Clarence Thomas and the Billionaire.

The executive branch nominate.
The legislative branch makes the rules and can impeach.
the legislature branches doesn't make the "rules" - try again....or quote where your links say that.

as far as the executive branch nominating, nad impeachment...yes, that's as system of checks and balances...that doesn't mean they "RUN" the Judicial branch....a seperate and Co-EQUAL branch of Govt.
the legislature branches doesn't make the "rules" - try again....or quote where your links say that.
Yes, they do, dumbass.

February 9 2023
As public confidence in the Supreme Court falls to an all-time low, U.S. Senator Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) and U.S. Representative Hank Johnson (D-Ga.) on Wednesday reintroduced the Supreme Court Ethics Act, requiring the Judicial Conference of the United States to create a code of ethical conduct for the Supreme Court of the United States. The legislation would also require the appointment of an Ethics Investigations Counsel and require justices to publicly disclose recusal decisions. While recent revelations concerning some justices’ ethically questionable behavior – including leaks of draft court decisions and personal conflicts of interest that should have led to recusal – have increased scrutiny, Murphy has introduced legislation to apply a code of conduct to the Supreme Court every Congress since 2011.

A judge didn't come up with that.
A senator and congressman did.

Judicial Conference?
At the national level, the Judicial Conference serves as the policymaking body for the federal courts. It convenes twice a year to consider administrative and policy issues affecting the federal court system, and to make recommendations to Congress concerning legislation involving the Judicial Branch.

as far as the executive branch nominating, nad impeachment...yes, that's as system of checks and balances...that doesn't mean they "RUN" the Judicial branch....a seperate and Co-EQUAL branch of Govt.
Absolutely correct. That's our two-tier system of justice.

It's pathetic the way you prog douche bags keep pretending that our government isn't thoroughly corrupt;
If Biden tried to control the DOJ like Trump tried the DOJ would shut Biden down just like Trump's DOJ shut him down. They didn't go along with Trump's insurrection. Barr said he lost.
I have to think this will get interesting. Thomas has taken a ton of trips paid for by a billionaire campaign donor.

On the surface this appears to be in violations of federal law when he reported none of them.

IN LATE JUNE 2019, right after the U.S. Supreme Court released its final opinion of the term, Justice Clarence Thomas boarded a large private jet headed to Indonesia. He and his wife were going on vacation: nine days of island-hopping in a volcanic archipelago on a superyacht staffed by a coterie of attendants and a private chef.

If Thomas had chartered the plane and the 162-foot yacht himself, the total cost of the trip could have exceeded $500,000. Fortunately for him, that wasn’t necessary: He was on vacation with real estate magnate and Republican megadonor Harlan Crow, who owned the jet — and the yacht, too.....................................

.....................These trips appeared nowhere on Thomas’ financial disclosures. His failure to report the flights appears to violate a law passed after Watergate that requires justices, judges, members of Congress and federal officials to disclose most gifts, two ethics law experts said. He also should have disclosed his trips on the yacht, these experts said.

Clarence Thomas Secretly Accepted Luxury Trips From Major GOP Donor

A bought and paid for Supreme Court judge. That's the very definition of a banana republic.

And now after these trips we find this billionaire purchased Clarence's moms home and she still lives in it? WTF is that all about? Come on Republicans! Can you really defend this?

The last time a Justice was caught doing this he had to step down. Both parties told him to step down.

There are two distressing aspects to the scandal of Justice Clarence Thomas’s years of accepting luxurious vacations and private jet trips from a billionaire, as revealed last week in a damning investigation by ProPublica.

The first is that these gifts came from a man who seems to have strong feelings about issues that come before the Supreme Court. The second is the lack of bipartisan outrage at malfeasance that corrodes the standing of the nation’s highest court.

Suggesting that Democrats and Republicans agree on anything involving the Supreme Court these days sounds like the ramblings of a madman. But it is worth recalling that the last time such serious allegations were made against a sitting justice, Congress did respond firmly and in bipartisan fashion. Justice Abe Fortas’s departure from the court in 1969 is both a blueprint for how lawmakers could respond today and a benchmark of how far we have fallen.

