Clarence Thomas and the Billionaire.

YES, it does.

A federal disclosure law passed after Watergate requires justices and other officials to disclose the details of most real estate sales over $1,000. Thomas never disclosed his sale of the Savannah properties. That appears to be a violation of the law, four ethics law experts told ProPublica.

I think they know more about it than..........You.

Why the Supreme Court isnā€™t compelled to follow a conduct code​

The full federal code applies to ā€œUnited States circuit judges, district judges, Court of International Trade judges, Court of Federal Claims judges, bankruptcy judges, and magistrate judges.ā€ It doesnā€™t apply to the Justices of the Supreme Court. (States have their own codes based on ABA guidelines.)

The federal code also provides advisory guidance using ā€œethical canonsā€ for judges to whom the code applies. ā€œThe Code of Conduct provides guidance for judges on issues of judicial integrity and independence, judicial diligence and impartiality, permissible extra-judicial activities, and the avoidance of impropriety or even its appearance,ā€ the conference says.

Supreme Court Justices arenā€™t required to observe the code. According to the Constitution, they serve as long as they exhibit ā€œgood behavior,ā€ or face possible impeachment and removal for ā€œtreason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors."

Why the Supreme Court isnā€™t compelled to follow a conduct code​

The full federal code applies to ā€œUnited States circuit judges, district judges, Court of International Trade judges, Court of Federal Claims judges, bankruptcy judges, and magistrate judges.ā€ It doesnā€™t apply to the Justices of the Supreme Court. (States have their own codes based on ABA guidelines.)

The federal code also provides advisory guidance using ā€œethical canonsā€ for judges to whom the code applies. ā€œThe Code of Conduct provides guidance for judges on issues of judicial integrity and independence, judicial diligence and impartiality, permissible extra-judicial activities, and the avoidance of impropriety or even its appearance,ā€ the conference says.

Supreme Court Justices arenā€™t required to observe the code. According to the Constitution, they serve as long as they exhibit ā€œgood behavior,ā€ or face possible impeachment and removal for ā€œtreason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors."

Just noting.........some are considering this bribery. Would Thomas ever be convicted of that? I doubt it which is why I argue that Roberts need embarrassed into enacting strict ethic rules.
Just noting.........some are considering this bribery. Would Thomas ever be convicted of that? I doubt it which is why I argue that Roberts need embarrassed into enacting strict ethic rules.
bribery for what? was there a case in front of him involving this man? The only people claiming it's bribery are demafascsit propagandist and their dembot cultist that eat up it up.

It's beyond the pale to suggest when a Judge, or any Govt official sells real estate they are being bribe....frankly, nobody has suggested that before they found out about the black guy on the court selling real estate...which speaks volumes in and of itself

what's even more absurd is one of the leading demafascist speaking out on this is AOC, who herself is under ethics investigations for accepting illegal gifts....
bribery for what? was there a case in front of him involving this man? The only people claiming it's bribery are demafascsit propagandist and their dembot cultist that eat up it up.

It's beyond the pale to suggest when a Judge, or any Govt official sells real estate they are being bribe..

It would be a waste of time for me to address you as you show a propensity for being untruthful. You understand the issue is not bribery for selling real estate. It's for not reporting it like he was required to.
It would be a waste of time for me to address you as you show a propensity for being untruthful. You understand the issue is not bribery for selling real estate. It's for not reporting it like he was required to.
He wasn't required to.

Why the Supreme Court isnā€™t compelled to follow a conduct code​

The full federal code applies to ā€œUnited States circuit judges, district judges, Court of International Trade judges, Court of Federal Claims judges, bankruptcy judges, and magistrate judges.ā€ It doesnā€™t apply to the Justices of the Supreme Court. (States have their own codes based on ABA guidelines.)

The federal code also provides advisory guidance using ā€œethical canonsā€ for judges to whom the code applies. ā€œThe Code of Conduct provides guidance for judges on issues of judicial integrity and independence, judicial diligence and impartiality, permissible extra-judicial activities, and the avoidance of impropriety or even its appearance,ā€ the conference says.

