Clarence Thomas and the Billionaire.

Where is your link on Soros? Here is mine. Organization Profiles
So what? How many Soros' does the GOP have? Why do you guys care about him? He's you boogieman. Don't forget for every 1 Soros we have Republicans have 4.

No you haven't.

If you support the government restricting the people from having a say in the elections I find that really sad. That is what brought about the lawsuit but you know this. I'd guess you simply don't like who they were speaking against so you support the government stopping them from doing so. I can not understand that.
How about no? I'm not a monkey who jumps through your hoops. Clearly here you are again defending corruption in the Republican party. Then you cry about Soros. You are PATHETIC
So you can’t back up your erroneous claim, you should said you were lying in the first place.
Here's my link

It shows there are lots of Soros' on the right.
The top 4 of 5 are leftwing groups, blows your claim out of the water, thanks.
If you support the government restricting the people from having a say in the elections I find that really sad. That is what brought about the lawsuit but you know this. I'd guess you simply don't like who they were speaking against so you support the government stopping them from doing so. I can not understand that.
When you say people you mean corporations?

Republicans have long fought to give Corporations the right of personhood.

Corporations are not simply associations of individuals

The Citizens United decision argued that because corporations are simply associations or collections of individuals, then corporations should have all the same rights as those people, and that limiting the rights of corporations therefore also limits the constitutional rights of the individuals who comprise these corporations. But under the law corporations are more than just collections of individuals, as evidenced by the special privileges and rights they attain by incorporating. One example of this is limited liability, which makes a corporation liable for actions while shielding the actual humans behind the corporation.
This is why Trump Corporation was found guilty of Tax fraud but Trump himself wasn't. It's not right.

Corporations abuse First Amendment free speech rights to wield undue influence in our elections.

3. Corporations have extended their “constitutional rights” claim to other amendment rights, as well. For example, corporations have claimed the 4th Amendment right against unreasonable search and seizure to require regulators to obtain a warrant to check for safety violations.

If we agree that corporations should have some legal protections—such as granting a for-profit corporation property rights—but that corporations should not have all the same rights as people, then who should decide which ones they get? If we continue to allow the Supreme Court to make those decisions, we are encouraging an activist Court to make what should be political decisions. Passing an amendment that says corporations aren’t people would put the power in the hands of Americans to decide what rights or privileges various kinds of corporations should have, by passing laws through the political process.

The American people have used the constitutional amendment process numerous times across our history to reverse Supreme Court decisions not supported by the public. American Promise is leading the way to enable Americans today—nearly 90% of whom agree that big money has too much influence in our democracy—to use the amendment process once more, this time to assert political equality for every American, regardless of wealth.

The top 4 of 5 are leftwing groups, blows your claim out of the water, thanks.
Number 2 Uline is a republican

Citadel's billionaire CEO, Ken Griffin

And remember, publically if they donate $25 million to democrats that's called hedging your bet. They gave double to the GOP. Probably dark money. SuperPac money.

Wake up dummy
Deflect and I'll ignore. The lawsuit was brought by a group that made a movie and politicians wanted to stop them from being able to show it.
Yes I know. This reminds me of how you guys are slowly trying to move us towards making abortion completely illegal in all 50 states. It was a small lower court ruling that got sent to the Supreme Court and they used that one small tiny case to make such a horrible decision such as Citizens United? Are you kidding me?

No corporations should not be allowed in our politics. We should pass an amendment taking them out of our politics.

The Constitution established two houses of Congress -- a somewhat more aristocratic Senate, and a House of Representatives that was supposed to be all about direct, grass-roots democracy.

But as a story in the Detroit Free Press Sunday devastatingly illustrated, today’s congressmen are anything but normal residents chosen on the basis of merit.

Congressional districts today are bought and sold, usually within a single party, since most areas are so gerrymandered the nominee of one party is virtually guaranteed victory. Take the 10th District for example, in Michigan’s Thumb.

Yes I know. This reminds me of how you guys are slowly trying to move us towards making abortion completely illegal in all 50 states. It was a small lower court ruling that got sent to the Supreme Court and they used that one small tiny case to make such a horrible decision such as Citizens United? Are you kidding me?

No corporations should not be allowed in our politics. We should pass an amendment taking them out of our politics.

Go for it. I'll vote for it.

The Constitution established two houses of Congress -- a somewhat more aristocratic Senate, and a House of Representatives that was supposed to be all about direct, grass-roots democracy.

But as a story in the Detroit Free Press Sunday devastatingly illustrated, today’s congressmen are anything but normal residents chosen on the basis of merit.

Congressional districts today are bought and sold, usually within a single party, since most areas are so gerrymandered the nominee of one party is virtually guaranteed victory. Take the 10th District for example, in Michigan’s Thumb.

You are just ranting. The lawsuit was brought because the political establishment wanted to shut anyone down not a part of the political establishment. Why do you support that?
If you support the government restricting the people from having a say in the elections I find that really sad.
An if/sadology? If you support ramming a broken off broomstick up your ass I find that really sad but go for it if you honestly feel you can't help it.
An if/sadology? If you support ramming a broken off broomstick up your ass I find that really sad but go for it if you honestly feel you can't help it.

You are unable to actually address the point. Quite common. Quite juvenile also.
You lost the thread long ago but remain oblivious. Not my problem.

Right, you can only address me as opposed to the actual subject because you have no legitimate argument.

It's quite Trumpian.
Go for it. I'll vote for it.

You are just ranting. The lawsuit was brought because the political establishment wanted to shut anyone down not a part of the political establishment. Why do you support that?
And the ruling or decision was horrible.

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