Class War in Florida

Well lets do what we can to shut down the bad corporations, and there are A WHOLE LOT of them. I remember quitting on one particular company when they needed me most. I was 42 then. One of the best days of my life. They wouldnt pay overtime. I walked. They lost a big client. I won. Served them right for not giving me a raise after 3 years. When you are being mistreated big time you gotta take a stand.
A bill that would establish some of the deepest and most far-reaching cuts in unemployment benefits in the nation is heading for the desk of Gov. Rick Scott… the money saved from cutting unemployment benefits will be used to reduce business taxes in a state where the corporate tax rate is already exceedingly low. Scott had been looking to cut corporate taxes even further, but was rebuffed by the legislature.
Florida Cuts Unemployment Benefits To Pay For Corporate Tax Cut

impossible , Florida has no class

Good. Then classless folks as you should stay out and mind your own business.


I also learned that if you bust your butt hard, you usually hurt yourself and get nothing for it unless you can find a way to hold something over your bosses heads. It worked for me.
Well lets do what we can to shut down the bad corporations, and there are A WHOLE LOT of them. I remember quitting on one particular company when they needed me most. I was 42 then. One of the best days of my life. They wouldnt pay overtime. I walked. They lost a big client. I won. Served them right for not giving me a raise after 3 years. When you are being mistreated big time you gotta take a stand.

Bad corporations will destroy themselves because their policies will cause people to do exactly what you just described: Clients will leave, employees will leave, Competitors will grow and put them out of business.
I also learned that if you bust your butt hard, you usually hurt yourself and get nothing for it unless you can find a way to hold something over your bosses heads. It worked for me.

Then obviously you didn't do your homework working for whomever it was you were working for...

Look doesn't EXIST just to provide jobs...
Well lets do what we can to shut down the bad corporations, and there are A WHOLE LOT of them. I remember quitting on one particular company when they needed me most. I was 42 then. One of the best days of my life. They wouldnt pay overtime. I walked. They lost a big client. I won. Served them right for not giving me a raise after 3 years. When you are being mistreated big time you gotta take a stand.

Bad corporations will destroy themselves because their policies will cause people to do exactly what you just described: Clients will leave, employees will leave, Competitors will grow and put them out of business.

Well then they shouldnt have posted a job should they? They were bad people all of them. I gave up alot of time away from my kids for them. Ultimately they had to shut down. I was ELATED to see them fold up. They didnt like to give raises to those who made their money for them. Serves em right. They still owe me in my mind. But their demise was a great start.
A bill that would establish some of the deepest and most far-reaching cuts in unemployment benefits in the nation is heading for the desk of Gov. Rick Scott… the money saved from cutting unemployment benefits will be used to reduce business taxes in a state where the corporate tax rate is already exceedingly low. Scott had been looking to cut corporate taxes even further, but was rebuffed by the legislature.
Florida Cuts Unemployment Benefits To Pay For Corporate Tax Cut


It's called creating a more business friendly climate so more jobs will be available to put people back to work instead of sitting on the public dole for another three years.

As 'business friendly' as China and Mexico?
Well then they shouldnt have posted a job should they? They were bad people all of them. I gave up alot of time away from my kids for them. Ultimately they had to shut down. I was ELATED to see them fold up. They didnt like to give raises to those who made their money for them. Serves em right. They still owe me in my mind. But their demise was a great start.

IF you were so unhappy? WHY did you stay? WHY did you feel the need to be vindictive? Did you look other places AS you were there?
I dont like this idea that we are entitled to money from other people.

Are you entitled to the wealth created by another person?

All we are entitled to is life, liberty, and our ability to pursue happiness.

so... 'no' to the above question?

This isn't class warfare. It's ending robbery.
It harms one class while enriching another. That is class warfare.

Do you even know what the term means?
Classes are an artificial political construct. They don't exist. People don't cease being my brethren because they earn more or less money than I do.
I dont like this idea that we are entitled to money from other people.

Are you entitled to the wealth created by another person?

All we are entitled to is life, liberty, and our ability to pursue happiness.

so... 'no' to the above question?

This isn't class warfare. It's ending robbery.
It harms one class while enriching another. That is class warfare.

Do you even know what the term means?