Supreme Court Justices arenā€™t required to observe the code. According to the Constitution, they serve as long as they exhibit ā€œgood behavior,ā€ or face possible impeachment and removal for ā€œtreason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors."
But for argument sake...what was the bribe for? what case was in front of Thomas from this man?

Why the Supreme Court isnā€™t compelled to follow a conduct code​

The full federal code applies to ā€œUnited States circuit judges, district judges, Court of International Trade judges, Court of Federal Claims judges, bankruptcy judges, and magistrate judges.ā€ It doesnā€™t apply to the Justices of the Supreme Court. (States have their own codes based on ABA guidelines.)

The federal code also provides advisory guidance using ā€œethical canonsā€ for judges to whom the code applies. ā€œThe Code of Conduct provides guidance for judges on issues of judicial integrity and independence, judicial diligence and impartiality, permissible extra-judicial activities, and the avoidance of impropriety or even its appearance,ā€ the conference says.

Supreme Court Justices arenā€™t required to observe the code. According to the Constitution, they serve as long as they exhibit ā€œgood behavior,ā€ or face possible impeachment and removal for ā€œtreason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors."
Some are saying different things.

Supreme Court justices have few formal limits outside the annual financial disclosure requirement. Other federal judges are bound by the Code of Conduct for U.S. Judges, which places strict limits on honorariums, gifts and political activity. But the code does not apply to Supreme Court justices.

The justices have, at times, said that they will abide by the code nonetheless.

5 USC 7353 says ā€œno Member of Congress or officer or employee of the executive, legislative, or judicial branch shall solicit or accept anything of value from a person whose interests may be substantially affected by the performance or nonperformance of the individualā€™s official duties.ā€

Supreme Court justices are considered judicial officers.

The law says there can be exceptions, but leaves it up to ā€œeach supervising ethics officeā€ to determine what those should be.
A source close to the justice said Thomas didnā€™t believe he had to disclose the deal as he lost money on the transaction, adding the exclusion was an oversight and that he fills out financial documents with the help of aides. Despite that assertion, federal law appears to require any real estate deal to be reported on financial disclosure forms, regardless if they make a profit.

Clarence Thomas To Amend Financial Forms After Home Sale Bombshell: Report

Lost money? I'm not sure how that works considering what has been reported.
Some are saying different things.

Supreme Court justices have few formal limits outside the annual financial disclosure requirement. Other federal judges are bound by the Code of Conduct for U.S. Judges, which places strict limits on honorariums, gifts and political activity. But the code does not apply to Supreme Court justices.

The justices have, at times, said that they will abide by the code nonetheless.

5 USC 7353 says ā€œno Member of Congress or officer or employee of the executive, legislative, or judicial branch shall solicit or accept anything of value from a person whose interests may be substantially affected by the performance or nonperformance of the individualā€™s official duties.ā€

Supreme Court justices are considered judicial officers.

The law says there can be exceptions, but leaves it up to ā€œeach supervising ethics officeā€ to determine what those should be.
yes other judges are subject and can be compelledā€¦Justices canā€™t be compelled
yes other judges are subject and can be compelledā€¦Justices canā€™t be compelled
Sure they can.

5 U.S. Code Ā§ 7353 - Gifts to Federal employees​

seeking official action from, doing business with, or (in the case of executive branch officers and employees) conducting activities regulated by, the individualā€™s employing entity; or
whose interests may be substantially affected by the performance or nonperformance of the individualā€™s official duties.
Each supervising ethics office is authorized to issue rules or regulations implementing the provisions of this section and providing for such reasonable exceptions as may be appropriate.

If the ethics office, which, I don't think the SCOTUS, even has one, they could try for impeachment.

Then again, with a teabagger protection congress........DOUBTFUL.

Similar to the process of impeaching a president, a Supreme Court justice can only be removed from the bench if a simple majority of the House of Representatives first votes to impeach, and then, two-thirds of the Senate, a supermajority, votes to convict. The impeachment of a Supreme Court justice is also nearly unprecedented.
Clarence Thomas Can Essentially Keep Doing Whatever He Wants
Sure they can.

