Civilization’s Oldest Problem

The longer the explanation the deeper the bullshit.
To daws101: Is that the best you can do after all of the details I posted! I’d be happy if you post one detail that supports your position, or is it that you know better than to cite slavery?
You should make an effort to understand racism is more than 100 years old.
To Asclepias: Provide links to support your opinion. Check the origin of racism/racist before you make a bigger fool of yourself.

I dont have to provide links. Its common knowledge.

It is, and in spite of that I provided him links anyway, back to the 1600s. And he goes on oblivious, as if they're not there.

Denialism is a deep river. But it's one you need if you're setting out to be a racist. Indeed you can't even be a racist without first filling up your tank with high-octane Denialism.
Racism is only 100 years old? Really?

What about the slaves brought over here in the 1600's?

What about the racism and bigotry that exists in Hindu culture (via the caste system), that is thousands of years old?

What about the bigotry and racism of the Crusades?

Racism is much older than 100 years old..............
Claiming racism is less than 100 years old is way up there on the list of ridiculously foolish statements I've read on this board.
The longer the explanation the deeper the bullshit.
To daws101: Is that the best you can do after all of the details I posted! I’d be happy if you post one detail that supports your position, or is it that you know better than to cite slavery?
You should make an effort to understand racism is more than 100 years old.
To Asclepias: Provide links to support your opinion. Check the origin of racism/racist before you make a bigger fool of yourself.

A shit load of behaviors and attitudes existed long before they were named.
Your denial of that fact is all the evidence needed to prove your Idiocy.
I have to wonder why every liberal in this thread is insisting on citing slavery as their only rebuttal to my observation that racism based on skin color was invented in last century. I said the same thing for years, but for some unknown reason this bunch went bonkers. Either they are unbelievably stupid, or they are deliberately lying, or they have a vested interest in denying that pigmentation racism does not exist as I detailed. More than likely, they cannot admit to themselves that black race hustlers suckered them all along. Nobody likes to admit they have been played for the fool. The bigger the swindle, the more painful it is to face the fact that they’ve been taken to the cleaners for at least 65 years if you start the clock in 1960 (the Civil Rights Movement). That is a long time for three generations to believe a pack of horse manure —— not only believe it but pay for race hustlers tearing the country apart.

In any event, I said everything I wanted to say in this thread thanks to liberal ostriches.

I have to wonder why every liberal in this thread is insisting on citing slavery as their only rebuttal to my observation that racism based on skin color was invented in last century. I said the same thing for years, but for some unknown reason this bunch went bonkers. Either they are unbelievably stupid, or they are deliberately lying, or they have a vested interest in denying that pigmentation racism does not exist as I detailed. More than likely, they cannot admit to themselves that black race hustlers suckered them all along. Nobody likes to admit they have been played for the fool. The bigger the swindle, the more painful it is to face the fact that they’ve been taken to the cleaners for at least 65 years if you start the clock in 1960 (the Civil Rights Movement). That is a long time for three generations to believe a pack of horse manure —— not only believe it but pay for race hustlers tearing the country apart.

In any event, I said everything I wanted to say in this thread thanks to liberal ostriches.

Translation I'm getting my ass handed to me so I'll claim a false victory and pull my skirts and run away
The Mission

Debates about the formalization of sentimentalism and nihilism comprise history's oldest problem, from a categorical perspective, and this problem affects our treatment of differing attitudes towards governance.

That's why the idealism-consciousness work by Cervantes "Don Quixote" (1615) is perhaps most symbolic of the human condition.

Whether you're a skeptic or a fundamentalist, "Don Quixote" (1615) will make you brood about the Ku Klux Klan.


Don Quixote

Rome did extremely well as a multi-cultural, multi-faith society. Crashed and burned though when one religion came to be the state religion, and the others banned.

Civilization's oldest problem is religion.
How in the wide world of Blue Fuck do you figure that?
To Pogo: See this thread:

Racism Equal Distribution Of The Wealth US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Of course he is insane.
To Asclepias: Presumably, you read the above thread since you did respond. Racism is an invented sin obviously went over your head.
The fact that racism is more than 100 years old obviously went over yours.
Racism is almost as old as humanity .
I would venture to say it pre-dates the emergence of "modern man".

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