be massive demonstrations against those in office. Egypt should just break into two nations.

Egypt army takes over and establishes a Muburak style dictator-like leader with a Iran-Faux like Democratic vote where the military leaders PICK and APPROVE the candidates. However, this is EXACTLY what we want. Just as the military did under Mubarak, they will respect the truce with Israel, come down hard on Hamas and will openly taken on the extremist (aka Muslim Brotherhood)!

Not perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but better than Islamist!

Egypt army takes over and establishes a Muburak style dictator-like leader with a Iran-Faux like Democratic vote where the military leaders PICK and APPROVE the candidates. However, this is EXACTLY what we want. Just as the military did under Mubarak, they will respect the truce with Israel, come down hard on Hamas and will openly taken on the extremist (aka Muslim Brotherhood)!

Not perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but better than Islamist!

Let's hope this is the case. But if we are involved we're liable to screw it up.
Civil war in Egypt with an uncertain outcome...

Muslim Brotherhood in power in Egypt...

If the question is: which is worse...?

Hell if I know.

My gut says that anything that weakens the Muslim Brotherhood is a good thing.
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Egypt army takes over and establishes a Muburak style dictator-like leader with a Iran-Faux like Democratic vote where the military leaders PICK and APPROVE the candidates. However, this is EXACTLY what we want. Just as the military did under Mubarak, they will respect the truce with Israel, come down hard on Hamas and will openly taken on the extremist (aka Muslim Brotherhood)!

Not perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but better than Islamist!

Let's hope this is the case. But if we are involved we're liable to screw it up.

That is more reason for us to stay out (same with Syria). See how screwed up Iraq is! Don't let the non-media coverage fool you. Ditto for Libya.

We should have never have occupied Afghanistan. Attack, invade, bomb and hit them hard and get out, similar to how the Russians hit Georgia and left them to clean up the mess! That should have been our strategy!
Egypt army takes over and establishes a Muburak style dictator-like leader with a Iran-Faux like Democratic vote where the military leaders PICK and APPROVE the candidates. However, this is EXACTLY what we want. Just as the military did under Mubarak, they will respect the truce with Israel, come down hard on Hamas and will openly taken on the extremist (aka Muslim Brotherhood)!

Not perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but better than Islamist!

Let's hope this is the case. But if we are involved we're liable to screw it up.

That is more reason for us to stay out (same with Syria). See how screwed up Iraq is! Don't let the non-media coverage fool you. Ditto for Libya.

We should have never have occupied Afghanistan. Attack, invade, bomb and hit them hard and get out, similar to how the Russians hit Georgia and left them to clean up the mess! That should have been our strategy!

My thoughts exactly! We should have learned our lesson from the Russians in Afghanistan. I will go to my grave believing that Bush invaded Iraq and killed Saddam and his sons in revenge for the assassination plot/attempt on his old man.
I agree with both of you. We should have gone to Afghanistan, taken care of business & left. As for Iraq, that was in Bush's best interests & not Americas unless we left right after taking out Saddam when we had over 50% support from the Iraqi's.

Let's hope this is the case. But if we are involved we're liable to screw it up.

That is more reason for us to stay out (same with Syria). See how screwed up Iraq is! Don't let the non-media coverage fool you. Ditto for Libya.

We should have never have occupied Afghanistan. Attack, invade, bomb and hit them hard and get out, similar to how the Russians hit Georgia and left them to clean up the mess! That should have been our strategy!

My thoughts exactly! We should have learned our lesson from the Russians in Afghanistan. I will go to my grave believing that Bush invaded Iraq and killed Saddam and his sons in revenge for the assassination plot/attempt on his old man.
"I don't know, but I'm just waiting to see how those M-1 tanks, and F-16's do against unarmed civilians. The unarmed civilians of Eqypt thank you Mr. Obama. Btw... How well do those tanks and fighter planes fit in with Obama's Nobel Peace prize? Not too good I suspect..."

yah, tanks and fighter planes.... ~

"Washington has expressed concern over the removal of Egypt's first freely elected president, and if the U.S. government determines that the army's move qualifies as a coup it would have to cut off more than a $1 billion in aid to Egypt, mostly to the military. The Obama administration has said doing so would not be in U.S. interests."

....more reckless spending as usual. "1 BILLION DOLLARS IN AID (mostly in military aid)." Why isn't that $$ being put towards building a securer border between Mexico/US ?? Still, to this day....the Government is still in the process of working on it...... Are they for real ? the logic: better to hand over A BILLION dollars to EGYPT for "AID" for F-16's and ....various other war toys AND most importantly, FOR EGYPT'S BEST "INTERESTS" NOT for the "U.S. of A's BEST INTEREST(s)." ....and exactly again, in laymen's terms, what ARE those interests.....................oil, the pyramids ?

"I don't know, but I'm just waiting to see how those M-1 tanks, and F-16's do against unarmed civilians. The unarmed civilians of Eqypt thank you Mr. Obama. Btw... How well do those tanks and fighter planes fit in with Obama's Nobel Peace prize? Not too good I suspect..."

yah, tanks and fighter planes.... ~

"Washington has expressed concern over the removal of Egypt's first freely elected president, and if the U.S. government determines that the army's move qualifies as a coup it would have to cut off more than a $1 billion in aid to Egypt, mostly to the military. The Obama administration has said doing so would not be in U.S. interests."

