Clarence Thomas and the Billionaire.

We all know what's in it: massive evidence of all the laws Hunter and joe broke. There's nothing private in a court of lw, you fucking moron.

It was obtained perfectly legally.

The guy who owned the computer repair shop obtained it legally, and he turned it over to the FBI, as well as several other people. It's therefor a public document that the citizens of the USA have a right to see.

Everything you know is wrong.

You really are a coloassal dumfuck.
What court of law? Is Hunter on trial? What is wrong with you?

Yes, if that laptop was obtained illegally, it's inadmissible in a court of law.
I anticipated a USMB con would call me a liar if I said Trump himself hired illegals. Trump's smarter than that.

Republicans here even defend illegal employers. When I suggest the way to get rid of illegals is to go after companies who hire them, Republicans lose their shit. They immediately start defending these illegal employers by saying they didn't know they were given fake documents.

They accept that excuse from corporations way too easily. I say they know.
Yep..............They whine and complain, but never about the employers hiring them.
Maybe if the employer was a union shop, that hired illegals, they would.
NO, it wasn't you retarded Q-NUT.
The judicial conference IS NOT a court........DUMBASS.


Would it be a witch hunt to go after Trump for hiring illegals? Remember this from 2019?

After months of silence, President Trump responded on Friday to reports that the Trump Organization has employed dozens of undocumented immigrants by saying that he doesn’t know whether the organization does or not.

“I don’t know because I don’t run it,” Mr. Trump said when asked if he was confident that undocumented immigrants were no longer working at his golf courses. “But I would say this: Probably every club in the United States has that because it seems to be, from what I understand, a way that people did business.”

The New York Times first reported in December that Victorina Morales, a Guatemalan undocumented immigrant, and several others living in the country unlawfully, had been employed at Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, N.J., where Mr. Trump was heading on Friday.

If anything, this proves that Republicans don't really want to solve the illegal EMPLOYER problem we have in America.
Would it be a witch hunt to go after Trump for hiring illegals? Remember this from 2019?

After months of silence, President Trump responded on Friday to reports that the Trump Organization has employed dozens of undocumented immigrants by saying that he doesn’t know whether the organization does or not.

“I don’t know because I don’t run it,” Mr. Trump said when asked if he was confident that undocumented immigrants were no longer working at his golf courses. “But I would say this: Probably every club in the United States has that because it seems to be, from what I understand, a way that people did business.”

The New York Times first reported in December that Victorina Morales, a Guatemalan undocumented immigrant, and several others living in the country unlawfully, had been employed at Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, N.J., where Mr. Trump was heading on Friday.

If anything, this proves that Republicans don't really want to solve the illegal EMPLOYER problem we have in America.
What it proves is that Dims are imbeciles who believe the CEO of a major corporation knows the immigration status of everyone who is either directly or indirectly employed by his company.
Not necessarily, and we all know it was obtained legally.

If you believe that, you're an idiot. You know that's a lie. So does the FBI. That's why it's not being used. It was obtained illegally.

This reminds me of lock her up or when you guys lied about Dominion. What happened? Eventually you all got locked up and/or sued.

Attorneys for Hunter Biden on Wednesday asked state and federal agencies to investigate a computer repair shop owner, Rudy Giuliani and number of right-wing political figures involved in disseminating contents of his laptop, alleging that they committed computer and other criminal violations in their effort to “weaponize” the laptop contents against his father.

I have a feeling when it comes out how you got this information, it's going to make you all into cell mates. Dirty politics and crimes are two different things. Be careful.
What it proves is that Dims are imbeciles who believe the CEO of a major corporation knows the immigration status of everyone who is either directly or indirectly employed by his company.
Trump knew/knows he hires illegals.

Don't play stupid. But thanks for immediately running to the illegal employers defense. See why the GOP is the party for the rich? You defend all these rich corporations when they are the reason illegal immigrants come here.