5 U.S. Code Ā§ 7353 - Gifts to Federal employees​

seeking official action from, doing business with, or (in the case of executive branch officers and employees) conducting activities regulated by, the individualā€™s employing entity; or
whose interests may be substantially affected by the performance or nonperformance of the individualā€™s official duties.
Each supervising ethics office is authorized to issue rules or regulations implementing the provisions of this section and providing for such reasonable exceptions as may be appropriate.

If the ethics office, which, I don't think the SCOTUS, even has one, they could try for impeachment.

Then again, with a teabagger protection congress........DOUBTFUL.

Similar to the process of impeaching a president, a Supreme Court justice can only be removed from the bench if a simple majority of the House of Representatives first votes to impeach, and then, two-thirds of the Senate, a supermajority, votes to convict. The impeachment of a Supreme Court justice is also nearly unprecedented.
Clarence Thomas Can Essentially Keep Doing Whatever He Wants
yeah, you all can try and impeach him over this if you want. Heck, you all have been looking for a reason to impeach him for 30 plus years....go for it.

There is a Code of Ethics for the Judicial Branch, the SCOTUS justices just aren't bound by it.
yeah, you all can try and impeach him over this if you want. Heck, you all have been looking for a reason to impeach him for 30 plus years....go for it.
If we would have tried, it would have been done.
There is a Code of Ethics for the Judicial Branch, the SCOTUS justices just aren't bound by it.
"If the ethics office, which, I don't think the SCOTUS, even has one".
If we would have tried, it would have been done.

"If the ethics office, which, I don't think the SCOTUS, even has one".
1) so you aren't going to? Then why all the blow over this?
2) the Judicial Branch (the SCOTUS run the Judicial Branch), does have one....the Justices just are not bound by it. Much like how Congress passes laws, but doesn't bind it's members to them sometimes....the smoking in public buildings law was famous one they exempted themselves from, and the Dems famously attempted to exempt themselves from Obamacare.
1) so you aren't going to? Then why all the blow over this?
After this, once the protection racket (RWNJ) congress is voted out, it may happen.
2) the Judicial Branch (the SCOTUS run the Judicial Branch),
No, they don't.
does have one....the Justices just are not bound by it.
SCOTUS ISN'T bound by it.
Much like how Congress passes laws, but doesn't bind it's members to them sometimes....the smoking in public buildings law was famous one they exempted themselves from, and the Dems famously attempted to exempt themselves from Obamacare.
After this, once the protection racket (RWNJ) congress is voted out, it may happen.

No, they don't.

SCOTUS ISN'T bound by it.
1) sure
2) haha who do you think runs the Judicial Branch???
3) that's absolutely correct.
The executive and legislative branch.
hahaha no they don't...the Judicial Branch is a seperate co-equal branch of Govt you idiot....Art III of the US Constitution created the Judical you are dumb as shit.

Can't take any of your post seriously anymore that you don't understand basic things like the Three Branches of Govt.
The executive and legislative branch.
The executive branch nominates them.
The legislative branch confirms them and makes parameters for them.
hahah that doesn't mean they run the Judicial branch you idiot...that's how Federal Judges get appointed to the bench, that doesn't mean they run the Judicial branch. We do have checks and balances of each branch over the other, but they don't run the other branches.

wow....just wow....this is 8th grade demafascist love the lack of intelligence of their dembots.

There are 3 branches of Govt, they are all SEPERATE and CO-EQUAL.

How each branch of government provides checks and balances​

The ability of each branch to respond to the actions of the other branches is the system of checks and balances.

Each branch of government can change acts of the other branches:

  • The president can veto legislation created by Congress. He or she also nominates heads of federal agencies and high court appointees.
  • Congress confirms or rejects the president's nominees. It can also remove the president from office in exceptional circumstances.
  • The Justices of the Supreme Court, nominated by the president and confirmed by the Senate, can overturn unconstitutional laws.

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