It's Robbery by the Political ELITE for manipulation for agarndizement OF the aforementioned ELITES... and YOU know it.
being clearly you can only be for the poor if who encourage them to be dependent on the government. Encouraging self sufficience and personal charity is clearly warfare against them.

There is absolutely no reason to cut programs people can't afford.

Pretty much sums it up. 'Think Progress' is angry that Florida and a handful of States are taking charge and trying to get people OFF the dole that they think they're entitled to...

Taxpayers here in Florida have had it. That's why Rick Scott was elected.

You know damn well Scott won by a HAIR. To portray all of the Florida voters as being behind Scott is ludacris. I hope I don't have to tell you his approval ratings have been in a nose dive.

(and no this isn't me being anti-republican-I voted Crist for governor-and wanted him to run for re-election).

But let's focus on something I think we can both agree on. Let's stop being a donor state-and stop giving our hard earn tax dollars to other states. There's no reason why other states should get an entitlement from ours. I'd like to see Scott (or any) governor speak out against that.

If Scott was serious about tackling our problems here he would be talking out against us paying for other states.
I dont like this idea that we are entitled to money from other people.

Are you entitled to the wealth created by another person?

so... 'no' to the above question?

This isn't class warfare. It's ending robbery.
It harms one class while enriching another. That is class warfare.

Do you even know what the term means?

It's Robbery by the Political ELITE for manipulation for agarndizement OF the aforementioned ELITES... and YOU know it.

Yes, it it. That's why I have a problem with it. They're screwing those trying to get by to fund tax cuts to put more money in the pockets of the financial elites. In return, I suspect those financial elites will donate liberally to the political elite's re-election campaigns.

That's how it tends to work under capitalism.
Are you entitled to the wealth created by another person?

so... 'no' to the above question?

It harms one class while enriching another. That is class warfare.

Do you even know what the term means?

It's Robbery by the Political ELITE for manipulation for agarndizement OF the aforementioned ELITES... and YOU know it.

Yes, it it. That's why I have a problem with it. They're screwing those trying to get by to fund tax cuts to put more money in the pockets of the financial elites. In return, I suspect those financial elites will donate liberally to the political elite's re-election campaigns.

That's how it tends to work under capitalism.

And whom and WHAT make this economy RUN? It isn't the Political elites...It Isn't isn't the LEECHES that feed off the TAXPAYER...

It's Businesses...large and small, isn't it?
It's Robbery by the Political ELITE for manipulation for agarndizement OF the aforementioned ELITES... and YOU know it.

Yes, it it. That's why I have a problem with it. They're screwing those trying to get by to fund tax cuts to put more money in the pockets of the financial elites. In return, I suspect those financial elites will donate liberally to the political elite's re-election campaigns.

That's how it tends to work under capitalism.

And whom and WHAT make this economy RUN? It isn't the Political elites...It Isn't isn't the LEECHES that feed off the TAXPAYER...

It's Businesses...large and small, isn't it?
Nope. This nation, like any society only runs if the common man works to sustain it. If men cease their associations, the society ceases to exist. If the working class (peasantry or proletariat) ceases to work, the entire system collapses.

Society is built from the bottom-up and all the true power rests in the foundation. It is only because the masses do not realize and exercise their great might that plutocracy, oligarchy, or aristocracy can exist and the masses can be exploited.
Yes, it it. That's why I have a problem with it. They're screwing those trying to get by to fund tax cuts to put more money in the pockets of the financial elites. In return, I suspect those financial elites will donate liberally to the political elite's re-election campaigns.

That's how it tends to work under capitalism.

And whom and WHAT make this economy RUN? It isn't the Political elites...It Isn't isn't the LEECHES that feed off the TAXPAYER...

It's Businesses...large and small, isn't it?
Nope. This nation, like any society only runs if the common man works to sustain it. If men cease their associations, the society ceases to exist. If the working class (peasantry or proletariat) ceases to work, the entire system collapses.

Society is built from the bottom-up and all the true power rests in the foundation. It is only because the masses do not realize and exercise their great might that plutocracy, oligarchy, or aristocracy can exist and the masses can be exploited.

WRONG. It runs from people being whom they are...the INDIVIDUAL exercising their God-Given LIBERTY to run a business...or whatever it is they choose to DO without being a BURDEN (TREADING) on the rest of SOCIETY....and demanding that Society pay for thier piss-poor life choices.

EPIC FAIL on your part.

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