Everyone in town knows the company hires illegals but the CEO doesn't know? WOW! You are a house slave huh? Laptog. Bootlicker for the rich.
Let me guess these rich employers you defend so much are Democrats right? And you're the labor party? BULLSHIT! American workers want Republicans to stop turning a blind eye to illegal employers.

It started on Reagan's watch but look at what Bush did

"Between 1999 and 2003, work-site enforcement operations were scaled back 95 percent by the Immigration and Naturalization Service, which subsequently was merged into the Homeland Security Department. The number of employers prosecuted for unlawfully employing immigrants dropped from 182 in 1999 to four in 2003, and fines collected declined from $3.6 million to $212,000, according to federal statistics.

"In 1999, the United States initiated fines against 417 companies. In 2004, it issued fine notices to three."

The hiring crimes of Illegal Employers are being ignored by the law, and rewarded by the economic systems of the nation.

If you believe that, you're an idiot. You know that's a lie. So does the FBI. That's why it's not being used. It was obtained illegally.
What a load of bullshit.

This reminds me of lock her up or when you guys lied about Dominion. What happened? Eventually you all got locked up and/or sued.
You remind me of a moron suffering brain damage.

Attorneys for Hunter Biden on Wednesday asked state and federal agencies to investigate a computer repair shop owner, Rudy Giuliani and number of right-wing political figures involved in disseminating contents of his laptop, alleging that they committed computer and other criminal violations in their effort to “weaponize” the laptop contents against his father.
ROFL! And you believe there is a chance in hell that it will be declared illegal?

I have a feeling when it comes out how you got this information, it's going to make you all into cell mates. Dirty politics and crimes are two different things. Be careful.

You are fucking delusional.
Would it be a witch hunt to go after Trump for hiring illegals? Remember this from 2019?

After months of silence, President Trump responded on Friday to reports that the Trump Organization has employed dozens of undocumented immigrants by saying that he doesn’t know whether the organization does or not.

“I don’t know because I don’t run it,” Mr. Trump said when asked if he was confident that undocumented immigrants were no longer working at his golf courses. “But I would say this: Probably every club in the United States has that because it seems to be, from what I understand, a way that people did business.”

The New York Times first reported in December that Victorina Morales, a Guatemalan undocumented immigrant, and several others living in the country unlawfully, had been employed at Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, N.J., where Mr. Trump was heading on Friday.

If anything, this proves that Republicans don't really want to solve the illegal EMPLOYER problem we have in America.

Trump says his company has stopped hiring ...​

New York Daily News › news › politics › ny-tru...

Jul 5, 2019 — President Trump said Friday that his namesake company has stopped employing undocumented immigrants — but a Costa Rican woman who used to ...
Trump knew/knows he hires illegals.

Don't play stupid. But thanks for immediately running to the illegal employers defense. See why the GOP is the party for the rich? You defend all these rich corporations when they are the reason illegal immigrants come here.
Simply being rich doesn't make him guilty of anything, you fucking NAZI douchebag. I see why the Democrat party is the party of douchebags.

Everyone in town knows the company hires illegals but the CEO doesn't know? WOW! You are a house slave huh? Laptog. Bootlicker for the rich.
Everything democrat Douchebags know is wrong. All you've got is ad homnems.

Let me guess these rich employers you defend so much are Democrats right? And you're the labor party? BULLSHIT! American workers want Republicans to stop turning a blind eye to illegal employers.
So all emplooyers are criminals? Is that what you're saying?

It started on Reagan's watch but look at what Bush did

"Between 1999 and 2003, work-site enforcement operations were scaled back 95 percent by the Immigration and Naturalization Service, which subsequently was merged into the Homeland Security Department. The number of employers prosecuted for unlawfully employing immigrants dropped from 182 in 1999 to four in 2003, and fines collected declined from $3.6 million to $212,000, according to federal statistics.

"In 1999, the United States initiated fines against 417 companies. In 2004, it issued fine notices to three."

The hiring crimes of Illegal Employers are being ignored by the law, and rewarded by the economic systems of the nation.

