Clarence Thomas and the Billionaire.

How can we move towards campaign finance reform and take big money out of politics? The politicians don't side with We the People anymore. They side with Big Corps. You don't like it, supposedly. Supposedly you want to drain the swamp. Campaign finance reform IS draining the swamp.

How can we move towards campaign finance reform and take big money out of politics?

By removing the incentive.

You don't like it, supposedly. Supposedly you want to drain the swamp.

Shrink government by 75%.

Campaign finance reform IS draining the swamp.

How can we move towards campaign finance reform and take big money out of politics?

By removing the incentive.

You don't like it, supposedly. Supposedly you want to drain the swamp.

Shrink government by 75%.

Campaign finance reform IS draining the swamp.


When you say shrink the government what you really mean is let corporations take over and have a croney capitalistic government that serves the rich not We the People

In a May 25, 2001 interview, Grover Norquist told National Public Radio's Mara Liasson, "I don't want to abolish government. I simply want to reduce it to the size where I can drag it into the bathroom and drown it in the bathtub." Norquist got his wish. Democracy - and at least several thousand people, most of them Democrats, black, and poor - drowned last week in the basin of New Orleans. Our nation failed in its response, because for most of the past 25 years conservatives who don't believe in governance have run our government.
Nope, I was a Democrat who voted for John Kerry and Obama.

Just like many districts in the Midwest that went from Obama to Trump. (Ya know, the "racists".)

It's your side (and by side I mean the Establishment of both parties), that now embraces the Cheneys and the War Machine, as long as they tell you they're against Trump that's all it takes.

The simplistic, binary lie you've bought into from the corporate media has eviscerated your ability to parse nuance.

And that is precisely what may keep you trapped within their matrix forever.

Now back to your "resisting".
yup, nice try.

You can;t even admit Trump lost the election and there was no fraud, so you word means nothing.

See how that credibility thing works...

You can type all the cliche wanna be clever crap you want, but at the end of the day, you represent the brain washed sheep who have been played by Trump and fake Fox news.
Don't ever let me hear you cry about George Soros you stupid bitch.

This proves you love corruption at the highest level. You don't want to drain the swamp. Right here is what happens in the swamp. Billionaire nazi lover Harlan Crow puts uncle tom in his pocket with a few expensive trips. What does Harlan care right? He had 2 extra seats on that jet to fly these two fat asses where he was already going.

But what about the briefcase full of money he gave him when they got to their room?
George Soros should have been in prison a long time ago. Uncle Tom? Get lost you racist bitch.
Soros contributed $128,485,971, all of it going to Democrats. Most of that funding went to the the super PAC Democracy II, which supports Democrats and liberal causes, according to CNBC's report.

The next three top donors all donated exclusively to Republicans, including Richard Uihlein, an Illinois-based billionaire and co-founder of shipping giant Uline, who contributed $80,707,168.

Seven of the top 10 individuals were Republican donors. One of the 10, founder and CEO of crypto exchange FTX Sam Bankman-Friend contributed to both parties, while Newsweb Corporation's Fred Eychaner donated to Democrats.

Sam Bankman gives a lot more DARK money to Republicans.

In fact everyone knows the rich give Democrats 25 cents for every dollar they give Republicans.

Soros has been a longtime contributor to the Democratic Party as well as funding liberal causes. In the 2020 election, he was the 20th largest individual donor

During the 2018 midterms, he contributed $20,135,586 to Democrats—making him the 7th largest individual donor of that cycle.

He's just your boogieman. For every 1 Soros there are 10 in the GOP. So go fuck yourself hypocrite. Just look how Crow has Thomas in his pocket. Busted and you still cry about Soros who donates by the book?

If you don't like Soros why did you cons pass Citizens United? It was the right wingers on the Supreme Court who did that. Do you even know what Citizens United is?
Soros donates by the book? Go fuck yourself you lying racist hack.
When you say shrink the government what you really mean is let corporations take over and have a croney capitalistic government that serves the rich not We the People

In a May 25, 2001 interview, Grover Norquist told National Public Radio's Mara Liasson, "I don't want to abolish government. I simply want to reduce it to the size where I can drag it into the bathroom and drown it in the bathtub." Norquist got his wish. Democracy - and at least several thousand people, most of them Democrats, black, and poor - drowned last week in the basin of New Orleans. Our nation failed in its response, because for most of the past 25 years conservatives who don't believe in governance have run our government.

