Clarence Thomas and the Billionaire.

Does’t matter

The guy is a major GOP donor and provides access to Thomas for his Republican buddies

Thomas was obligated to report the gifts and services

Suppose he would have "reported" it. What difference could it have possibly made to anyone?

It was legal, after all.

Maybe the Justice can just "report" it now- after all, its a nothing burger that he didn't do so in the first place even if he was "required" in your point of view.
Yes you are triggered you empty headed, lying racist puke.
Although the war would not begin until March 2003, the House passed the Authorization of the Use of Military Force (AUMF) for Iraq in October 2002. The vote was 296 to 133. 215 Republicans and 81 Democrats voted for it. 126 Democrats, 6 Republicans, and 1 Independent (Sanders) voted against it.


It was Bush's big war and he sold it to everyone, including using highly suspect intel to lie to the UN/world.
Then Bush completely mismanaged this war, and his plan was a total joke. Bush mad numerous and extreme errors along the way from "Mission Accomplished" to the vicious Iranian backed insurgency, to the whole country falling into chaos anarchy with no police or even sufficient power generation.

Bush's war in Iraq was one of the biggest blunder's in US history and it would have never happened had the properly counted all the votes in Florida and rightfully declared Gore the winner. GW Bush's election steal destroyed America and left the country in shambles and ruin after his failed presidency.

The worst single mistake ever made in the history of our country: going into the Middle East, by President Bush,” the president [Trump] said during an exclusive interview with Hill.TV.
Suppose he would have "reported" it. What difference could it have possibly made to anyone?

It was legal, after all.

Maybe the Justice can just "report" it now- after all, its a nothing burger that he didn't do so in the first place even if he was "required" in your point of view.

Indeed, why should we expect a Justice of the highest court of the land to follow the law.... :rolleyes:
Because no one man can fix the problem.

I can be for going green but still burn a lot of electricity in my homes. I might even NOT have solar panels on my roof YET. Why? Because one person can't fix this. It has to be mandated.

Or look at Ford. They're going to go 100% electric by 2030. I guess that wasn't mandated by law but that's the kind of thing that needs to happen.

Our future models are more American, and from 2030 they will be all electric,” Ford's marketing chief in Germany Christian Weingaertner told Automotive News Europe in December.

Right now you can get tax breaks for going solar. Now maybe Gore will go green on those 5 houses. Eventually everyone will be solar, wind, battery.

When you are a leader in a movement, you still need to lead by example even if you can't do it on your own.
It didn't make sense to Obama. I don't blame him. Are you seriously going to complain about broken campaign promises? Didn't Trump say he was going to tax billionaires?

I guess he did. But only blue state billionaires. What a dick! LOL

This kind of argument is one of the lamest. I supported 90% of what Candidate Obama said. I supported 10% of what President Obama actually did.

Trump was a habitual liar. That makes Obama's lies OK? Come on, man.!
not true at all.

Fox news and the republicans attacked any dem that did not support the war and called them unpatriotic.
Max Cleland, a wounded Vietnam vet, was called unpatrtiotic by the GOP.

Republicans have a very convenient way of forgetting all the things they did and said in 2002-2004. The war in Iraq was a GOP plan policy and failure

Opinion | Democrats Voted for Iraq War
It was Bush's big war and he sold it to everyone, including using highly suspect intel to lie to the UN/world.
Then Bush completely mismanaged this war, and his plan was a total joke. Bush mad numerous and extreme errors along the way from "Mission Accomplished" to the vicious Iranian backed insurgency, to the whole country falling into chaos anarchy with no police or even sufficient power generation.

Bush's war in Iraq was one of the biggest blunder's in US history and it would have never happened had the properly counted all the votes in Florida and rightfully declared Gore the winner. GW Bush's election steal destroyed America and left the country in shambles and ruin after his failed presidency.

The worst single mistake ever made in the history of our country: going into the Middle East, by President Bush,” the president [Trump] said during an exclusive interview with Hill.TV.

It was Bush's big war and he sold it to everyone, including using highly suspect intel to lie to the UN/world.

Bush had the same intel Clinton had. Did Bush make Clinton lie?
Indeed, why should we expect a Justice of the highest court of the land to follow the law.... :rolleyes:

Why not just ask Justice Thomas to file a report now?

Its a pointless piece of paper, I'm sure he would have done it already had he known what you libs wanted.
My point was that 81 democrats voted for it.
Bush was wrong, we shouldn't have gone in....but it was definitely bipartisan.

Well, with Colin Powell behind the message, Bush did a good job of bamboozling congress, and me, as well

I'll be a lot less trusting of who I thought were men of impeccable credentials, the next war they try and sell.

So what. If you are somehow trying to spin the blame away from Bush and the GOP and onto Kerry, then that would be more of the standard pathetic excuses from republicans that are too embarassed and ashamed of their parties failure.