Bush was pro illegal immigration, moron. What does any of this have to do with Trump? This is exactly the kind of thing that Democrats support and that Trump campaigned against.
What a load of bullshit.

You remind me of a moron suffering brain damage.

ROFL! And you believe there is a chance in hell that it will be declared illegal?

You are fucking delusional.

a. You know evidence illegally obtained can't be used in a court of law. Explained to us how you obtained it again?

b. The Deep State will just cover up what you know to be true right? So why would you be surprised if the evidence wasn't admissible? A liberal judge could declare it right? Don't you believe that Soros paid this liberal judge to rule that way? Don't you believe the Democrats control the justice department?

I get the feeling you don't really believe the conspiracy theories you push.
What it proves is that Dims are imbeciles who believe the CEO of a major corporation knows the immigration status of everyone who is either directly or indirectly employed by his company.
Yup. It should be his ass

Suspect in Mollie Tibbetts’ murder worked on farm owned by Iowa GOP​

This is why corporations aren't people even though you want to give them the rights of people. Can't throw a corporation in jail.

The illegal immigrant who allegedly killed college student Mollie Tibbetts had worked for years at a farm owned by a prominent Iowa Republican family, a report said Tuesday night.

Cristhian Rivera — the 24-year-old man who is suspected of murdering Tibbetts while she was out jogging — was an “employee in good standing” at Yarrabee Farms, which is owned by the family of former Iowa official Craig Lang, according to the Des Moines Register.

“Yarrabee Farms follows all laws related to verifying employees are legal to work in the United States.”

Stop protecting illegal employers douchebag.
a. You know evidence illegally obtained can't be used in a court of law. Explained to us how you obtained it again?

b. The Deep State will just cover up what you know to be true right? So why would you be surprised if the evidence wasn't admissible? A liberal judge could declare it right? Don't you believe that Soros paid this liberal judge to rule that way? Don't you believe the Democrats control the justice department?

I get the feeling you don't really believe the conspiracy theories you push.
When Hunter left the laptop at the computer repair shop he sign a receipt that said any property left at the shop for more than a set number of days will become the property of the shop.

I can't believe you haven't heard about this. You have to be real stupid not to know about it
I have to think this will get interesting. Thomas has taken a ton of trips paid for by a billionaire campaign donor.

On the surface this appears to be in violations of federal law when he reported none of them.

IN LATE JUNE 2019, right after the U.S. Supreme Court released its final opinion of the term, Justice Clarence Thomas boarded a large private jet headed to Indonesia. He and his wife were going on vacation: nine days of island-hopping in a volcanic archipelago on a superyacht staffed by a coterie of attendants and a private chef.

If Thomas had chartered the plane and the 162-foot yacht himself, the total cost of the trip could have exceeded $500,000. Fortunately for him, that wasn’t necessary: He was on vacation with real estate magnate and Republican megadonor Harlan Crow, who owned the jet — and the yacht, too.....................................

.....................These trips appeared nowhere on Thomas’ financial disclosures. His failure to report the flights appears to violate a law passed after Watergate that requires justices, judges, members of Congress and federal officials to disclose most gifts, two ethics law experts said. He also should have disclosed his trips on the yacht, these experts said.

Clarence Thomas Secretly Accepted Luxury Trips From Major GOP Donor

A bought and paid for Supreme Court judge. That's the very definition of a banana republic.
This is a prime example of how the right things and works. This ugliness that goes with Thomas is across the board as far as the right wing is concerned. The hate , ugliness, cruelty and hypocrisy is total complete and all encompassing across the board in the right wing. It is simple, they are poison and the enemy of our democracy, our constitution and flag. The core driver for this croup now is all forms of hatred.
This is a prime example of how the right things and works. This ugliness that goes with Thomas is across the board as far as the right wing is concerned. The hate , ugliness, cruelty and hypocrisy is total complete and all encompassing across the board in the right wing. It is simple, they are poison and the enemy of our democracy, our constitution and flag. The core driver for this croup now is all forms of hatred.
Yes, you are simple.
Yes, you are simple.

