Clarence Thomas drank heavily, watched porn

Clarence Thomas should have the name, BILL CLINTON and been President then, he would be excused and praised for all this..

Now how funny is this FOLKS, the lefties are attacking a BLACK conservative for this stuff.

First Juan Williams, now Thomas.

Anita Hill wasn't the only woman to come forward with allegations against Clarence Thomas.

It is not difficult to believe these stories about the man when you start looking at ALL of them together. He was a sexist pig...we've all known them and most of us have had to deal with them at work or in social situations.

As for this woman and her book...we'd have never heard about it if Virginia Thomas hadn't made her bizarre phone call to Anita Hill.
If I was a conservative I could salute Hitler, dress up as a SS Waffen and be a misogynist and si dodo and and California Brat would give me a pass.

Apparently. Dishonest, both of them. Makes me wonder what today's chicks are coming to.

"Today's chicks" have developed the skill of critical thinking, applying logic and questioning sources. We don't call gossip 'evidence', we call it gossip. We don't accept blindly the words of anyone - we question, research and draw our own conclusions.

you are raiding a closet, stealing the beautiful clothes and putting them on.

those clothes have to fit, and have to be yours to begin with.
"Today's chicks" have developed the skill of critical thinking, applying logic and questioning sources. We don't call gossip 'evidence', we call it gossip. We don't accept blindly the words of anyone - we question, research and draw our own conclusions.

O give me a fucking break, CG. Where is the "critical thinking" involved in panting like Pavlov's dogs to defend Thomas?

Oh purleeeeeze, could you stop whining about 'defending'. I am NOT defending jack shit. I am questioning the source of the information. What am I supposed to do? Accept it because it suit you?

If you would question more, and accept less, you may stop making an ass of yourself. I have given up any hope of Fail&Go ever seeing past his own stupidity, but you Maddie... I still have hope for you.

You are the one pointing with a huge sign to this broad's motives in order to discount her allegations. You don't even slow down long enough to pause and conjecture what if they are true? Neither you nor Si wants to touch that question with a ten foot pole.

I am pointing out, the woman is a l-a-w-y-e-r. An administrative law judge, and if she cannot back up her claims, she is the craziest, stupidest one on Planet Earth.

It is possible, I suppose, that she nutured hatred for Thomas like a viper to her breast for twenty plus years so she could play "gotcha" if ever Thomas' wife acted the fool...but COMMON FUCKING SENSE strongly suggests, that ain't what has happened here. And if you looked at this without bias, you'd admit the same.

Most people do not willing destroy themselves to embarrass an ex from twenty years' ago. Fewer still of these are successful professionals with much to lose.

Odds are, she spoke the TRUTH.
Apparently. Dishonest, both of them. Makes me wonder what today's chicks are coming to.

"Today's chicks" have developed the skill of critical thinking, applying logic and questioning sources. We don't call gossip 'evidence', we call it gossip. We don't accept blindly the words of anyone - we question, research and draw our own conclusions.

you are raiding a closet, stealing the beautiful clothes and putting them on.

those clothes have to fit, and have to be yours to begin with.

You're whining again, LK. Grow up.
Anita Hill wasn't the only woman to come forward with allegations against Clarence Thomas.

It is not difficult to believe these stories about the man when you start looking at ALL of them together. He was a sexist pig...we've all known them and most of us have had to deal with them at work or in social situations.

As for this woman and her book...we'd have never heard about it if Virginia Thomas hadn't made her bizarre phone call to Anita Hill.

Correct. Add in Thomas probably lied to Congress. What he could have done was ridicule them on the grounds of privacy invasion..which probably would have helped others in politics as well.

And I have a big problem with judges like Thomas who see no problem with conflict of interest issues. He's failed to recuse himself in cases that clearly put him at odds with making unbiased decisions. Add in his wife his the head of a political group that could very well find itself in the Supreme Court. Scalia has done the same thing multiple times.
"Today's chicks" have developed the skill of critical thinking, applying logic and questioning sources. We don't call gossip 'evidence', we call it gossip. We don't accept blindly the words of anyone - we question, research and draw our own conclusions.

you are raiding a closet, stealing the beautiful clothes and putting them on.

those clothes have to fit, and have to be yours to begin with.