Fortas, a Democratic appointee, got caught up in a scandal that involved much smaller dollar amounts than the lavish trips Justice Thomas took, even factoring in inflation.

Yesterday a guy was saying that Clarence not disclosing these gifts means either one of two things are true. Either he's a fucking idiot or corrupt. And I believe this is the 3rd time in his time as a Supreme Court justice this has happened.

Associate justices like Justice Thomas make an annual salary of $285,400

I guess that's not enough.
You are kidding us, right? THE DOJ is thoroughly corrupt and run by the deep state

Well if you were going to find someone in the DOJ like this what they would be doing is taking money from billionaires and not disclosing it.

Just like Clarence.

Here's the funny thing about this case. It can only be one of two things

1. A Supreme Court Justice doesn't know the law

2. Clarence is corrupt

Stop trying to change the subject to the DOJ. Who's corrupt in the DOJ? Let's see this witch hunt you're about to send me on. In the meantime, Clarence has got to go. No? Then don't tell me you mind corruption because you clearly don't. 30 years ago both parties would have asked him to step down regardless of which president will pick his replacement (Biden & Merrick Garland)
It was when Barr was there, ran by Trump............THE DEEP STATE.
So anyone who didn't go along with Trump's coup

Secretary of State in Georgia

Is McCarthy a Deep Stater? I bet he isn't currently but the minute he turns on Trump he is.

Fox News is now Deep State. When they called their viewers cousin fuckers.

Is Ted Cruz? Sometimes he fights with Trump sometimes he loves him.

Same with Lindsay Graham.

I want Republicans to give us a list of who the deep staters are.

We know Vagorie Taylor Green is NOT

What about Rand Paul?
So anyone who didn't go along with Trump's coup

Secretary of State in Georgia

Is McCarthy a Deep Stater? I bet he isn't currently but the minute he turns on Trump he is.

Fox News is now Deep State. When they called their viewers cousin fuckers.

Is Ted Cruz? Sometimes he fights with Trump sometimes he loves him.

Same with Lindsay Graham.

I want Republicans to give us a list of who the deep staters are.

We know Vagorie Taylor Green is NOT

What about Rand Paul?
SOOOO........hard to keep up, who is.
One second, they are in the cult, they aren't, then when they leave Trump's cult, they Pence.
SOOOO........hard to keep up, who is.
One second, they are in the cult, they aren't, then when they leave Trump's cult, they Pence.

Republican politicians do everything they can not to suffer the wrath of Trump supporters. Look at Mike Pence. Trump sent a mob to hang him and even after that Pence didn't want to testify against Trump. Can you blame him? He will now get death threats.

Former Vice President Mike Pence will not appeal a judge's ruling that ordered him to testify to a grand jury in the U.S. Justice Department's investigation of the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, a spokesman for Pence said in a statement.

But Pence won't lie. He can't lie. He's a good man. Which is why he wouldn't go along with the coup. He also won't lie under oath for Trump. He would never be president then. And he would go to hell. He believes in hell. Lying sends you to hell.

So Pence is a guy who walks the line between Trumpster and RINO. Deep State globalist? They all are. Even Trump. Didn't Jared Kushner just get $2 billion from the Saudi's after President Trump sold the Saudi's nuclear technology and weapons/fighter jets?
Barr was the only one there who wasn't corrupt. The FBi has had Hunter's laptop since 2019. What have they done with it? That's proof right there that they are corrupt.

Or there is nothing in it? Nothing that they all don't do.

And it's private.

And it was obtained illegally. Anything in it would be thrown out in court.

What right do you have to see what's in Hunter's laptop?
Republican politicians do everything they can not to suffer the wrath of Trump supporters. Look at Mike Pence. Trump sent a mob to hang him and even after that Pence didn't want to testify against Trump. Can you blame him? He will now get death threats.

Former Vice President Mike Pence will not appeal a judge's ruling that ordered him to testify to a grand jury in the U.S. Justice Department's investigation of the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, a spokesman for Pence said in a statement.

But Pence won't lie. He can't lie. He's a good man. Which is why he wouldn't go along with the coup. He also won't lie under oath for Trump. He would never be president then. And he would go to hell. He believes in hell. Lying sends you to hell.