“There is reasonable cause to believe that Justice Thomas willfully failed to file information required,”

Willfully. Why willfully? Because he's a judge. He can't say he didn't know the laws.

The body is comprised of more than two dozen of the top judges from the nation’s district and circuit courts and is headed by Chief Justice John Roberts of the Supreme Court.

He clearly needs to step down. That would be so great either before or after Biden wins re election. Either way.

was advised that this sort of personal hospitality from close personal friends, who did not have business before the court, was not reportable,” he said at the time.

This is the most ignorant comment. He can't be that stupid. The guy is a billionaire. The Supreme Court rules in favor of rich people and corporations all the time and against we the people. Especially the conservative judges. So every case where Clarence sided with big business, billionaires had an interest.

I have one perfect example of a case Clarence ruled on that benefited this billionaire Republican. Citizens United. Nuff said.

Clarence has to go.
“There is reasonable cause to believe that Justice Thomas willfully failed to file information required,”

Willfully. Why willfully? Because he's a judge. He can't say he didn't know the laws.

The body is comprised of more than two dozen of the top judges from the nation’s district and circuit courts and is headed by Chief Justice John Roberts of the Supreme Court.

He clearly needs to step down. That would be so great either before or after Biden wins re election. Either way.

was advised that this sort of personal hospitality from close personal friends, who did not have business before the court, was not reportable,” he said at the time.

This is the most ignorant comment. He can't be that stupid. The guy is a billionaire. The Supreme Court rules in favor of rich people and corporations all the time and against we the people. Especially the conservative judges. So every case where Clarence sided with big business, billionaires had an interest.

I have one perfect example of a case Clarence ruled on that benefited this billionaire Republican. Citizens United. Nuff said.

Clarence has to go.

I have one perfect example of a case Clarence ruled on that benefited this billionaire Republican. Citizens United. Nuff said.

It's awful that Hillary Clinton can be criticized. There ought to be a law against that!!!
I have one perfect example of a case Clarence ruled on that benefited this billionaire Republican. Citizens United. Nuff said.

It's awful that Hillary Clinton can be criticized. There ought to be a law against that!!!
Like we keep telling you that's just the excuse to pass such a bad decision. A decision that benefits rich people and corporations. The same rich people and corporations that Clarence Thomas ruled in favor for 100% of the time, because guys like Harlin Crow pay him to. He can give his reason for why he ruled but we all know it's because he sides with the rich on Citizens United, not We the People..

It's like whatever little court ruling Republicans used to overturn Roe V Wade. Yea, it was probably about something small like Hillary. But if that's the only excuse you need to make such a bad decision, then WOWY WOWY.

Let's face it, this is a great example of why Republicans are the party for the rich. They defend Citizens United AND Clarence Unethical Thomas.
Like we keep telling you that's just the excuse to pass such a bad decision. A decision that benefits rich people and corporations. The same rich people and corporations that Clarence Thomas ruled in favor for 100% of the time, because guys like Harlin Crow pay him to. He can give his reason for why he ruled but we all know it's because he sides with the rich on Citizens United, not We the People..

It's like whatever little court ruling Republicans used to overturn Roe V Wade. Yea, it was probably about something small like Hillary. But if that's the only excuse you need to make such a bad decision, then WOWY WOWY.

Let's face it, this is a great example of why Republicans are the party for the rich. They defend Citizens United AND Clarence Unethical Thomas.

Like we keep telling you that's just the excuse to pass such a bad decision.

The previous law made it illegal to criticize Hillary. It was a bad law.

A decision that benefits rich people and corporations.

Free speech even applies to rich people.

Let's face it, this is a great example of why Republicans are the party for the rich. They defend Citizens United AND Clarence Unethical Thomas.

If you think we need another law to make it illegal to criticize rich, powerful politicians
by limiting free speech, you should say so.

Post the law here, so we can discuss its constitutionality.

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