You're whining again, LK. Grow up.

i am giving you sage advice, so you can learn to be a less obnoxious and more mature human being.
Apparently. Dishonest, both of them. Makes me wonder what today's chicks are coming to.

"Today's chicks" have developed the skill of critical thinking, applying logic and questioning sources. We don't call gossip 'evidence', we call it gossip. We don't accept blindly the words of anyone - we question, research and draw our own conclusions.

you are raiding a closet, stealing the beautiful clothes and putting them on.

those clothes have to fit, and have to be yours to begin with.

"Gossip" would be if she claimed Thomas had a fetish for food sex. Utterly irrelevant to his public life, salacious and clearly none of any of our fucking business. "Who cares?" territory.

Allegations of alcoholism, child abuse, porn addiction, etc. are RELEVANT to Thomas' public life...especially since this episode in it began in a rejection by the US Senate of the proposition that a sexual harrasser is unqualified to sit on SCOTUS.
O give me a fucking break, CG. Where is the "critical thinking" involved in panting like Pavlov's dogs to defend Thomas?

Oh purleeeeeze, could you stop whining about 'defending'. I am NOT defending jack shit. I am questioning the source of the information. What am I supposed to do? Accept it because it suit you?

If you would question more, and accept less, you may stop making an ass of yourself. I have given up any hope of Fail&Go ever seeing past his own stupidity, but you Maddie... I still have hope for you.

You are the one pointing with a huge sign to this broad's motives in order to discount her allegations. You don't even slow down long enough to pause and conjecture what if they are true? Neither you nor Si wants to touch that question with a ten foot pole.

I am pointing out, the woman is a l-a-w-y-e-r. An administrative law judge, and if she cannot back up her claims, she is the craziest, stupidest one on Planet Earth.

It is possible, I suppose, that she nutured hatred for Thomas like a viper to her breast for twenty plus years so she could play "gotcha" if ever Thomas' wife acted the fool...but COMMON FUCKING SENSE strongly suggests, that ain't what has happened here. And if you looked at this without bias, you'd admit the same.

Most people do not willing destroy themselves to embarrass an ex from twenty years' ago. Fewer still of these are successful professionals with much to lose.

Odds are, she spoke the TRUTH.

I don't deal in 'what if' scenarios. I deal with the facts I have to hand. I don't care whether she loves or hates the man, I have no interest in her opinions or emotions or what she has to say.... unless she can back it up.

She will not destroy herself, even if the allegations were able to be proved false. Once an accusation has been made, there are always some who will believe it - no matter what evidence comes to light afterwards. This happens time and again with famous people. Most of what is written about celebrities has a grain of truth and a ton of bullshit. How does one find the grain in all that bullshit?

You accept what she says because it suits you to believe it. I don't because I have no opinion of Thomas to start with.
O give me a fucking break, CG. Where is the "critical thinking" involved in panting like Pavlov's dogs to defend Thomas?

Oh purleeeeeze, could you stop whining about 'defending'. I am NOT defending jack shit. I am questioning the source of the information. What am I supposed to do? Accept it because it suit you?

If you would question more, and accept less, you may stop making an ass of yourself. I have given up any hope of Fail&Go ever seeing past his own stupidity, but you Maddie... I still have hope for you.

You are the one pointing with a huge sign to this broad's motives in order to discount her allegations. You don't even slow down long enough to pause and conjecture what if they are true? Neither you nor Si wants to touch that question with a ten foot pole.

I am pointing out, the woman is a l-a-w-y-e-r. An administrative law judge, and if she cannot back up her claims, she is the craziest, stupidest one on Planet Earth.

It is possible, I suppose, that she nutured hatred for Thomas like a viper to her breast for twenty plus years so she could play "gotcha" if ever Thomas' wife acted the fool...but COMMON FUCKING SENSE strongly suggests, that ain't what has happened here. And if you looked at this without bias, you'd admit the same.