So Pence is a guy who walks the line between Trumpster and RINO. Deep State globalist? They all are. Even Trump. Didn't Jared Kushner just get $2 billion from the Saudi's after President Trump sold the Saudi's nuclear technology and weapons/fighter jets?
Trump has properties in different countries like Canada, Panama, Israel, Dubai, Mexico, South Korea, Uruguay, India, Turkey, and the Philippines. He also has interest and a stakeholder in numerous properties in different countries.

Russian elite invested nearly $100 million in Trump buildings​

Reuters › usa-trump-property

Mar 17, 2017 — A Reuters review has found that at least 63 individuals with Russian passports or addresses have bought at least $98.4 million worth of property ...

BUT..............NOT a deep state globalist?
Yes, they do, dumbass.

February 9 2023
As public confidence in the Supreme Court falls to an all-time low, U.S. Senator Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) and U.S. Representative Hank Johnson (D-Ga.) on Wednesday reintroduced the Supreme Court Ethics Act, requiring the Judicial Conference of the United States to create a code of ethical conduct for the Supreme Court of the United States. The legislation would also require the appointment of an Ethics Investigations Counsel and require justices to publicly disclose recusal decisions. While recent revelations concerning some justices’ ethically questionable behavior – including leaks of draft court decisions and personal conflicts of interest that should have led to recusal – have increased scrutiny, Murphy has introduced legislation to apply a code of conduct to the Supreme Court every Congress since 2011.

A judge didn't come up with that.
A senator and congressman did.

Judicial Conference?
At the national level, the Judicial Conference serves as the policymaking body for the federal courts. It convenes twice a year to consider administrative and policy issues affecting the federal court system, and to make recommendations to Congress concerning legislation involving the Judicial Branch.
hahah introducing a bill means nothing…notice it went nowhere…with that said even that bill merely was asking the coirt to come up with their own rules

Judicial conferences are created by rhe judical branch
Trump has properties in different countries like Canada, Panama, Israel, Dubai, Mexico, South Korea, Uruguay, India, Turkey, and the Philippines. He also has interest and a stakeholder in numerous properties in different countries.

Russian elite invested nearly $100 million in Trump buildings

View attachment 777501
Reuters › usa-trump-property

Mar 17, 2017 — A Reuters review has found that at least 63 individuals with Russian passports or addresses have bought at least $98.4 million worth of property ...

BUT..............NOT a deep state globalist?
What a con artist hypocrite.

Reminds me of when Trump was president and his business' were still employing illegal immigrants. FINALLY like half way through someone convinced him it's an optic nightmare or I think it was about to come out in the news so Trump let them all go.

Or excuse me. The company Trump hired that hired illegals had to let them go. Trump Corp did not employ illegals. The company he hired to hire illegals did.
What a con artist hypocrite.

Reminds me of when Trump was president and his business' were still employing illegal immigrants. FINALLY like half way through someone convinced him it's an optic nightmare or I think it was about to come out in the news so Trump let them all go.

Or excuse me. The company Trump hired that hired illegals had to let them go. Trump Corp did not employ illegals. The company he hired to hire illegals did.
Exactly, that's how he skirts any responsibility...........For ANYTHING.
Or there is nothing in it? Nothing that they all don't do.

And it's private.

And it was obtained illegally. Anything in it would be thrown out in court.

What right do you have to see what's in Hunter's laptop?
We all know what's in it: massive evidence of all the laws Hunter and joe broke. There's nothing private in a court of lw, you fucking moron.

It was obtained perfectly legally.

The guy who owned the computer repair shop obtained it legally, and he turned it over to the FBI, as well as several other people. It's therefor a public document that the citizens of the USA have a right to see.

Everything you know is wrong.

You really are a coloassal dumfuck.
Exactly, that's how he skirts any responsibility...........For ANYTHING.
I anticipated a USMB con would call me a liar if I said Trump himself hired illegals. Trump's smarter than that.

Republicans here even defend illegal employers. When I suggest the way to get rid of illegals is to go after companies who hire them, Republicans lose their shit. They immediately start defending these illegal employers by saying they didn't know they were given fake documents.

They accept that excuse from corporations way too easily. I say they know.

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