When you say shrink the government what you really mean is let corporations take over

I mean cut the size of government by 75%.
Does that mean the corporations will take over the bureaucratic duties currently
perpetrated by the government? Which ones?

In a May 25, 2001 interview, Grover Norquist told National Public Radio's Mara Liasson, "I don't want to abolish government. I simply want to reduce it to the size where I can drag it into the bathroom and drown it in the bathtub."

Sounds good to me.

Democracy - and at least several thousand people, most of them Democrats, black, and poor - drowned last week in the basin of New Orleans.

The democrat mayor of New Orleans really screwed the pooch on that. Typical.

Our nation failed in its response, because for most of the past 25 years conservatives who don't believe in governance have run our government.

The black mayor didn't believe in governance?
Google Citizens United. It's a decision he weighed in on.

Did he pass legislation? Like you claimed?

You guys can't seriously defend Citizens United can you?

Why not?

I thought we all agreed that was a HORRIBLE decision.

Any decision that allows criticism of Hillary is horrible!!!

She was the most qualified candidate in history and was defeated by two amateurs.

What a miscarriage of justice.
Elections aren’t any part of justice. She out raised and out spent Trump because of Citizens United, give us all a break, she used the laws to try to get elected, she was a divisive candidate.
Get the info on any judge that violate the law. Boot them prosecute them and replace them. That is a land based on laws. Same damned thing for any job out there.
Yes you did post empty words from your empty “mind” moron. So you can, to quote you, go fuck yourself you racist.

Here is the one argument cons have that I find difficult to argue. If unions can, why can't corporations? Perhaps we need to say unions can't get involved in politics either?
It's not a "cons" argument. You're just handing them the credit. Lib argument: Only people can "speak." Corporations, not being people, can't "speak." Unions, being corporations themselves, then can't "speak" either. But that's just fine. So long as corporate money can no longer influence politics, unions can stick to dealing with local concerns and stay out of higher politics as well.
You already got that covered.

Well, minus the clever.
get back to me when you can actually admit Trump lost the election and is lying about fraud.
until then, youre just another pathetic loser who can't admit Trump lost and has no credibility at all.
Everything you say is suspect.
get back to me when you can actually admit Trump lost the election and is lying about fraud.
until then, youre just another pathetic loser who can't admit Trump lost and has no credibility at all.
Everything you say is suspect.


So much losing.
Whatever the premise was to rule YES to Citizens United, you must admit it was a bad decision.

You right win cons can argue anything is or isn't constitutional.

Our founding fathers warned of big money taking over our country. Has it already happened? I think it has. Not completely. We get to vote but pick one of two rich people to be your representative.

It was NOT a bad decision. One can disagree with the justices expanding the decision BUT the decision to overturn the law was 100% the correct decision. I've already posted why.
All you MAGA trash were 10000% behind the war in Iraq, so don't even try to deny it. It seems you forget all the things you said and did back in 2002

Trump was a slave to the GOP establishment and did their exact bidding while also giving handouts to the wealthy elite. Trump handed out trillions to the wealthy elite, and they thrived under him. While he also was the only president to have net negative jobs... terrible

Also Trump gave us 25% of our total debt in just 4 years of failure. trump was a failed president with failed results, just like Bush.

A large percentage of the Democrats were behind the war in Iraq also.
It is much more than about Hillary my man. That was just the excuse to justify the very bad ruling.

Do you like dark money in politics? Super Pacs?

The founding fathers warned us about this. Too bad they didn't spell it out in the Constitution.

What constitutional amendment is against Citizens United?

House Joint Resolution 21, the “People's Rights Amendment” overturns Citizens United and makes clear that the rights protected by the Constitution are the rights of natural persons.

Pass a law that restricts what politicians can receive. Think it will ever happen? No, it will never happen. Politicians only want to restrict the people.

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