Most people do not willing destroy themselves to embarrass an ex from twenty years' ago. Fewer still of these are successful professionals with much to lose.

Odds are, she spoke the TRUTH.

yeah, lawyers NEVER lie on TV. especially if they're trying to sell a book.
even if she's telling the truth, so what? he's an alcoholic in recovery that used to like porn. big fucking deal. any 5 year old can spot her as an alcoholic-she decided to leave him when he stopped drinking. :lol:

gimme a fucking break. :cool:
Anita Hill wasn't the only woman to come forward with allegations against Clarence Thomas.

It is not difficult to believe these stories about the man when you start looking at ALL of them together. He was a sexist pig...we've all known them and most of us have had to deal with them at work or in social situations.

As for this woman and her book...we'd have never heard about it if Virginia Thomas hadn't made her bizarre phone call to Anita Hill.

Correct. Add in Thomas probably lied to Congress. What he could have done was ridicule them on the grounds of privacy invasion..which probably would have helped others in politics as well.

And I have a big problem with judges like Thomas who see no problem with conflict of interest issues. He's failed to recuse himself in cases that clearly put him at odds with making unbiased decisions. Add in his wife his the head of a political group that could very well find itself in the Supreme Court. Scalia has done the same thing multiple times.

Anita Hill wasn't the only woman to come forward with allegations against Clarence Thomas.

It is not difficult to believe these stories about the man when you start looking at ALL of them together. He was a sexist pig...we've all known them and most of us have had to deal with them at work or in social situations.

As for this woman and her book...we'd have never heard about it if Virginia Thomas hadn't made her bizarre phone call to Anita Hill.

Correct. Add in Thomas probably lied to Congress. What he could have done was ridicule them on the grounds of privacy invasion..which probably would have helped others in politics as well.

And I have a big problem with judges like Thomas who see no problem with conflict of interest issues. He's failed to recuse himself in cases that clearly put him at odds with making unbiased decisions. Add in his wife his the head of a political group that could very well find itself in the Supreme Court. Scalia has done the same thing multiple times.


Trust you to applaud someone who writes "... Thomas probably lied..." Key word: PROBABLY. No fucking evidence, but let's hang him anyway.

It's beyond me how anyone can applaud "probably". It seems pretty fucking stupid to me.
Oh purleeeeeze, could you stop whining about 'defending'. I am NOT defending jack shit. I am questioning the source of the information. What am I supposed to do? Accept it because it suit you?

If you would question more, and accept less, you may stop making an ass of yourself. I have given up any hope of Fail&Go ever seeing past his own stupidity, but you Maddie... I still have hope for you.

You are the one pointing with a huge sign to this broad's motives in order to discount her allegations. You don't even slow down long enough to pause and conjecture what if they are true? Neither you nor Si wants to touch that question with a ten foot pole.

I am pointing out, the woman is a l-a-w-y-e-r. An administrative law judge, and if she cannot back up her claims, she is the craziest, stupidest one on Planet Earth.

It is possible, I suppose, that she nutured hatred for Thomas like a viper to her breast for twenty plus years so she could play "gotcha" if ever Thomas' wife acted the fool...but COMMON FUCKING SENSE strongly suggests, that ain't what has happened here. And if you looked at this without bias, you'd admit the same.

Most people do not willing destroy themselves to embarrass an ex from twenty years' ago. Fewer still of these are successful professionals with much to lose.

Odds are, she spoke the TRUTH.

yeah, lawyers NEVER lie on TV. especially if they're trying to sell a book.
even if she's telling the truth, so what? he's an alcoholic in recovery that used to like porn. big fucking deal. any 5 year old can spot her as an alcoholic-she decided to leave him when he stopped drinking. :lol:

gimme a fucking break. :cool:

Del, only a self-destructive lawyer would tee up against a sitting Justice like this without anything to back up her claims. As for whether character is relevant, if you dun think so, I cannot make you.

Tis to me, but then I freely admit, I despise this fucker and have for decades.
O give me a fucking break, CG. Where is the "critical thinking" involved in panting like Pavlov's dogs to defend Thomas?