....more reckless spending as usual. "1 BILLION DOLLARS IN AID (mostly in military aid)." Why isn't that $$ being put towards building a securer border between Mexico/US ?? Still, to this day....the Government is still in the process of working on it...... Are they for real ? the logic: better to hand over A BILLION dollars to EGYPT for "AID" for F-16's and ....various other war toys AND most importantly, FOR EGYPT'S BEST "INTERESTS" NOT for the "U.S. of A's BEST INTEREST(s)." ....and exactly again, in laymen's terms, what ARE those interests.....................oil, the pyramids ?


I thought it was a law that if there was a military coup in a country that we had to suspend aid. Are we saying that it was not a coup in Egypt?
"I thought it was a law that if there was a military coup in a country that we had to suspend aid. Are we saying that it was not a coup in Egypt?"

well, it's a middle east country....when it comes to their "elections" - it's always a soap opera and turmoil and drama. the guy who was elected by the people-was removed by the military. ...they said another election will take place in 6 months--and who isn't surprised the EGYPTIAN military opened fire on 'protesters.' i hope the lesser of the two evils eventually comes to power !
the muslim brotherhood/JAILBIRD morsi or the BRUTAL egyptian military ??? the usual middle east "election process" madness.

"A BILLION DOLLARS IN AID (mostly in military aid)"
"I don't know, but I'm just waiting to see how those M-1 tanks, and F-16's do against unarmed civilians. The unarmed civilians of Eqypt thank you Mr. Obama. Btw... How well do those tanks and fighter planes fit in with Obama's Nobel Peace prize? Not too good I suspect..."

yah, tanks and fighter planes.... ~

"Washington has expressed concern over the removal of Egypt's first freely elected president, and if the U.S. government determines that the army's move qualifies as a coup it would have to cut off more than a $1 billion in aid to Egypt, mostly to the military. The Obama administration has said doing so would not be in U.S. interests."

....more reckless spending as usual. "1 BILLION DOLLARS IN AID (mostly in military aid)." Why isn't that $$ being put towards building a securer border between Mexico/US ?? Still, to this day....the Government is still in the process of working on it...... Are they for real ? the logic: better to hand over A BILLION dollars to EGYPT for "AID" for F-16's and ....various other war toys AND most importantly, FOR EGYPT'S BEST "INTERESTS" NOT for the "U.S. of A's BEST INTEREST(s)." ....and exactly again, in laymen's terms, what ARE those interests.....................oil, the pyramids ?


I thought it was a law that if there was a military coup in a country that we had to suspend aid. Are we saying that it was not a coup in Egypt?

The US have not 'decided' yet whether the coup is successful. It is unclear which side is or will be in charge.
I believe the USA should stay completely out of Egypt & Syria & all other Arab country's internal affairs. Best scenario for the USA & Israel is to respect their terrorist wishes to massacre each other in their own countries & hope that both sides win, until there are none. LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!
Egypt police hold off on plan to disperse sit-in protesters...
Mursi supporters stand firm, brace for Egypt crackdown
12 Aug.`13 - Islamist supporters of deposed President Mohamed Mursi refused to abandon their protest camps in Cairo on Monday and said they would fend off any police crackdown with sticks, stones and their faith.
By nightfall, though, the streets of the capital were relatively quiet as the security forces held back from any action despite warnings on Sunday that they were ready to dismantle the camps. Foreign Minister Nabil Fahmy said every effort was being made to resolve the situation through dialogue. In a political development, the Nour Party said it could join the assembly writing a new constitution for the country, adding Islamist support to the military's political transition plan following its overthrow of Mursi last month. Nour is Egypt's second largest Islamist party after Mursi's Muslim Brotherhood.

The crisis brought on by the removal of the Arab nation's first freely elected president is now focused on the protest camps, where thousands of his supporters are demanding his reinstatement. At the al-Nahda camp, centered round a traffic circle and extending down a palm tree-lined boulevard next to the Cairo zoo, the mood was solemn but not fearful. Asked about the threat of a crackdown, Ahmed Shargawy, a 23-year-old translator, said: "They said that 15 days ago too. They always say they are going to finish it."

A block away, half a dozen armored troop carriers and a few squads of soldiers were positioned outside a police station, but they did not look like part of a strike force ready to move. The authorities are keen to end the protests but they held off from acting over the Eid al-Fitr holiday after the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan. The holiday ended on Sunday. A security source said the delay was also because crowds had swelled the camps after reports of an imminent crackdown.

Army chief General Abdel Fattah al-Sisi is under pressure from hardline officers to end the sit-ins, security sources say. But Western and Arab envoys and some senior Egyptian government members have pressed the army to avoid using force. Fahmy said the right to peaceful protest would be guaranteed. But he suggested there was a limit to the government's patience. "It is not reasonable for any democratic government to have to accept sit-ins where violence is being used and the security of citizens and the country is being threatened," state news agency MENA quoted him as saying.


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