Clearlyt you qwere alive and following politics in 2002-2004 because if you were then you'd rememeber that Bush and the GOP (and Fox news) created that war and pushed that war. Then it blew up in their faces and now they are trying to somehow blame democrats for the war in Iraq.
What a total joke.
This kind of argument is one of the lamest. I supported 90% of what Candidate Obama said. I supported 10% of what President Obama actually did.

Trump was a habitual liar. That makes Obama's lies OK? Come on, man.!
Pick one. Who did you like better obama or trump? Besides the lies. And how shady trump was. Did you like his court appointments?

So what? I said many Democrats supported the war also and you said they didn't so I posted where they did.

If you are somehow trying to spin the blame away from Bush and the GOP and onto Kerry, then that would be more of the standard pathetic excuses from republicans that are too embarassed and ashamed of their parties failure.

Why would I do that? I've already argued that I have no idea how Bush can sleep at night. I argued both parties are responsible.

Clearlyt you qwere alive and following politics in 2002-2004 because if you were then you'd rememeber that Bush and the GOP (and Fox news) created that war and pushed that war. Then it blew up in their faces and now they are trying to somehow blame democrats for the war in Iraq.
What a total joke.

Bush LIED us into the war. He deserves nothing better than hell for what he did. Sadly he was backed by many Democrats.
Pick one. Who did you like better obama or trump? Besides the lies. And how shady trump was. Did you like his court appointments?

Sorry, I don't do that. Lies are lies are lies and none of them are excusable just because you like someone else less.

You keep on arguing like I support Trump. I never supported Trump but this is the way the parties have people trained.

"Yes, our candidate was awful but theirs was even more so".

I reject that standard.

I supported 90% of what Obama ran on. I supported maybe 10% of what Obama actually did as president.
So what? I said many Democrats supported the war also and you said they didn't so I posted where they did.

Why would I do that? I've already argued that I have no idea how Bush can sleep at night. I argued both parties are responsible.

Bush LIED us into the war. He deserves nothing better than hell for what he did. Sadly he was backed by many Democrats.
Not that many dems supported the war. AND that is all spin from an ignorant person that clearly was not paying attention to politics in 2002-2004.
The reality is this.
Fox News and all Republiucans attacked anybody who opposed the war. If you opposed the war it was a massive political liability because the GOP labeled you unpatriotic. Numerous dems lost their re-election bids in 2002 and were labeled unpatriotic (go look up Max Cleland you have no clue who that is).

Go look this up to get informed and educated:

1) Freedom Fries, republicans changed the name of French fries to freedom fries solely because France opposed the war, thats how devoted to the war the GOP was.
2) Max Cleland, a Vietnam vet in a wheel chair, he opposed the iraq war and was labeled unpatriotic by you MAGA republicans (clearly you are a republican even though I doubt you can admit that).
3) Powell's UN speech, where he used highly suspect intel to lie to the world about WMD that were not present.
4) Bush's speech in which he said Saddam was trying to obtain nuclear grade Uranium ( a total lie)
Valerie Plame, an undercover CIA operative, was outed by Cheney because her husband said Bush was lying.

You are very very misinformed about US history and events, clearly that is a problem and you have some serious homework to do to get informed. Look all this stuff up. All these things show that the GOP pumped this war to the max and are responsible for the war. Any dem that opposed the war was attacked and voted out of office.

Don't try to spin the GOP fuck up as somehow being a dem mistake, when it isn't. The GOP gave us the War in Iraq, and Al Gore would have never gone to war in Iraq.

Get informed.
Not that many dems supported the war. AND that is all spin from an ignorant person that clearly was not paying attention to politics in 2002-2004.
The reality is this.
Fox News and all Republiucans attacked anybody who opposed the war. If you opposed the war it was a massive political liability because the GOP labeled you unpatriotic. Numerous dems lost their re-election bids in 2002 and were labeled unpatriotic (go look up Max Cleland you have no clue who that is).

Go look this up to get informed and educated:

1) Freedom Fries, republicans changed the name of French fries to freedom fries solely because France opposed the war, thats how devoted to the war the GOP was.
2) Max Cleland, a Vietnam vet in a wheel chair, he opposed the iraq war and was labeled unpatriotic by you MAGA republicans (clearly you are a republican even though I doubt you can admit that).
3) Powell's UN speech, where he used highly suspect intel to lie to the world about WMD that were not present.
4) Bush's speech in which he said Saddam was trying to obtain nuclear grade Uranium ( a total lie)
Valerie Plame, an undercover CIA operative, was outed by Cheney because her husband said Bush was lying.

You are very very misinformed about US history and events, clearly that is a problem and you have some serious homework to do to get informed. Look all this stuff up. All these things show that the GOP pumped this war to the max and are responsible for the war. Any dem that opposed the war was attacked and voted out of office.

Don't try to spin the GOP fuck up as somehow being a dem mistake, when it isn't. The GOP gave us the War in Iraq, and Al Gore would have never gone to war in Iraq.

Get informed.


Fox News did not force Hillary and Kerry vote for the war.

Both Hillary and Kerry supported the war. They were the Democrats candidates for president. I do pay attention which is why I vote third party more often than not.

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