Oh purleeeeeze, could you stop whining about 'defending'. I am NOT defending jack shit. I am questioning the source of the information. What am I supposed to do? Accept it because it suit you?

If you would question more, and accept less, you may stop making an ass of yourself. I have given up any hope of Fail&Go ever seeing past his own stupidity, but you Maddie... I still have hope for you.

You are the one pointing with a huge sign to this broad's motives in order to discount her allegations. You don't even slow down long enough to pause and conjecture what if they are true? Neither you nor Si wants to touch that question with a ten foot pole.

I am pointing out, the woman is a l-a-w-y-e-r. An administrative law judge, and if she cannot back up her claims, she is the craziest, stupidest one on Planet Earth.

It is possible, I suppose, that she nutured hatred for Thomas like a viper to her breast for twenty plus years so she could play "gotcha" if ever Thomas' wife acted the fool...but COMMON FUCKING SENSE strongly suggests, that ain't what has happened here. And if you looked at this without bias, you'd admit the same.

Most people do not willing destroy themselves to embarrass an ex from twenty years' ago. Fewer still of these are successful professionals with much to lose.

Odds are, she spoke the TRUTH.

OK, you want so badly for me to comment on a what if. Will do, even though I already have.

The allegation that Thomas does weird stuff because he is ambitious and runs in the dark is insane. I'm sorry, but that allegation makes me 'weird', too. So, my opinion on it is irrelevant

IF he is a drunk, he has >30 years sobriety, according to the one alleging it, so I find my care detector isn't sensitive enough to register a reading.

She said he likes porn and had a habit of watching it. Again, my care detector isn't sensitive enough to register a reading.

She said he 'bullied' his son. I have no idea what that means, but I can throw you a bone and feed you a gratuitious 'ZOMG, burn the witch!'

Whew. Now that's settled.

Oh purleeeeeze, could you stop whining about 'defending'. I am NOT defending jack shit. I am questioning the source of the information. What am I supposed to do? Accept it because it suit you?

If you would question more, and accept less, you may stop making an ass of yourself. I have given up any hope of Fail&Go ever seeing past his own stupidity, but you Maddie... I still have hope for you.

You are the one pointing with a huge sign to this broad's motives in order to discount her allegations. You don't even slow down long enough to pause and conjecture what if they are true? Neither you nor Si wants to touch that question with a ten foot pole.

I am pointing out, the woman is a l-a-w-y-e-r. An administrative law judge, and if she cannot back up her claims, she is the craziest, stupidest one on Planet Earth.

It is possible, I suppose, that she nutured hatred for Thomas like a viper to her breast for twenty plus years so she could play "gotcha" if ever Thomas' wife acted the fool...but COMMON FUCKING SENSE strongly suggests, that ain't what has happened here. And if you looked at this without bias, you'd admit the same.

Most people do not willing destroy themselves to embarrass an ex from twenty years' ago. Fewer still of these are successful professionals with much to lose.

Odds are, she spoke the TRUTH.

yeah, lawyers NEVER lie on TV. especially if they're trying to sell a book.
even if she's telling the truth, so what? he's an alcoholic in recovery that used to like porn. big fucking deal. any 5 year old can spot her as an alcoholic-she decided to leave him when he stopped drinking. :lol:

gimme a fucking break. :cool:

Odds are, Maddie wouldn't know the TRUTH if it introduced itself, with a business card and references.
Anita Hill wasn't the only woman to come forward with allegations against Clarence Thomas.

It is not difficult to believe these stories about the man when you start looking at ALL of them together. He was a sexist pig...we've all known them and most of us have had to deal with them at work or in social situations.

As for this woman and her book...we'd have never heard about it if Virginia Thomas hadn't made her bizarre phone call to Anita Hill.

Correct. Add in Thomas probably lied to Congress. What he could have done was ridicule them on the grounds of privacy invasion..which probably would have helped others in politics as well.

And I have a big problem with judges like Thomas who see no problem with conflict of interest issues. He's failed to recuse himself in cases that clearly put him at odds with making unbiased decisions. Add in his wife his the head of a political group that could very well find itself in the Supreme Court. Scalia has done the same thing multiple times.

His excuse for why Hill brought up the allegations is a typical one that sexist fucktards use against women, that is, they accuse the woman of being mad and vindictive because of some bad performance rating. I've seen that one in the Army numerous times and the ones who make that claim are normally those who have engaged in improper relationships and sexual harassment looking for a means to cover their ass. Where are the copies of these poor performance evaluations?
Correct. Add in Thomas probably lied to Congress. What he could have done was ridicule them on the grounds of privacy invasion..which probably would have helped others in politics as well.

And I have a big problem with judges like Thomas who see no problem with conflict of interest issues. He's failed to recuse himself in cases that clearly put him at odds with making unbiased decisions. Add in his wife his the head of a political group that could very well find itself in the Supreme Court. Scalia has done the same thing multiple times.


Trust you to applaud someone who writes "... Thomas probably lied..." Key word: PROBABLY. No fucking evidence, but let's hang him anyway.

It's beyond me how anyone can applaud "probably". It seems pretty fucking stupid to me.

Hey genius, the conflict of interest claims are entirely factual. They are matters of public record. The Roberts' Court has set new lows in ethics on this should disturb any citizen.

Even a Pavlovian conservative.
You are the one pointing with a huge sign to this broad's motives in order to discount her allegations. You don't even slow down long enough to pause and conjecture what if they are true? Neither you nor Si wants to touch that question with a ten foot pole.

I am pointing out, the woman is a l-a-w-y-e-r. An administrative law judge, and if she cannot back up her claims, she is the craziest, stupidest one on Planet Earth.

It is possible, I suppose, that she nutured hatred for Thomas like a viper to her breast for twenty plus years so she could play "gotcha" if ever Thomas' wife acted the fool...but COMMON FUCKING SENSE strongly suggests, that ain't what has happened here. And if you looked at this without bias, you'd admit the same.

Most people do not willing destroy themselves to embarrass an ex from twenty years' ago. Fewer still of these are successful professionals with much to lose.

Odds are, she spoke the TRUTH.

yeah, lawyers NEVER lie on TV. especially if they're trying to sell a book.
even if she's telling the truth, so what? he's an alcoholic in recovery that used to like porn. big fucking deal. any 5 year old can spot her as an alcoholic-she decided to leave him when he stopped drinking. :lol:

gimme a fucking break. :cool:

Del, only a self-destructive lawyer would tee up against a sitting Justice like this without anything to back up her claims. As for whether character is relevant, if you dun think so, I cannot make you.

Tis to me, but then I freely admit, I despise this fucker and have for decades.

and being an alcoholic speaks to character how, exactly? enlighten me, if you please.

i think you overestimate the power of a sitting justice and the likelihood that thomas gives a rat's ass what this woman says by orders of magnitude.
Anita Hill wasn't the only woman to come forward with allegations against Clarence Thomas.

It is not difficult to believe these stories about the man when you start looking at ALL of them together. He was a sexist pig...we've all known them and most of us have had to deal with them at work or in social situations.

As for this woman and her book...we'd have never heard about it if Virginia Thomas hadn't made her bizarre phone call to Anita Hill.

Correct. Add in Thomas probably lied to Congress. What he could have done was ridicule them on the grounds of privacy invasion..which probably would have helped others in politics as well.

And I have a big problem with judges like Thomas who see no problem with conflict of interest issues. He's failed to recuse himself in cases that clearly put him at odds with making unbiased decisions. Add in his wife his the head of a political group that could very well find itself in the Supreme Court. Scalia has done the same thing multiple times.

His excuse for why Hill brought up the allegations is a typical one that sexist fucktards use against women, that is, they accuse the woman of being mad and vindictive because of some bad performance rating. I've seen that one in the Army numerous times and the ones who make that claim are normally those who have engaged in improper relationships and sexual harassment looking for a means to cover their ass. Where are the copies of these poor performance evaluations?

Ironic that CG and Si need Flayglo to explain sexual harrassment to them. Life must be fine among the fairies in unicorn-ville, where they both seem to dwell.

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